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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 06:07:01 )
Allen listened to her tip-toeing out of his room and slowly sank into the pillow he had propped up again, putting a hand over his head. Now he felt terrible. A silly suggestion? No, it was much more than that.. Was it what she really wanted? She really wanted to help him, that much was obvious. He need a moment to think, clearly. He couldn't very well hunt in his condition and he knew it, so why had he said it? And exactly how long was he willing to put it off? While she was searching his study, he went deeper into thought about it. She had already done so much for him.. Was she really willing to do more? What to do..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/29 06:25:38 )
"I don't know what any of you do, but I'm sure you'll come in handy eventually. I mean...Allen wouldn't have kept you in here unless you were useful." Kaneko spoke to the plants as if they would hear her and talk back. But talking out loud made things not seem so lonely, and she did it often when she was alone. Almost as to keep herself company of some sort even if it was just her voice. The silence was nice but too much of it was spooky. Kaneko gathered the herbs and cradled them in her arms and continued to look around. "Hmm...what else could be of use in here?" Well, she couldn't really do much. She needed to put these down somewhere, so she set them down on his desk carefully. Kaneko opened up small cubby holes and looked inside. Empty. Opening up small drawers, she looked through but saw nothing of importance. She closed them again and looked around. There were many books, would he need any of them? "Hmm..." He wouldn't be able to read them but she could. Curiously, she made her way to a bookshelf and looked through the titles. All of which she had never heard of. With a pout, she gathered up the herbs again and made her way back to his room. "I found more herbs Allen. I figured these may be helpful in the future and perhaps we can plant them and then they shall grow and we will be able to harvest these whenever you might need them!" She suggested with a grin.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 01:13:48 )
Allen kept running different scenarios through his head. None of them really ended well, but that was kind of to be expected right now. He was worried, among other things. He was a tad surprised by Kaneko coming back into the room and sat up, causing him to bite his lip when dull pain spread from his repaired stitches, and his fangs poked his lip. Which didn't feel too good. He smiled though, once he realized it was only Kaneko when she cheerfully spoke about finding more herbs. "Wonderful. I'm sure we could something like that once we got settled, planting them I mean." He said, trying to sound casually. "I should have some books as well, if you'd like to read them- I certainly can't. Most of them are about planting and growing herbs, and what herbs were best to use for certain things. I'm sure you could learn from them." Allen spoke, calming down some.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 01:27:37 )
"Mhm! I've always wanted to have a garden of my own. But I was never allowed. My mother never liked it and my father never let me try." She shrugged, carefully putting the herbs away in a plastic bag. Books on herbs? Well it would come in handy. Think of all the kinds of herbal teas and remedies she could learn about? Maybe the books would even tell her where to find certain herbs. "I did see the books but I didn't recognize the titles." She admitted with a nervous smile. Reading. It wasn't something she did often. Before, she never really had much of a chance. Between washing the dishes, doing the laundry, cleaning the house, preparing the meals, and going to work, there wasn't really a time set for reading. Maybe this time it would be different though. She still would be doing the same things but maybe now she'd be able to find some time to read. Maybe while Allen slept she could read a few pages before bed. "I'll grab a couple of them. They should come in handy." She couldn't take too many of them though, as much as she wanted to. "H-how are you feeling by the way?" She asked after the herbs had been put away.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 01:54:01 )
Allen chuckled quietly. "Well now, we can't have that. I used to have two herb gardens, and a flower garden. They tend to need a lot of attention during certain seasons, but it's not hard. It does take time though." He said casually, slowly leaning against his pillow once more. He could hear her shuffling around in a bag and figured she was putting the herbs she found away. He chuckled again at the mention of his books. "My dear, that is because they're not from around here. I found them a long time ago you see, I could even bet they'd be considered antiques by now." Allen spoke, a small smirk across his lips. He nodded lightly when she said she would grab a couple and lowered his head some. "I'm.." He hesitated. She didn't deserve to be lied to, not when she was trying so hard to help him. "My.. craving.. seems to be worse than I had anticipated.." He said quietly, unsure of what else to call it. "I can't hunt in my current condition unless I want to risk opening the stitches again.." He admitted wearily, placing a hand over his head. "I'm in no pain though." He made sure to tell her that.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 02:33:32 )
Kaneko's eyes shone, he was going to let her have a garden on her own! How exciting! "Yes well I know it won't be easy but that's okay because it will be fun and I'll do my best to make sure the plants don't die." Maybe Allen could help her get started. Once they had their own little place though of course. A place that they could call home and not have to worry about anyone finding them. That's what she thought. It never occurred to her that vampires and vampire hunters could very well be living in the area they left to. She never thought that they could very much be anywhere. "Well yes, everything in here would be considered an antique." Kaneko admitted with a smile. Everything here was so old, it held an untold story and that's what people found so fascinating about these types of things. Was Allen really prepared to leave all of this behind? Once they left, there was no turning back. Allen explained to her that his craving, or thirst as she called it, was worsening. It was getting much more serious and he made a very good point, hunting was out of the question in his current condition. " least you're not in any pain and...t-the offer still stands." She whispered the last part. "We'll leave shortly. I'll just go and collect some books to take with us, alright? You just rest here. We will...we'll figure something out Allen." They had to. He could always hunt once he was better, but how long would that take?

