Takashi offered the younger boy a small smirk when he seemed to have figured out what he meant by his words. and nodded to him. He easily lifted the his cousin up onto his shoulders and headed for the club. Tamaki always seemed to have something planned for the first day of school, kind of like a welcome party. Even with taking his time, it didn't take long for them to arrive and he set Mitsukuni down before oping the doors to the club.
Tamaki could be seen running about the host club in a fluster, rambling about what they could do for an activity after school. Kyoya was just sitting at the table, only partially listening to his best friend. The dark haired male sighed and looked up from his lunch. "Tamaki, we could just do something to welcome the new students. There's two of them this year, Mia Warren and Alice Winters." He spoke calmly. Tamaki paused and glanced at Kyoya, then a grin spread across his face. "Perfect!" He joined Kyoya at the table and began planning.
Alice blinked. Club? She glanced between in the twins with a confused set of pale lavender eyes. "You two..in a club? How did that happen?" She asked, undoubtedly surprised that the twins had even considered the idea of being in a club. They were so closed off to the world.. Well, some things change while others didn't, she supposed. At least their world was slowly expanding. Alice nodded when she heard her classmate speak, and lowered her eyes. "I didn't get to eat breakfast.. So let's hurry to the cafeteria, and then to this club." She said, agreeing with Hikaru.
Forums Role Playing OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
After throwing his trash away, Honey comfortably sat atop his cousin's shoulders. It was probably strange to see someone as small as him in this prestigious school. He looked like he belonged in grade school but he wasn't picked on and that was probably because he was with Takashi all the time. It wasn't too long before they reached the club's doors. His feet touched the ground once more and the doors were opened there. Sure enough, there were both Tamaki and Kyoya going on about something for the new students. They only had two new students this year? Honey hopped into the club room and hopped all the way to an empty table where he set Usa-chan down on one of the chairs. "Wait here, I'm going to get some sweets." He told the bunny.
Mia had finished her lunch and threw away the trash then sat back down at the table and removed her glasses to clean them. They were a little scratched up from the times they had fallen but she didn't want to wear her new pair yet. She didn't think she needed to since she could still see just fine with the ones she had.
Hearing her surprised tone, the three of them looked at her as they walked towards the cafeteria. "She doesn't know." Kaoru commented. "Yes, looks like she doesn't know." Hikaru agreed. The group hurried off to the cafeteria after she told them she hadn't even eaten breakfast that morning. When they arrived, Haruhi grabbed herself some lunch and motioned for the others to do the same. "The club has always been there but it's not really accepting new members...not that I know of anyway." She explained quietly. "I don't think Alice wants to join, Haruhi." Hikaru answered, grabbing himself some lunch with his brother. "Well you can't be so sure. Either way, we'd have to check with Tamaki and Kyoya to see if there are any openings but I don't think there are." Haruhi replied.
Mia had finished her lunch and threw away the trash then sat back down at the table and removed her glasses to clean them. They were a little scratched up from the times they had fallen but she didn't want to wear her new pair yet. She didn't think she needed to since she could still see just fine with the ones she had.
Hearing her surprised tone, the three of them looked at her as they walked towards the cafeteria. "She doesn't know." Kaoru commented. "Yes, looks like she doesn't know." Hikaru agreed. The group hurried off to the cafeteria after she told them she hadn't even eaten breakfast that morning. When they arrived, Haruhi grabbed herself some lunch and motioned for the others to do the same. "The club has always been there but it's not really accepting new members...not that I know of anyway." She explained quietly. "I don't think Alice wants to join, Haruhi." Hikaru answered, grabbing himself some lunch with his brother. "Well you can't be so sure. Either way, we'd have to check with Tamaki and Kyoya to see if there are any openings but I don't think there are." Haruhi replied.
Takashi watched his cousin set his bunny down in the chair at an empty table and went over to the table, just because. There wasn't really anybody here, and he didn't want to bother the other two.
