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Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 02:25:43 )
Maddie blinked and shook her head. "N-no.. I took a nap but I've been up for a little bit. Just didn't wanna get up." She said sheepishly. Maddie smirked some when he spoke, and nodded. "I'm glad. I was a little worried .." She murmured quietly, admitting her worries to him. Of course she was worried! Even if only a bit.. Maddie glanced at him when he asked about how she held here. "I organized my stuff and started reading one of the books you lent me, then fell a sleep.. So, pretty good I guess." She told him honestly, only leaving out the rude awakening.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 02:42:28 )
Maddie was worried about him? That was surprising but it made him happy that she worried and he could feel his cheeks flush at this bit of information. "Aww, you worried about me? How sweet. Don't worry though, I promise to be careful but I do thank-you for letting me know about that engine. If it weren't for you, that engine would have blown and well...that wouldn't look good for business. That, and someone could have maybe gotten hurt and we don't want that. So...thanks Mads. Really." He said sheepishly before looking down at his filthy self. "I should probably go clean up. I can heat up the left over pasta for you afterwards. You didn't mention eating, I'm going to guess that you're probably hungry?"

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 03:05:16 )
Maddie blinked a few times when his attitude seemed to change a little, which caused her own cheeks to darken a bit, even without the teasing. His cute side was showing again.. "It was nothing.. I wouldn't mind doing it again for you. You actually listen to my 'readings'.." She murmured softly, lowering her gaze. Maddie nodded lightly when he mentioned cleaning up and heading up the pasta for her. He was right, she hadn't mentioned eating. Hold up. She looked at him. "You're going to eat, right? You just got off work.. I'd feel bad if you didn't eat something.." She murmured shyly, feeling her cheeks heating up.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 03:16:33 )
"Of course I listened. Readings are serious business. Every time I go get a reading, I listen to what they tell me. If they tell me for example 'The month of June is going to be a bad month for you.' I take it very seriously. So if bad things happen in June, I don't get upset because I know that's what they told me. So yeah, whenever you want I'm all ears Mads. No problem." He told her honestly. He was a true believer, not a skeptic like most people were. His boss for one, didn't believe in that stuff and said it was the devil's work, so Clint stopped mentioning it to him. Clint smiled at her, "Now you worry about me eating too? How adorable. Yeah, I'll make myself a little something after my shower Mads. No worries. I'd hug you but I smell like oil, gasoline and just..gross so yeah, I'm going to go clean up now but I'll be out in a few." He told her and made his way to his room to pick out a clean change of clothes, then left to the bathroom to shower.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 03:37:53 )
Maddie felt pretty good after hearing him speak about taking readings very serious. Yeah.. He was always like that, wasn't he? She started thinking about their younger days without meaning to, and blinked when he teased her again. "S-someone has to.. If it was just you, you might take a shower and go right to bed." She mused childishly, blushing afterwards. Truly though, she didn't really.know if he would or not. It did kind of sound like.him though.. Didn't it? She laid down on the bed once he left and covered her face with her hands. Dummy! What was she thinking? They weren't kids anymore.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 03:55:33 )
Clint enjoyed his shower. It was true what Maddie had said, he'd probably not eat right now. Maybe wait until dinner time and then get some sleep or skip it all and just get some sleep. It was back to work tomorrow too, hopefully another slow day. After he finished his shower, he shut the water off, stepped out, dried off, and got dressed in pajama pants and a simple tank. He dried his hair and fixed it a bit with his hands so it wouldn't look so messed up. Taking his dirty laundry, he tossed it in the laundry basket then left to the kitchen so he could heat up Maddie's lunch. For himself, he made himself a nice beef wrap with corn, beans, lettuce, tomato, onion and very little avocado. It was simple and quick to make but it would hold him over until dinner time. Clint put Maddie's lunch in a plate and heated it up nicely until it was steaming. "Food's ready mads." He called her, pouring himself a glass of water. "Water is fine?" He asked her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 04:03:50 )
Maddie found herself sitting up and picking up the book once more. She'd read more.if the book for the time being. She only managed to read about two chapters before she heard Clint's voice, and began smelling the food he had heated. Mostly the leftovers from.last night. She really likes shrimp, as long as it was cooked right. "Coming!" She called to him, setting the book down on the side of the bed and got. up. She headed for the kitchen and sat down at the table, and nodded to his question. "Water's fine." She said casually, happily taking a bit from her plate of.leftovers.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 04:24:46 )
Clint poured her a glass of water as well then set it down on the table for her. Sitting down he took a bite of his food, just glad to be home and relax. Even on slow days, he was tired coming back from work. Even when it looked like he hadn't really done much, it was still a lot of work to fix a car. You're working with tools pretty much all day. You get home and you just want to rest, but sometimes you can't even do that. "The books, are you enjoying them so far?" He asked Maddie, trying to make some conversation now that he had the chance to do so.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 04:46:49 )
Maddie nodded when he spoke, and grinned. "I'm half way through with one of the books you lent me. The Valley of the Wolves." She said happily, slowly eating her pasta. "I kind of got an early start." She murmured sheepishly, poking at her food a little. Weird.. She hasn't eaten since that morning, but she wasn't really hungry.. Even with slowly eating. She'd eat anyway though, just cause she knew she needed to.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 05:31:47 )
Clint smiled and nodded, "That's a good book. I thought you'd like it." He told her, sipping his water. "Already half way through huh? So you're a quick reader. Lucky you. I take forever to finish a book. I guess it's because I never really have time to just read?" He said and shrugged his shoulders. Whenever he had days off, he usually just slept in or his co-workers would invite him out which usually lasted until very late. It was fine though, he wasn't complaining. "Do you remember what was the first book you ever read?" He asked.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 06:12:19 )
