((damn autocorrect xc ))
Takashi held a hand out to Mia. "Want to sit somewhere?" He asked very gentleman like. She was his first after all, now he'd treat her like one..and since Mitsukuni was off enjoying his sweets, he'd have think of something to say.
Tamaki smiled at the smaller boy. "I did make a promise to you after all, Honey-senpai." He noted, before going and tending to his personal guest. Though he would've liked to spend time with his childhood friend, he couldn't just ignore the other girls.
Alice nervously stepped forward and nodded to Haruhi's words. "Y-yes! Let's sit and have some tea." She said with a sheepish smile. Anything was better than just standing here.
Forums Role Playing OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
((Hahah it's all good))
Mia looked up at the tall male, Takashi right? Her eyes stared at him for a bit too long before she snapped herself out of her daze and took his hand nervously. Was this normal behavior for these people? "Yes please." She said and wondered where his small cousin was. That's when she saw him stuffing his face full of sweets. How could he do that without getting sick?
Yes he did, and Honey was glad that he had kept his promise. "Are you enjoying the sweets too Usa-chan?" He asked the doll who just stared back at him. "Yes, the strawberry is my favorite part of the cake too." He agreed, nodding his head and continuing to eat.
"Come on then, let's grab a table." Haruhi said, heading over to one of the empty tables. "Here, this will do. I'll go and bring the tea and sweets. I'll need help carrying it all without dropping anything." She hinted, looking at the twins. "Any volunteers?" She asked. Kaoru nodded, "I'll help you Haruhi." He said, offering her a smile and following her to gather some sweets and sandwiches while she went to get the tea. Hikaru pulled out the chair for Alice to sit and smirk. "I won't pull it out from under you. I promise."
Mia looked up at the tall male, Takashi right? Her eyes stared at him for a bit too long before she snapped herself out of her daze and took his hand nervously. Was this normal behavior for these people? "Yes please." She said and wondered where his small cousin was. That's when she saw him stuffing his face full of sweets. How could he do that without getting sick?
Yes he did, and Honey was glad that he had kept his promise. "Are you enjoying the sweets too Usa-chan?" He asked the doll who just stared back at him. "Yes, the strawberry is my favorite part of the cake too." He agreed, nodding his head and continuing to eat.
"Come on then, let's grab a table." Haruhi said, heading over to one of the empty tables. "Here, this will do. I'll go and bring the tea and sweets. I'll need help carrying it all without dropping anything." She hinted, looking at the twins. "Any volunteers?" She asked. Kaoru nodded, "I'll help you Haruhi." He said, offering her a smile and following her to gather some sweets and sandwiches while she went to get the tea. Hikaru pulled out the chair for Alice to sit and smirk. "I won't pull it out from under you. I promise."
Takashi casually led her to an empty table, and pulled the chair out for her to sit. He could only imagine what she was thinking. Different themes required a different kind of mannerisms. This one required a more subtle mannerism. He briefly glanced at his cousin, making sure to keep a subtle eye on him to make sure he didn't eat too many sweets.
Alice blinked as Haruhi and Kaoru left to get tea, and snacks, leaving her alone with a dashingly dressed Hikaru. That suit for him quite well. She nodded lightly when he spoke and she lowered her gaze so she was staring. "You wouldn't do something so childish, right?" She spoke calmly. Alice sat down in the chair and fiddled with her uniform.
Alice blinked as Haruhi and Kaoru left to get tea, and snacks, leaving her alone with a dashingly dressed Hikaru. That suit for him quite well. She nodded lightly when he spoke and she lowered her gaze so she was staring. "You wouldn't do something so childish, right?" She spoke calmly. Alice sat down in the chair and fiddled with her uniform.
"Thank you." Mia said quietly before taking her seat and fiddling with the hem of her top. What should she do or say so that this wasn't awkward? She glanced toward Takashi who was dressed in a fine white suit fit for a prince. Quickly, she lowered her gaze. It was rude to stare back home and that was probably still true here. "Umm..d-do you always do this?" She asked quietly.
Hikaru blinked, "Me? Do something childish? I would never." He said with a smirk. Noting her body language, Hikaru wondered if she was uncomfortable with this whole thing. "You okay?" He asked. "I know this probably is a bit much isn't it?" He relaxed in his seat, trying to think of ways that he could make her more comfortable. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to Alice."
