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Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 05:29:50 )
Hearing the phone ring caused Maddie to look up from her book. She set her book down and quietly got down off the bed and walked into the hallway. No, she was eavesdropping.. She was just curiously listening in. Okay, maybe she was eavesdropping a little. What was he doing trying to come up with a lame excuse like that? She slowly approached him and lightly pat his shoulder. Why didn't he want to go out? If she had to guess what was going on by his attitude. Maddie offered him a light smile as if trying to encourage him to go. When was the last time he went out with his friends?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 06:11:30 )
"Well, I can always just grab some drinks and go to your place." The female had suggested. Clint mentally cursed, that was true. She could just come over. But then she'd see Maddie and ask questions. He didn't want that. He didn't want anyone to see her. "W-well yeah...I suppose you can but like...I'm gonna make dinner right now and go to sleep after so I mean...I won't really be a-" He was cut off by a tap on his shoulder. He looked at Maddie and blushed when she smiled at him. "Uhh Jess, l-let me call you back yeah? I think someone's at the door." Clint said then hung up the phone. "H-hey..." He said to Maddie. " much did you hear?" He asked, giving her a small smile.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 18:11:53 )
Maddie tilted her head when he hung up the phone after talking to the person on the other line. "I know it's not my business.. But I heard most of the conversation." She said sheepishly, running her fingers delicately through her long black hair. "Your friends wanted you to go out with them, right?" She asked hesitantly, hoping she wasn't sounding pushy.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 18:22:27 )
Clint sighed and nodded, walking back to the table to open up the other bills that had arrived. "Yeah they did. They want to go out for drinks. I think they still believe we're college students who have nothing better to do than get wasted." He explained while making a neat little pile of trash. "I don't mind hanging out with them but we don't really hang out much now since I started working. I guess they just have more free time than I do or they're more fun than I am. I don't know." He said, shrugging his shoulders and glancing in her direction.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 18:45:05 )
Maddie listened quietly as he spoke. It really was none of business, but she was happy to listen. She followed him over to the table and smirked lightly. "Even so.. It must be nice to hang out from time to time." She said casually before glancing at him. "Why not go out for a bit with them? You don't have to drink or get wasted like they do. If you want to I mean.." She said with a light shrug of her shoulders. "Eventually, there will be a day when you no longer can have this time together." She said, mentally kicking herself. Dang it! She was starting to sound like a fortune teller again! "Um.. Sorry.. I guess it's a habit to say stuff like that.." She murmured softly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 19:16:06 )
Clint smiled at what she said, "Good go know this will come to an end eventually." He said and set his bills off to the side, focusing on Maddie once more. "So you think I should go out with my friends instead of stay here with you?" He asked her curiously. "I suppose Jess and the gang will be happy if I did show up at all. It's been a few years since we all hung out. A few months since me and Jess hung out. It's like a school reunion but without the school part." Clint explained to her. He thought about something for a moment before speaking again. "If I do end up getting drunk, what would happen?" He asked. I'll most likely just have one drink and call it a night, I have work in the morning. Can't really party all night like I used to."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 19:32:13 )
Maddie was briefly stumpted. Good to know? She wasn't really expecting that response, but she should've figured he'd say something like that. She nodded lightly to his question. In her opinion, yes, she thought it'd be good for him to get get out and spend some time with old friends. Really, how often did he really do something besides work, horse chores, and paying bills? Now there was a curious thought. Maddie blinked. This was something to think about.. What would happen if he did get drunk? Well, if he said he'd have one drink, she'd trust him. "That sounds like a plan. One drink, then come home." She suggested, agreeing with him. When he came home, she could make something simple and then he could go to bed.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 19:56:26 )
