Forums Role Playing Forsaking the Past
Maddie looked down when he spoke. He wasn't going to kick her out.. Damn it, why was being so good to her? Didn't he care that he could get himself killed? She pushed the thought aside and briefly looked up at him when she noticed him sit across from her. Okay, maybe she should've explained better. "Well sort of.. Those nightmares I have, about certain people I know.. I can usually hold someone's hand and see the bad in their future. Like if someone close to them is in trouble or something. I mostly just make it look like a palm-reading instead of trying to actually explain what I'm doing." She explained, lowering her gaze and turning a light shade of red when she realized she was babbling. Well, she was abused by her father after her mother's death, until he tried taking her to an asylum and she ran away. Didn't she tell him that story? "Anyway.. Yeah, that's the gist of it." Maddie murmured, lowering her hand into her lap as if to hide it. She was shaking, just a little. She was scared. Special? Jeez, he sounded like her mother.. She missed her mother. "My mother's the only one that has ever said it was a gift.."
"Ohh okay, hmm that's still pretty cool though. And your mother was right. It is a gift Mads. I know with everything you've been through, it probably doesn't seem like it huh?" Clint fell silent, deep in thought. Where did they go from here? "I can't make you change your mind Maddie. You have your reasons for seeing this the way you do. That being said... these people who are after you...they can't chase you forever. At some point they're going to have to give up Maddie. I know that sounds like it's never going to happen, but they're people and I like to think that they have other things to do in their lives. They can't devote all their time to chasing you. And if one of them does get here, we can have them arrested for stalking you. I think so anyway. Can people get arrested for stalking? I'm not sure." He muttered to himself and shook his head. "I'm rambling, sorry. Look, what I'm trying to say is that we'll figure this out together. One way or another. This is going to have to end at some point."
It still felt nice, having a nickname like Clint had given her. She didn't think very highly of herself, that much was obvious. All she ever saw was death and tragidy, and people wanting to hurt her. She could only nod to his words and sit quietly, not knowing what else to say. Maybe they were right.. Him and her late mother.. Even if she didn't think so. As far as the lady and her cult, she wasn't sure she agreed with him. Those people lived for this! Sure, eventually they'd find someone else to stalk and hunt, if she laid low long enough. She'd have to stay off the streets though, which thankfully she had Clint letting her take up room and board at his place. For how long though? Sighing, she raised her gaze to see Clint once more. "I don't know how long they'll keep coming though.. And even if they did get arrested for stalking me, which yes they could be, two words could get them released - insanity plea. If they're in the records." She murmured quietly, unsure of what to do.
Insanity Plea... Ah yes, this was sadly true. "Don't they have to go through a few tests though in order to see if they really are insane? And wouldn't they be sent away to an asylum if that were the case?" Yeah, Clint wasn't very smart. He knew some things, but when it came to the court system, he was pretty clueless. Clint was getting the sense that she still wasn't too convinced about what he was saying. That was okay. Like he had assumed, trust would be gained overtime. So this was to be expected. "Well, for the time being, you're just going to have to chill out here. Make yourself comfortable. I apologize if it's boring here but umm..if you ever want anything you just need to tell me and I'll get it for you. If you like games, I have video games you can play to keep yourself entertained. I know it's what I would do. Or read a book...or something." He really wanted her to feel welcome here in his house and he wanted her to be comfortable since she would be staying here for a long while.
Maddie shook her head lightly. "Now days, not really.. Normal people maybe, but these people are definitely insane enough to get away with it." She mused with a quiet chuckle. She could only guess though. Despite her lack of certain things from being in the streets for so long, she found other ways to learn about the world around her. Like reading the news paper. Yep, she did that. Hey, gotta keep up with current events somehow. She blinked when he mentioned her staying here and apologizing if it was boring. She shook her head a bit more roughly, giving away her fluster. "N-no, it's not boring at all. Just.. different.." She said, lowering her head some. Books? She liked books. "I love books. Haven't played many video games.. But I definitely can be bought with a good book." She said, offering him a shy smile.
Her cheeks darkened some when a thought occurred to her. "C-clothes.. I'll need some clothes.." She murmured shyly. Seeing how all she had was the clothes on her back. He probably would've thought of that eventually.
Her cheeks darkened some when a thought occurred to her. "C-clothes.. I'll need some clothes.." She murmured shyly. Seeing how all she had was the clothes on her back. He probably would've thought of that eventually.
