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Forums Role Playing OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 16:19:48 )
Here we go! ^~^

Alice K. Winters
Age: 16
Bio: Alice was in the same 'class' as Tamaki Sou, her best childhood friend. As far as her bloodline and where she came from anyway, not in school. She was rich and the same age as the king of the host club. The two were torn apart at a young age when Alice's mother thought it would be nice to move back to Japan, all of a sudden. She lived there for years until her mother and she moved back to France, and ended up back and forth between the two. They were back in Japan, so she started going to Ouran Academy. The twins were dear friends as well, only Hikaru knew of her illness though. The fact that she has chronic arrhythmias. He never even breathed a word to his beloved brother, Kaoru. Seven years have passed since the last time she saw her beloved friends, and her illness has only gotten worse.

Also playing -
Tamaki, Takashi (Mori), and Kyoya

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 17:52:44 )
Mia Warren
Age: 16
Bio: Mia is pretty rich; but she wouldn't say she's the richest kid in the Academy. In all fairness, she isn't even sure why she's attending this school. Her parents enrolled her in it, telling her it was the most prestigious school and that she'll make all sorts of friends in there. So far, not exactly. On the bright side, she has no enemies. She seems to get along with all who she meets but she isn't so sure she can call any of them friends. Mia is originally from England, but she moved to when she was just 13. When she first arrived here, it was a lot to take in. It was all so different from what she was used to but the people here weren't as loud as they were back home. It was a nice change. Being the only child gets really lonely, so for that she is happy to be attending the academy because she actually has other people who she can talk to.

Also playing
Hikaru and Kaoru, Honey, and Haruhi

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 18:30:58 )
Seven years had passed since the last time she stepped foot inside Japan.. Alice wore her short nearly sun-bleached blonde hair down casually, it stopping a few inches above her shoulders. She already had the school uniform and was now standing at the entrance of the large high school. Ouran High School. Today would be her first day, and she luckily already had her schedule and the supplies she would need for her classes. Her pale lavender eyes studied the map of the school for a moment longer before.making her way towards the building and then would proceed to her first class. She was nervous, and worried that her heart would act up if she became too excited or anxious. Alice had to keep calm.

Most of the other students were in their classrooms, since it wasn't exactly first thing in the morning. Actually, it was about half way in the day. So, she'd only getting half of her first class. When she arrived, she bowed to the teacher and quickly took a seat behind a guy named Haruhi. She'd be sharing a class with the twins, but hadn't taken notice.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 19:44:47 )
Today was the day, finally time to return to the school that felt like a home away from home. What would she learn this time? Who would she meet? Would she actually sit down and talk to someone this time or would she be left to her own devices? Adjusting the red glasses on her face, she headed off to her class. Her light blue eyes looked at her schedule to make sure she was going the right direction. Her short brown curly hair was up in two messy buns. Bag slung on her shoulder and Schedule in her hand, Mia had arrived a little early but there were still people who had beat her to her classroom so she had to sit near the back. She politely bowed at her teacher then made her way to an empty desk and sat down. The first day of school was always nerve wrecking, but she kept a positive mindset.

Haruhi was busy taking class notes to notice the girl walk inside but she heard her take a seat right behind her. However, Hikaru and Kaoru noticed and Hikaru grinned. It was their old friend Alice. What a nice surprise. Right away, Hikaru tried to think of a way to welcome back their friend. But how? He knew his brother would agree with anything he came up with. Maybe they could scare her somehow. So many choices, so little time. He felt a jab at his side and looked at his brother who pointed at his work, telling Hikaru to get back to work. Whatever Hikaru was planning, Kaoru knew it could wait until after class.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 20:14:16 )
((say, want her to be in the same class as takashi?))

Alice did her best to concentrate on the remainder of the lesson, but she was still a bit tired from her trip. Her and her mother had arrived late last night, and the plane ride was quite tiresome. She figured coming to school was better than staying at home all alone though, since her mother went to work that afternoon. Concentrating was difficult, and she began to doodle on her notebook when she wasn't taking notes. Being a freshman, she sorta excepted some pranks to be pulled, but this was high school.. So who knew?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 21:32:32 )
((Omg yes please.))