Tamaki raised his head when he heard the doors open and wasn't surprised to see the cousins. He casually approached the older cousin since Mitsukuni had scurried off. "Mori-senpai, Mia Warren is in your class this year right?" He asked, having heard it from Kyoya. Takashi glanced at him and nodded. Tamaki smiled. "Perfect! Kyoya and I have decided to honor the new students this year, think you can get her here after school?" Takashi only shrugged, causing the blonde to sigh. He glanced at the younger when he returned. "Honey-senpai, if you can bring your new classmate here after school, i promiseyou and Usa-chan all the sweets you want." He said to Mitsukuni.
Alice looked over the large menu while the other threee got what they wanted. Hearing their conversation, she turned glanced at them curiously. "Is Tamaki in charge of this club?" She asked before going back to the menu. How did that happen? She really didn't know how someone like Tamaki could have formed a club.. After deciding what she wanted to eat, she ordered and payed for her meal. "Alright, let's get going if we're going to have time." She said, a little excited and a bit nervous.
Tamaki raised his head when he heard the doors open and wasn't surprised to see the cousins. He casually approached the older cousin since Mitsukuni had scurried off. "Mori-senpai, Mia Warren is in your class this year right?" He asked, having heard it from Kyoya. Takashi glanced at him and nodded. Tamaki smiled. "Perfect! Kyoya and I have decided to honor the new students this year, think you can get her here after school?" Takashi only shrugged, causing the blonde to sigh. He glanced at the younger when he returned. "Honey-senpai, if you can bring your new classmate here after school, i promiseyou and Usa-chan all the sweets you want." He said to Mitsukuni.
Alice looked over the large menu while the other threee got what they wanted. Hearing their conversation, she turned glanced at them curiously. "Is Tamaki in charge of this club?" She asked before going back to the menu. How did that happen? She really didn't know how someone like Tamaki could have formed a club.. After deciding what she wanted to eat, she ordered and payed for her meal. "Alright, let's get going if we're going to have time." She said, a little excited and a bit nervous.
Setting down the sweets in front of his bunny doll, Honey prepared to sit and eat but his attention was redirected to Tamaki who made a very promising deal. "My classmate?" The boy's eyes widened. How could he say no to this offer? Getting Mia to follow him shouldn't be too difficult. He had a lovable face after all right? Maybe if he mentioned sweets then she would come with him. But...he didn't want to do that because it meant he would have to share his sweets with her and he didn't want to do that. Tamaki had said if he did this he'd get all the sweets he wanted. In his mind, that meant never ending sweets. Well...never ending until his cousin decided it was time to stop. What to do? He glanced up at the blonde male, "So I just need to bring her here and then I'll get all the sweets?" He asked. He looked to his doll, wondering what Usa-Chan would do in this situation. "He nodded and looked back up at Tamaki. "Okay! I'll bring her here after school!" He agreed then sat down and began to enjoy his sweets, scarfing them down one after the other.
Haruhi tilted her head to the side, "Well...I think it's more of a shared custody between Tamaki and Kyoya." She answered with a shrug. Once Alice had her lunch in her hands, the group quickly made their way toward the club. Tamaki thought he was the one in charge, but well...Kyoya was usually the one coming up with ideas and helping Tamaki bring them to life. Tamaki was just the face of the club, the prince of the host club. The twins were already eating their lunches on their way to the club. When they reached two large ornate doors, the group came to a stop and both twins grinned at Alice before slowly opening the doors for her, revealing the club inside and the other members to her. "This is it." Haruhi said, taking a bite of her food. "Go on inside, they don't bite I assure you. Well...except honey-senpai. That's only if you try to take his sweets from him though." She explained.
Haruhi tilted her head to the side, "Well...I think it's more of a shared custody between Tamaki and Kyoya." She answered with a shrug. Once Alice had her lunch in her hands, the group quickly made their way toward the club. Tamaki thought he was the one in charge, but well...Kyoya was usually the one coming up with ideas and helping Tamaki bring them to life. Tamaki was just the face of the club, the prince of the host club. The twins were already eating their lunches on their way to the club. When they reached two large ornate doors, the group came to a stop and both twins grinned at Alice before slowly opening the doors for her, revealing the club inside and the other members to her. "This is it." Haruhi said, taking a bite of her food. "Go on inside, they don't bite I assure you. Well...except honey-senpai. That's only if you try to take his sweets from him though." She explained.
