Really, the only way to truly kill a vampire was to strike their heart, or take off their heads. Kaneko had pierced the man's heart directly, so unless some higher power had reason to collect his ashes and bring him back, he wouldn't be coming back.
Once Kaneko had sat on the bed next to him, he stirred some as if feeling her presence even in his slumber. Snow filled his black sleep and brought peace to his uneasy mind, until it began to bleed red. Why? Perhaps because he had finally committed a vampire's sin, drinking an innocent humans blood.
Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses
"I wonder what you're dreaming about... Do vampires even dream?" Kaneko asked herself in a quiet whisper. They probably did, they were human after all. Well, sort of. They were once human, that much she knew. Kaneko thought about what Allen had told her, he had been turned by his master when he was close to death. So before he was even a vampire, someone had hurt him and left him for dead, but who? Her father? No...her father only hunted vampires. If her father attacked Allen before he was even a vampire then her father had made a huge mistake. Unless it was someone else who had left him for dead. So many thoughts swirled in her mind but she was never any closer to an answer.
((Didn't he tell her he was really sick? O.o))
Allen shifted towards Kaneko some and reached for her until his hand on her own and gently grasped it. He needed to get up, but his body wasn't ready. If she had thought to check on his stiches, they would've been a little healed than the last time she saw them. No longer sore from being torn up or re-stitched and a little more closed up. Since drinking from her, his sound had gradually been healing while he slept. He began to wake, even if he didn't open his eyes yet, and hadn't even noticed he was holding her hand. "Evening.." He greeted softly, since she was there.
Allen shifted towards Kaneko some and reached for her until his hand on her own and gently grasped it. He needed to get up, but his body wasn't ready. If she had thought to check on his stiches, they would've been a little healed than the last time she saw them. No longer sore from being torn up or re-stitched and a little more closed up. Since drinking from her, his sound had gradually been healing while he slept. He began to wake, even if he didn't open his eyes yet, and hadn't even noticed he was holding her hand. "Evening.." He greeted softly, since she was there.
((Did he? Hmmm, I can't remember but now that you mention sorta rings a bell. Oops. Sorry! ; n ; ))
Kaneko looked down at her hand which was now being held by Allen's. It brought a smile to her face, he knew she was here and it looked like he was happy that she was. Her hand gently squeezed his hand in reassurance. She wasn't going anywhere. Not without him anyway. They were a packaged deal, where she went, he went and vice versa. "Good Evening sir Allen. How did you know I was here?" She asked and carefully lay down beside him, her hand still holding on to his. "Did you sleep well? How are you feeling?" His eyes were still closed, he was probably very comfortable. She knew that feeling very well.
Kaneko looked down at her hand which was now being held by Allen's. It brought a smile to her face, he knew she was here and it looked like he was happy that she was. Her hand gently squeezed his hand in reassurance. She wasn't going anywhere. Not without him anyway. They were a packaged deal, where she went, he went and vice versa. "Good Evening sir Allen. How did you know I was here?" She asked and carefully lay down beside him, her hand still holding on to his. "Did you sleep well? How are you feeling?" His eyes were still closed, he was probably very comfortable. She knew that feeling very well.
((it's fine ^^ I sorta forgot too 'til I went back and read the Rp again lol))
Allen murmured something inaudible and smiled. "I could feel your presence, lady Kaneko." He said softly, still a bit too comfortable to move much. Honestly, and selfishly, he wanted to stay like this a while.longer with her. "I slept peacefully, but I'm not ready to move yet.. Part of me is still dreaming.." He said to her, slowly shifted towards her and rest head against her lightly. "What did you do while I slept?" He asked curiously, only looking to make a conversation .
Allen murmured something inaudible and smiled. "I could feel your presence, lady Kaneko." He said softly, still a bit too comfortable to move much. Honestly, and selfishly, he wanted to stay like this a while.longer with her. "I slept peacefully, but I'm not ready to move yet.. Part of me is still dreaming.." He said to her, slowly shifted towards her and rest head against her lightly. "What did you do while I slept?" He asked curiously, only looking to make a conversation .
((I'll make it a habit to read back every now and then to avoid messing up.))
Kaneko smiled, listening to his soft voice. He even sounded tired still. "It's alright, we can lay here like this as long as you'd like. I hope you're having a good dream." She watched him move closer and rest against her. Her free hand reached over and softly ran its fingers through his hair, soothingly. What had she done while he slept? "Well I ordered some food and ate. I got you a little something.. I wasn't sure if you'd be hungry but it didn't seem fair that only I would eat. It's small, but well it's really good and it's good for you so it's a good deal." Kaneko answered, her dark eyes watching him in admiration. She never once thought she'd ever be close like this to anyone before. Much less a vampire. But she was her happiest when she was with him.
Kaneko smiled, listening to his soft voice. He even sounded tired still. "It's alright, we can lay here like this as long as you'd like. I hope you're having a good dream." She watched him move closer and rest against her. Her free hand reached over and softly ran its fingers through his hair, soothingly. What had she done while he slept? "Well I ordered some food and ate. I got you a little something.. I wasn't sure if you'd be hungry but it didn't seem fair that only I would eat. It's small, but well it's really good and it's good for you so it's a good deal." Kaneko answered, her dark eyes watching him in admiration. She never once thought she'd ever be close like this to anyone before. Much less a vampire. But she was her happiest when she was with him.