Mia tapped the end of her pencil on her chin while reading over the notes she had taken. She looked back up to the front of the class hearing the teacher going over the work that they would be doing today. It looked fairly simple but she knew better than to get comfortable so soon. It was only the first day and everyone knew that the first day was always the easiest. It was only going to get harder from here on out. Being new here, she expected to be ignored and that was okay, eventually she wouldn't be right? If movies taught her anything it was that new kids made friends the quickest with other new kids. Looking around, she wondered how many new kids were in this class alone. No distractions Mia. Stay focused on the lecture.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 21:52:51 )
Takashi was easily following the lecture, taking his notes and occasionally glancing at his younger cousin. Just to make sure he was saying attention. He wasn't very big on addressing new students, but he did notice Mia come in. How could he not? Was she a foreign student? No matter how curious he was, he'd never show it. School work was more important.


Alice on the other hand wasn't following the lesson of her class very well. The teaching method was different from what she grew up with, which was to expected, but she hasn't thought it would be so confusing!

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 22:09:11 )
Honey wasn't as attentive as his older cousin Takashi was. While Takashi focused on the lesson, Honey thought about lunch and what sort of cake he would eat in that time. Maybe strawberry cake with extra strawberries and frosting and a bigger slice too! Just thinking about it made his mouth water. He did however, notice Takashi glance in the direction of the new girl. Honey looked at her for a moment before looking at his cousin who was focused on the lesson once more. He wondered who this girl was and hoped she wouldn't steal his sweets.

Mia was unaware that she had even been noticed, her hand scribbled away at her paper. Taking detailed notes as neatly as possible. The customs here were much different than what she was used to, so it was going to take some time to get accustomed to them.


Hikaru took notes while thinking about a good prank for his old friend. A fake spider? No...anyone would be able to see it was fake. Okay, well what about a trick disguised as a treat? Hmm, yes that could possibly work. Glancing at his brother, he was sure that Kaoru would agree to this. And he was sure his brother had just what they needed to pull this off. It would have to wait until after class, no need to get in trouble on the first day. Haruhi followed along easily with the lesson, making sure to take accurate notes and occasionally glancing over at the twins to make sure they weren't plotting.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 22:39:37 )
((aren't they always plotting something or another? xD))

Takashi sighed some when he noticed that Mitsukuni wasn't paying much attention, like usual. His cousin often thought of cake and sweets, even on the first day back it seems. Part of him wondered they would be doing after school, for their club activities.


Alice forced herself to focus. She did glance at the clock a few times, but she mostly kept her eyes on the teacher as he gave his lesson.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 23:40:05 )
((Those dang twins are always plotting. Hahaha))

The day went by slowly, but eventually it was time for lunch. Mia gathered her things quietly and made her way towards the lunch area. She would certainly sit on her own and enjoy her lunch in silence, probably go over her class notes to refresh her memory on the homework she had to do.


It was lunch time and the twins were devising their plan. They would give the can to Haruhi and instruct Haruhi to give the can to Alice saying that they couldn't open it. Hopefully Alice would fall for it, open the can and BAM, snakes everywhere. "Are you sure Alice will fall for it?" Haruhi asked. Hikaru nodded. "This trick is fool proof but you have to make sure you don't give anything away alright? Keep a poker face on." he explained, handing Haruhi the can of peanut brittle. "Think you can do it Haruhi?" Kaoru asked. Haruhi nodded, "It's easy enough. I feel bad for Alice though but I'm only doing this because we're friends." She muttered.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/2 23:49:57 )
When the bell rang for lunch, Takashi gathered his things and followed after his younger cousin, who wasted no time in running off with his things. Granted, Takashi caught up to him with no effort and walked with him to the cafeteria.


Alice gathered her things and followed the other students out after the bell rang. She hadn't even noticed that she was sharing a class with the devious duo. She did wonder though, if she'd see them or Tamaki , or if they even remembered her. Seven years was a long time to not see someone..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/3 20:57:37 )
"Takashiiii!" Honey whined, looking up over his shoulder at his older cousin. "I don't feel like walking the rest of the way, carry me." He suggested with a playful grin on his face. "Oh, do you think there will be sweets? I hope so. I want cake with strawberries and I want teat...but mostly cakes. A lot of cakes because Usa-chan wants cake too." Honey informed with a firm nod as if that reason alone was reason enough for him to have all the sweets in the school.

