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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 18:38:28 )
Every fiber of his being wanted to kill the man who he had pinned, but as Kaneko spoke, his mind slowly began to clear. Most of her words had reached him, but he was struggling. He had to keep pressure on the man, if he let up even the slightest- it would be all over. Allen was already beginning to slip again, Falling into his instincts once more. The man was grinning with sadistic pleasure, definitely enjoying this. Could he really hope to kill the one who turned him? "Please.. Show me how strong you are. Your instincts tell you to kill me, yet here you are dawdling. Kill me, if that is your true desire!" He spoke with venom-laced words. Allen bared his fangs and pushed down on the man beneath him. At this point, it would easy for him to snap the man's neck and drain him of his own blood. Despite the fact that vampires couldn't actually drink another vampires blood. He could hear Kaneko shuffling around, maybe she was looking for something? "I gave you a life of freedom, remember?" The man spoke in a quieter tone, causing the younger to tense. Allen was still for a moment before yelling out like kind of feral. He was done, he couldn't fight anymore. His mind seeking one thing; to kill this man. His eyes burning with hatred, and lust. In one swift movement, he grabbed the man's head and twisted roughly. Of course, it wouldn't be enough to actually kill him, but at least it would shut him up for a bit. Breathing hard and raising his hands to his head. He hadn't returned to himself yet, that would take a bit more of will.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 06:42:46 )
Kaneko picked up a thick branch and dropped it upon hearing that terrifying yell. With shaky hands, the pale girl retrieved the branch and clutched it close to her chest. Her eyes wide in fear, darting back in the direction where both vampires were. Her feet didn't want to move, she was paralyzed with fear momentarily, but she knew that if she wanted to help Allen, she couldn't just stand there like an idiot. Kaneko took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, her feet carefully making their ways back towards the two vampires. The older one looked dead, but she wasn't sure if he really was or wasn't. What did a dead vampire look like? Don't risk it Kaneko Boa, you need to kill him yourself if you want to help Allen get better. You need to kill him. Go on, just do it already you idiot girl! Do it now! Her subconscious ordered her harshly. Right, Kaneko knew what she had to do. It would be easy, just a quick plunge of the branch and it would finally end. It would be over and she would have more of a reason to leave. Her hands gripped the thick branch and she positioned it right above the older vampire's chest, turning her head away, she raised the branch in the air then swiftly plunged it downwards towards the older vampire's chest. She didn't want to see it though, didn't want to witness herself kill anyone.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 07:07:18 )
Once the thick wooden branch, acting as a steak, pierced through the man's unbeating heart he began to wither until turning into dust. The wind easily cleaned the mess, only leaving his clothing in the ground.

No longer feeling threatened, Allen's mind began to slowly clear. His eyes returning to their milky white color and his arms fell at his sides. He didn't feel the malicing aura from his master, nor could he smell him. However, he could smell death, and a familiar sweet scent. Kaneko. Relieved he hadn't hurt her, he slowly reached for her soft skin until his hand was on top of one of hers. "Kaneko.." He murmured quietly, still trying to clear his head. "I'm sorry.. you had to witness that.. I put you in danger.." He said quietly, piecing his thoughts together.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 07:29:52 )
There was no sound, no scream. No signs of a struggle like she thought there would be. Slowly, she looked back down and let out a gasp. She had killed him! He was gone, only his clothes remained there on the ground. Her trembling hands dropped the branch onto the ground, she had done it. She had killed someone in order to protect Allen. She never thought she would ever kill a person for someone she cared about. She momentarily thought if this was what her father did when he was away from home.