Tamaki listened to the smaller boy, and nodded lightly, glancing at Takashi who seemed to be more annoyed. Then the older sighed and glanced down at his cousin, at least Mitsukuni knew seemed to know that he wasn't going to let him just pig out on sweets. That would mean risking a cavity. Tamaki clasped his hands together at the conclusion of their little agreement. "Perfect! I'll leave it to you then, Honey-senpai." He said, before turning and joining Kyoya once more.
Alice had began taking bites of her lunch while Haruhi explained the 'shared' role of Tamaki and Kyoya. That made more since than Tamaki running the club. She wasn't looking to join.. She just wanted to see this club the twins had joined. By the time they actually reached the club, she'd already ate half of her lunch. She paused when they came to the doors, and the twins opened the doors. Her pale lavender eyes going wide briefly. Wow! Nodding lightly to her classmate, she slowly wandered inside. Tamaki and Kyoya had lifted their heads when the doors opened again. Kyoya went back to his lunch though, seeing how it was only their host members and a guest. Tamaki on the other hand had gotten up once more and stared at the blonde haired girl. "Alice?" He voiced curiously. Of course! Why hadn't he caught it when Kyoya brought up the names of their newest students?
Alice paused once she set down her lunch and glanced at the tall boy. "Hey.. Long time, hasn't it?" She murmured quietly, her face lighting up like a christmas tree when she was suddenly scooped up and lifted almost like a child, by the prince of the host club. "Alice! I never thought I'd see you in Japan as well!" He simply beamed, lowering her and pulling her into him. Oh dear god.. She hadn't prepared herself for this..
Alice had began taking bites of her lunch while Haruhi explained the 'shared' role of Tamaki and Kyoya. That made more since than Tamaki running the club. She wasn't looking to join.. She just wanted to see this club the twins had joined. By the time they actually reached the club, she'd already ate half of her lunch. She paused when they came to the doors, and the twins opened the doors. Her pale lavender eyes going wide briefly. Wow! Nodding lightly to her classmate, she slowly wandered inside. Tamaki and Kyoya had lifted their heads when the doors opened again. Kyoya went back to his lunch though, seeing how it was only their host members and a guest. Tamaki on the other hand had gotten up once more and stared at the blonde haired girl. "Alice?" He voiced curiously. Of course! Why hadn't he caught it when Kyoya brought up the names of their newest students?
Alice paused once she set down her lunch and glanced at the tall boy. "Hey.. Long time, hasn't it?" She murmured quietly, her face lighting up like a christmas tree when she was suddenly scooped up and lifted almost like a child, by the prince of the host club. "Alice! I never thought I'd see you in Japan as well!" He simply beamed, lowering her and pulling her into him. Oh dear god.. She hadn't prepared herself for this..
Honey was ecstatic. He was going to get all the sweets he wanted! Now he was on a mission to find this girl and somehow lure her to follow him here. He looked to his bunny, Usa-chan. "Usa-chan, you're going to have to help me bring her here okay?" He asked his doll even though he didn't get an answer back. The smaller boy continued to indulge in sweets and looked back at the door when it opened. He saw it was just the other members and a surprise guest. He didn't recognize the girl though so he went back to his sweets, happily planning a way to get Mia here in his head.
The three of them watched as Tamaki was quick to hug Alice. Haruhi glanced over at Takashi and smiled then looked at Honey who was eating sweets. It didn't surprise her though. What did surprise her was that he had never once complained about having a cavity even though all he ever ate were sweets. She couldn't think of a time where he ate actual food, it was always cakes and ice cream with him. Perhaps he did eat regular food when no one was watching and you couldn't ask Takashi since he hardly ever talked. "It's been too long I think." Hikaru said, pulling his brother by the arm to sit with him at a table and finish their lunch.