Mia made it to the cafeteria. Already, people had broken off into groups and sat together talking about who knew what. It was hard to find an empty table but when she found one, she took a seat after much hesitation and took out her lunch: A simple sandwich and some fruit. Taking out her notebook, Mia took this time to read over her notes silently to herself.


The twins quickly hid away, but watched Haruhi who looked uncertain about this whole thing. She glanced at them and scowled then kept her eyes open for Alice. It shouldn't be too hard to spot her right? It was lunch time, so chances were that she'd be passing by this hall on her way to the cafeteria. Ah! There she is! Haruhi noted mentally, seeing the target approaching. She decided now was her only chance, so she meekly walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. "Umm...e-excuse me. I was wondering if you c-could open this for me? I tried but it's on pretty tight." She explained, holding out the can of peanut brittle, hoping that this would actually work.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/3 22:20:57 )
Takashi glanced at his younger cousin with a light smirk and easily lifted the small boy on to shoulders, as he listened to him ramble about cakes and tea. He offered Mitsukuni a small nod and a quiet grunt, knowing He would find a cake if they had it. He himself for whatever it was he normally got, and got a cake and tea for his cousin before picking somewhere random to sit and set their food down on the table. He picked up Mituskuni once more and put him down on the chair. She


Alice followed the other students until she felt a tap on her shoulder from behind. She blinked and turned around, quickly noticing her classmate. He needed help..opening a can of peanut brittle? She rose a suspicious eyebrow for a moment before nodding lightly and carefully taking the offered can. She slowly began to open the can. Once it was open, and the trick waiting inside popped out, she just about spazzed.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/3 22:40:23 )
Honey let out a playful laugh as he was now perched up on Takashi's shoulders. He could see the entire cafeteria from here! Okay, maybe he was exaggerating, but his cousin was very tall! He watched as the other students moved out of the way and would look up at him as Takashi walked past them. "Hello everyone!" He said in his cheerful tone that was so normal for him. It was pretty rare to see him upset but usually when he was, his cousin was the only one who could help calm him down. If he couldn't, then it was up to the other members of the club to try their hand at it. "Thank-you Takashi!" Honey happily sat down on the chair he was placed on and stared at the cake set down before him in awe, it looked delicious!


Haruhi could only give Alice an apologetic smile after the can was opened and the snakes sprung out to surprise her. Laughter was heard as each twin came out of their hiding spots and rested an elbow on Haruhi's shoulders. One on each side of her. "Well done Haruhi! We knew you could do it!" Kaoru said. "I was a little worried you wouldn't be able to pull it off, but you did! Good job!" Hikaru chimed in. All three of them looked at Alice before Haruhi began to gather the snakes and put them back in the can, quickly closing it tightly. "Welcome back Alice! It's so good to see you again!" Kaoru greeted her, resting his elbow on her shoulder now while Hikaru did the same on the other side. "Are you okay? Did we get you too bad?" Hikaru asked.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/3 23:04:33 )
Takashi nodded to his cousin as he began to eat his own lunch. He seemed happy, which was enough for him. He glanced over across the table and noticed the his classmate. Mia..right? He likes to aware of his classmates in case they came by the club after classes.


Alice took a moment to calm.down before laughter reached her ears. One she remembered all too well. There stood the devilish duo, smiling at her like devious grade schoolers with their elbows resting on the shoulders of her classmate. "Hikaru.. Kaoru.." She murmured quietly as the two rested their elbows on her own shoulders. Alice smiled and shook her head before raising her arms to hug the twins. "I'm back. I missed you both so very, very much." She said to them.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 04:57:23 )
Mia took a bite of her sandwich and turned her notebook page, her light blue eyes reading the neat little writing on the lined pages. She could have done her homework right now, get some of it out of the way but it was too late now. She thought so anyway. Mia's problem was that she liked to overthink everything. She was stubborn. If she didn't think of something right away, then she wouldn't change her plans halfway through what she was doing.

Honey enjoyed his cake, it was gone in the blink of an eye. His large brown eyes looked around, where were the others? Looking at his cousin, he caught him glancing in the direction of the stranger. The girl from before. "Takashi, you really like looking at her. Maybe you should offer her cake. But not mine because I finished it and now I want more but I don't think there's any more for me to eat." A small pout appeared on the smaller boy's face and he sipped at his tea. " you think we will see her again after school?" He asked, looking up at his cousin.