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 03:02:40 )
He was pleased to hear the glee in her voice, it meant she was happy. She would get to do things her parents didn't allow, he would make sure of that.

Allen still couldn't believe it, even after hearing it a couple of times now. He slowly sat up properly. Just this once.. He couldn't very well go out like this! His senses were much more sensitive when he was 'thirtsy', that and fangs were much more visible. Allen lightly patted the spot on the bed next to him. "Come here." He said quietly , as he didn't want to make it sound like a demand.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 03:09:03 )
Kaneko blinked. Was he actually going to? No way. After a brief moment of hesitation, her feet carefully made their way around to her side of the bed where she slipped back in and sat comfortably. She hoped she wasn't forcing him to do this. He could have said no, well at first it did sound like he had refused but now... Now it sounded as if he were actually considering it. How much would it hurt? She trusted that he wouldn't hurt her but it still had to hurt a little right? She remembered something else he had said, he wasn't sure if he would be able to control himself. Was he that thirsty right now? Well he probably hadn't fed yesterday and today he had lost a lot of blood so it made sense that he'd be craving this badly right now. Kaneko trusted him though, of that she was sure. She wouldn't have offered if she didn't trust him as much as she did.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 03:47:47 )
Allen listened quietly to her feet as they came around the bed, and lifted his head some when the bed shifted some under her weight. He couldn't believe he was considering this.. It was for the best though, just this once. His could clearly be seen up close, poking out from under his upper lip. "Hold out your wrist." He instructed quietly. Of course it would hurt, but he'd try not to hurt her more than he had to. No way was he going for the neck. It was far too risky, and he wouldn't do that to her.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 04:28:04 )
Her wrist? This was unexpected, but it was probably the safer option right? "Oh...o-okay." She answered, her voice soft, quiet. Kaneko looked at her wrists and held one out for him. This was it, this was actually going to happen. She had to relax, she had to breathe calmly. It was like when you got a shot, if you were tense, it hurt more. Maybe being bitten was the same thing? She couldn't help but be nervous though, she'd never been bitten before. Kaneko knew her father would freak if he knew that Allen was going to bite her. Thankfully, he was in prison and they'd be long gone by the time he was free once more.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 05:11:13 )
Allen slowly placed a hand under her wrist as she held it up, lightly pressing two fingers against the warm skin. He needed to know where the most blood flow was, so he'd know where not to bite. "Try and relax.." He said quietly, not really knowing how much help it would be, even he was shaking a little. Of course, he couldn't tell if it from nerves or from his craving. With some patience, he found the vein in the wrist, and moved his fingers up a bit as to avoiding hitting that vein. Allen slowly lowered his head towards her offered wrist and opened his mouth enough to do what needed to be done. His fangs pierced the skin like two needles, and that would be about as much pain as there would be, the rest was supposedly more like a euphoric. The instant he felt her warm blood reach him, his eyes turned crimson.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 05:41:58 )
Try to relax. Yes that's what she was trying to do and after many deep breaths, she did. Kaneko relaxed, closed her eyes and waited patiently. She felt his hand beneath her wrist then two cool fingers atop her wrist. Feeling, searching. It really did feel like she was going to get a shot from a nurse, except it wasn't your traditional shot and it wasn't from a nurse. She would be fine though, she kept telling herself that in her head. He'd never hurt her. She remembered her father telling her Allen would just turn on her one day and kill her, that was just before the events leading to his arrest. No, she didn't want to believe him. Allen would never kill her would he? No, because he wasn't like the older one. Just then she felt it, a piercing, sharp pain. It wasn't as painful as she anticipated, but it still hurt a bit. Kaneko bit her lip gently, keeping herself in a relaxed state as to not disturb Allen.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 05:57:12 )
Instinctively, Allen brought his other hand to her lower arm and gently held it. His mind going a bit foggy and his eyes closing as he drank from her, one thing on his mind. After a few long minutes, Allen found it difficult to stop. Her blood was nothing like animal blood. It was sweet and quite addictive, just like her scent. An image of his master flashed through his mind, and his crimson eyes shot open. He removed his fangs from her wrist and brought one of his hands up just below his darkened lips. Allen felt very warm and his breathing hardened as if recovering from a panic attack. He'd need a moment to collect himself.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 06:37:00 )