Maddie nodded lightly and took a small bite from her pasta. Yeah, it was a pretty good book. She was enjoying it. Maddie took a moment to think. First book she ever read.. Could she remember? Her first book was back when her mother was still alive. "The first book I ever read was The Velveteen Rabbit. My mother had brought it home for me as a birthday present." She told him casually. "What about you? " She asked curiously.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 06:24:46 )
Clint enjoyed having this little conversation with her over something so small like books. No other person would be okay talking about books over a meal. He smiled at her response. "The name rings a bell, but I don't think I've ever read it. I've heard of it though." He said. Now it was his turn. It was hard to remember so far back. "The first book I ever read by myself was...hmm..." He had to stop and think about it for a moment. "It was Corduroy. I still have it...somewhere. I don't know where but I have it and sometimes I still like to read it. Silly, I know but it's just..." He shrugged. "I don't know. Brings back memories I guess. My father bought it for me once when we were at a book store." Clint answered softly.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 08:06:29 )
She shrugged lightly. "It's really old, so not many people have." Maddie blinked. Corduroy? A book about a ready bear and a girl searching for friendship. She read that one as well, with her mother. An innocent smile formed in her lips, and she shook her head. "It's not silly.. Wanting to hold onto innocent memories isn't silly.. I wish I still my first book to read, to remember those days." She said to him, bringing her hands to cover her face. Great, now she was crying. He'd probably feel like crap.. One little comment had hit a tender subject for her without her even realizing it. "The only thing I've gotten to hold on to were my memories.. I've never had anything else." She murmured quietly, sniffling some.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/5 23:40:27 )
Oh no, Maddie was crying. Way to go Clint, you made her cry. Now you need to cheer her up without making her uncomfortable. "Mads...mads I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." He said, freaking out a bit since he wasn't sure how to cheer her up. "W-we can get you the book Maddie! We'll go to the bookstore and buy it. I'll look online and get it for you okay? It's okay, just don't cry. We'll get you the book if it will make you happy." He told her, handing her a napkin to use to wipe her tears away. He couldn't stand seeing anyone cry, especially not her. She had been through enough, she deserved to be happy and here he was making her cry instead.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 00:28:57 )
He felt bad.. She felt worse for making him feel bad. Maddie shook her head when he attempted to make her feel better by offering to buy the book for her. That wasn't the issue here! She wasn't some child.. No wait, he didn't mean it like that.. Why was she even crying? The attempt actually seemed to cheer her up, one way or another and she thankfully took the offered napkin and wiped her tears away. "Dummy.. Just don't going saying that stuff like is silly, or childish. Promise?" She said quietly, lowering her head to hide her blush.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 01:28:27 )
Clint relaxed some when Maddie took the napkin for her tears. "Alright, I promise I won't say anything like that again." He said, holding out his pinky finger to her. "Here, a pinky promise to make it official." He said and smiled. At least she had calmed down a bit. Maybe talking about anything regarding childhood memories was not the best idea. Clint knew he'd have to keep that in mind for the future. "Are you a little better now? You sure you don't want me to get it for you. I will you know and it won't be a problem."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 01:42:40 )
Maddie blinked and stared at his pinkie finger for a moment before smiling and linking their pinkies together. Just like back then. A pinkie promise, was something that couldn't be broken. That's something he told her as children. Did he even remember? Slowly pulling back her hand, she nodded lightly. "I'm fine.. I don't even know why the waterworks turned on like that.. Sorry.. " She murmured sheepishly and finished up her lunch. "Are you off for the day, or do you have to go back? " She asked curiously, not really having knowledge of how his schedule worked.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 03:21:33 )
Clint was glad to hear she was okay. "Maybe talking about books brought back some memories and it's normal for people to get nostalgic and cry like that. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Don't need to apologize. Remember, that pinky promise is unbreakable." He looked back at his wrap and took another bite. He should have put some hot sauce on it. Oh well. He shook his head, "I'm home free for the remainder of the day. If I have to work extra hours, I'll be sure to call the house and let you know. Usually I work these set hours, but sometimes the boss likes to keep us a little longer if it's a busy day." He explained calmly.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 04:06:54 )
Maddie smirked some. He remembered, it seemed. Again with worrying about the past! Jeez, it didn't matter. It was nice, but it didn't matter. She listened to him explain how his work hours usually worked, and that if he did need to work over, he would call her. "Alright, I get it." She blinked when she heard something and slowly got up from the table. It sounded like mewing.. Was there a kitten outside? "Hey, Clint, I think I hear a kitten outside." Maddie said quietly, glancing at him curiously. Did they have cats around here?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/6 05:03:23 )
Clint resumed eating his wrap until he finished it, drowning it down with water. A kitten? At first, he didn't hear anything but if he focused long enough, he heard a faint sound. "I hear it now too." He said, getting up from the table. "Guess we should go look and see. Probably a stray." He said, headed right for the front door. Instead of opening the door though, Clint looked out through the window to see if he saw a kitten somewhere but they were so small so it would be hard to spot them. "I hear it more now, definitely something out there." He said to her, looking back at her for a second then looking at the door. "Well let's see what we find." Opening the door, there it was, a tiny little kitten. Looking around, he saw no other cat nearby. "Hey little dude." Clint knelt down and slowly reached out to lightly pat it's head. It was a dark gray color with some white. It was a cute little thing but he wondered if it was a stray or if it had an owner.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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