((it's alright :) ))
Allen smiled softly and relaxed more as he felt her fingers through his blonde locks of hair. "A peaceful dream it is.. Just the two of us where no one will bother us, surrounded by a blanket of snow." He murmured quietly, still smiling some. She gotten him something as well? She didn't have to do that for him.. He was quite happy though. "Thank you, I appreciate that." Allen said quietly.
((Bleh x.x))
Allen smiled softly and relaxed more as he felt her fingers through his blonde locks of hair. "A peaceful dream it is.. Just the two of us where no one will bother us, surrounded by a blanket of snow." He murmured quietly, still smiling some. She gotten him something as well? She didn't have to do that for him.. He was quite happy though. "Thank you, I appreciate that." Allen said quietly.
((Bleh x.x))
Kaneko smiled, "A blanket of snow? That sounds very beautiful Allen. So, in your dream we live in a little cabin in the middle of a snowy forest?" She asked. That sounded like a very nice place to live in. Although getting to work would be difficult but in the end they'd be away from people who could potentially harm them. "Sounds very peaceful." She added quietly. "You're welcome Allen. I just don't want you to go without food. You don't have to eat it right away if you aren't hungry but in the case that you do get hungry, you'll have something to get you through it." She giggled. This was nice, and even though they would have to get up to leave eventually, she wanted to enjoy this moment for as long as she could.
Allen nodded lightly and slowly opened his eyes when she spoke, and now realized that he was close enough to her, to practicality head her heart beat. Now that he was actually starting to wake. It was soothing, as was feeling her fingers in his hair. "Is that thought appealing to you, Kaneko?" He asked curiously and quietly. "If we had a map, we could go up north where it snows and find a cabin to live in." He murmured. When he mentioned it though, a sense of longing swept through him. Why? He didn't remember where he lives as a human.. Maybe he lived up north? It mattered not. He didn't hardly remember anyone from human days, and even if he did, surely most of them would be long since dead.
Was it appealing? Yes. "It is. It sounds like we would be safe and we could make snowmen all year round." She explained. "Drink tea and hot would be nice. Getting to work might be challenging but I think it would be nice. It would be different from living in an apartment or a house in the town." She informed quietly. Her fingers continuing their soothing movements. A map? She could always purchase a map somewhere. Maps were sold anywhere weren't they? Her phone! She could use the map on her phone! "Would we be able to find an actual cabin to live in Allen?" She asked curiously. The chances of finding an empty but furnished cabin were pretty slim in her opinion.
Allen smiled softly. She liked the idea of going up north. "We would be much safer there, than anywhere else." He murmured. Did she still have her phone? Allen slowly raised his head so she could see his milky eyes. "Somehow.. We'll find one." He was promising this to her. When they got up north, they would find a cabin. " the easiest way to travel will be by train. " He said with a smirk. Allen slowly shifted away from her so could he sit up, then did just that. He wasn't very hungry..but maybe he should eat? They had a long way to go once they left.
((I was wondering, since they're actually doing this.. Would you mind a timeskip to when they've found a place?))
((I was wondering, since they're actually doing this.. Would you mind a timeskip to when they've found a place?))
~Timeskip 1 year later~
Kaneko woke up to a chilly morning, right away she knew she had to get a fire going but she was too comfortable in bed right now. Groaning, she forced herself to slip out of bed and carefully tucked Allen in to keep him warm while she walked to the living room and tossed some logs into the fireplace to start a nice fire. Hopefully it would warm up the house quickly. It was getting cold out, she knew that the people would be wearing warm coats out now. It was nice, living here just the two of them. It was pretty far from the town but nothing a simple drive couldn't fix. She'd be lying if she said she didn't sometimes think back to her father. What could have happened to him? Was he out yet? "Let's get some breakfast going Kaneko." She said to herself, yawning softly and making her way to the kitchen in her little slippers and warm pajamas. Her hair was a mess but it didn't matter, she'd fix it up later. Right now food was important. "Breakfast and some hot tea." She said to herself, getting some water in the kettle to boil.
Kaneko woke up to a chilly morning, right away she knew she had to get a fire going but she was too comfortable in bed right now. Groaning, she forced herself to slip out of bed and carefully tucked Allen in to keep him warm while she walked to the living room and tossed some logs into the fireplace to start a nice fire. Hopefully it would warm up the house quickly. It was getting cold out, she knew that the people would be wearing warm coats out now. It was nice, living here just the two of them. It was pretty far from the town but nothing a simple drive couldn't fix. She'd be lying if she said she didn't sometimes think back to her father. What could have happened to him? Was he out yet? "Let's get some breakfast going Kaneko." She said to herself, yawning softly and making her way to the kitchen in her little slippers and warm pajamas. Her hair was a mess but it didn't matter, she'd fix it up later. Right now food was important. "Breakfast and some hot tea." She said to herself, getting some water in the kettle to boil.
