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Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/9 23:23:12 )
Maddie chuckled as he replied and, tilted her head when he took another sip of his coffee. He asked what movie she'd like to watch, then mentioned horror films being out. She smirked lightly and took a moment to think. What kind of movies did he have anyway? That was the first thing she needed to know, so maybe she could pick through them. But..he was asking what kind of movie, not for a name of a movie. Maddie sat back as she thought. "Mayve an action or adventure movie." She said after a moment.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 00:39:42 )
"Oh my gosh you didn't say romance." Clint started. Didn't girls like those cheesy romantic movies like 'The Notebook'? "I mean...n-not that I was hoping you would or anything. I'm just surprised since I thought all girls liked that cheesy stuff." He admitted quietly. So her choices were action or adventure. He could work with that. "So like...'The Lord of the Rings'? and umm...'X-men' or 'Transformers'? Yes I still like Transformers and yes, Optimus Prime is still my favorite freakin' robotic car. Can't look at a truck the same way anymore." He said and laughed. Yes, he was still a kid at heart.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 01:00:18 )
Maddie blinked when he spoke, and raised an eyebrow. "Romance movies are like drama books.." She murmured quietly, starting to trace circles on the surface of the table absently. Unless she was proven wrong and watched a romance movie that wasn't all soft and mushy, she'd feel the same about them. Granted, she never actually got to watch movies..but she had definitely herd about them like everyone else. The quietly thought over the movie titles and nodded lightly, giggling when he began to boast about Transformers and the leader of the auto-cons or whatever. "Sadly, I'm only familiar with the comics on that one. If they've made a movie, maybe we can watch it? If you have it.." She admitted with a light shrug of her slender shoulders.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 02:24:55 )
"Very...boring?" Clint asked, sipping his coffee again. "Mads, they made like...four or five movies. I have them all! I mean, c'mon. Cars that turn to talking robots. Although Bumblebee doesn't really talk without use of the radio. He's cool. But anyway, yes we can totally watch them. At least one...or two if you want but I wouldn't want you to stay up late if you're tired." Clint explained. She had woken up from a nightmare which meant that she hadn't gotten much sleep and that could only mean that she'd want to go to bed early tonight. So maybe they'd be able to watch one movie if they were lucky. He'd be happy just spending any time with her though even if all they did was watch the grass grow outside. "You know...they made a new movie. 'Bumblebee' and umm...I don't really like his design on that one be- S-sorry...rambling again." He blushed and looked down at his now empty plate.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 03:19:06 )
Maddie smirked some at his question. Yes, very boring. She'd go with that. She listened quietly when he explained that they had several movies made for the old comic characters and rested her arms in the table. Even when he started going on about the newest one they made for Bumblebee. Honestly, even from the comics, the yellow of the auto-cons was her favorite. "I wouldn't mind trying to binge watch them, if you didn't have work tomorrow. I'm used to not sleeping." She teased, kidding of course. "How about we two today and the others tomorrow?" She asked curiously .

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 04:45:23 )
Clint drank the rest of his coffee and smiled at her proposal. Two today after work? He could do that. He nodded, "We can watch two today when I get home and wash up. It will be fun Mads." This wasn't a date, just two friends watching a movie. What if Maddie didn't see it that way though? Well, he didn't want to tell her it wasn't, he didn't want to hurt her feelings. It was too early though, there was no way they were anything more than simple friends. "Hey Mads...umm.." He looked at the dishes and picked them up to wash them. "W-would you mind checking to see how work is going to go for me today?" He asked. He was mostly curious to see if a certain girl showed up unexpectedly at his workplace wanting to talk about what had happened.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 05:14:58 )
Maddie actually smiled again, when he agreed to watch two of the.movies after he got back from work and cleaned up. Awesome! They were catching up for some much needed hangout time. That's all this was. After finding him after so many years, she actually had the chance to spend some real time with him. She chuckled as his hesitant question and sat back in the chair some. "Don't sound so nevous, I already told you I wouldn't mind giving you a reading whenever you asked. Remember?" Maddie said to him, glancing at him curiously . He seemed bothered again.. And no matter how curious she was, she wouldn't intrude.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 06:02:54 )
"I...I know. It's just that I have a lot on my mind and I'd really like a reading before I have to get ready for work. An in depth one if possible. Or well...anything you can tell me will be greatly appreciated Mads." Clint replied. He washed the dishes then set them on the rack to dry and dried off his hands before sitting back down at the table. He held out his hand to her so she could do her thing. He needed to know if Jess was going to be a problem or not. He hoped she wasn't, but if he was, he was going to have to figure out how to get rid of her nicely before doing something stupid.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 22:06:34 )
Maddie nodded knowingly when he spoke. She already knew that, it wasn't hard to read him. "I don't know how in-depth I can go, but I'll tell you what I can." She said to him with withing a small smirk. After he finished washing the dishes and set them on the rack, he came to sit with her at the table once more. She had a feeling it had to with something that happened last night, but she didn't mind. If she could help keep him out of trouble and keep him safe, she was all for it. Well.. That's what she told herself. Maddie gently placed a hand under his, and began tracing the lines of his hand with a finger. Closing her eyes and finding her focus. She was looking for something that could happen to him at work, anything. It didn't take long for a woman to be seen getting out of a rather nice car, in front of the shop he worked in, and looking for him. This woman didn't look half bad, but clearly she was looking for trouble, and Clint didn't look like he actually wanted to talk with her. What the hell? Keeping her focus, she peered a bit deeper into the vision. Maddie wanted to know how far this would go. After a short bit, the woman left him alone and went back to her car, but once Clint left work, the woman now in the car tried following him home and that's where the vision ended.