The three of them watched as Tamaki was quick to hug Alice. Haruhi glanced over at Takashi and smiled then looked at Honey who was eating sweets. It didn't surprise her though. What did surprise her was that he had never once complained about having a cavity even though all he ever ate were sweets. She couldn't think of a time where he ate actual food, it was always cakes and ice cream with him. Perhaps he did eat regular food when no one was watching and you couldn't ask Takashi since he hardly ever talked. "It's been too long I think." Hikaru said, pulling his brother by the arm to sit with him at a table and finish their lunch.
Takashi smirked at his younger cousin, seeing the determination in his brown eyes. He was serious going to take Tamaki up on his offer, and try to bring their newest classmate here after school. He'd help of course, if Mitsukuni asked him to. He did glance at Tamaki after he had scooped up this Alice girl. She didn't look too well.. Of course, nothing hardly got passed him.
Alice buried her head in his chest as Tamaki hugged her. She had to calm down! She wasn't ready to tell anybody.. Of course, the oblivious teen only thought she was being affectionate. "T..Tamaki.." She murmured quietly, causing him to blink and glance down at her. "Hm? Are you okay, princess?" He asked. Kyoya rose and cleared his throat. "Tamaki, we were in the middle of discussing after school. There's a lot to be done, and lunch is almost over. " He spoke, already aware of her illness. How could he not be? Tamaki soon let her go and dismissed himself before joining Kyoya once more.
Alice stood still a moment longer, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. However, once the moment had passed and she realized that she was no longer being embraced, she turned and ran out of the club room. If she was going to have problems, it wasn't going to be here!
Alice buried her head in his chest as Tamaki hugged her. She had to calm down! She wasn't ready to tell anybody.. Of course, the oblivious teen only thought she was being affectionate. "T..Tamaki.." She murmured quietly, causing him to blink and glance down at her. "Hm? Are you okay, princess?" He asked. Kyoya rose and cleared his throat. "Tamaki, we were in the middle of discussing after school. There's a lot to be done, and lunch is almost over. " He spoke, already aware of her illness. How could he not be? Tamaki soon let her go and dismissed himself before joining Kyoya once more.
Alice stood still a moment longer, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. However, once the moment had passed and she realized that she was no longer being embraced, she turned and ran out of the club room. If she was going to have problems, it wasn't going to be here!
Seeing as how lunch was almost over, Mia gathered up her things and looked at her schedule to figure out where her next class was located. As much as she didn't want to, she knew she'd have to ask someone for directions. Since she couldn't bring herself to ask a fellow student, she decided to ask a teacher. Now, if only she could find one.
"Takashi, will you help me too? Maybe you can help me convince her to come here with us. I mean, you're always looking at her so maybe you have a good plan?" He asked innocently.
The twins caught wind of this and chuckled. "My, My...Mori-senpai keeps looking at the new girl? I wonder why?" Hikaru teased. His brother only chuckled and shook his head. He knew Mori to be a very observant person. Maybe he already knew something about the new girl that none of them did. Kaoru was going to speak up again but at that time Alice was running off, out of the club. It left both twins and the rest of the members puzzled. "Alice!" Hikaru called out and ran after her. "Hikaru!" Kaoru called after his dear brother. "I'll be right back, I'm going to go check on her." Hikaru reassured and ran out of the room. "Alice wait!"
"Takashi, will you help me too? Maybe you can help me convince her to come here with us. I mean, you're always looking at her so maybe you have a good plan?" He asked innocently.
The twins caught wind of this and chuckled. "My, My...Mori-senpai keeps looking at the new girl? I wonder why?" Hikaru teased. His brother only chuckled and shook his head. He knew Mori to be a very observant person. Maybe he already knew something about the new girl that none of them did. Kaoru was going to speak up again but at that time Alice was running off, out of the club. It left both twins and the rest of the members puzzled. "Alice!" Hikaru called out and ran after her. "Hikaru!" Kaoru called after his dear brother. "I'll be right back, I'm going to go check on her." Hikaru reassured and ran out of the room. "Alice wait!"
Takashi glanced at his cousin when he spoke, and nodded lightly. If he knew anything about her though, he didn't think luring her with sweets was the way to go. He seemingly ignored the twins, when really he was just thinking of a way to help his cousin get the girl here.