Hot tears of fear threatened to spill down her cheeks but she held them back. She had to keep herself calm or else she would probably scream and she didn't need anyone coming to check what was the matter. Although she doubted anyone knew about this place. Allen's voice calmed her a little, the feeling of his hand on top of hers was so familiar, it slowed her breathing and helped her remain calm when she would normally be panicking. "It''s okay. He's gone now. He's never going to hurt you again Allen. Now....l-let's get you inside so we can grab some clothes before calling a cab." She replied, her voice just a tremble away from making her calm demeanor crumble away to show how truly scared she was. Her eyes were on the older man's clothes the entire time she spoke, then they looked towards Allen. "You're s-safe now."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 02:10:48 )

Allen carefully listened to her shaky voice. He still couldn't see.. but he knew her words were fact. His master was gone, and would never try to reclaim him or hurt the only living person he cared about. The bite mark had slowly begun healing, but that was about the only wound he received that was healing, and he was pretty sure he tore his stitches. His shirt was warm and moist. Slowly, Allen began to stand and carefully helped Kaneko to her feet as well. He then slowly led her down the pathway and up the stairs to the large doors of his manor, opening the door and holding it open for her. No amount of words could express how sorry he was to have put her in that situation. He felt terrible, but grateful that she was present. If not for her.. Where would be right now?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 03:22:05 )
Kaneko didn't dare step on the clothes laying on the ground. The thought alone was frightening. She only walked with Allen in silence, quietly thanking him for holding the door for her then stepped inside. "We can grab some clothes for you here a-and then walk to the park where I can call a cab." She said quietly. That was her plan, until she saw Allen that is. He was bleeding! "The cab can wait. Umm...h-here why don't you have a seat first." She suggested and pulled up a single wooden chair then helped him sit down. Kaneko quickly shut the front door and frowned. "Do you have any medical supplies here?" She asked him. It didn't really matter though, she just needed to stop the bleeding. "I'm going to take a look at the wound now, please remain still." Kaneko suggested quietly and carefully unbuttoned his shirt so that she could see how serious it was. It was very serious.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 03:36:51 )

Allen easily followed her inside. He blinked when she spoke about getting some clothes, and going to the park, but then changed her mind and sat down instead. Then he began to smell the metallic scent that blood gave off, and shook his head lightly. "Other than my herbs.. I might have some gauze upstairs in my study, back up in case I ever lost the bandage that covered my eyes." But he didn't need that anymore. He had decided not to cover up his eyes any longer. He didn't ever need any other kind of medical supplies , didn't think he would anyway. And all of his herbs and things were in his bag, wherever that ended up during the fight.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 04:04:07 )
Okay well this could prove to be a big problem. Unless she ran all the way home and back. No, what if there were other vampires out there looking for her? What if they wanted to kill her or turn her into one of them? Kaneko shuddered at the thought. "The stitches..." She said quietly. "I'll be right back." She stood up and quickly ran up the old stairs to the study that acted as his bedroom as well. She remembered when she first was allowed into his home. Parts of the house were off limits, she still knew that. The study was just as he had last left it. Filled with all sorts of things. Things that he would probably need in the future. But first, the gauze. Her eyes darted around every little nook and cranny until she located it. Her hand grasped at it and she ran back downstairs to where Allen remained waiting. The stitched had to be redone, but she could probably just tie the ends of the strings together for a temporary fix. It was all she could do right now. She had no needle and thread of her own. "Okay...umm..." She tore off a bit of her shirt and walked to the kitchen sink. She turned the knob and wasn't surprised when hardly any water came out. What little water had wet the cloth, would have to do. Kaneko turned the knob back, shutting the water off and walked to Allen. "I apologize if it hurts." She told him as she knelt before him and carefully dabbed the wet cloth onto the bloody wound, carefully cleaning off the blood.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 04:31:08 )

Allen couldn't help thinking the same thing as Kaneko without knowing it, or similar thoughts. He wasn't a mind feader.. Some vampires had that ability, he did not. But he did worry about other vampires coming after them for this. He already had to worry about hunters. They'd be quicker to come after him though, since he turned on his master and allowed a human to kill him. It hadn't even really registered that Kaneko had unbuttoned his shirt to inspect the torn stiches, not until she said something. He tilted his head just as he heard her footsteps running off and trailed up the old staircase. What else did he have here, that he might need? Things he didn't think about when he first met his master here.