Man, Clint was really missing out on important information. He was going to have to start paying closer attention to the information out there. Especially now if he really wanted to help Maddie out with this situation. He seemed to relax a bit when she said she was fine with just reading a good book. Good, he could easily buy her some or lend her some of his own books. "W-well...what kinds of books do you enjoy reading?" He asked. Clothes were a big thing. Clothes and feminine products. Oh boy, that was going to be a fun trip wasn't it? No. Embarrassing more like. But for Maddie, he'd suck it up and get her things. Even if it meant going to Victoria's Secret her her undergarments. Shite. Nope..I can't do that. I'd look like a freakin' creep looking at that stuff. She'd have to come with me for all that. Yes, but what if someone saw her? "Clothes are going to be tricky. Only you know your uhh...sizes in everything. And umm...I think it would be best if you just came with me to get you some clothes and all that other stuff you girls use. You can umm...wear like my clothes as a disguise I guess. And some sunglasses. You know, the classic." He grinned once he said that. Maybe it actually would be pretty fun now if they actually did that.
By the expression he was wearing, Maddie could almost guarantee she could guess what he was thinking about now. It wasn't rocket science. She raised her eyes to look at him and tilted her head some, before smirking and shrugging her shoulders slightly. ""Pretty much anything but drama, bur I really like a good mystery book." She answered casually. She couldn't stand books focused on drama or romance. A little bit of drama and romance were fine. Then came the talk about clothes, and her face lit up like a newly grown rose. "I can do that.. Going with you I mean.. Or.. I could go by myself.." She agreed quietly, thinking that her face would never return to its normal shade of color after this. He was nervous about it, but still.. Hearing it out loud just seemed to make it worse. Hearing him mention wearing his clothes only made her blush darken, and nodded lightly. "Y-yeah.. The usual.." She murmured quietly.
(total brain spazz x.x sorry! ^^')
(total brain spazz x.x sorry! ^^')
The look on her face when he had mentioned her clothes and her wearing his clothes did not go unnoticed. Clint had made her uncomfortable probably and in turn he was now uncomfortable as well. He couldn't even meet her gaze. However, he knew sitting around wasn't going to make things easier, so they might as well get this over with now. Filled with newfound determination he looked at her just then, a serious expression on his otherwise friendly face. "Alright then, you should suit up because we have shopping to do. And well...we might as well get it over with right? I mean...I have work tomorrow so I won't be able to take you shopping until I get back tomorrow and you could walk there I guess but I'd rather not leave you alone. W-what if they're still out there? No, I will be close-by just to make sure your'e safe. Umm... I won't go in with you if you would prefer I wait for you outside the store then I can." He was giving her options. He wanted her to be comfortable, he didn't want her to think he would be breathing down her neck, he wanted to give her some personal space.
(You're fine. ^ u ^)
(You're fine. ^ u ^)
Maddie blinked and briefly looked up at him when he spoke, curious if the new found seriousness he had. "R-right.." She said, getting up from the table. He was right, and she figured he wouldn't want her to be all alone anytime soon. "Thank you for the options, it might be best if you waited outside the store though.." Maddie said, finally calming down and feeling the heat leave her face. " So.. I'd like to take a shower first, since I'm going to be putting on clean clothes. " She said, rubbing her forearm. He'd need to get a set of clothes for her too, if she was really going to be wearing his cloth for this.
This was going to be interesting. "Right..o-okay then. Well if you'll just follow me, I'll show you to the restroom. Then I'll go get you a clean change of clothes and bring it to you. Umm, and don't worry, I'll wait outside the store patiently." Clint assured her. Standing from the table, he took the dishes and set them near the sink then motioned for her to follow him. He led her down a hall and stopped in front of a door. "This is it. There's also one in each bedroom just so you know. Wait here while I go and get you some clothes." Clint turned and left to his own room. He searched his drawers and pulled out a clean change of clothes for her to wear. It was probably going to fit her big but was only for the time being. Walking back out of his room, he approached her once more and held out the pile of clothes. "Here you go. Umm, use any towel you want in there." He said to her politely.
(xD I can't wait to see how this turns out)
Maddie tried not to blush anymore, nodding lightly and following like he had said. And there she waited like he said, as he went to get her some clothes to borrow. Wait.. There was a bathroom in each bedroom? How did that happen? Most houses either had a bathroom in the master bedroom, and one closer to the second bedroom. Or if their was multiple bedrooms, more than one bathroom. But still only a bathroom in a room was the master bedroom. The hell did he do to get a bathroom in every bedroom? She's blinked when he came back and handed the clothes. "Oh, okay." She murmured quietly to his words, then went into the bathroom and turned on the light before closing and locking the door.