Kyoya kept Tamaki busy when he heard the sudden shouting, and noticed one of the twins leave.
Alice stopped a short distance from the club, having not run very far, and tightly gripped her chest. She still couldn't face him.. After seven years! She felt pretty helpless. Her heart felt like it was going to break a rib and it hurt to breathe correctly. She could feel an arrhythmia starting up, and did her best to calm down, unaware that the older twin had followed after her.
Kyoya kept Tamaki busy when he heard the sudden shouting, and noticed one of the twins leave.
Alice stopped a short distance from the club, having not run very far, and tightly gripped her chest. She still couldn't face him.. After seven years! She felt pretty helpless. Her heart felt like it was going to break a rib and it hurt to breathe correctly. She could feel an arrhythmia starting up, and did her best to calm down, unaware that the older twin had followed after her.
Honey grinned. His cousin was going to help, three heads worked better than one. Now then, how could they lure the girl to this room? As he thought, the younger boy finished all the sweets he had brought to the table and looked pensive. To lure someone in, you had to use something that the person liked. What did she like though? Sweets? Tea? Dolls? His brown eyes looked to Usa-chan. No, he would not use his friend as bait. Not even for sweets? No, not even for sweets. What if she liked Usa-chan too much and didn't give him back? Honey didn't even want to imagine such a thing happening. Haruhi looked up from her lunch when the shouting began and frowned seeing Alice run off and Hikaru run after her. "I wonder if she's okay..." She said quietly.
"I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she just doesn't want to be late to class?" Kaoru suggested with a worried look on his face. It was really strange since she hadn't said anything, she just bolted from the room. Did she not like it here? Hikaru reached her easily and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Alice...does it hurt?" He asked her but didn't wait for her to answer. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close then sat with her on the floor against the wall. "Just...try to relax." He whispered to her and frowned. He hadn't told anyone because he didn't think she'd want them all to know, so he couldn't blame Tamaki for making her feel this way.
"I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she just doesn't want to be late to class?" Kaoru suggested with a worried look on his face. It was really strange since she hadn't said anything, she just bolted from the room. Did she not like it here? Hikaru reached her easily and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Alice...does it hurt?" He asked her but didn't wait for her to answer. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close then sat with her on the floor against the wall. "Just...try to relax." He whispered to her and frowned. He hadn't told anyone because he didn't think she'd want them all to know, so he couldn't blame Tamaki for making her feel this way.
Takashi watched his cousin as the smaller boy probably thought up different things to try and lure Mia here. She was new.. So, maybe she was looking for friends? New students often tried to find friends. Maybe they could use that? He wondered. "Ask her to be your friend, Mitsukuni." He spoke casually, glancing at him once more.
Alice gasped quietly when she felt a hand on he shoulder, only to glance at the older of the twins. "Jeez.." She murmured softly, just before feeling an arm wrap around her and pulled her against him, and soon they were both sitting on the floor. Alice hadn't even had time to figure what happened. She always felt better when he was there though.. She leaned against him lightly and tried relaxing. "Seven years.." She murmured softly. "Seven years and I haven't properly seen a doctor.. The last one I went to, said I needed a pacemaker." She murmured, giving herself something else to think about. He needed to know anyway, that she wasn't getting any better, and her mother wasn't exactly helping.
Alice gasped quietly when she felt a hand on he shoulder, only to glance at the older of the twins. "Jeez.." She murmured softly, just before feeling an arm wrap around her and pulled her against him, and soon they were both sitting on the floor. Alice hadn't even had time to figure what happened. She always felt better when he was there though.. She leaned against him lightly and tried relaxing. "Seven years.." She murmured softly. "Seven years and I haven't properly seen a doctor.. The last one I went to, said I needed a pacemaker." She murmured, giving herself something else to think about. He needed to know anyway, that she wasn't getting any better, and her mother wasn't exactly helping.
The smaller boy glanced up at his cousin. Be her friend? It couldn't be that simple could it? "W-what if she says no?" He pointed out. Rejection was always a possibility. However, Honey knew that the only way he'd know for sure was if he actually went out and asked himself. It was such a simple solution, he couldn't believe that was all that it would take to win this thing.