One drink then come home, right. Clint nodded. "Aright then...I suppose a few hours with friends won't kill me. I'll give her a call and let her know I'm on my way. Ummm.." Clint stood and looked around. He probably should have made dinner now so that she wouldn't have to worry about food. "You'll be fine right?" He asked and shook his head. "Of course you will. Just umm...keep the door locked. I'll let myself back in when I return. I promise not to be out too late alright?" He told her, as if she were his older sister who would worry if he was out too late. Clint went to the phone and picked it up, punching in his friend's number. She answered on the second ring. "H-hey. Umm, you don't have to come over I'll go meet you up. The usual place right?" He asked and looked at Maddie. "Is it just going to be us or is everyone else going to be there too?" The woman on the other line explained that they would all most likely be there. "Alright, I just need to change and I'll be right over and you better not be drunk by the time I get there." He warned before hanging up and running a hand through his hair. "Alright. I guess I should go get ready then."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 20:57:06 )
Maddie shared a small smirk and nodded, quite content with herself. She managed to talk him into spending some time with his friends, cool! She'd be fine by herself for a bit, she did manage a day without him while he was work. So, she was confident in being alright while he was out. She quietly listed to him dial the number of his friend, and glanced at him when he hung up. Maddie nodded lightly and gave a small casually wave. "Yeah. I'll just be in my room, reading." She said before heading down the hall and into her room where she sat on the bed and opened her book.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 22:01:01 )
That was something he wanted to fix. He wanted to spend time with her too like when they were kids. But it would be dangerous to be out there with her, someone could recognize her. What to do? Clint walked to his room and closed the door behind him, then began to get changed so that he could head out. Just one drink. He hoped it really would be just one drink. After getting dressed and making sure he looked good, he walked out and headed to Maddie's room. He knocked on her door and looked inside, "Hey ummm, I guess I'm going now but uhh... Well I was wondering..I know it's not a safe idea I guess but I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out sometime? Maybe do something or...I guess we could just hang out here too if you'd prefer. I mean, with anxiety and stuff maybe out in the public isn't very fun and these people might see you but like... I don't know. The thought of you just staying indoors all the time doesn't sound very fun. But like I said, we could always hang out here sometime if you want. You know..after I get back from work we could maybe watch a movie or something?" He suggested with a shrug of his shoulders.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 22:22:54 )
Maddie blinked when he spoke and glanced at him. He was asking if she'd like to go out sometime? Interesting. He was right though, her anxieties wouldn't let her relax so easily in public. Staying here and watching a movie sounded good too. Maybe she's start with that. She smirked lightly and nodded some. "A movie here sounds just fine, after you get off work of course." She said casually. "Now go have a good time, and don't worry about me." Maddie teased casually.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 22:31:04 )
She said yes? Clint was happy to hear it, now he just had to figure out what kind of movie she'd want to watch. Horror was out of the question for sure. "Oh, okay cool that sounds great. Umm yeah, after work of course." He chuckled at her last comment. "Yes mom." He teased. "I'll be back soon, I promise not to stay out late and only one drink! Promise. I'll see you later then Mads." He said to her and gave her a casual wave before heading out to go hang out with his friends.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/7 23:01:31 )
Maddie blinked at his tease, and other words, then watched him leave. Her cheeks darkened some and she laid down on the bed, her hands over her face. Much like a high school school girl having a crush on a cute boy. It was silly to think about really.. She thought of him as a brother, nothing romantic. Right? Then why did it feel like she'd just agreed to a date?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 05:18:29 )
Clint arrived at the place where they always got together to hang out. A high end bar. Already he was regretting coming here. He should have just stayed home and looked through his male after making dinner. "Relax, you're not even going to stay for very long Clint, remember?" He reminded himself and stepped out of his car after he had parked. He grabbed his wallet, phone and keys then headed inside the dimly lit building. At first, he didn't see his friends but then he did and the girl practically threw herself at him, reeking of alcohol. "I told you I didn't want you drunk Jess." He muttered, holding her only so she wouldn't fall over. "Would you have wanted me if I weren't?" She asked and snickered. "No." He answered simply, making her pout. "You're no fun Clint. You used to be very fun." Clint sighed and walked her back to the table where the others were waiting. "Another round of drinks!" One of his friends ordered. Clint sat Jess down and took a seat beside her. "I was fun yes, when I was a kid. I have a job now, responsibilities. You know that." He muttered and greeted his other friends. This was going to be a long night, he could already tell.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 05:28:09 )