Allen was still sleeping soundly by the time Kaneko woke. He had been doing a lot of that since they arrived here, and found their cozy cabin. That only made since, right? He was cold-blooded after all. His stiches had long since healed, and so far there hadn't been any unwanted visitors. Allen only shifted slightly when warmth left the bed, and he curled up in the blankets when Kaneko tucked.him in once more. Slowly opening his milky eyes, he smiled some at the sound of feet shuffling around the cabin floor. "Good morning, lady Kaneko." He greeted quietly before yawning.
The scent of cinnamon filled the air as Kaneko busied herself making cinnamon swirl pancakes. It was something she had learned to make from work and she thought they were pretty good. She wondered if this would work as well with homemade waffles. "Hmm, that's something to try for next time." She said to herself, flipping over a pancake on the pan. Lowering the flames, she set the table carefully. Two plates were set down with teacups, a knife, fork and napkin. Perfect. Kaneko walked back to finish up the pancakes. Each time one was done, she'd set it down on one plate. She did this until they each had three pancakes. "Oh, good morning Allen. How did you sleep?" She asked softly, setting the pan and spatula in the sink then she set the teapot with boiling water on a tray. In the water she tossed in a herbal teabag, letting it really seep there. Picking up the small container of powdered sugar, she sprinkled some on their pancakes then carefully poured them each some tea.
The scent of her cooking always got his attention when he first woke, unless she happened to still be in bed. He slowly sat up, being sure to keep wrapped up with in the blankets. "I slept well, thank you." He said casually, sniffing slightly. "Hmm.. Cinnamon?" He asked curiously, wondering what she had.made for breakfast this morning. It certainly smelled delicious. Of course, most of her cooking smelled delicious. Today though, he was a little reluctant to leaving the warmth of the blankets.
"That's right." Kaneko agreed. "Cinnamon pancakes with powdered sugar on top. Also made us some herbal tea. Chamomile. I was thinking about making peppermint tea but I thought that the flavors would be too contrasting and they wouldn't go well together. Perhaps I'll make some later just to enjoy and warm up a bit." She informed and glanced in his direction. "It's cold isn't it?" She asked him, seeing he was still wrapped up in the blankets. "I've started a fire. Would you like to have breakfast near the fireplace instead? I don't mind." Kaneko really didn't, she just wanted Allen to be comfortable.
Allen tilted his head some. Cinnamon pancakes..? He continued to smile. "That sounds wonderful." He said, in regards to what she had made for them that morning. Chamomile was quite comforting on days like this. He couldn't believe a whole year had already gone by.. Allen lifted his head when she spoke about sitting by the fire, and nodded lightly. "I would like that.." He murmured, feeling a tad silly for acting somewhat childish today. He slowly unbundled himself fro the blankets and made his way over to the fireplace, sitting at a close yet safe distance from the flames. He was wearing warm clothes, but he could still feel the cold creeping up on him. They had lived here long enough for him to get his barrings and know his way around the cabin. Now, if you asked him to outside or stray from the cabin, not so much.
Carefully, she took the teacups and set them down on the tray then took the tray and walked slowly to the coffee table where she set it down. Kaneko then walked back to the kitchen and would pick up their plates of food and bring them over so that they could eat by the fire. It had been a year, that was twelve months of living here and she had quickly adapted to the new place. It was cozy, she was very happy here yes. The only visitors she ever got were wild animals but they would only mind their own business and then leave which made her happy. As much as she liked seeing them, she'd be very afraid if they decided to stick around. Allen was much better now, he hadn't bit her since the first time and now they had a small garden which she tended to with Allen's help. They were both happy here, that was the conclusion she had come to after seeing how they adapted to the change over time. "Here's your plate of pancakes Allen, careful they're still hot." Kaneko carefully held out his plate of food to him.
Allen waited patiently, listening to Kaneko's footsteps shuffling around the cabin. He felt like something was going to happen today, but what? Part of him wanted to venture off and explore. What good would it do is he couldn't see? He'd easily get lost. They did have a small garden, but it wasn't far from the cabin, and Kaneko was always with him, so he had little to worry about. He lifted his head some when Kaneko spoke, and carefully took the offered plate and set it down in front of him. It smelled so good! "Say.. I know it's cold out, but I'd like to go out today. Just for a bit." He said quietly, not sure how she would respond. Something had been bugging him, shortly after they arrived, and he wanted to figure out what.
Kaneko began to cut out a piece of the little pancake stack she had and listened to Allen. He wanted to go outside? Her eyes darted to the window, it looked fine. Besides, it had been a year, surely they would be okay. "We can do that Allen. I would just need to dress properly, and you too sir." She said with a chuckle. "Wouldn't want anyone getting sick now would we?" She pointed out softly. Maybe some fresh air would do them some good, and the weather was pretty nice out right now. It wasn't storming, it would be nice to go out there and just take in the sights. She'd be sure to dress warmly and she'd bring along a blanket at well of Allen wanted to. It was pretty cold so it wouldn't look strange to carry a blanket around.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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