Maddie opened her eyes and lowered her gaze after placing her hands back onto the table. "So.. Nothing bad happens today, but there was a woman trying to talk to you at work. She was tall, pale skinned, had long brown hair and blue eyes, and drove a red convertible. She'll leave..but..She'll try to follow you when you leave. I don't know how far though, the vision cut off." She explained. She'd never had a vision cut out like that, but it couldn't be good.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 22:37:31 )
Again, Clint waited patiently and remained still while the reading was going on. This one was taking longer and it made him worry, was Maddie seeing something terrible? Maybe he shouldn't have asked her for such a complicated reading. He felt as if he were taking advantage of her by asking her to do this but he didn't plan on doing this every day. Right now he needed to know if there was going to be any problems. Then Maddie's eyes opened and she let go of his hand. Clint lowered his hand onto the table and looked at her, waiting for what she had to say.

When she started to explain what she had seen, his hand balled up to a fist and he groaned. "Jess..." He muttered, slightly annoyed. Well, at least now he knew what to look forward to. What the hell would she want to talk about? That kiss probably? It would make sense. But why at work? Why didn't she just bug him with a phone call? "So Jess is going to start stalking" He didn't look excited at all though, clearly his words were meant to be a joke. He'd have to keep an eye out for her, but he had to look surprised when he did see her that way she wouldn't get suspicious or anything. "Great, just what I needed." He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 23:08:44 )
Maddie sighed quietly and sat back in the chair and watched his body language. Clearly, he wasn't happy about the news and she lowers her gaze down to the table. His half ass joke gained no expression or gesture from Maddie as she thought quietly to herself. Wasn't 'Jess' the name she heard over the phone last night? Oh, great.. So pushing him to go out with his friends might've been a bad idea after all. After a moment she glanced at him with a sheepishly smirk and she ran her fingers through her long black hair. "If this has anything to do with last night.. I'm sorry I pushed you into going.." She said quietly. She was starting to feel a tad tired after that reading, which only sorta made since. It was early yes, but that had nothing to do with it. She simply pushed it aside and showed no signs of it. She could lay down after Clint left for work.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 23:25:40 )
Maddie was apologizing and Clint's eyes widened as he quickly shook his head. "Mads, it's not your fault. It's okay. You wanted me to go hang out with friends. You're totally okay. It's my fault that she wants to talk to me...a-and I think I know what she wants to talk about. Another mistake of mine." He said. Maybe he might as well tell her who she was. it wasn't important and Maddie didn't need to know anything about Jess. It would probably just make things worse. "Cheer up yeah? We have movies to look forward to when I get back and I'm making popcorn. So don't worry, it will be like the real deal okay?" Clint explained to her, trying to cheer her up. "I have to go get ready for work. I'm leaving you my cell number right here on this notepad in case you want to call for whatever reason." He said to her, getting up he walked to the notepad on the refrigerator door and jot down his cell number and the hours of his break. "There you go. I'll see you later Mads. And thanks again for the reading, I do appreciate it." He told her, giving her a warm smile before walking away to his room to get ready for work.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 00:59:42 )
Maddie rose an eyebrow as he spoke, but decided not to press. It wasn't her business, unless he wanted to talk about it. Which clearly he didn't, and she couldn't blame him. Now he was trying to cheer her up and she nodded. "Alright, but you better not forget the popcorn." She poked at him, just to show she was alright and not as bummed as she sounded. She was just tired. After he wrote down his number and break times on said notepad, she yawned some and nodded before getting up from the table. "Yeah, alright, just be careful. I don't trust that woman.." She murmured quietly as he left. Maddie sighed under her breath and headed back to her room to lay down on her bed, didn't even bother covering up. She just laid there for a few mnutes before falling asleep.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 01:09:07 )
He wouldn't forget the popcorn. Why kind did she like? Kettle or butter? Well that was something to worry about later. Right now he needed to get to work. Popping into her room to say bye, Clint smiled seeing her fast asleep there on her bed. He carefully took the time to tuck her in properly, "Goodnight mads." He whispered then headed out of her room and out of the house. The door was locked behind him and he got in his car then drove off to work. Be on the lookout for Jess, Clint. Don't let her seduce you anymore. Be in charge of yourself. It was easier said then done. He knew the moment he'd see her, that he'd fall again and give in just a little bit.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 01:32:28 )

