Takashi sighed quietly as he watched his small cousin cling to the stuffed rabbit, and sat down at the other end of the couch. If he fell asleep, he'd wake him when the first bell went off. "Mitsukuni, did you sleep alright?" He asked curiously.
Tamaki stopped his pacing and glanced at Haruhi with wide eyes as she spoke. That was possible.. and though the twins often skipped coming to the club first thing, Kyoya usually did. Where was he? Traffic? He sat down in a chair with a sigh. "YAou're probably right. Kyoya usually gets here before me though, and I haven't heard anything!" He pouted.
Alice avoided glancing at either twin and gentle placed a hand over her chest. "Dont.. Don't be mad at him.. I made him promise not to tell anyone. I didn't even tell him, he just sorta found out.. It was an accident." She murmured quietly, her chest tightening with guilt as the younger twin spoke. "I was born sick.. and every year it's only gotten worse.." She started to explain quietly, keeping her pale lavender eyes focused on the bed sheets covering her. "It.. It started with having an arrhythmia once in while when I got too excited.. Then it evolved as I got older, due to the lack of medical attention because of mother.. I've needed a pacemaker for a while now, but without mother's consent, or my step-father coming down and taking matters into his own hands.. I can't get one.." Tears came to the girl's eyes and she bit her lip as it began to quiver slightly. Now wasn't the time to be crying. Did she even have any right to? "Hikaru knows, my mother, my step-father, and now you. Well, apparently this Kyoya-senpai has figured it out as well.. But.. No one else knows, not even Tamaki." She explained quietly. "Kaoru.. I told you, I've been a terrible friend to you."
Forums Role Playing OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Honey looked to his cousin and stared at him. "Hmm...yes. I did all my homework too a-and then I had a bit of sweets before bed. But I brushed my teeth, promise and then I went to bed but I don't remember what time it was." The smaller blonde frowned. Maybe he didn't get enough sleep. Homework was boring though, and there was a lot to do and to read. "Did you sleep well Takashi? I..I'm sorry for being sleepy still. I'm not a morning person you know."
Haruhi had to admit it was strange that none of them had called to notify that they'd be late. "Have you tried to get into contact with them?" She asked him. Trying to call them seemed like the best idea right now. The question was, would they answer though?
Kaoru couldn't believe what he was hearing. That was it then? She just had to wait until her body gave up? Was it really just a waiting game right now? "I'm going to guess that you've tried to get your parents to sign their permission for you being allowed to get this pacemaker and they've not agreed..." He frowned. He wasn't mad at her no. He was mad at her parents. Their daughter was dying and they weren't doing a damn thing about it! He had to stay calm, he had to keep his head clear and think rationally. Hikaru was at Alice's bedside and gently rested his hand over hers. School was the least of his concerns right now. "You're not a terrible friend Alice." Kaoru answered quietly, approaching her and lightly patting her shoulder. "I understand that you just didn't want to make us worry. We're your friends though, we will always worry about you." He told her and Hikaru nodded, quickly wiping the tears from his own cheeks. "We have to figure out how to get you that pacemaker." Hikaru whispered. His brother nodded, but it wouldn't be easy. They needed a signature from the parents. How were they going to trick them into signing a medical form?
Haruhi had to admit it was strange that none of them had called to notify that they'd be late. "Have you tried to get into contact with them?" She asked him. Trying to call them seemed like the best idea right now. The question was, would they answer though?
Kaoru couldn't believe what he was hearing. That was it then? She just had to wait until her body gave up? Was it really just a waiting game right now? "I'm going to guess that you've tried to get your parents to sign their permission for you being allowed to get this pacemaker and they've not agreed..." He frowned. He wasn't mad at her no. He was mad at her parents. Their daughter was dying and they weren't doing a damn thing about it! He had to stay calm, he had to keep his head clear and think rationally. Hikaru was at Alice's bedside and gently rested his hand over hers. School was the least of his concerns right now. "You're not a terrible friend Alice." Kaoru answered quietly, approaching her and lightly patting her shoulder. "I understand that you just didn't want to make us worry. We're your friends though, we will always worry about you." He told her and Hikaru nodded, quickly wiping the tears from his own cheeks. "We have to figure out how to get you that pacemaker." Hikaru whispered. His brother nodded, but it wouldn't be easy. They needed a signature from the parents. How were they going to trick them into signing a medical form?