Hikaru blinked, "Me? Do something childish? I would never." He said with a smirk. Noting her body language, Hikaru wondered if she was uncomfortable with this whole thing. "You okay?" He asked. "I know this probably is a bit much isn't it?" He relaxed in his seat, trying to think of ways that he could make her more comfortable. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to Alice."
Takashi scooted the chair closer to the table, then sat down in the chair next to her. She seemed nervous, but that understandable. He shook his head lightly at her question, and glanced at her. "Not always." He spoke casually. "We're a host club, sometimes we have a theme to follow and dress as, but other days we just sit and talk with the girls. They seem to enjoy it." He explained simply, hoping he didn't confuse her.
Alice sighed quietly. He could still read her like a book. She shook her head and offered a small smile. "I-I want to.. It's a bit much to handle but I'm alright. Putting this together must have been some work, I'd hate to waste this moment." She spoke quietly, even though her heart was racing. It'd be alright. She'd be alright, so long as her mother didn't show up. Alice gripped the end of her uniform and lowered her gaze to her lap. "I'm happy you and Kaoru have expanded your world a bit. They seem like very nice people, everyone here I mean." She murmured shyly.
Alice sighed quietly. He could still read her like a book. She shook her head and offered a small smile. "I-I want to.. It's a bit much to handle but I'm alright. Putting this together must have been some work, I'd hate to waste this moment." She spoke quietly, even though her heart was racing. It'd be alright. She'd be alright, so long as her mother didn't show up. Alice gripped the end of her uniform and lowered her gaze to her lap. "I'm happy you and Kaoru have expanded your world a bit. They seem like very nice people, everyone here I mean." She murmured shyly.
As Takashi explained to her what the club did exactly, Mia listened to him with much interest. She always enjoyed listening to people talk, it was nice and it said a lot about who they were as a person just being able to see them talk and the way they presented themselves. She didn't know much about Takashi but he seemed like a good person even if he wasn't much of a talker. "A host club. I've never heard of that before. Back home, I don't believe we've ever had one. So...you just talk to girls here? That's what host clubs do? They talk to...girls?" She asked and looked around. "Talk to girls over cakes and tea?"
Hikaru looked around at the girls then looked back at her. "Ehh...yeah I guess they're nice. I don't really know them though, like I know you. Come on Alice, you can be honest with me. I know you too well and I can tell something's up. Something is bothering you and I want to know what it is. I mean, it has to be serious since you haven't even looked at me since we got here." He was honestly worried about her. What could be making her so uncomfortable? Was it really this event or was it something else? Haruhi and Kaoru started making their way back towards the table where Hikaru and Alice were seated and waiting. "I wonder what they're talking about." Haruhi said to Kaoru who shrugged. "Probably reminiscing."
Hikaru looked around at the girls then looked back at her. "Ehh...yeah I guess they're nice. I don't really know them though, like I know you. Come on Alice, you can be honest with me. I know you too well and I can tell something's up. Something is bothering you and I want to know what it is. I mean, it has to be serious since you haven't even looked at me since we got here." He was honestly worried about her. What could be making her so uncomfortable? Was it really this event or was it something else? Haruhi and Kaoru started making their way back towards the table where Hikaru and Alice were seated and waiting. "I wonder what they're talking about." Haruhi said to Kaoru who shrugged. "Probably reminiscing."
Takashi thought over the words Mia spoke and tried to think of a better way to explain. Most of the girls here just wanted someone to pay attention to them, while others required something else. Jeez.. If he were Tamaki, he could explain this a bit better. Besides, Takashi wasn't really used to talking this much. "Not exactly, I'm not sure how to explain it otherwise though." He bowed a little in apology, then sat straight again. "The goal of the club, is to help the girls of this school feel more comfortable here." He said casually.
Alice was getting slightly annoyed with herself for acting this way. "How am I supposed to feel about all of this? Suddenly coming back to Japan after mom re-married, and being enrolled to a school where three of my best friends are also enrolled.. Still keeping secrets.. Not knowing if I'm going to be taken away again, or even wake up tomorrow." The quiet words came out faster than her mind could process. "Being honest with someone, means firstly being honest with yourself. I can't even do that. She lightly placed a hand over her chest, ignoring the feeling arising within herself. She didn't understand why she was getting so upset. She hasn't even noticed the approaching pair.
