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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 23:36:53 )
Allen wasn't a very heavy sleeper unless he had taken the remedy for his eyes, so he stirred some when Kaneko woke and began moving about. His body recognized that he needed the rest though, so he didn't wake just yet. He did however stretch over the warm area where Kaneko had laid moments before. At least he had cooled down at some point while he slept.

A lot of times, Blood Root flowers were found up in the mountains, so finding it wouldn't be very easy. Though, Allen was considering taking her to the mountains. It's where they would be the safest. He just hadn't considered how to get there yet. If he wasn't currently healing, he could just take her and run and they'd get there before no time- but that wasn't the case. He wouldn't be able to see where he was going either. He was honestly quite clueless about the world outside of this town.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/30 23:55:33 )
"In the mountains?" Kaneko whined. Well there was no way they'd be getting that now. They couldn't possibly go to the mountains, they'd need to find a ride there and a ride back. Hiking would just take too long. Well at least she had tried, and it was fine because Allen normally hunted anyway so he didn't really need the flower. Kaneko pouted a bit and closed the book. She would be taking that one for sure. She set it down on the desk and looked at the books again, her dark eyes skimming the titles. All of which were unfamiliar to her, but anything with herbs it it was pulled off the shelf. Anything with remedies, astrology, stories. Would Allen like the idea of her reading to him sometimes? No...he was not a child and she wasn't going to treat him like one. The astrology one just sounded interesting and she always liked looking at the stars. It was how she and Allen had first met. The stories book...well, she would read it herself eventually.

The books were stacked neatly in a pile and carried off towards his bedroom once more. She would have to find a place for them since maybe she had picked up a little more than she thought she would. But it was okay. These were antiques! All of the things she could probably learn reading them! Maybe she would learn more about the house, more about the people who lived there before Allen and the older man. Maybe she could even learn more about them. She didn't know but the possibilities were endless. Boxes, she could use small empty boxes to put the books away.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 00:17:46 )
It wouldn't be surprising if she had managed to find a book on the history and people of the manor. He had a book on it somewhere, whether it was in his study or placed elsewhere and forgotten about. That probably wasn't the case though, seeing how he tried to keep his things tidied up as much as he could.

Allen slept a little while longer before beginning to wake. Actually kind of hungry now, since he could indeed eat like a human being, it just wasn't required. He could always 'hunt' to feel the need, but saw no point in it if he wasn't craving. Would that change though? What if he came to point where he couldn't eat normal food, and had to rely on hunting? That wasn't a pleasant thought. He could hear faint shuffling of Kaneko's feet as she moved around whatever room she was in, and slowly opened his eyes. Bad idea. The first thing he felt was pain and instinctively grabbed the pillow under him. since he had rolled over to his side while he slept, and closed his eyes once more. Damn! He should've made the remedy before taking a nap.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 01:00:41 )
Kaneko had to really search every nook and cranny of the house that she had been exposed to for some boxes to put these books away. Hmm, they really were going to need a cab to be able to take all this stuff with them. Setting the boxes down near their things, Kaneko dusted herself off and looked at Allen. "Sir Allen, are you awake?" She asked, walking around and sitting on her section of the bed. Her hand reached out and lightly brushed his hair away from his face. "I may have gathered more books than I had planned but...but in my defense, I wasn't sure which would be helpful so I sort of just umm...grabbed them all." She smiled nervously and stretched out happily. "We're all packed up though. We can leave whenever you're ready." She said to him.

Kaneko tilted her head to the side, watching Allen closely. He looked like he was still sleeping and she didn't want to disturb him but she had heard movement before. Maybe it was just him getting comfortable. She tended to move in her sleep sometimes so she wouldn't be surprised if Allen was the same way. "I umm...I read a bit on blood root flowers but I don't think we'll be getting them any time soon. Shame really. I would have enjoyed having them in our garden. I know having them would have been very helpful to you. B-but it's okay because you'll be all better in no time a-and then you can go hunting like you normally do." Kaneko informed quietly, tucking some hair behind her ear.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 01:33:48 )
Allen kept his eyes closed as he heard Kaneko. Her voice really did give him some piece of mind but he didn't want to move. He could tell she had sat on the bed and began to shift a little. He was laying on his side now, facing Kaneko as she began to speak about taking all the books, instead of just a few, and couldn't help offering her a weak smile. "It's quite alright.." He was relieved they were all packed and ready, and could leave whenever he was ready. "Blood roots are hard to find, but you're right." They didn't need them, not right away. Eventually he would like to have some though. Slowly, he opened his clouded eyes slightly. He wasn't planning on keeping his eyes open long, but he saw something. Allen couldn't make it out, but he noticed a horribly blurred figure next to him. Baffled, and at a complete loss of words, he began to sit up. He slowly reached out and placed a hand on Kaneko's arm, in which a second horribly blurred image into view.