Both twins hugged her back, "Hmm, seems we didn't scare her too bad." Kaoru noted, looking at his dear brother. "It would seem that way but we still got her which is what matters." He answered and looked at Alice. "Is it permanent? Or will you be leaving us again? It's really lonely when you leave you know. Haruhi is no fun." Hikaru whined. "H-hey! That's not true." Haruhi said. "Oh...I think it is Haruhi." Kaoru said and chuckled. "You're plenty fun though, don't feel sad." He added. Haruhi rolled her eyes, "Come on you three, let's get some lunch." She suggested. "Oh! Alice you can sit with us!" Kaoru said happily. His brother nodded, "Yes you have to sit with us Alice!"

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 05:29:28 )
Takashi glanced down at his cousin when he spoke, and focused on his food. "She's new." He murmured quietly, taking a bite from his lunch. He glanced at his cousin when he spoke again, and shrugged lightly. "Maybe." Takashi mused. The others never really are in the cafeteria, and to be frank, he wasn't even sure if the twins or Haruhi would be eating in the cafeteria.


Alice giggled some at their responses, then frowned a little and shook her head. "Mom got a job transfer, that's the only reason I got to come back. I don't know how long it'll last though." She admitted quietly, lowering her gaze. Alice nodded to the idea of sitting together at lunch and shared a 'fake' smile with the tree of them. "Yes, let's go get lunch and sit together." She agreed, allowing them to show her the way.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 06:15:48 )
Honey didn't look too convinced but he dropped the subject. He was more interested in his other friends and finding out where they were. Perhaps they weren't hungry and were probably hanging out elsewhere without them. How rude. At least his cousin seemed to be enjoying his lunch. Honey looked at his now empty plate and empty teacup with a frown. It was good while it lasted but at least he had the club to look forward to. He could eat all the sweets he wanted there!


"Well at least you're here. Even if it's just for a week, we'll make it a great week." Hikaru promised. He knew she was sick and every day was a blessing for her, so he wanted her to enjoy her stay here however long or short it might be. Scaring her wasn't very smart but at least she was fine. Haruhi glanced over her shoulder at the three and smiled at them as she led them towards the cafeteria to get lunch. "I wonder where the others are at. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Kyoya or Tamaki or the others so far today. I've been stuck babysitting." She teased, looking back at the twins who stuck their tongues out at her and pulled down on one of their eyes each.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 06:25:23 )
Takashi finished his lunch and got up to throw his trash away. They still had time to stop by the club before class started. He glanced at his cousin. "Mistukuni, we have time." He said, hoping the smaller boy would catch on. She


Alice blinked, and glanced at Hikaru briefly before looking over at Haruhi as they headed down to the cafeteria. Tamaki was here as well? Just the thought of it seemed to make her cheeks turn rosie. She was attending the same school as all three of her childhood friends. Her mom always favored Tamaki over the twins, and it kind of complicated her situation a little, but she'd manage. They were all important to her. She giggled Haruhi's tease, and the way the twins reacted. "I guess something's never change." Alice murmured.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/4 06:35:13 )
Seeing his cousin get up, the smaller boy quickly stood up and gathered his trash as well. They had time? For a moment, Honey's eyes looked at the other in confusion. "Time?" He repeated, then they widened as realization hit him. "Oh! Good! Maybe we could meet the others a-and maybe I could get more sweets before class starts." He said quietly to himself, holding Usa-chan close. "Let's go!" Honey cheered.

Mia glanced up hearing noise and noticed a tall male with black hair and a smaller boy with blonde hair. She wasn't sure who they were, she hadn't seen them before but the smaller one seemed excited about something. What? She didn't know but it was none of her business so she focused on just finishing her lunch and getting ready for the next class.


"The others must be at the club. Where else would they be?" Kaoru commented with a shrug. This was true, they always liked to hang out there even when it wasn't club hours. Haruhi thought about this. "Well...we can grab our lunch and go over there to check if they are there. I'm hungry though so I really want some lunch and I'm sure Alice here would like some lunch as well. After the scare you both gave her, at least give her a chance to eat." she instructed with a smile. Hikaru and Kaoru shared a look, "We were going to let her eat you know Haruhi." Kaoru began, "Yeah, we're not that cruel. But we can always eat on the way to the club. Alright it's settled then!" Hikaru said with a nod of his head.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

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