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Forums Role Playing Forsaking the Past

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 18:18:31 )
Maddie continued to search for the answers she was seeking. If he would be in any danger tomorrow.. She did she a job go wrong, but not by his hand and it wasn't anything major. Just an engine blowing. After a while longer she rested her hand on his palm and blinked before glancing at him. "One of your co-workers is going to try and fix an engine, don't start it up without checking it yourself." She said to him with a small smirk and slowly pulled her hands away. "Other than that, I don't see any real danger in you going to work tomorrow." She said calmly, quite relieved herself. He would be alright, as long as he took her word.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 18:51:15 )
Clint remained silent. He took a breath, slowly exhaling he nodded at the warning she had given him. An engine huh? "Alright, I'll be sure to check it out Maddie. Thanks for the warning." He told her. Of course he was going to listen to her, these messages weren't a joke, they were real and serious. If you ignored them, who knew what would happen. Clint didn't get his palm read regularly, only once a year if he could actually afford to go since it wasn't exactly cheap. "So that's all you saw?" Clint asked her, "Sounds like it's going to be a pretty slow day. That's nice though, busy days are the hottest." He muttered. It was always hot in that garage, but when there were so many cars in there, it only got hotter with all those engines running.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 19:30:59 )
Maddie nodded lightly and sat back in the chair. She tilted her head when he spoke and chuckled quietly. "I'll wash dishes tonight, okay? It's only right since I'm going to be staying here a while. Split the workload." She stood from the table and collected the dishes and took them to the sink. It wasn't fair if he did all the cleaning, and she wanted to help. Unlike her, he had an actual job. Maddie carefully set the dishes they were done with into the sink, and glanced at the leftovers from the pasta Clint had made. It wasn't much, but enough for one of them to have for lunch tomorrow. What was she to do with it though? Did he have something to put it in, to save it?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 20:18:55 )
When Maddie offered to do the dishes, he wanted to protest but he didn't. If she wanted to help then he wasn't going to stop her. Besides, having some help around the house sounded like it would be nice. He was so used to doing this all by himself so some help sounded nice. "Alright. You do the dishes and I'll put away the leftovers." Standing, he walked to the cupboards and opened on up, taking out a plastic container where he easily put the leftovers into. It wasn't much but she could always eat it tomorrow if she got hungry. Clint took the container and put it away in the refrigerator. He thought about what she said, he was going to have to make sure no one ran that engine before he checked it. An engine blowing was not a pretty picture and he didn't want to risk anyone getting hurt. "Thanks for offering to help Mads, it's very nice of you."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 21:04:15 )
Maddie smirked some and nodded, leaving the leftovers to him. She turned on the water and carefully washed the dishes they used for dinner, even the pot that had the pasta in- once it was moved to the refrigerator. Once she washed all the dishes, she dried them off and easily found where they went. She glanced at Clint and shook her head some. "It's the least I can do." She said to him casually. Maddie covered her mouth to yawn. "Good night Clint." She said to him with a small wave, before heading off down the hall and into her room. Maddie put the rest of her stuff away and climbed under the blankets. Soon, she fell asleep.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 21:25:27 )
Clint smiled at her and waved, "Goodnight Mads, sleep well." He said to her. He watched her leave before opening the fridge and looking at what they had. He still had a lot of stuff to make food with. Closing it, he went to his bedroom and walked into his bathroom to brush his teeth with the little bit of toothpaste he had left. It was then that he realized that his new toothbrush and toothpaste were still in Maddie's room. "I'll get them after work tomorrow..." He said sleepily to himself. After rinsing his mouth with mouthwash, Clint walked back to his room and slipped underneath the covers to fall to sleep.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 22:01:10 )
Maddie slept like a rock most of the night. She woke once or twice due to a bad dream, but nothing major. She picked up one of the books Clint had lent her and began reading until she fell asleep again. When she woke that morning she noticed the book in her lap, and sheepishly running the back of her head. She wondered if Clint had gone to work yet..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/3 16:51:44 )
That following morning, Clint woke up early, showered, got dressed and went to the kitchen to make himself some coffee. By the time that Maddie was up, Clint was already at work surviving on coffee. He probably should have actually eaten food instead of a bagel, but hey, he wasn't late to work so there was that. "Clint, nice of you to show up and on time!" His boss greeted him as he stepped into the garage after parking nearby the shop. "Well I wouldn't want to be late too often and I do feel bad for missing work before. Just...stuff popped up that I had to take care of." Clint explained.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/3 21:24:35 )
Maddie listened for.movement, and none was heard she slowly got up and went to take a shower. Taking a set of clothes with her. In the shower she thought about everything that had happened inn the last few days and examined the scars along her skin. She took her time in the shower and came out once she was ready, wrapping up in a towel and dried off before getting dressed in the set of pjs she now had. She found herself some cereal and got down a bowl and the milk, then sat down at the table. After she ate, she washed her dishes and put the other things away, before going back to her room and read her book.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/3 22:14:10 )
As Clint suspected, it was a slow day. He kept his mind on the jobs he had but didn't forget about what Maddie had told him. An engine, he had to check an engine before running it. He knew it wouldn't be any of the cars he got, it was one of the cars his co-workers got, but which one? Every time a car was brought in to be seen by one of his co-workers, Clint had to listen in on the conversation. If they didn't say it was the engine, then he could relax a little bit. The moment when the engine was mentioned, he remembered and looked at his co-worker. "Let me check it out when you're done yeah? Just don't run it until I check it." He instructed. His co-worker looked surprised. "Don't trust me?" He asked. Clint chuckled. "No it's not that man, I just want to use that as a chance to learn something new is all." Clint answered honestly.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/3 22:38:26 )
Maddie continued reading the book she had started reading early that morning. Part of her wondered how Clint was doing at work, while another figured he'd be fine. After a while of reading, she set the book aside and went busied herself with trying to organize her things, starting with her stuff in the bathroom.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 05:24:21 )
The co-worker was still a little hesitant but agreed and got to work. Knowing his co-worker was actually going to let him check it made Clint relax a little more. At least now he could prevent the job from going bad. Clint went back to work on the car he was in charge of taking a look at. "Needs an oil change." He told the man who had brought in the car. It was a simple thing, but many people always forgot to do an oil check on their cars until the car started to act funny.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 05:37:55 )
Maddie managed to organize most of her hygiene stuff without taking more than a couple of hours, since apparently she was being OCD about it today. She had probably re-organized it three or four times because something looking out of place, or got moved by her moving something else. When she was finally satisfied, she went into the closet to look over her clothes that were neatly folded up on the shelves. After that she sat back down on her bed and went back to reading. There was nothing left to do until Clint got home, or if she got hungry later.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 06:15:55 )
Clint gave the car a much needed oil change then checked the air in the tires as well. Under the man's request, he checked the engine since the man said the car made strange noises whenever he was driving it. Upon close enough inspection, he noticed the belt looked worn. "Need a new timing belt." Clint motioned the man to get closer. "See how it's really worn? That can cause some friction which could be the noises you're hearing when you're driving it." He told the man. The man asked if they had new ones he could purchase and Clint nodded. "We got some inside. Boss will show you." Clint answered and informed his boss about the situation. The older man nodded and led the customer inside the actual shop to get the belt he needed. During this time, Clint went to check on the engine once his co-worker had finished. "Let's see what we got. Don't run it yet." He told the customer.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 18:53:26 )
Maddie just kept reading. This book was about a girl who had a 'imaginary' friend, though she had picked up that he was indeed a ghost. This girl wasn't like other girls, and she was sent off to a magic school. She wanted to help her friend regain his human form, if it was even possible, but first she had to get over her fear of her suppressed powers and learn to master them. It was quite interesting. Well, she tried to keep reading. She felt her eyelids growing heavy and soon drifted off to a light sleep, the book resting in her lap.