Alice was getting slightly annoyed with herself for acting this way. "How am I supposed to feel about all of this? Suddenly coming back to Japan after mom re-married, and being enrolled to a school where three of my best friends are also enrolled.. Still keeping secrets.. Not knowing if I'm going to be taken away again, or even wake up tomorrow." The quiet words came out faster than her mind could process. "Being honest with someone, means firstly being honest with yourself. I can't even do that. She lightly placed a hand over her chest, ignoring the feeling arising within herself. She didn't understand why she was getting so upset. She hasn't even noticed the approaching pair.
That's not what they did? Okay, now she was still pretty confused. However, after hearing him explain to her what the purpose of the goal was, she relaxed a little. Alright, at least she knew something now. So they helped the girls feel welcome basically. "I see...well that's very nice of you guys to do that. You know..." She said and fiddled with her fingers nervously. "B-because not a lot of schools do that. I mean, they don't have this sort of thing but I guess they have someone who gives the new students a tour but that's not really the same thing I suppose." She explained, quickly shutting herself up before she rambled. "S-sorry. I tend to talk a lot when I get nervous...and it's pretty embarrassing."
Ahhh, and there it was. Her worries were spilling out like a waterfall. So her mother re-married, that was never fun. His eyes widened when she placed her hand on her chest, not good. He was quick to move to her side and hugged her gently. "Hey it's okay, thank-you for being honest with me Alice. Let's not worry about these negative things though. You should focus on the positive things, and I know it can be hard sometimes because at times there might be more negative than positive but please try. I don't want you winding yourself up, we need to be careful you know. Your health is very important to me, to us. If you get taken, Kaoru and I will just take you back." he told her, trying to lighten the mood.
"Here is the tea and some sweets." Haruhi said as she carefully set the silver tray down on the table then proceeded to pour them all some tea. "Is everything alright?" Kaoru asked, seeing his brother hugging Alice.
Ahhh, and there it was. Her worries were spilling out like a waterfall. So her mother re-married, that was never fun. His eyes widened when she placed her hand on her chest, not good. He was quick to move to her side and hugged her gently. "Hey it's okay, thank-you for being honest with me Alice. Let's not worry about these negative things though. You should focus on the positive things, and I know it can be hard sometimes because at times there might be more negative than positive but please try. I don't want you winding yourself up, we need to be careful you know. Your health is very important to me, to us. If you get taken, Kaoru and I will just take you back." he told her, trying to lighten the mood.
"Here is the tea and some sweets." Haruhi said as she carefully set the silver tray down on the table then proceeded to pour them all some tea. "Is everything alright?" Kaoru asked, seeing his brother hugging Alice.
Takashi offered her a small smile. She thought their goal was nice, she liked it. Right? He wondered. He quietly listened to her and glanced at her. She seemed to get the basics now. "That's why our 'king' formed this club. It was something different, and he thought making the girls feel more welcome was something he could give them." Though it was a tad embarrassing, sometimes guys came too.
Alice blinked when Hikaru had hugged her, and couldn't help blushing lightly, followed by murmuring something in french to hide her fluster. She was making him worry again.. Alice hugged him back and glanced at him. "Promise? Promise you'll come for me?" She said, blushing more when the pair arrived and lowered her gaze some. What was she doing, asking something like that? They weren't children anymore.. "No." She murmured quietly. "I'm afraid I've been a terrible friend to you, Kaoru.." She said quietly. It was too late to let it go after saying such things.
Alice blinked when Hikaru had hugged her, and couldn't help blushing lightly, followed by murmuring something in french to hide her fluster. She was making him worry again.. Alice hugged him back and glanced at him. "Promise? Promise you'll come for me?" She said, blushing more when the pair arrived and lowered her gaze some. What was she doing, asking something like that? They weren't children anymore.. "No." She murmured quietly. "I'm afraid I've been a terrible friend to you, Kaoru.." She said quietly. It was too late to let it go after saying such things.
King? That was a new one. They had a 'king' in this club. "Well I think your 'king' is very kind to do this for us girls. So..if he is king, does that make you all...princes? I mean, there can't be a queen unless one of these girls is the queen? Or are they the princesses?" Mia asked curiously. It was a strange concept, but it was one she was interested in learning about. If they would teach her that is. "Do you guys always meet up here after school?" She asked.
"Takashiiii!" Honey came running to their table after he finished his sweets and realized they didn't have sweets or tea with them. "Why don't you have sweets? Or tea?" He asked them, setting Usa-chan down on one of the chairs and fighting back a small yawn.