What was this? A trick that his mind was playing on him? Impossible! The more he had them opened, the more they hurt and soon he was closing his eyes and biting back the urge to hiss. "Get me my bag, please.." He murmured quietly, balling a handful of the bed blanket into his hand.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 02:17:45 )
Her eyes widened slightly. He was awake? Hopefully she hadn't woken him with her babbling. Kaneko was glad to hear he wasn't upset that she had grabbed all his books. She felt a little bad taking his things but in a way, she was saving them too. Taking them with him instead of leaving them here to collect dust. It then occurred to her that this house would be abandoned now for real once they left. Would it be torn down? Or would it remain here standing for any passerby to see? That was the least of her worries though. Clearly. Allen said blood root flowers were hard to find, of course they were. The most potent plants usually were. The ones easiest to find and access were probably used for more simpler things. She saw his eyes open only a smidge. She became concerned when he reached out for her arm. "Allen, is something wrong?" The girl asked, her dark eyes on him, wondering if something bad was happening. His bag, he wanted his bag.

Quickly, Kaneko nodded and climbed out of bed. "Okay...umm I'll get your bag just hang on for a bit Allen please. You'll be fine okay?" She was trying not to panic. Panicking would do no good in this situation. He ran around the bed to the bedside table near him and grabbed his bag of things. "Okay, okay here's your bag Allen." With wide eyes, she handed it over to him, making sure to hold it close to him so he could easily grab it. "Allen is it your eyes?" That was a stupid question, what else would it be? It clearly wasn't his thirst bothering him this time.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 02:51:23 )
Allen held his eyes closed as the her voice reached his ears. He felt her weight leave the bed and heard her feet scurry across the floor to his side of the bed. He reached and easily found the bag, once she had held it up close to him. He nodded lightly to her question and carefully took it into his own hands and set it.down in his lap. Allen wasted no time in opening the bag and fishing out specific smelling herbs, the ones he used to mix his remedy to be precise. Lucky for him they were grounded remains from the last time he made it. "Hold out your hands, I need you're help this time." He said quietly, knowing he couldn't just lay his things all over the bed. That would.make a mess!

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 03:33:02 )
Kaneko watched as Allen wasted no time in opening the bag and reaching for it's contents. As the bag was opened, the scent of various herbs teased her nose which in turn made her scrunch up her nose. It wasn't a terrible smell though, just really strong. It was his eyes. Kaneko frowned, she probably should have mentioned the remedy earlier before it had gotten to this point. Oh well. No use crying over spilled milk. Allen needed her help? Kaneko quickly held out her hands, she was always willing to help whenever Allen needed it. "Okay Allen, I'm ready to help. Just tell me what I need to do." While she helped, she decided to watch closely. She already knew how this was done, she had watched him prepare his remedy once before but this would serve as a good refresher of her memory.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 04:07:27 )
Allen found it rather different to keep his eyes shut without the bandages, but he'd manage and focus on the task at hand. He carefully handed her the remains of the grounded herbs. "Hold." He instructed quietly, once she had them he went back into the bag to get a few more things. He fished out his small marble mortar and pedestal, the vial of clear liquid, and a small shot glass. "Now, I need you put those remains into the mortar, and grind them into a dust." He instructed quietly, not entirely trusting himself to do it as of now.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 04:25:18 )
Hold. She was instructed and hold she did. Kaneko took hold of the grounded herbs tightly in her hands and watched Allen go back to rummage through the bag. It broke her heart to see him in so much pain, he couldn't even open his eyes because the pain was so bad. Nodding, she carefully placed the remains inside the mortar then took the mortar in one hand, picked up the pestle in her other hand and began to grind them carefully. He said she had to make it into a dust. She also noticed the clear liquid stored inside a vial, the liquid she guessed would be added to the dust once it was ready. Kaneko's dark eyes were focused on the job given to her, she wanted to make sure she did it correctly; there was no room for error right now. Her hand worked the pestle hard, grinding up the already ground up herbs even more until it was just a fine dust. "Alright Allen, what do I do now?" She asked him, turning her gaze towards him.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 04:50:31 )
He listened to the sound of the herbs being roughly grinded further. It wasn't very pleasing to his ears, but it was bearable. While he was at it, he went fishing into the bag once more. Did he have any more 'wine' to mix this with when it was finished? He had no idea, probably not though. Which meant he'd have to add more of that clear stuff and drink it straight. Crap. Well.. They wouldn't be leaving right away. When she spoke, he slowly held up the shot glass. "Move the dust into this, and then take the vial and fill it about a 1/4." He instructed.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 05:05:10 )
Kaneko was right in her assumption. So the powder was to be put into the clear glass and then the liquid needed to be added. A specific measurement was given to her regarding said liquid. Do not mess this up idiot child. You wouldn't want to see what happens if you mess up now would you? You'll cause more harm than good if you mess up and you shouldn't be daydreaming right now! No time to waste! Kaneko snapped herself out of her thoughts, shaking her head. She held the glass in one hand and took the pestle out then carefully poured the powder from the mortar into the glass. Alright, that was done. Now it was time for the liquid. Kaneko handed the clear glass with the powder to Allen. "Hold." She said quietly. When he was holding it, she reached for and took the vial. He had said 1/4. She had to be very careful and precise when doing this. Kaneko opened the vial and squinted her eyes, slowly pouring the liquid into the glass. Careful...careful...done! She stopped and sealed the vial again. "Alright Allen, all done." she informed.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 06:00:57 )
Allen listened and held the glass securely when it was given to him. Normally he didn't use so much of that liquid, seeing how he didn't have much of it. But he also didn't have anything to.mix it with, so what choice did he really have? He stayed perfectly still, and absolutely silent while Kaneko followed his instructions. Allen exhaled some when she voiced that she was finished, and nodded lightly. "Alright." He spoke quietly. "Please put everything back into the bag, or on the table." It didn't matter where right now, it just needed to be moved. "After that, feel free to order something to eat if you'd like. Have them send it here. I'm afraid I won't be ready to leave for a bit.." He said to her quietly. He'd take this, probably experience the after effects and fall back asleep for x-amount of hours.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/31 06:31:26 )
"Of course Allen." Kaneko answered quietly, carefully putting the items back inside the bag then took the bag and went to put it back where it belonged. On the side table. Order something and have it brought here?! Her eyes widened for a second and her fingers played with each other nervously. Why here? What if it was a vampire or a hunter? What if they saw Allen and freaked out? Or, what if it's a regular human being who works a part time job and just hands you the food at the door? Hmm, this was true. They wouldn't be leaving for a while even though they had packed up. Kaneko was thoughtful for a moment. What would she want to eat? "Alright then Allen. I hope you feel better soon." She voiced quietly, but she felt bad eating if he couldn't. Maybe she'd order something that they could take with them and heat up later? No, the already were taking so much so it had to be something small enough for her. And something small he could eat once he woke up. Okay, that sounded fair enough right?