She didn't wake for a few hours and when she did wake, it was from a nightmare. The nightmare as before. Maddie was quite panicked and quickly started thinking of what Clint told her to do to calm down. Slow breaths. She needed something to think about to distract herself.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 19:41:39 )
The customer seemed confused but only nodded and waited for Clint to finish checking the engine thoroughly. "So what was wrong with it exactly and what did you do?" He asked his co-worker. His co-worker then went into detail about what the problem was and what he had done in order to fix it. Clint nodded and went ahead and checked every part of the engine, cleaning out any grime he could find. By the time he had finished, he asked the customer to run it and when it did, it was purring smoothly. "Good, you did good." He told his co-worker then looked up when the boss whistled. "Oh, good the band. Yeah I'll replace it now!" He assured then looked at his co-worker. "Hey, don't get mad at me for being thorough." He muttered then went back to the car he had been fixing and started to replace the worn band.

During his lunch break he had to go buy something but at least he ate. He got back to work and for most of the day he was just cleaning the garage and rearranging the tools. At the end of the work day, he made his way to his car, hopped in and wondered how Maddie had been holding up while he was gone.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 20:16:58 )
Maddie had curled up under the blankets of her bed and was attempting to calm down from her nightmare. She had to keep it together or he'd worry about her.. She didn't want to worry him. If he came home and she was like this, maybe he'd be more reluctant to leaving her alone again. Calming down was always the hardest though. Calming down and keeping sane. She held her eyes closed to push out the illuson her mind was giving her, and simply focused on steading her breathing and tried thinking about Clint to distract herself. Nevermind that she hadn't eaten again since this morning, she'd eat after her episode was over.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 21:06:16 )
Clint drove all the way home, traffic was pretty good. Sure a lot of people were getting home but it wasn't super congested like it was on festive days. Sometimes he hated driving because of that. When he arrived home, Clint stepped out, locked the doors and armed the alarm then walked to his front door. He inserted the key and unlocked the front door and stepped inside. "I'm home." He called after closing the door behind him and locking it again. He didn't hear anything, maybe Maddie was sleeping? "Hmm...should probably check.." He whispered to himself and quietly made his way over to her room. "Mads?" He said softly, lightly knocking on her door.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 21:39:43 )
Maddie shifted under the blankets when she faintly heard the knob of the front door turn, but remained there a while longer. Finally having calmed down, when she heard a knock at her door, she peeked from under her blankets to look at him. "Welcome home." She greeted quietly. Maddie slowly pushed the blankets off of herself and sat up on the bed. "How was work?" She asked curiously. He looked alright.. So, she had to assume she kept an accident from happening, the thought brought her some relief.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 23:49:51 )
Clint raised a curious brow, "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" He asked and leaned against the door frame. "Work was slow, just as we though and I made sure to check that engine like you told me to. I got a few looks but nothing bad happened so that was good. It was a good day. Fixed some engines, changed some oil, you know...boring stuff." He said and laughed softly. "How'd you hold up while I was gone? Anyone show up or call or anything like that?" He asked her.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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