Maddie slept for at least a couple of hours before waking again. She noticed the blankets now covering her when she sat up and couldn't help the warmth she felt in her cheeks. Even if he was nothing more than a brother to her, he still managed to touch a soft spot once in while. She got up and went to take a nice hot shower to clear her head. She hadn't had a 'nightmare' but it was definitely weird. She took fifteen minutes in the shower, then dried off and got dressed in her second pair of pjs. She went into the laundry room and tossed her clothes into the basket, then glanced at the washing machine. How hard could it be? Shaking her head, she decided to wait until Clint got home so he could actually show her how to work the washer, then went into the kitchen and looked through the fridge. After a few minutes, she pulled out the cheese and some lunch meat, and made a sandwich.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 02:42:17 )
Clint had forgotten to bring lunch to work...again. It had become the norm at this point though. He always would buy himself something small during his break. It was a pretty good day. Not too busy which was nice. Clint glanced around, so far, no sign of Jess anywhere. Relaxing some, Clint slid beneath the car, fixing it up. This was going to get him a pretty penny seeing as how bad the car was right now, but it wasn't anything he couldn't fix. He did have a co-worker helping him by passing the tools he needed one by one. Of course he was going to be a mess by the time he got home, he'd need a shower straight away unless he wanted to smell like oil and gasoline all day. There was a sound of a car engine and Clint froze. No surprise, he heard Jess' voice as the woman approached the garage. He was glad he was hidden beneath a car right now. "I'm looking for Clint." Jess said, and then his co-worker pointed him out. "Clint, are you hiding from me?" She asked. Clint sighed, "I'm busy Jess. Go away." He answered. "Clint please, we need to talk. It's important. Please?" Clint slowly slid out from under the car and gave her a look. "Fine." He answered.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 03:15:12 )
((and the fun begins xD))

Maddie made her sandwich and put everything up before sitting at the table to eat. She took her time eating, then washed the plate and set it on the rack before heading to her room. She sat down on her bed and picked up the book she was enjoying, and started reading. She didn't have anything else to do until Clint got home.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 03:26:11 )
((I hope so. lol))

Standing up, Clint walked out of the garage so that the other men wouldn't have to listen to this conversation. "I'm all ears." He said to her, using a rag to wipe off some grease from his hands. "I wanted to talk about last night. Was that...for fun or?" She asked wrapping her arms around herself. Clint sighed. "I knew you'd want to talk about that. Why didn't you just call me? Why are you coming to my work place?" Clint asked her. "I wanted to see you again Clint. Is that so bad?" She answered. "What happened yesterday shouldn't have happened. But it did. It doesn't mean anything though Jess. You and I are done. We've been done for years now. If we could make it work, I'd love to...but we can't. I don't know what else you want me to tell you." She stepped closer, making Clint uncomfortable. "Maybe we can make it work Clint." She offered with a hopeful smile. "We can't. want someone to travel with, to jump in bed with you whenever you want it. Someone to go out partying with. I don't want that. That was fun when I was a freshman in college. But I'm not a freshman in college anymore Jess." He explained to her. He didn't know what else to do. But he didn't want to hurt her feelings either.

"Please just leave me alone Jess. We can be friends...but that's all we'll ever be."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 03:51:37 )
Maddie managed to get through another chapter in the book. Now she only had like three or four chapters left, which kind of made her sad. But hey, Clint had given her a stack of books to read, so she was.good. She paused from reading and lifted her head. She got up to check the time and debated on calling him when his break hit, but decided against it and went back to reading her book. It was possible that she could have the book finished by the time Clint came home.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 04:07:08 )
"So that's it? You kissed me yesterday and you're telling me you want nothing to do with me? That it meant nothing to you? Didn't you stop to think that maybe it meant something to me?" Jess told him. "I did. And I understand that you might think I love you...but I don't Jess. I like you, I don't hate you. But I could never love you anymore. I loved you at one point....but then we grew apart after college. I thought it would be best to just break it off..I was busy working three jobs and looking for a place of my own. It wasn't easy but you were out partying and getting wasted! How the hell was I supposed to just sit back and pretend that we were okay? We weren't. It's why we broke up...and you know that Jess. You had your chance and you blew it. I have to get back to work now. Don't come back here again, don't look for me. You want to talk, you call the house." Clint warned and left back to work on the car some more before the boss got upset.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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