Hikaru was quiet, listening to every word she said. As much as he wanted to goof off and make her laugh, he knew that right now was not the right time to do that sort of stuff. A pacemaker...that was scary to think about, but if it helped that was good no? "When was this? How long ago?" He asked curiously. "I know it sounds scary, but if it will help you then don't you think it would be good to get it?" He asked her quietly, gently rubbing her arm now with his hand. She would be fine, she had to be. He didn't want to think that at any moment she could be taken from them.
Hikaru was quiet, listening to every word she said. As much as he wanted to goof off and make her laugh, he knew that right now was not the right time to do that sort of stuff. A pacemaker...that was scary to think about, but if it helped that was good no? "When was this? How long ago?" He asked curiously. "I know it sounds scary, but if it will help you then don't you think it would be good to get it?" He asked her quietly, gently rubbing her arm now with his hand. She would be fine, she had to be. He didn't want to think that at any moment she could be taken from them.
Takashi offered his cousin a reassuring smile. Even if she rejected him, at least he went out of his way to ask her. "It'll be alright." He said calmly, hoping to give little Mitsukuni a boost.
Alice offered him a small smile. "A few years ago, and around the time my mother remarried." She answered calmly. She shook her head lightly and raised her hands to her chest again. At least it was subsiding.. "I'm a minor.. Without mom's consent I can't have the operation." She explained quietly. "I don't even know if it's an option anymore.. Arrhythmia's aren't my only problem anymore.. It's turned into much more than that - I just don't know what." She murmured quietly. Without a proper examination, she wouldn't know either. Only that she didn't have much time left, and mother didn't seem to care.
Alice offered him a small smile. "A few years ago, and around the time my mother remarried." She answered calmly. She shook her head lightly and raised her hands to her chest again. At least it was subsiding.. "I'm a minor.. Without mom's consent I can't have the operation." She explained quietly. "I don't even know if it's an option anymore.. Arrhythmia's aren't my only problem anymore.. It's turned into much more than that - I just don't know what." She murmured quietly. Without a proper examination, she wouldn't know either. Only that she didn't have much time left, and mother didn't seem to care.
Honey smiled, his cousin was always so calm and collected. Never once freaked out or panicked. So of course he would trust what his cousin was saying. Honey nodded then, "Okay, I'll do my best Takashi. I promise!" A look of determination crossed his face at that moment and then the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over.
Her response did nothing to cheer the older twin up. "Alice, you have to see a doctor. You need to get checked out and find out what options you have. You can't just stay like this okay? You can't. I'm scared, and I can't even imagine how scared you must be...but you should know that we're here for you Alice. We're you're friends and we love you very much alright? So you have to do whatever it takes to get better because you can't leave us so soon." He said honestly meaning every word he had said to her. "We'll support you always, so don't think you're alone in this, we're all right behind you." He told her, giving her a soft smile.
Her response did nothing to cheer the older twin up. "Alice, you have to see a doctor. You need to get checked out and find out what options you have. You can't just stay like this okay? You can't. I'm scared, and I can't even imagine how scared you must be...but you should know that we're here for you Alice. We're you're friends and we love you very much alright? So you have to do whatever it takes to get better because you can't leave us so soon." He said honestly meaning every word he had said to her. "We'll support you always, so don't think you're alone in this, we're all right behind you." He told her, giving her a soft smile.
Takashi seemed content with Mitsukuni's response and picked up their bags as the bell sounded. It was time to go back to class. He glanced down at his younger cousin and motioned him to follow as he began to leave the club.
Alice was swimming with guilt as the older twin spoke to her. She already knew that! What could she do though? Her mother hated doctors, and refused to let them examine her. Unless her step father got involved, which she wasn't willing to put on his shoulders. As long as her mother kept acting like she, there wasn't anything she could do about her situation. As the bell sounded, she slowly slipped out of Hikaru's hold and stood. "I'm sorry I've made you keep my secret so long.. I'll definitely tell Kaoru myself, after school. I'll tell the others too, soon." She said, managing a small smile. He was the only one who knew, even after all this time. . He never told a soul. Sure, she liked Tamaki, but maybe a prince charming wasn't who she was looking for.
