Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses
Allen carefully began to cut up his pancakes up separately. It was easier than trying to cut up the whole stack, in his opinion anyway. Then he happily took a bite, not even surprised at how well they came out. She always seemed to know what she was doing whenever she cooked. He listened to her words with a small smile, and nodded at her teasing, taking another bite of his sliced pancakes. "True, true. After breakfast we'll get dressed." He said, before taking a sip from his tea. He did end up burning his tongue a little, in forgetting how hot the beverage was, but it wouldn't hurt long so he wasn't phased by it. He also needed to think about when the last time he hunted was. Maybe it was time again..but he couldn't really tell. He hadn't been craving recently. Nor had his eyes really been bothering him. He did take his remedy that night though, so he'd be alright for a day or so. The last of it actually. Until he found more of his herbs, or the ones they had finished growing, he was out of luck.
Kaneko smiled. Cold weather was always her favorite because the clothing was just really comfortable and pretty looking. She already had an outfit in mind. Nothing fancy. Well...she did have fancy clothing still but most of her clothes were clothes anyone could afford to buy. The pancakes were really good! It was funny, she never really was taught how to cook growing up. Her mother wasn't around after a few years and her father never cared enough to teach her. Everything she knew was self taught so yes, a lot of food was burned or just tasted really gross when she was starting out. But what mattered was that she kept trying. At least her father never made a fuss about her food. Maybe he knew that she was trying. "Is the food okay?" She asked Allen before taking another bite of her pancakes and drowning them back with a bit of tea after blowing on it first. It felt so warm going down.
Allen mostly ate quietly, not having much else to say. He was thinking about whatever the hell was bothering him, and trying figure out why he was bothered in the first place. Maybe while they were out, he could find an answer? He glanced in her direction when she spoke, and offered her a warm smile. "Delightful, lady Kaneko." He answered honestly. He really was enjoying the pancakes, and his tea. Though, he was. mostly saving his tea for after he finished eating.
Kaneko felt herself relax at Allen's answer. She finished her tea before pouring herself some more and set the kettle down carefully. "I'm happy to hear that." She replied softly. Sometimes she did worry that she'd somehow forget something and mess up her cooking despite trying so hard not to. Continuing to eat, she was satisfied when she was done. Kaneko took this time to just sit and enjoy her fresh cup of tea. Chamomile was really good and it also helped her relax whenever she felt a little on the edge. The sounds of the crackling fire could be heard which only relaxed her further. If she were sleepy, she was sure that she'd fall to sleep right where she sat. Part of her was curious to know why today of all days did Allen want to step outside, but she hoped it wasn't anything bad.
Allen are the remainder of his cinnamon pancakes and happily enjoyed his warm chamomile tea. Whoever said eating meals with the ones you cared about, wasn't wrong. He actually felt at peace with himself. He did hope that his request didn't sound too weird.. Suddenly asking to go outside. Well, he couldn't stay shelled up in the cabin much longer, he was somewhat an out going kind of person. When he tea was finished, he just say and enjoyed the warm fire for a bit longer.
"I'll wash the dishes then and then I"ll go get dressed properly. I won't be long. Just wait here if you'd like." Carefully, Kaneko gathered the dishes and walked to the kitchen sink where she began to wash up the dishes and set them down on the rack to dry. How cold was it out there exactly? Well, touching the window she felt it was really cold so she decided on being extra careful. Kaneko made her way to their room and grabbed some warm clothes to change into. She got undressed and began to change into her warm clothes. She put on a scarf and warm winter boots over her pants then put on a jacket and brushed out her hair until she thought it looked perfect. Looking in the mirror, she looked a little pale but that's what happened when you stayed out of the sun for so long. Making sure she grabbed what she needed, she walked back out to where Allen waited. "Allen, ready to dress warm?" She asked with a chuckle. "We can get you a nice scarf and a jacket to keep you warm from the harsh cold outside."
Allen nodded to her as she spoke and stayed right there by the fire, kind of like a dog or a cat. Listening to crackle and pop occasionally as the fire are away at the firewood. Firewood! How were they on firewood? Maybe he could chop some.up later if they needed it, otherwise he wouldn't worry about it.
After a short while he heard Kaneko asking him if he was ready to dress warm and he nodded. Allen stood and turned to her. He needed his coat..and a scarf. Where were they again? He didn't really use them, so he'd forget where they were. "I don't remember is.." He. murmured quietly, his cheeks flushing a bit.
After a short while he heard Kaneko asking him if he was ready to dress warm and he nodded. Allen stood and turned to her. He needed his coat..and a scarf. Where were they again? He didn't really use them, so he'd forget where they were. "I don't remember is.." He. murmured quietly, his cheeks flushing a bit.