When he heard her approaching and scurrying away footsteps, he raised his head. He wondered where she going until he heard the water from the old sink in the kitchen, then she him and apologized in advance for any pain he might feel. The coolness of the set cloth against his hot skin made.him flinch some, but not too badly. He didn't really feel much except that coolness, still a bit numb from what his master had put him through.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 04:51:00 )
"Sorry, sorry.." Kaneko whispered, glancing upwards at Allen. He seemed so calm and collected despite what had happened. Maybe they could talk a bit to distract themselves from the events that took place outside. "You're a very good patient Allen." She said and smiled slightly. "Once I am done with this, I will step outside to retrieve your things alright? And you will wait right here until I get back. Then maybe I'll have you get some rest before we even think about going anywhere. Your health is my priority." Kaneko commented honestly. The blood was all cleaned up, and then the damp cloth was set on her thigh while her purse was opened. She rummaged through her things until she pulled out some hair tweezers. These would hopefully come in handy when re-tying the loose ends of the strings. This would probably hurt too. Probably. She used the tweezers to carefully grab on to a strand and gently pulled it, then the other, and she tied the ends together making a nice little knot. She did this to every stitch, it was a slow process but it would be worth it. Once they got to the new place, they could go to a hospital and get them properly fixed but this would have to do for now. "I'll have to buy a first aid kit when we arrive at our new....home." She said nervously. When she was done, Kaneko took the gauze and began to patch up the wound again. "There we go. Good as new. It''s not perfect but well...I did the best with what I had." She offered a weak smile then sighed. "I'm sorry f-for what happened Allen but I'm just glad you're okay. That you're safe from that man now." Kaneko said to him.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 05:26:13 )
Allen offered her a small smile, hearing her whispers. He bit back a chuckle when she commented on him being a good patient. It probably helped that he couldn't really feel anything. The effect would wear off with some time to collect himself, and like Kaneko said, maybe get some rest. He did relax some as she spoke to him, and rag was no longer touching sensitive skin. "You're a good doctor." He said quietly, attempting to not distract her too much. When he began to feel little tugs here and there on the stiches, once again unable to.really feeling anything from it, he was sure to sit quietly and very still while listening to her words. They would definitely need a first aid kit, and not just for him. He didn't want her getting hurt either..

Once she was finished, he could feel her wrap a soft cloth around him and figured it was the gauze she went and got.from his room. Now he just needed a clean shirt.. When she spoke again, he gently took hold of her hand and slowly brought it up to his cheek, shaking his head. "You have nothing to apologize for.. I should be on my knees asking for your forgiveness, Kaneko.. I shouldn't have put you in that kind of danger, you're too precious to me.. " He murmured softly, placing a delicate kiss to the top of her hand. Thank whatever God was present, that she was alright.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 05:51:22 )
Kaneko smiled at his comment. "Thank-you. I try my best." She should have gone on to medical school and become an actual doctor, but her father.. Her life growing up was okay. She couldn't say it was terrible. She had been spoiled rotten and moreso after her mother left. Instead of going to medical school, she just went to get a regular job. Nothing fancy. Straight out of high school and into a waitress job. It was a good job, the tips were really what made the difference of a good day and a bad day. "I'll see if I can find you a clean shirt and I'll pack up your clothes as well. Your job will be to lay down and get some much needed rest. We can leave tomorrow if you don't want to stay here too long. Or later today. I prefer leaving tomorrow though. It would give you a chance to take it easy."