Alice was swimming with guilt as the older twin spoke to her. She already knew that! What could she do though? Her mother hated doctors, and refused to let them examine her. Unless her step father got involved, which she wasn't willing to put on his shoulders. As long as her mother kept acting like she, there wasn't anything she could do about her situation. As the bell sounded, she slowly slipped out of Hikaru's hold and stood. "I'm sorry I've made you keep my secret so long.. I'll definitely tell Kaoru myself, after school. I'll tell the others too, soon." She said, managing a small smile. He was the only one who knew, even after all this time. . He never told a soul. Sure, she liked Tamaki, but maybe a prince charming wasn't who she was looking for.
Honey quickly grabbed Usa-chan and followed Takashi out of there, waving at the others as he left. Mia had wandered the halls at a fast pace until she found an adult and explained the situation. The teacher was kind enough to show her which way to go in order to get to her new class. "Thank-you." she said and ran off in the direction she was told to go. She didn't want to be late to class!
Hikaru quickly got to his feet soon after Alice did. "It's no trouble. I...you don't have to tell them unless you're really ready to tell them. I won't stop you if you want to tell them. I'm sure they'll have questions but I don't think they'll be upset. I think they'll understand. I hope so anyway." He knew his friends, they didn't look like the judgemental type but he could be wrong. This had been a secret kept from them for many years. Haruhi and Kaoru eventually walked out after throwing their trash away and went to find both Alice and Hikaru. "Alice, is everything okay?" Haruhi asked when they reached them.
Hikaru quickly got to his feet soon after Alice did. "It's no trouble. I...you don't have to tell them unless you're really ready to tell them. I won't stop you if you want to tell them. I'm sure they'll have questions but I don't think they'll be upset. I think they'll understand. I hope so anyway." He knew his friends, they didn't look like the judgemental type but he could be wrong. This had been a secret kept from them for many years. Haruhi and Kaoru eventually walked out after throwing their trash away and went to find both Alice and Hikaru. "Alice, is everything okay?" Haruhi asked when they reached them.
(I wonder if they should bump into each other :p)
Takashi easily walked the halls with his cousin close by. He would've like to have left before lunch ended, that way the hall wasn't busy. After a moment, he picked up his cousin and put him.on top of his shoulders before he got hurt. Nothing like a an after lunch hallway rush.
Alice nodded lightly, lowering her head some. Kaoru and Tamaki needed to know.. They were very dear to her. The others though.. She'd only just met them. They weren't even friends yet, but they were friends with the twins and Tamaki, and that's what mattered. She glanced at Haruhi when she came out and nodded lightly. "I was just a little overwhelmed. We didn't have a club like this one back home." She said quietly, bowing apologetically before going and retrieving her school bag and throwing away her trash. She hadn't eaten all of her lunch, but oh well. She'd be alright until she got home. Toyota had taken Tamaki to class and now Alice was joining back with the twins and her classmate, Haruhi. "Let's get to class."
Takashi easily walked the halls with his cousin close by. He would've like to have left before lunch ended, that way the hall wasn't busy. After a moment, he picked up his cousin and put him.on top of his shoulders before he got hurt. Nothing like a an after lunch hallway rush.
Alice nodded lightly, lowering her head some. Kaoru and Tamaki needed to know.. They were very dear to her. The others though.. She'd only just met them. They weren't even friends yet, but they were friends with the twins and Tamaki, and that's what mattered. She glanced at Haruhi when she came out and nodded lightly. "I was just a little overwhelmed. We didn't have a club like this one back home." She said quietly, bowing apologetically before going and retrieving her school bag and throwing away her trash. She hadn't eaten all of her lunch, but oh well. She'd be alright until she got home. Toyota had taken Tamaki to class and now Alice was joining back with the twins and her classmate, Haruhi. "Let's get to class."
((I have nothing against that. I think it would be pretty funny if she just ran into them and fell backwards. Haha))
Mia looked around, constantly looking at her schedule and back around as she ran, weaving between the people. It was so packed, almost reminded her of the schools back at home. The halls sometimes would get this packed. "Excuse me!" She said, trying not to bump into anyone.