Kaneko smiled and took his hand. "It's alright. We don't usually wear them so it's understandable that we misplace them. Come, I'm sure they're in the closet." She told him, gently leading him to their room and sitting him on the bed. "I'm sure they're in here somewhere." She said, opening the closet and looking inside. "Hmm..." her eyes scanned the contents inside and she carefully grabbed his scarf. "Here is your scarf." She told him, looping it around his neck properly and snug. Then she went back to look for his coat. After a bit of looking, she found it. She had accidentally scanned over it a few times. Oops. "And here is your coat. Let's put it on you now." Like a caring person she was, Kaneko patiently helped him put it on nicely. "There we go. Looking warmer already. Would you like me to bring a blanket with us in case you might need it later? Or will you be fine like this?" She asked him, clearly wanting to make him happy and comfortable.
Allen easily followed her through the wooden cabin, and back into their bedroom all while listening to her words and smiling. He really did love this woman. She was kind, patient, and even protective of him a couple of time. Not to mention her sweet scent, it always put his mind to ease. He began to zone out partially as Kaneko searched for his coat and scarf. It was like, distant memories were trying to surface. He didn't understand. Had someone else, before Kaneko, help dress him.before going outside into the cold. Shaking his head lightly to clear the thoughts from his head, and nodded some to her question. "I should be alright like this, thank you." He said, lightly taking her hand and kissing the top of it. He wasn't embarrassed to do so anymore, in the occasion he was affectionate. She already knew how he felt, well he hoped any way. Having said and tried showing it.
Any sort of affection received from Allen was cherished by Kaneko. She loved him. There were many times where she would ask herself if she truly did or if she just thought she did. But she knew she did. They had been through so much together. She woudln't have run away to this cabin with him if she didn't love him. Course, she couldn't remember ever telling him how she felt. Kaneko smiled when he kissed the top of her hand, She had to tell him how she felt, but right now they would go outside first, maybe when they returned. "Alright then." She said and kissed his forehead. Making sure he looked nice she smiled at him, a shame he'd never see it. "Ready to go?" Kaneko asked, gently squeezing his hand. She would always be with him no matter what happened.
He still blushed when she kissed his forehead, but only cause it sent warmth through him. He always felt warm afterwards. Allen nodded to her words and smiled. "As ready as I can be." He answered casually, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Both excited, and nervous about being out somewhere new. He knew there was a lake somewhere nearby, making they could go there? Even if it was frozen, he was sure Kaneko would've like the sight. "Let's find the lake that's nearby." He suggested, not really knowing what else they could see around here, without going too terribly far from the cabin.
The lake he mentioned was pretty close by the cabin but it was still a bit of walking away. Not too far that they'd get lost though and she always had wanted to see it. "Sounds lovely." She answered, carefully leading him out of the room and out of the cabin. "Do you think that it will be frozen?" She asked him, locking the door behind them. Outside, it was pretty cold so she was glad that they had worn their scarves out today. It was a nice day though, the sun was out and peeking at them from behind a few clouds. The sky looked white, not blue but that was probably just from how bright the sun was or because of the snow around them in the woods. "Hopefully we don't run into any animals." She said quietly, walking with him off the front porch and out into the woods.
Allen easily followed her as she began to lead him out of the cabin. He shrugged lightly when she asked about the lake being frozen. "It's possible, but I don't really know how cold it has to be to freeze a lake." He answered, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand, then put that hand inside the comfort of the jacket pocket. It was chilly, but not too terribly cold. So long as they weren't out all day, they should be fine. He began to follow her once more as she led him away from the cabin, and they headed for the lake. Animals? He chuckled quietly. "Even if we do, I'm sure they'll just scurry off." He said, tying to make her feel better. It was doubtful that they'd run into anything dangerous this early in the morning. "Kaneko.. What do you see?" He asked curiously, raising his head some.
Right, it took a certain temperature to freeze water over. How could she have forgotten? Well, hopefully it wasn't frozen but if it was, it would be neat to see still. She wouldn't want to walk on it though, that was far too risky. Ice was fragile after all. "I hope so. I wouldn't want them to think we want any trouble." Kaneko said, looking at the vast spread of trees surrounding them. What did she see? Nothing, just a bunch of trees. "Well I don't see any wild animals, so that's good." She said with a smile. "I don't really see anything, just huge trees that seem to never end." She said, looking up at the tall trees. "Come, I believe that the lake is over this way." There was no clear sign to follow but she knew that they'd reach it eventually. Kaneko did hear birds though. They sounded happy, and she could hear the chirping of baby birds as well. Birds chirping was one of the nicest sounds to wake up to in the morning. Very fairy-tale like.