Hikaru caught that last bit and nodded. "Promise." He answered. "What are we promising?" Haruhi asked curiously after taking her seat. Kaoru took his seat and then so did Hikaru. He was confused though, why did she think she was being a terrible friend to him. "Terrible? Alice you haven't been terrible at all. What are you talking about? Have I done something to make you think you were? If so I do apologize, but I don't think you've been terrible at all right Hikaru?" Kaoru asked his brother. Hikaru nodded. "Right, you're not a terrible friend Alice."
"Takashiiii!" Honey came running to their table after he finished his sweets and realized they didn't have sweets or tea with them. "Why don't you have sweets? Or tea?" He asked them, setting Usa-chan down on one of the chairs and fighting back a small yawn.
Hikaru caught that last bit and nodded. "Promise." He answered. "What are we promising?" Haruhi asked curiously after taking her seat. Kaoru took his seat and then so did Hikaru. He was confused though, why did she think she was being a terrible friend to him. "Terrible? Alice you haven't been terrible at all. What are you talking about? Have I done something to make you think you were? If so I do apologize, but I don't think you've been terrible at all right Hikaru?" Kaoru asked his brother. Hikaru nodded. "Right, you're not a terrible friend Alice."
There was something to think about. No one really did though. Tamaki was always in his own little world. Takashi thought quietly as he listened to her words. He was to speak when the blonde approached and gracefully placed rested his hand along the back of an empty chair, until Mitsukuni had joined the table. "Tamaki Sou, king of this club." He introduced himself, then gently took her head. "I have no queen, but the room is filled with princesses and so we treat them as such." He explained. They had Renge..but she was hardly a 'queen'. Takashi glanced at his cousin briefly then lowered his gaze. He forgot to offer Mia tea!
Alice stifled a smile and glanced at the Haruhi and the younger of the brothers. "A secret." She teased playfully, wearing a faux smils. When Kaoru spoke, she lowered her gaze and shook her head. "You haven't done anything.. It's what I've done all these years.." She said quietly. "I've been keeping a secret from you. My reasoning is irrelevant..and until I can manage to tell you the truth..I don't think.." Her chest was tightening up again with the her anxiety and guilt raising, but she refrained from moving. This was all too much for her first day. "I'm not a very good friend at all.. Good friends don't keep secrets."
Alice stifled a smile and glanced at the Haruhi and the younger of the brothers. "A secret." She teased playfully, wearing a faux smils. When Kaoru spoke, she lowered her gaze and shook her head. "You haven't done anything.. It's what I've done all these years.." She said quietly. "I've been keeping a secret from you. My reasoning is irrelevant..and until I can manage to tell you the truth..I don't think.." Her chest was tightening up again with the her anxiety and guilt raising, but she refrained from moving. This was all too much for her first day. "I'm not a very good friend at all.. Good friends don't keep secrets."
Mia looked up when the blonde haired male approached. "Oh, hello there." She said, bowing her head in respect. "I see, so you are the king of this club...and the girls are the princesses?" She said and giggled, her smile was rather pretty and every time she did, she would crinkle her nose a tad bit. "I must say this is a very interesting club. I was just telling Takashi here how I've never heard of anything like this back home." She explained. "It must take a lot of hard work to manage this club though...I imagine. But, your friends here obviously help you right?" She asked.
Honey watched as Mia talked with Tamaki, he had the gift. Every girl always wanted to talk to him. He looked to his cousin and huffed before getting up. "I'll go get the sweets and tea. Usa-chan, wait for me here okay?" He said before walking off to get the sweets and tea for Mia and for himself and his cousin. How could Takashi forget? Maybe he was just distracted by other stuff?
"We're promising a secret?" Haruhi remained confused with that answer. Both Haruhi and Kaoru listened to what Alice had to say. A secret? What secret? How bad could this secret be that she called herself a terrible friend. Haruhi had only just met her though, so she thought maybe this was more directed towards the twins since they had known Alice longer than she had. "H-hey...you don't have to tell us if you don't want to Alice it's fine. We won't think any less of you." Hikaru assured her. Kaoru nodded, "Exactly. You are our friend Alice, regardless of this secret. We all have secrets, it doesn't make us bad people because of it."
Honey watched as Mia talked with Tamaki, he had the gift. Every girl always wanted to talk to him. He looked to his cousin and huffed before getting up. "I'll go get the sweets and tea. Usa-chan, wait for me here okay?" He said before walking off to get the sweets and tea for Mia and for himself and his cousin. How could Takashi forget? Maybe he was just distracted by other stuff?