He was being too sweet, he had nothing to apologize for. What had happened was not his fault. He was the victim, not the culprit. Her hand gently caressed Allen's cool cheek, the warmth of her hand passing on to his cheek. "Allen, this was not your fault. You shouldn't apologize. You didn't do any of this on purpose. It was all that man's fault." She blushed when he kissed her hand. "He's gone and you're okay. I'm okay. We are okay and we are going to start a life of our own where hopefully no one can find us and bother us again. That sounds nice doesn't it?" Kaneko leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "You too are very precious to me, Allen." She whispered quietly.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 22:16:54 )
Allen smiled some at her words of thanks. He stayed still as she continued to patch him up and nodded lightly to her words. His room.. He showed her to his room, but didn't invite her inside, and left the door, closed that day. "If that is what you want me to do, then we can leave tomorrow. My room might be a mess, I'll apologize in advance." Though he couldn't see it, he knew his room would be a wreck. He lowered his head some when he felt her warm hand on his cheek, and closed his eyes. Her words were comforting, but that didn't mean he would forgive himself for his own actions. Even if wasn't his fault.. He knew he wouldn't be strong enough on his own and brought Kaneko along. She would be a target to other vampires now, if she wasn't already due to the fact that her father was a hunter. Forcefully shoving the thoughts aside, he offered Kaneko a small smile and gently put his forehead to hers, after she kissed his cheek. An action that spread warmth through his body. "I will take you wherever you want to go, far away from here." He said quietly. Somewhere safe.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 02:11:50 )
Kaneko giggled, shaking her head. "I'm sure your room is just fine sir Allen. Thank-you for agreeing to stay until tomorrow. It's just that I worry your wound would possibly re-open again if we left right now. Perhaps by tomorrow it will be just a tiny bit safer." Perhaps it would be, perhaps it wouldn't make a difference. What had happened outside was tucked away in the farthest corners of her mind, it still sent shivers up her spine whenever she thought of it. The man had said he left to let Allen give in to instincts. That didn't make sense. If he wanted Allen to follow his instincts then why didn't he stick around and teach him? Well, that was a question that would remain unanswered. Allen was not like that man, Allen was not dangerous or terrifying. No. He was a familiar feeling to her. A feeling of safety, happiness. His voice calmed her nerves, simply holding his hand was enough for Kaneko to do anything for him. Even though his body was cold, he was the warmth in her life. The little glowing flame deep in her heart that filled her with ease when she was on the edge of breaking down. Her forehead rested gently against his own and a shy smile appeared on her face. He really was too kind to her. "I believe you, and I will make sure no one hurts you anymore." They would be okay. In a place where no one knew who they were, where no one from here could find them. Surely they'd be safe then. "Come now, let's get you in bed and tucked in. You need to rest in order to heal."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 02:25:35 )

Allen smiled more at her giggle, and her words about his room. He nodded lightly she spoke her worries about his stiches and his smile softened. If course she was worried about them reopening again if they left right away. He might have to pop into a hospital before they left for good.. Or visit one after they left.. He wasn't sure yet, but he was certain the one here would remember him from the day he left, and didn't want any problems. Maybe it would be better to wait.. He wondered silently. His mind was pulled away from his thoughts when he felt Kaneko's forehead resting against his own. Allen listened to her soft words and smiled once more. She believed him. He would keep her safe, not the other way around or maybe it could go both ways. They could keep each other from harm. It sounded more dangerous in his mind, but he had learned that Kaneko could be almost as stubborn as himself.