Takashi kept his facial expression calm even though he was worried about his cousin . It didn't sound like he got.much sleep at all. He nodded when the smaller boy spoke. "It's alright. Get some rest before class." He assured him.
Just as Tamaki had thought about what Haruhi had said, in came Kyoya as calm as ever, causing the blonde make all but leap from his chair. "Kyoya! Why didn't you call me?" He poured dramatically. Kyoya simply adjusted his glasses. "Something came up involving the twins. They'll be late as well." He explained.
Alice didn't feel much better afteewards. Even with their words, she still felt terrible. She shook her head lightly and stifled a sniffle. "Derek, my step-father, wanted me to have the operation, but he's not my legal guardian so he can't sign without my mother.. He'd have to come down from France, divorce my mother and take her to court for custody rights. He'd pretty much have to get.me out of my.mother's hands, and he'd need help to do it or mother could rob him blind." Alice explained.
Just as Tamaki had thought about what Haruhi had said, in came Kyoya as calm as ever, causing the blonde make all but leap from his chair. "Kyoya! Why didn't you call me?" He poured dramatically. Kyoya simply adjusted his glasses. "Something came up involving the twins. They'll be late as well." He explained.
Alice didn't feel much better afteewards. Even with their words, she still felt terrible. She shook her head lightly and stifled a sniffle. "Derek, my step-father, wanted me to have the operation, but he's not my legal guardian so he can't sign without my mother.. He'd have to come down from France, divorce my mother and take her to court for custody rights. He'd pretty much have to get.me out of my.mother's hands, and he'd need help to do it or mother could rob him blind." Alice explained.
The boy didn't need to be told twice before he closed his eyes and fell to sleep there on the couch by Takashi. Haruhi glanced back towards the door and saw that Kyoya himself was walking in as if he hadn't been late at all. The twins? "W-well are they okay? If something happened, you don't look very troubled about it Kyoya-senpai." Haruhi said quietly, keeping her distance. Of all the members of the club, he was the scariest. Probably because he always looked so calm, so you never knew what he was thinking.
Mia looked to the classroom door. She hadn't seen Takashi or Mitsukuni yet. Had they even shown up today? While debating on looking for them or not, she remembered Takashi mentioned a Kendo class. Mitsukuni had mentioned that they usually arrived late because of this. "Was that today?" She asked herself. Why was she so focused on seeing them again?
The twins stared at her as she spoke. It wasn't going to be easy, it was a pretty long process and time was not on their side sadly. "Then that's what we'll do." Hikaru said, startling his brother. "It's better than doing nothing. We'll give him a call, explain what happened. I'm sure that will be enough for him to come down and see her." Hikaru said to his brother. Kaoru pondered on this for a second. "I suppose it's the only option we have at the moment and we're not really in a position to postpone this action from taking place."
Mia looked to the classroom door. She hadn't seen Takashi or Mitsukuni yet. Had they even shown up today? While debating on looking for them or not, she remembered Takashi mentioned a Kendo class. Mitsukuni had mentioned that they usually arrived late because of this. "Was that today?" She asked herself. Why was she so focused on seeing them again?
The twins stared at her as she spoke. It wasn't going to be easy, it was a pretty long process and time was not on their side sadly. "Then that's what we'll do." Hikaru said, startling his brother. "It's better than doing nothing. We'll give him a call, explain what happened. I'm sure that will be enough for him to come down and see her." Hikaru said to his brother. Kaoru pondered on this for a second. "I suppose it's the only option we have at the moment and we're not really in a position to postpone this action from taking place."
Takashi sat back in the couch some to relax a bit. He wasn't going anywhere without his cousin, even if it made him late. Mitsukuni always came first.
Tamaki glanced between the two as if just hearing what he said when the dark haired male came in. Then he looked at Kyoya, who nodded casually. "They're fine, I assure you. Just dealing with an urgent family matter." He explained, glancing at the two of them. "Anyway- shouldn't we be getting to class?" He wondered aloud, just as calmly as ever.