"We're promising a secret?" Haruhi remained confused with that answer. Both Haruhi and Kaoru listened to what Alice had to say. A secret? What secret? How bad could this secret be that she called herself a terrible friend. Haruhi had only just met her though, so she thought maybe this was more directed towards the twins since they had known Alice longer than she had. "H-hey...you don't have to tell us if you don't want to Alice it's fine. We won't think any less of you." Hikaru assured her. Kaoru nodded, "Exactly. You are our friend Alice, regardless of this secret. We all have secrets, it doesn't make us bad people because of it."
Tamaki smiled proudly a as Mia spoke, and nodded lightly. "Exactly. Every girl deserves to be treated like a princess at least once. Here in the host club we have different 'roles' to play to fit the desire they are seeking, and we all work together. We're like a big family really. " He explained cheerfully, his charming smile never faltering. He glanced at the smaller boy as he huffed and walking off, then glanced at Takashi. "Mori-senpai, everything alright? " He asks curiously. Takashi nodded lightly. "Forgot tea.. and cake." He said quietly. Tamaki rose a curious eyebrow, then turned his attention back to Mia. "I do hope you enjoy our club, miss Mia." He said calmer, bidding farwell and going back over to his guests.
Alice sighed quietly. She didn't feel any better, even with their comforting words. Hikaru knew her secret, Kaoru did not. Though, before she could say anything more her phone began to vibrate in her bag, and she slowly retrieved it before standing. "I'll be right back. It's probably mum.." She said quietly before walking out of the club room and just out into the hallway to answer her buzzing phone. It was indeed her mother, and the woman wasn't happy. She demanded to know where she was and why she hadn't called her to let her know she was staying after school, and some other things. She wanted her home though, and told her she'd come to get her. By the end of it, once the phone called ended, Alice leaned against the wall and tried calming down.
Alice sighed quietly. She didn't feel any better, even with their comforting words. Hikaru knew her secret, Kaoru did not. Though, before she could say anything more her phone began to vibrate in her bag, and she slowly retrieved it before standing. "I'll be right back. It's probably mum.." She said quietly before walking out of the club room and just out into the hallway to answer her buzzing phone. It was indeed her mother, and the woman wasn't happy. She demanded to know where she was and why she hadn't called her to let her know she was staying after school, and some other things. She wanted her home though, and told her she'd come to get her. By the end of it, once the phone called ended, Alice leaned against the wall and tried calming down.
Every thing Tamaki said opened up new questions for Mia to ask. Although she didn't get the chance to because then he said his goodbyes and excused himself to go and talk to the others. Of course she understood though. He couldn't focus on just one person, that wouldn't be fair to the others. "Thank-you." She had said before he left. Mia looked back at Takashi and smiled softly. Mori-senpai? Strange nickname. "You aren't much of a talker are you Takashi?" She noted. "It's okay, you don't have to talk. I understand. I don't really talk to people I don't really know. It's hard talking to a stranger." She said quietly. Honey returned, balancing a tray with sweets and tea for them. "I brought our sweets and the tea. I hope you like it Mia. Would you like me to pour you some tea?" He asked her. Mia smiled politely at the short boy. "Yes please, and thank-you. The sweets look delicious." She said. Honey looked at Takashi then carefully poured the tea with wobbly hands since the teapot was pretty big and heavy. "They are very delicious!" He agreed.
The three watched her get up and leave. "She'll come back I'm sure." Haruhi said. Though the twins shared a look. If it was her mother, then this probably wouldn't end well. "Should we go check on her?" Hikaru asked. Kaoru thought for a moment and sipped his tea. "Give her some space. If she doesn't come back in a few minutes, we can go check on her. For now, let's just let her take that phonecall, it might be important." He suggested. Haruhi nodded. "I agree. We should give her a bit of space. If she really if leaving, she would at least come back to say bye wouldn't she?" Haruhi asked them.
The three watched her get up and leave. "She'll come back I'm sure." Haruhi said. Though the twins shared a look. If it was her mother, then this probably wouldn't end well. "Should we go check on her?" Hikaru asked. Kaoru thought for a moment and sipped his tea. "Give her some space. If she doesn't come back in a few minutes, we can go check on her. For now, let's just let her take that phonecall, it might be important." He suggested. Haruhi nodded. "I agree. We should give her a bit of space. If she really if leaving, she would at least come back to say bye wouldn't she?" Haruhi asked them.
