— Bunny
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 18:36:53 )
@Yixing: That's more or less me lol I either find a song I like at random, if my favorite youtube singer uploaded something new I might like it, or youtube would be like 'Hey, you seem to like these songs, so maybe you'll like this one' and sometimes I will, sometimes I won't :'D
I took my sister trick or treating for the last time since she's 15 now, turning 16 next year. We usually go trick or treating at our local mall and well she didn't get a lot of candy this year because the store owners thought she was too old. One store owner actually thought she was an adult and I gave them the ugliest look you can imagine. It irritated me that my sister is 15 and got mistaken for an adult, when I'm 26 and people still think I'm in high school >>
Sadly, security said that the kids had to be 12 and under to trick or treat and we only found this out after we were done and the guard had questioned one of the kids who looked at least 16 and he was actually 12. So no trick or treating anymore. I'll just buy her a huge bag of candy every halloween from now on
@Unicorn: Yep that's usually what happens!
Sadly where I live the seasons tend to hit us out of nowhere. Fall is weird because it was just really cold, but last night when I went out to go early voting, it was really warm to the point where I was sweating in my hoodie which was gross >>
So I try my best to be careful and walk to the back porch to test the weather before actually going outside in a jacket or not