Alice blinked and glanced at Hikaru when he spoke. He.. He was serious, wasn't he? Then Kaoru spoke in agreement and Alice sighed quietly. These boys really would do anything for her, wouldn't they? She lightly folded her arms around her chest. "How are you planning on contacting him?" She asked curiously, not knowing much about their methods or who Kyoya was, other than what she was told yesterday. It didn't take long for her mother's voice to be heard even though the walls of her room. Hikaru was closest, and she gently grabbed the end of his school jacket as her heart rate began to climb. The nurse quickly came back into the room and closed the door behind her. "Don't worry alright? This is a private hospital, and if you don't want to see her, you don't have to." She explained with a sweet smile. Alice still had a hold of Hikaru's jacket.
Tamaki glanced between the two as if just hearing what he said when the dark haired male came in. Then he looked at Kyoya, who nodded casually. "They're fine, I assure you. Just dealing with an urgent family matter." He explained, glancing at the two of them. "Anyway- shouldn't we be getting to class?" He wondered aloud, just as calmly as ever.
Alice blinked and glanced at Hikaru when he spoke. He.. He was serious, wasn't he? Then Kaoru spoke in agreement and Alice sighed quietly. These boys really would do anything for her, wouldn't they? She lightly folded her arms around her chest. "How are you planning on contacting him?" She asked curiously, not knowing much about their methods or who Kyoya was, other than what she was told yesterday. It didn't take long for her mother's voice to be heard even though the walls of her room. Hikaru was closest, and she gently grabbed the end of his school jacket as her heart rate began to climb. The nurse quickly came back into the room and closed the door behind her. "Don't worry alright? This is a private hospital, and if you don't want to see her, you don't have to." She explained with a sweet smile. Alice still had a hold of Hikaru's jacket.
A family matter, that didn't exactly help the nerves calm down. If anything it just made Haruhi more nervous. However, she knew standing around wouldn't do any good. They had classes to attend to, so they might as well go and do that. "Yeah, we should get going. Thanks for letting us know about this Kyoya-senpai." She said and looked back at Takashi. "Are you not going to class today Mori-senpai?" She asked. Shortly after asking, she noticed Honey fast asleep. Poor guy probably didn't sleep any last night.
Mia looked at the door, frowning as the bell rang signaling the start of class. They weren't here. Well, maybe she'd see them after school at their club. She did plan on visiting it after school. At least for a little while, but she'd call her parents to let them know so that they didn't worry.
The twins smirked. A mischievous look on their faces and a devious glint in their eyes. "We have our ways." They answered in unison. Surely Kyoya would be able to find information on this man and he'd surely want to help given the current situation. When the sound of her mother's voice reached their ears, both twins glared in the direction of the door, but were relieved when it was just a nurse. Hikaru looked down at Alice and removed her hand from his jacket, instead holding it in his own in hoped of comforting her. "She shouldn't be allowed near her." Kaoru explained to the nurse.
Mia looked at the door, frowning as the bell rang signaling the start of class. They weren't here. Well, maybe she'd see them after school at their club. She did plan on visiting it after school. At least for a little while, but she'd call her parents to let them know so that they didn't worry.
The twins smirked. A mischievous look on their faces and a devious glint in their eyes. "We have our ways." They answered in unison. Surely Kyoya would be able to find information on this man and he'd surely want to help given the current situation. When the sound of her mother's voice reached their ears, both twins glared in the direction of the door, but were relieved when it was just a nurse. Hikaru looked down at Alice and removed her hand from his jacket, instead holding it in his own in hoped of comforting her. "She shouldn't be allowed near her." Kaoru explained to the nurse.
Takashi glanced at Haruhi and shook his head. He wasn't going anywhere without his cousin. He'd feel bad about leaving him alone.
Kyoya nodded lightly and proceeded to nearly dragging Tamaki out of the club room. Since they were in the same class, and the blonde wasn't wanting to leave without knowing where the twins were.
Alice's eyes widen some when she felt Hikaru hold her hand instead. Had she acted on her childish impulses again? It did help her feel a bit more at ease though, and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. The nurse smiled to the boys then nodded her head and left again to find the doctor, to talk to her mother about leaving. Even with knowing that, how could she relax with the woman raising a French fuss?
Kyoya nodded lightly and proceeded to nearly dragging Tamaki out of the club room. Since they were in the same class, and the blonde wasn't wanting to leave without knowing where the twins were.