Takashi glanced at Mia when she spoke, and nodded lightly. She seemed to get, as she spoke. Talking to people sometimes got complicated. When he saw Mitsukuni balancing a tray, he was quick to get up and help him without hesitation. He gently lifted the tea pot from his small hands and carefully poured the tea in her cup, then set it down on the tray that now laid on the table. He felt bad forgetting th first place, but when Mitsukuni had left, he couldn't just leave the girl alone. That would've been rude. "Mitsukuni.." He murmured apologetically, lightly placing a hand on the smaller boy's head. Next time, he wouldn't forget the tea or cake.
After taking a moment, and managing to calm down a bit, Alice calmly went back inside the club room. She still didn't look too happy though. Alice approached the table and differences trio a small smile. "I have to go.. Mum is on her way here to pick me up, and I want to meet her out front." She explained quietly before picking up her bag. "It's a shame I couldn't stay longer.."
After taking a moment, and managing to calm down a bit, Alice calmly went back inside the club room. She still didn't look too happy though. Alice approached the table and differences trio a small smile. "I have to go.. Mum is on her way here to pick me up, and I want to meet her out front." She explained quietly before picking up her bag. "It's a shame I couldn't stay longer.."
Mia chuckled. Mitsukuni was always so...outspoken and Takashi kept to himself but watching them, they both had an understanding. Takashi didn't need to say much to get the other's attention. Honey pouted a bit when the other apologized and figured it was just an honest mistake, although he did have questions. Which he would ask when it was just the two of them. He was curious what had distracted Takashi from getting the stuff in the first place. "It's okay Takashi." He answered and looked at Mia expectantly. "Try it!" He instructed. Mia blinked and nodded quickly. She lifted her cup of tea and carefully blew on it before taking a small sip. It was warm and very tasty. Not too sweet or bitter at all. "Delicious." She said, laughing when Honey slid a plate with a slice of cake on it towards her. "Try it!"
"You're leaving so soon?" Haruhi asked. Her brown eyes on Alice, "Really?" She asked, standing. The twins didn't look too pleased, but they knew they couldn't do anything about it. "Can't you ask your mother if you can stay a little while longer? Even just a few minutes longer?" Haruhi asked. "It's no use Haruhi. Alice's mother does not negotiate." Hikaru muttered. "We'll walk you out to the gate, Alice." Kaoru suggested politely.
"You're leaving so soon?" Haruhi asked. Her brown eyes on Alice, "Really?" She asked, standing. The twins didn't look too pleased, but they knew they couldn't do anything about it. "Can't you ask your mother if you can stay a little while longer? Even just a few minutes longer?" Haruhi asked. "It's no use Haruhi. Alice's mother does not negotiate." Hikaru muttered. "We'll walk you out to the gate, Alice." Kaoru suggested politely.
Takashi wore a small smile when Mitsukuni forgave him and, noticing the pout before hand of course, that small smile of his though could hold a hundred meanings. Surely the smaller boy had questions. He was pleased to see him acting cheerful again. as he ushered Mia to try the tea and then a slice of cake. Takashi stood by Mitsukuni like he always did, while also keeping an eye of their guest. Ignoring a girl who was rude after all.
Alice felt a jab of guilt hit her as Haruhi stood and pressed her to try and reason with her mother. She lowered her pale lavender eyes and bowed apologetically. "Next time, I'll stay longer.. I'll tell my mother about the host club, and maybe she'll understand." Alice explained calmly as she stood straight. She glanced at the twins and nodded lightly. "Okay.." She murmured quietly, before leaving the club with the twins. She felt bad, but Hikaru was right. Her mother didn't negoliate.
Alice felt a jab of guilt hit her as Haruhi stood and pressed her to try and reason with her mother. She lowered her pale lavender eyes and bowed apologetically. "Next time, I'll stay longer.. I'll tell my mother about the host club, and maybe she'll understand." Alice explained calmly as she stood straight. She glanced at the twins and nodded lightly. "Okay.." She murmured quietly, before leaving the club with the twins. She felt bad, but Hikaru was right. Her mother didn't negoliate.