She sighed some and set the clothes on the side of the sink, then turned the water in and figured out which knob put out hot and cold water. Once the temperature of the water was right, she stripped down and stepped into the shower, closing the curtains.
Maddie tried not to blush anymore, nodding lightly and following like he had said. And there she waited like he said, as he went to get her some clothes to borrow. Wait.. There was a bathroom in each bedroom? How did that happen? Most houses either had a bathroom in the master bedroom, and one closer to the second bedroom. Or if their was multiple bedrooms, more than one bathroom. But still only a bathroom in a room was the master bedroom. The hell did he do to get a bathroom in every bedroom? She's blinked when he came back and handed the clothes. "Oh, okay." She murmured quietly to his words, then went into the bathroom and turned on the light before closing and locking the door.
She sighed some and set the clothes on the side of the sink, then turned the water in and figured out which knob put out hot and cold water. Once the temperature of the water was right, she stripped down and stepped into the shower, closing the curtains.
(This is going to be interesting. lol)
Walking to the kitchen, Clint busied himself on washing the dishes. Why was he so nervous? Maybe because he'd never gone shopping with a girl before. Did girls take long shopping? That's what his coworkers complained about sometimes. His clothes were going to look so strange on Maddie, but maybe it would be enough to keep her under the radar while they were outside of the house. A list! She needed to make a list of things she'd need now that she was staying here. Well...what exactly did she need? Whatever she needed, she was the only one who would know where to get it right? Oh man this was going to be so weird! Relax Clint! It's just shopping, don't make it a big deal. You'll be in and out before dark for sure. That was only because he was sure she'd be tired and want to get some sleep after shopping so much. Though stores were usually open pretty late. If anything, he'd be up late, get little sleep, and go to work strung up on coffee. Yeah, that should work fine right?
Walking to the kitchen, Clint busied himself on washing the dishes. Why was he so nervous? Maybe because he'd never gone shopping with a girl before. Did girls take long shopping? That's what his coworkers complained about sometimes. His clothes were going to look so strange on Maddie, but maybe it would be enough to keep her under the radar while they were outside of the house. A list! She needed to make a list of things she'd need now that she was staying here. Well...what exactly did she need? Whatever she needed, she was the only one who would know where to get it right? Oh man this was going to be so weird! Relax Clint! It's just shopping, don't make it a big deal. You'll be in and out before dark for sure. That was only because he was sure she'd be tired and want to get some sleep after shopping so much. Though stores were usually open pretty late. If anything, he'd be up late, get little sleep, and go to work strung up on coffee. Yeah, that should work fine right?
Maddie enjoyed her much needed shower. She washed up, thinking about how the world she was going to pull this off. Homeless people didn't go shopping! Maybe it would be better if he came in with her..and just let her do the more feminine buying herself. Like bras and panties. It wouldn't hurt to have him around for the other shopping, right? Shaking her head, she slapped herself with some water and sighed. Shop lifting wasn't much different than shopping, right? The only difference was she could take her time to decide on what she wanted and she wasn't stealing it.
Soon enough she was turning off the water, grabbing a towel to dry off with and then dressed herself in Clint's clothes. What to do with her clothes.. Wrapping the towel around her head and hair, she picked up her bundle of clothes and headed into the living room,.
Soon enough she was turning off the water, grabbing a towel to dry off with and then dressed herself in Clint's clothes. What to do with her clothes.. Wrapping the towel around her head and hair, she picked up her bundle of clothes and headed into the living room,.
Clint shut the water off and dried off his hands, just as the pitter patter of Maddie's footsteps neared. He turned around to look at her and chuckled. She looked so small. "H-hey.." He told her. His eyes locked on the clothes she held in her hands and raised an eyebrow. "Right, the laundry room. Right this way." It wasn't really a room. It was more just a large closet at the end of the hall. The doors opened outwards and inside was the washing machine, the dryer, and a bin for the dirty laundry to go into. "Just toss it in the bin and I'll wash it afterwards. U-unless you'd prefer to wash it on your own t-that's okay and I totally understand." Clint assumed that Maddie wouldn't want him cleaning her laundry, that was very personal to some people so if she wanted to do it herself he'd be okay with teaching her how to do it.