Maddie slowly sat back up and slid off the bed to go wash her face. Then she she went back to the bed, sat down with the soft blankets around herself and picked her borrowed book. She'd read this book until Clint returned, or she fell asleep. Whichever happened first. She was perfectly content with staying here and reading. Reading kept her mind off of other things. A lot of other things.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 05:48:40 )
"I'm just having one drink okay? Then I'm heading out." Clint informed. "Oh man what the hell? Why? You just got here dude." A male said. "Yeah I know, but I got stuff to do back home and I have work tomorrow. I can't exactly get wasted either." Clint countered simply, groaning when Jess tried to get him to pay attention to her. There was history between them yeah, but they were over, done. He had moved on, she clearly hadn't. He was actually glad for the drink when it arrived, very cold. "Surprised you even showed up to be honest." Another male commented. "To be fair, I wasn't going to show up for obvious reasons but I decided why the hell not. It's just one drink...and we haven't hung out in the longest time. I take it you guys are all busy with stuff right? Work and whatever else you do?" He asked, taking a sip of his drink.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 06:03:23 )
Maddie turned the page of her book and read it at a casually speed. She was a fast reader, but she wanted to take her time while she was alone. The slower she read, the more time went by as she read.

(Bleh :p)

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 06:27:11 )
The group talked for hours, reminiscing about the collage days. Mentioning old classmates, talking about the good and bad, the crushes they had, flings, whatever it was. Jess went on and on about her and Clint when they had dated, but Clint never said anything. He didn't regret dating her because at one point he did love her but then it got to a point where he had to choose her over his future. She wanted to drink all the time and skip class. He wanted to go to class and get a part time job. And so he had to break up with her. It wasn't easy but eventually he got over it, unlike her. Here she was, clinging to him and then when it was time for him to get going, she followed him out. Which he didn't like. "Alright I'm going now Jess. Try to calm down before you head home." He warned her and then she kissed him, and there were spark, but he had to push her away quick. "Jess...please stop okay? You're a really nice person but we both want different things. You have to let me go. Move on with your life and find someone you really deserve." He said, quickly getting in his car and locking his door. He refused to roll down the window, feeling a pang of guilt when he saw hoe heart broken she looked. "Shite." He muttered and rolled the car window down halfway. "Don't do this Jess...please." He told her and buckled up. "I need to go." he said and motioned at her to approach the window. "Come here." he muttered and when she did, he un buckled his seat belt and gave her another kiss. "That's it. Goodnight Jess." Clint rolled the window back up when she backed away and buckled up then headed back home. Kicking himself the entire way.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 06:33:32 )
((awww ;~; now I wanna hug him! T^T))

Maddie ended up falling asleep sooner or later while reading, again. The book resting on the side of the bed as if she had just put it down. Maybe being sleep deprived was catching up to her now that she was somewhere safe? Either way, she curled up under the blankets and snuggled into them almost making herself a cocoon.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/8 06:55:13 )
When he arrived home, Clint's head was swimming. Probably from the alcohol he had or because of Jess. Probably both. All he knew was that he was glad to be home. He locked the front door behind him and dragged himself to Maddie's room to check on her. Thankfully she was asleep, he didn't want to even look at her right now. Wait, why? It's not like you and Maddie are anything anyway. Just friends. Nothing wrong with kissing an ex. Blame it on the drink you had...right? Maybe. There had been spark though. Clint cursed beneath his breath and went to check on his laundry, tossing it in the dryer and heading to the table where he groaned and stared at the small pile of mail on the table.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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