He really was curious to see her reaction to the cake. Now, Mia wasn't too crazy about sweets but she wouldn't turn one down on occasions. Picking up her fork, she dug into the cake and ate a piece. It was very good, she already tasted the banana cream used in the middle. "So good." She said after drinking more tea. "I really like this, surprisingly." She admitted. Honey's eyes widened in joy, she liked it! "Does that mean you'll stay?" The smaller boy asked her. Mia raised a brow towards him. "Stay? Well I have to go home at some point I'm afraid." She replied.
Haruhi frowned but nodded. "Understood. It was a pleasure meeting you Alice. Perhaps next time, we can talk more." She told her then looked at the twins. Go ahead. If Tamaki asks I'll just inform him of the situation." She told them. The twins nodded and walked off after Alice, one on each side of her. They knew this couldn't go very well. It was no real secret that Alice's mother didn't take too kindly towards them. Why? They weren't sure.
Haruhi frowned but nodded. "Understood. It was a pleasure meeting you Alice. Perhaps next time, we can talk more." She told her then looked at the twins. Go ahead. If Tamaki asks I'll just inform him of the situation." She told them. The twins nodded and walked off after Alice, one on each side of her. They knew this couldn't go very well. It was no real secret that Alice's mother didn't take too kindly towards them. Why? They weren't sure.
Takashi was content with what was happening right now. His cousin was somewhat enjoying himself, given how he reacted when Mia tasted the cake and admitted to liking it, and Mia was also enjoying herself it seemed. "I think he means until the club is over." Takashi spoke casually, glancing at his cousin.
Alice smiled to Haruhi before leaving and lowered her gaze once they walking down the long hallway. She knew her mother didn't particularly like the twins, and if she to guess why it was probably because they weren't perfect gentlemen. In her eyes they were a bad influence for Alice. When they made it outside there was a small black car already parked and waiting, with the window rolled down. Miranda, her mother, pushed down her sun glasses just enough to get a proper look at the trio. "Oh my, look at how you've grown." She said to the boys as if happy to see them. "I trust she wasn't too much of a handful. " The woman spoke calmly.
Alice turned and hugged both boys. Her mother didn't like them, but boy could she act. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" She said quietly.
Alice smiled to Haruhi before leaving and lowered her gaze once they walking down the long hallway. She knew her mother didn't particularly like the twins, and if she to guess why it was probably because they weren't perfect gentlemen. In her eyes they were a bad influence for Alice. When they made it outside there was a small black car already parked and waiting, with the window rolled down. Miranda, her mother, pushed down her sun glasses just enough to get a proper look at the trio. "Oh my, look at how you've grown." She said to the boys as if happy to see them. "I trust she wasn't too much of a handful. " The woman spoke calmly.
Alice turned and hugged both boys. Her mother didn't like them, but boy could she act. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" She said quietly.
"Oh! Silly me. Yes, I can stay until the club is over for the day." Mia answered, taking another bite of her cake. Mia wondered what they did when they weren't here at school or at this club of theirs. What did they do for fun? Did they play any sports? She looked at Mitsukuni, he didn't look like the kind of person that played any sort of sports. Takashi looked like he might play some sports but he was very quiet. So maybe he didn't play with others? Would it be a bad thing to ask? "Good! And you'll come every day after school won't you?" Honey asked. Mia laughed softly and nodded. "I will try my best to stop by after school if I can. I promise." She promised.
Just looking at the woman sent chills down the twins' spines. She was so calm despite not liking them. "It's nice to see you too Miss Winters." The twins spoke in unison. Something they always enjoyed doing. "Not at all, she was a pleasure to be around." Hikaru answered then they hugged Alice back. "You better come back tomorrow Alice. We have a lot of catching up to do." Hikaru commented. "A lot of catching up to do." Kaoru agreed. "And now even Haruhi wants to talk to you, so now you have more of a reason to show up tomorrow. Oh and good luck with your mother, hopefully all goes well." He told her quietly before they both let her go.
Just looking at the woman sent chills down the twins' spines. She was so calm despite not liking them. "It's nice to see you too Miss Winters." The twins spoke in unison. Something they always enjoyed doing. "Not at all, she was a pleasure to be around." Hikaru answered then they hugged Alice back. "You better come back tomorrow Alice. We have a lot of catching up to do." Hikaru commented. "A lot of catching up to do." Kaoru agreed. "And now even Haruhi wants to talk to you, so now you have more of a reason to show up tomorrow. Oh and good luck with your mother, hopefully all goes well." He told her quietly before they both let her go.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.