Allen nodded lightly to her words. At least she had calmed down a bit, she didn't seem as nervous now. He did pout a little she said she didn't really see anything but never-ending trees. What kind of trees? Were there flowers? What did the sky look like here? Was there any snow? These were the answers he was seeking, but he didn't push. At least he knew there were a lot of trees around. "Trees.. A sea of trees, huh?" Allen spoke casually. He lifted his head a bit at the sounds of the birds chirping and leaves rustling in the slight breeze. Not enough to feel it though. At the mention of the lake, he nodded and easily followed her.
"All the trees. They look like uhh...pine trees? They remind me of the Christmas trees people buy except that these don't have any lights or ornaments on them. Ooooh if they did it would be soooo pretty! Gah! I'm sorry, I just really love Christmas, it's such a nice time of year. We can have hot cocoa and sit by the fire and I can read you stories or we can just talk and stuff oh! And then I can bake cookies!" Kaneko squealed and practically bounced in joy. "Okay, I'll calm down." She said, chuckling. How embarrassing. "It's pretty cloudy out. Maybe it will snow sometime soon...or sometime this week. If that's the case, our garden will need extra care." She said thoughtfully. There were a few fallen leaves here and there, some little weeds as well. It was chilly out, but she wasn't freezing as of yet. "Oh!" Kaneko gasped seeing a grey squirrel on one of the tree branches. "A grey squirrel." She whispered to Allen.
Allen tilted his head some when she spoke. Pine trees? No wonder they had a noticeable scent. He lowered his head some when she started rambling about Christmas Trees and then mentioned loving Christmas. What was Christmas? He shook his head and smirked lightly. "No need, it's fine." He said quietly . Allen couldn't remember ever celebrating such an day.. Vampires didn't have the right to hold Christmas, his master told him once. Allen was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Kaneko gasp, and then mention a squirrel. His eyebrows furrowed together some. Blood? He'd know that scent anywhere. "I think it's injured.. Keep your eyes out for another animal, or someone." He spoke calmly, trying to see if there was anyone or anything close enough for him to smell from here. Weren't these woods protected from hunters though?
Injured? It was too far to tell if it was or wasn't but maybe he was right since it wasn't climbing the tree as they continued to walk. "O-okay then." Now she was scared because something or someone had hurt the poor thing. There was a snap of a branch and Kaneko jumped, that sounded close, but where? She didn't see any movement around her. Her hand gently squeezed Allen's hand to make sure he was still there. "You heard that right?" She asked Allen quietly. "My, my... Miss Boa, you sure know how to hide even if just for a while. A whole year to be exact. Never once did you visit your father. Didn't defend him. He called, didn't you get his calls? I went to your house and imagine my surprise when I see you're no longer there." A male's voice started. Kaneko's eyes widened when she heard him and she stopped in her tracks. "You had me running around for all this time, it was very difficult tracking you down. But you can't hide forever Miss." He said with a chuckle.
Allen tilted his head, having caught an all too familiar scent. Then he noticed Kaneko's change in behavior. She was scared, and not just because of the squirrel. He tensed when he branch break and instinctively pulled Kaneko behind him to show his protection. The mande voice didn't sound familiar, and at least they were far enough away from the cabin where this man couldn't figure out where they actually lived. "You smell like that man.. If you're here for her, you'll have to go through me first." He said to the man quite seriously. He promised her they would be safe.. And her damned father sent someone to track her! So much for living in peace. He should have known better than to make that promise!
"Oh but of course, couldn't forget about your little friend. Don't worry bloodsucker, you should have been dead long time ago. You should be grateful that you've been able to stick around for as long as you did. And I get it, you wanted a friend, so you managed to lure in the miss, but for how long before you turn on her and make her your next meal?" The man asked, stepping out from the woods so that he could see them and they could see him. The man had black wavy shoulder length hair and held a gun in one hand. Kaneko's eyes widened when she saw the weapon. "Don't you d-dare hurt him!" She warned the man. The man laughed, "Miss Boa, you should be back home where you belong. Where you'll be safe. Where this monster won't ever hurt you. We're just doing our job miss, you need to understand that." He told her then aimed the gun at Allen's head. "Please, going through you will be easy." The man told Allen, smirking as he got the gun ready and put his finger on the trigger, ready to pull. Kaneko couldn't let this guy hurt Allen, but if she stepped in front of Allen, he'd get upset with her wouldn't he? She didn't want him getting hurt again though, they ran to be safe and yet it seemed that they had been tracked down somehow.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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