Alice's eyes widen some when she felt Hikaru hold her hand instead. Had she acted on her childish impulses again? It did help her feel a bit more at ease though, and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. The nurse smiled to the boys then nodded her head and left again to find the doctor, to talk to her mother about leaving. Even with knowing that, how could she relax with the woman raising a French fuss?
Haruhi understood Takashi's silent answer. He and Mitsukuni were family, very close. She quietly followed the other two out and closed the door behind her. The twins were fine...wherever they were. Kyoya had said it was a family matter. Were their parents hurt? Well, she could ask questions the next time she saw them. For now, she walked into her class and took her usual seat.
Honey slept for a few minutes longer before slowly waking up and rubbed his eyes sleepily. "Oh...e-everyone is gone." He noted quietly, sitting up and turning to see his cousin was still there. It made the boy smile, happy to see he had been waited for. "Sorry Takashi. We're going to be late because of me."
Kaoru pinched the bridge of his nose hearing the woman make a scene outside. It clearly wasn't helping Alice feel better. "Should we go talk to her?" Hikaru asked. Kaoru shook his head. "It will make matters worse. At least we know she won't be allowed inside to see Alice now. Maybe now you can rest a little easier." He said and frowned. "You can't leave until your mother picks you up?"
Honey slept for a few minutes longer before slowly waking up and rubbed his eyes sleepily. "Oh...e-everyone is gone." He noted quietly, sitting up and turning to see his cousin was still there. It made the boy smile, happy to see he had been waited for. "Sorry Takashi. We're going to be late because of me."
Kaoru pinched the bridge of his nose hearing the woman make a scene outside. It clearly wasn't helping Alice feel better. "Should we go talk to her?" Hikaru asked. Kaoru shook his head. "It will make matters worse. At least we know she won't be allowed inside to see Alice now. Maybe now you can rest a little easier." He said and frowned. "You can't leave until your mother picks you up?"
Takashi glanced down at his cousin when he woke and shook his head when the smaller boy spoke. "Feeling better?" He asked, concerned. Even if they were late it wasn't like they'd miss the whole class.
Alice blinked and sighed quietly, sitting back against the bed. She forgot about that fact! "Well.. If the doctor is finished.. Then yeah, she'll have to discharge me." She murmured quietly, followed by something in french. The nurse soon came back and closed the door behind her. "The doctor is still running some tests, so you're not going anywhere yet lil miss." She said casually, winking. She glanced at the boys. "She'll be alright here, if you've got school. We'll take care of her, no matter what her mother says, even if it's just a routine check-up." The nurse explained.
Alice blinked and sighed quietly, sitting back against the bed. She forgot about that fact! "Well.. If the doctor is finished.. Then yeah, she'll have to discharge me." She murmured quietly, followed by something in french. The nurse soon came back and closed the door behind her. "The doctor is still running some tests, so you're not going anywhere yet lil miss." She said casually, winking. She glanced at the boys. "She'll be alright here, if you've got school. We'll take care of her, no matter what her mother says, even if it's just a routine check-up." The nurse explained.
Honey nodded and climbed up onto his cousin's shoulders. "Let's go. Maybe we'll see Mia today. I wonder if she'll want to eat lunch with us. Or if she'll want to visit our club today. I hope she isn't worried about us being late." The boy said quietly.
"Nonsense. Your father can discharge you too can't he? Well...after the whole divorce thing anyway." Kaoru commented. That would take days though and she couldn't be missing school for days at a time. That would make her grade drop very quickly. When the nurse returned, Kaoru nodded. "Very well then, we'll be going now. Come Hikaru, we have class." Hikaru was hesitant though and gently squeezed her hand. "We'll come back after school and I'll see if I can bring you the homework that way you don't fall behind okay?" The twin suggested with a smile. "You'll be fine. We'll figure this out." he told her softly. Kaoru nodded and walked over to ruffle her hair. "We'll see you again soon." He said and took his brother's hand, basically dragging him out of there. The entire time, Hikaru glanced over his shoulder at Alice.