Both Haruhi and Kaoru seemed to believe the excuse given to them. "Well after being gone for so long, I guess it's understandable that all of this would come as a shock to you." Kaoru admitted with a curt nod of his head. When she asked to get to class, the three of them nodded and started to lead her off to the other classroom. The halls were packed with students rushing to their next class, it wasn't uncommon for people to collide against one another if they weren't careful. Hopefully they would be fine though. There was no need to rush anyway, they had enough time to get to their next class.
Mia looked around, constantly looking at her schedule and back around as she ran, weaving between the people. It was so packed, almost reminded her of the schools back at home. The halls sometimes would get this packed. "Excuse me!" She said, trying not to bump into anyone.
Both Haruhi and Kaoru seemed to believe the excuse given to them. "Well after being gone for so long, I guess it's understandable that all of this would come as a shock to you." Kaoru admitted with a curt nod of his head. When she asked to get to class, the three of them nodded and started to lead her off to the other classroom. The halls were packed with students rushing to their next class, it wasn't uncommon for people to collide against one another if they weren't careful. Hopefully they would be fine though. There was no need to rush anyway, they had enough time to get to their next class.
Takashi walked through the halls with ease, side stepping and avoiding any students that rushed by him. He blinked, and paused when someone actually did bump into him and glanced down at said student curiously. Had she been watching where she was going?
Alice couldn't help giggling at Kaoru's comment. "Hey, you make sound like I was away on vacation. This whole school is a brand new experience." She said to him cheerfully. As they walked the halls, she did find herself keeping close to the twins, as if acting like they were her body guards or something. "Haruhi, is this your first year?" She asked curiously, glancing at her classmate.
Alice couldn't help giggling at Kaoru's comment. "Hey, you make sound like I was away on vacation. This whole school is a brand new experience." She said to him cheerfully. As they walked the halls, she did find herself keeping close to the twins, as if acting like they were her body guards or something. "Haruhi, is this your first year?" She asked curiously, glancing at her classmate.
Mia messy hair buns were starting to fall apart, a tendril of hair fell loose near her ear and would bounce around as she ran. Her running came to a sudden stop though when she bumped into someone and fell backwards, falling to the floor. "Ouch.." She whimpered and slowly stood up. She reached for her face and fixed her glasses. "S-sorry.." She said and looked to the person she had bumped into. First thing she noticed was how tall he was, then that there was someone sat upon his shoulders. "I...I wasn't looking. Sorry, I didn't mean to."
Honey's eyes went wide when he saw the girl fall backwards. "H-hey! Are you okay? Are you hurt? What class are you headed to?" The younger boy asked. Mia looked up at him and smiled sheepishly. "I-I'm okay. Thanks umm...I'm trying to get to my history class. A teacher told me it was this way." She explained, rubbing the back of her head.
Kaoru smiled, "Well any time spent away from school is like a vacation for some people isn't it?" He pointed out softly. The twins were on each of her sides, keeping her safe from the rush of the students trying to get to class on time. "Good to know no one wants to be late." He muttered quietly. Haruhi looked back at Alice and smiled politely. "Yes it is." She answered. "You'll like it here Alice. It takes a little adjusting to but you learn to enjoy it here." She explained.
Honey's eyes went wide when he saw the girl fall backwards. "H-hey! Are you okay? Are you hurt? What class are you headed to?" The younger boy asked. Mia looked up at him and smiled sheepishly. "I-I'm okay. Thanks umm...I'm trying to get to my history class. A teacher told me it was this way." She explained, rubbing the back of her head.
Kaoru smiled, "Well any time spent away from school is like a vacation for some people isn't it?" He pointed out softly. The twins were on each of her sides, keeping her safe from the rush of the students trying to get to class on time. "Good to know no one wants to be late." He muttered quietly. Haruhi looked back at Alice and smiled politely. "Yes it is." She answered. "You'll like it here Alice. It takes a little adjusting to but you learn to enjoy it here." She explained.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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