Maddie blushed a little when he chuckled, kind of acting like a child who was caught trying to dress up in mommy or daddy's clothes for the first time. She quietly followed him to the laundry room and listened to his words before going and dropping her clothes in the laundry bin. Note-to-self, need an extra laundry bin.. "Honesty, I'd like to learn how to wash my own clothes.. There's no reason why you should have to wash my clothes as well, but it doesn't really matter to me." She said truthfully, and it didn't matter to her. If he wanted to do it, then we'll she'd let him do it, but she would've liked to learn for herself in how to do it.
"Well okay, if you want to learn then I will not stop you." It was probably better that way anyway. He wouldn't touch her clothes and she wouldn't touch his. Perfect. "Alright then umm...we should get going then." He said, going to grab the keys, wallet and his phone. "You want to buy clothes first?" he asked her. At least he'd have his phone to entertain himself with, he could always text his coworkers and just talk while he waited for Maddie to finish. As for money, he had a card she could use. He had good credit and he was always good about paying them off in time so that he wouldn't get bad credit.
Maddie couldn't hide her smile when he agreed to let her learn how to wash her own clothes. She blinked when he mentioned getting going, and pointed to the towel on her head, then held up a single finger and scurried off back to the bathroom, as if asking him to give her a minute. She closed the door and unwrapped the towel from her head, allowing her long moist hair to fall around her head and shoulders unevenly. Quickly, she ran her fingers through her hair like a comb until her hair looked a bit neater, then she took what hair was on her fingers and put it in the small garbage can. Her red bangs barely coming above her eyes, and her black hair draping over the top of her shoulders. Briefly glancing in the mirror, she hung up her towel and left the bathroom to meet Clint in the living room. "Okay, ready. And yeah, we can do the clothing shopping firsf, I won't take too long." She said to him casually.
Ah right, the hair. Girls didn't usually just walk out of the house without brushing their hair first. Right. Guys, usually guys didn't really care since they didn't really have to style their hair as much as girls did. My bad for forgetting. I'll be more mindful going forward. Come on Clint, girls are different, they actually care about how they look. This was true. Girls were much more well groomed than guys. It's why girls took longer to do so much and guys were pretty quick. Well...some guys anyway. He wasn't going to generalize either. "Right, sorry about that." Clint apologized and looked at her bangs. Looked like someone needed a haircut, but that wasn't super important right now. Hair could be pinned back if it needed to be. "Alright, let's go." Clint led her out of the house, making sure to lock the front door behind them. When they got to his car, he opened the passenger's door for her then closed it once she had sat down. He walked around and climbed in behind the wheel then closed his door and started up the engine. Clothes shopping first. Alright then, this was going to be fun. Hopefully for her anyway. Putting on his seat belt, Clint adjusted the rear view mirror and skillfully started to back out of his driveway.
Maddie shook her head at his apology and offered him a small smirk. The way he was looking at her, made her think something was wrong with her hair, but she easily pushed the thought aside. This was how she liked her hair, bangs included. Longer bangs made i harder for people to see her multi-colored eyes. Maddie followed him out of the house and waited by the car while he locked up. She was totally excepting him to open the door for her, but was thankful when he did- it showed he really was a gentleman. She slid into the seat, buckled herself in and closed the door. The last time she was in his car, he was taking to her a homeless shelter, and her arm had been injured. Her arm was still wrapped, but it didn't really hurt, maybe she could unwrap it? It had only been a few days though.. right? Thinking nothing of it, she just relaxed in the seat and looked out of the window.
Clint drove down the street towards the section of the town where there were many clothing boutiques. His eyes cast a sideways glance in her direction. Maddie was busy admiring the panoramic view of the town. He wondered what sort of clothing she liked. Focusing his attention on the road once more, he didn't see her as they kind of girl who liked to dress up. She seemed like a tomboy. Had she always been that way? What was she wearing back when they were kids? Jeez, he couldn't remember that far back. He didn't think she was wearing a dress, but maybe she was. It was years ago though, it wouldn't matter if she did or didn't. People change over time. Her taste in clothing would have changed anyway. "So you're going to have to trust me on this. You need to buy clothes so I'm going to hand you my card. I'm going to trust you with it. There shouldn't be any issues so you'll be fine and don't try to fight me on this, please." Clint said softly, making a turn towards a plaza littered with shopping boutiques. "Here we are. I'll wait for you outside like we agreed on." Clint parked the car and unbuckled his seat belt then stepped out of the car, closed his door and walked around to open her door for her. "Here. Use this to buy your clothes." Clint instructed, pulling out his wallet and pulling out a card for her to take.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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