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/1 23:33:13 )
"Thank-you." Allen murmured when she agreed to put the things back into the bag. He listened for a moment , and while she was distracted, he shot back the remedy. He shuddered some as the mixture hit his sensitive taste buds and made its way down his throat. He lowered his head and offered her a small smile when she spoke and nodded lightly. "Thank you.. You are free to wander the manor if you wishs, just please stay out of the opposite wing." Allen spoke quietly , waiting.for the remedy to take its effect.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 01:41:20 )
Kaneko looked back at him and nodded. "I promise to stay out of the opposite wing Allen. You get some rest and get better." She suggested. Hopefully the remedy would take effect pretty fast. Maybe she could use this time to read the books, or she could explore the house and take in all the little details. She smiled. Yes, that sounded like fun. Besides, she'd never see this manor again so she wanted to take in what bits she could before they had to leave. "If you need anything, just call for me. But I'll check back in a few just to make sure you're okay." Kaneko promised.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 01:51:39 )
Allen nodded lightly and slowly laid down in the bed, resting his head on the pillow. When he began to feel the effects, he brought the blanket up over his head some and tensed for a moment before slowly faded from the world around him and into slumber once more.

By the time he would wake again, it'd probably be later that evening. After the stars were already glimmering in the night sky.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 02:39:56 )
Kaneko was at the front door, she was looking out the window for the delivery person. She had ordered some Greek food. She was starving but she had ordered an extra salad with chicken and feta cheese for Allen when he woke up. Hopefully he'd like it. Her stomach growled and she nervously stepped out of the house, closing the door behind her. She told the guy that she'd be outside near the road waiting. She was waiting out there for what seemed like an hour before the person showed up. "H-hey..." She said quietly, rubbing her arms nervously. The male looked at the manor behind her and looked at her suspiciously but he didn't say anything. He just wanted to leave. "Boa?" He asked, and when Kaneko nodded he held out her order in a bag. "That's going to be a total of $25." He said to her. Kaneko looked in her purse and pulled out the required money then handed it to him and took her food. "Thanks. Sorry for making you drive all this way." She said quietly. "It's fine, thank-you and have a nice rest of your day." The man said, heading back to his car. "You too!" She called and practically ran inside the house. She closed the door behind her and locked it then walked to the end of the stairs. There, she took a seat and began to eat her food quietly by herself.

When she had finished, she busied herself looking around the bits of the house she was allowed to explore. She took in all the details, listened to the creaking of the floorboards with the steps she took. It was a neat house, and she could only imagine how beautiful it must have looked when it was just built. Smiling to herself, she later went to check on Allen.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 03:10:48 )
Allen was still sound asleep. The blanket had been draped down beneath his head and it looked like he had moved around some in his sleep. No nightmares nor pleasant dreams, just blackness. Which in itself made him uneasy. He'd much rather have one or the other, compared to having a black sleep.

(Bleh :p)

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 03:28:05 )
Kaneko was now wearing her shoes again, felt nice to have shoes on again. When she entered the room, she saw that Allen was still fast asleep. Looking at the food she had for him, she set it on top of their things carefully so it wouldn't fall sat on the edge of the bed and watched him sleep. He looked comfortable. It didn't look like he was having any nightmare which was good. She did sometimes wonder if his master would somehow come back. She found it hard to believe but all her life she hadn't believed in vampires until she met Allen and she slowly found out. So what was sopping that man from coming back? Was he truly dead?

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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