Allen nodded lightly and slowly got up from the chair, careful not to stand too quick or knock her back. "Yes, alright." He said calmly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 03:14:16 )
Kaneko realized just then that her shoes were outside. Another thing she would look for. But first, Allen needed to be properly tucked in and once she had everything she needed, then she could properly watch over him. "Alright, come along." Her hand held on to his own as her feet led her towards the stairs and up them. The floorboards creaked beneath their weight, but she was confident her foot wouldn't fall through. They were still pretty sturdy despite their age. It was strange, being back in here in this home. If it weren't for the memories attached to it and the fact that people could easily find them here, she wouldn't mind living here. Allen though, would rather be away from this place and she could understand why. Now more than ever. Once at the top of the stairs she turned to look at him. "Do you remember which way your room was located?" She asked quietly. His room, this would be the first time she'd ever see it. The first and last time.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 03:30:57 )
Allen easily, and happily followed her up the old creeky staircase. The sound of the floorboards only making him slightly uneasy. Someday, these floorboards would finally fall through. He wouldn't be around for it though. Especially not after today.. He lifted his head some in response to Kaneko's voice and nodded. "It's down the hall some from my study." He answered casually, briefly moving his milky eyes to the opposite side of the hall, where he had told Kaneko not to go during the tour. He didn't even visit that hall. That was where.. Allen lowered his head some and pushed the thoughts aside. It's not like it mattered now. The man was dead, he'd never walk out of his own room ever again, but Allen didn't want it to disturbed either.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 03:44:14 )
Kaneko looked in the direction he was facing. The forbidden area, the place she had not been allowed to enter. Now she was breaking rules, she didn't want to take him there if he wouldn't be comfortable in there. Turning to face him, she looked troubled as if she were debating with herself. Regardless of where he slept, she'd have to go in there to grab his clothes. He looked troubled too. The way his head hung, his eyes lowered, he didn't want to go in there. "Allen, would you feel more comfortable sleeping in your study instead? We don't have to go in there if you do not wish to. We can hold it off for another day. We can go in there tomorrow if you wish it. But...if you wish to do so now just let me know. I just want you to be comfortable. When I first arrived here, I was told not to go that way and I don't wish to go there unless you are very certain that you are ready to go there." Kaneko realized she probably sounded like a mother talking to her child. It was unintentional, he was not a child.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 04:08:56 )
Listening to her, maybe he had confused her. That side of the hallway belonged to the man they killed. His room was down the hall from his study, on the other hallway. It was a big place after all, and trying to explain where one room down two hallways could be quite confusing. "No, it's alright. We don't need to go that way.. Remember where my study is? My room is down passed it, at the end of the other hallway. I'm sorry if I have said something incorrect or confusing. " He tried explaining in hopes of not confusing or troubling her further. Allen could tell she was only concerned for him, "Here, let me take lead." He offered, holding her hand and easily guiding down her towards his study. He did know this place like the back of his hand after living here so long. Allen walked passed his study and came to stop in front of a closed door, slowly reaching out a hand and turning the knob to open to the door.

The room was a decent size room. In it a tall antique dresser with two wooden doors, his wardrobe. Beside it was a long dresser with six drawers, three stacked on top of each other, and a small cubby in the center, two tall, shattered mirrors propped on the back, and a full sized bed in the center of the room. Broken lamps and glass from the shattered mirrors littered the room, among other things from days of throwing or breaking things out of pain or anger. "Please watch your step." He said before carefully leading her into his messy room.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/28 04:58:12 )
Kaneko nodded even though he couldn't see her doing so. Okay, so his room was past the study. Okay, easy enough right? Right. Why was she freaking out? She was going to see a room she had never seen before, she coudln't help but be a little excited. It was like it was with anything really. Everyone either feared or became excited when it came to the unknown. It was like opening a wrapped up present that you had to hold off on for a few days. The anticipation was there. What would she see behind the closed door? Would it be a time capsule of a history long forgotten? Would there be parchment papers strewn across the floors with secrets all over them? Would she see photographs of what his life was like while he lived here? Okay, Kaneko was letting her imagination run a little wild. "R-right...okay then Allen." He voice was soft, her eyes vigilant. Her feet carefully treading the aged wooden floors. When they arrived at a closed door, she held her breath.

Her eyes widened as the door knob was turned and the door was opened, revealing a room in total chaos. Broken shards of glass were on the floor, broken lamps lay on the floor, cracked. Destroyed, unplugged. Again, Kaneko nodded, her eyes on the floor as she tiptoed around the glass to keep herself from cutting up her feet. Even if she did have socks, that wouldn't protect her from the glass sticking into her skin. So this was it. This was Allen's room... Wow! I wonder what it must have been like sleeping in here. Although...looking around it doesn't look like it was ever a happy occasion in this room. If these walls could talk, I wonder what stories they would tell. The bed itself looked comfortable though. Many questions littered her mind, but they were all locked away. She didn't want to ask questions about this. This was a part of Allen's life that he wanted to forget and she didn't want to be the one to bring it up again.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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