Vontell looks to Vreg with concern and places a hand over his chest. Extending his other arm, he fans out his fingers and chants in an unintelligible tongue. The party except for Von is healed for
20 health!
Hero grunts at the savagery of Vreg being attacked and spins their hand through the air in a scooping motion to conjure a ball of flame. Tossing it upwards, they strike it ferociously with the stick to send it exploding against Berinhard for
115 damage! He catches flame for an additional
5 damage!
Vyctor leaps forward into a spinning roundhouse kick that slams against Berinhard's raised arm. Before the Strongman can react, Vyc brings his other leg down on Berinhard's head for
82 damage, and Berinhard loses defensive properties for this round!
Vregory is dizzy after the devastating attack, but Eugene retrieves one of his bandaids and uses it to restore
15 health! The rat also gives a smile and a thumbs up to which Vreg gives a goofy grin.
The party has dealt a total of
202 damage this round!
Berinhard takes a defensive stance with one arm raised, moustache flexed. However, Vyctor unleashes
Guard Breaker which destroys any defensive buffs he would have otherwise gotten.
Berinhard appears to be looking a bit...
desperate. His eyes glow a fierce crimson as he sweeps the field, veins starting to bulge on various parts of his body.
He's preparing for something.
Berinhard has
120/667 HP.