Her eyes opened momentarily, her vision blurred. Probably due to the blood loss. How much time had passed? A few minutes? Certainly not hours, but he was still feeding, she felt light headed. This was to be expected though, and he needed this. He needed to feed, she couldn't just let him tough it out. Vampire or not, no one deserved to go hungry or go thirsty. Kaneko blinked her eyes many times in an attempt to focus again but her vision was still blurred no matter how wide she opened her eyes. Then, he stopped and she leaned back against the bed's headboard. Relaxing her tired body. Her head turned to look at him, she could hear his breathing was hard. Was something wrong? "A-allen? Is everything okay?" She asked him, scooting closer.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 21:29:18 )

Allen slowly nodded his head when she spoke. He didn't really say anything at first, and after a minute he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, trying not get any blood on his nice shirt. "I'm fine.." He murmured softly. This feeling, was it normal? Maybe he'd be fine in a minute. What about her? "Are you alright?" He asked quietly out of concern. Had he taken too much? Even so, she should rest a bit before getting up and around.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 21:50:11 )
Kaneko watched him and smiled weakly. He was fine. Good. What about her? "Just lightheaded. But...that's okay and it's normal whenever there's blood loss. You were right didn't hurt." She told him, closing her eyes and turning her head to face the ceiling. "At least you're okay. I'll just get some books and then we can go. But maybe I'll take a little nap first." She was tired, probably a side effect from being bitten. She didn't know, but she didn't mind. A short nap wouldn't hurt anyone and once she was rested, then they could get their things and leave.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 22:12:15 )
He smiled in short relief. Good, she was alright. "Really? I'm content to hear that." About it not hurting. Allen nodded some when she mentioned collecting some books, but decided on taking a nap first. Oh good, he didn't have to worry about her trying to push herself. He relaxed against the pillow, wondering what his eyes must've looked like after that.. He was curious. Allen closed his eyes and just relaxed. He wouldn't be going anywhere without her.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 22:22:48 )
Kaneko was already fast asleep not too long after he spoke. She was very tired, maybe some rest was really what she needed and it helped her sleep easier knowing that he was probably feeling a little better. There was still so much to do. Where would they stay? An inn? For how long? They would need to rent an apartment at some point, but maybe that wouldn't be safe. What if the neighbors somehow found out about Allen? A house was expensive though. She wished she had the car, but her father had taken it with him and who knows where he had left it. Wouldn't work anyway since she never had the keys.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 22:38:16 )
Allen waited a bit before slowly getting up and heading to the bathroom to wash his face. Why did he feel so hot? Is it normal, being his first time feeding a human? After washing his face and hand, with what little water came out, he leaned over the sink a bit longer before carefully making his way back to the bed and laid down beside Kaneko. At some point, he too fell asleep.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 23:01:43 )
Kaneko was asleep for half an hour before she slowly woke back up. Turning to face Allen, she saw he was sleeping now. She smiled. He needed his rest. Resting was the only way anyone would ever get better. While he was sleeping, she figured she'd use this time to gather some books and get ready to leave. After he woke up of course. Carefully, she slipped out of bed and yawned quietly. Her wrist hurt a little, nothing she couldn't handle though. The puncture marks were there, they were small though; she thought no one would even really notice them unless they looked close enough. Yawning softly, Kaneko tip toed her way out of his bedroom and walked to the study to pick up a few books. Which ones to get? Kaneko entered the dusty study and walked to the bookshelf. She picked up one of the many books and blew the dust off the cover then opened it up to a random page and began to read quietly to herself. Blood Root flowers can be spotted for their bright blood red color. The root itself has magical properties if boiled at the right temperature. The petals add color to the water, making it seem like blood. "Okay great, but where do you find it?" She asked herself, reading a little more, trying to figure out where one could find it. If they could find it, they could plant it and then Allen wouldn't have to go very far to get it whenever he needed it.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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