"Nonsense. Your father can discharge you too can't he? Well...after the whole divorce thing anyway." Kaoru commented. That would take days though and she couldn't be missing school for days at a time. That would make her grade drop very quickly. When the nurse returned, Kaoru nodded. "Very well then, we'll be going now. Come Hikaru, we have class." Hikaru was hesitant though and gently squeezed her hand. "We'll come back after school and I'll see if I can bring you the homework that way you don't fall behind okay?" The twin suggested with a smile. "You'll be fine. We'll figure this out." he told her softly. Kaoru nodded and walked over to ruffle her hair. "We'll see you again soon." He said and took his brother's hand, basically dragging him out of there. The entire time, Hikaru glanced over his shoulder at Alice.
Takashi nodded lightly and waited for Mitsukuni to climb up on his shoulders before slowly standing and leave the club room, and headed to their first class. He more-so sped walked until reaching their class and setting his cousin down in his seat, bowing to the teacher in apology for being late. Then sat down as well.
Alice shook her head lightly. She couldn't sit in the hospital until her step-father came down to rescue her. As the boys reluctantly left, Alice gave Hikaru a small smile. Once the door closed she adjusted the bed so she was laying down again and did her best to tune out her mother. The nurse stayed in the room with her just to make sure she wasn't by herself at a time like this.
Alice shook her head lightly. She couldn't sit in the hospital until her step-father came down to rescue her. As the boys reluctantly left, Alice gave Hikaru a small smile. Once the door closed she adjusted the bed so she was laying down again and did her best to tune out her mother. The nurse stayed in the room with her just to make sure she wasn't by herself at a time like this.
Honey saw the students turn to look at them when they walked in, even Mia and he waved in her direction. He kept quiet however, knowing he'd only disrupt class even more if he spoke up. He settled in his seat and quickly tried to catch up on the notes written on the board. Mia was surprised to see them show up, a little late but not terribly late either. She smiled at them and waved back at Mitsukuni. He seemed in a cheerful mood as always and Takashi was silent as was usual in his behavior.
Kaoru made sure to drive back to the school as fast as possible. "We aren't too late, so we should be fine and I'm sure anything we miss we'll get from Haruhi afterwords." he explained. They excited the car and practically ran inside the school then towards their class. They bowed many times when they arrived and then took their usual seats, shooting Haruhi an apologetic look. Haruhi blinked in surprise to see the devious duo run inside the classroom. She wanted to ask where they were, but she knew that would have to wait until afterwards.
Kaoru made sure to drive back to the school as fast as possible. "We aren't too late, so we should be fine and I'm sure anything we miss we'll get from Haruhi afterwords." he explained. They excited the car and practically ran inside the school then towards their class. They bowed many times when they arrived and then took their usual seats, shooting Haruhi an apologetic look. Haruhi blinked in surprise to see the devious duo run inside the classroom. She wanted to ask where they were, but she knew that would have to wait until afterwards.
The day ran slower today, which was weird. Takashi found himself focusing on the teacher, and his cousin during the entire class. He wasn't completely convinced that Mitsukuni was alright, the lack of sleep evident even after his nap. Though he did glance at him from time to time, he was subtle in hopes his cousin wouldn't notice. Before he knew it, the bell to let classes out to lunch rang and Takashi was gathering his things.
Eventually, Miranda gave up and went home for the time being. Alice still hadn't touched her breakfast and now it was lunch time, and the girl was fast asleep.
Eventually, Miranda gave up and went home for the time being. Alice still hadn't touched her breakfast and now it was lunch time, and the girl was fast asleep.
For the entirety of the class, Mitsukuni was jotting down notes as best as he could. Usa-Chan sat on his lap, looking over his work as he continued writing. He wasn't even aware that he was being observed by his tall cousin. He would pause from writing and look at the teacher at times. Taking a break from writing so he wouldn't hurt his wrist. Even though he didn't look it, he took his education very seriously. Almost as seriously as he took sweets. Of course, sweets were always better. However, the bell eventually rang, signaling it was time for lunch. His large amber colored eyes blinked a few times and he started to gather up his things as well.
Mia took clean notes throughout the class. She never once looked to see how the others were doing, she didn't want to pry. Despite them being late though, they got straight to work when they arrived, it was nice to see. Once the bell rang, Mia gathered up her things and stood from her seat. She allowed the students to leave the class before she headed towards the door herself.
Class was so boring, Hikaru was having a hard time focusing. Kaoru did what he could to keep him on track but even he was struggling. The news of Alice's health had hit hard. It felt as if there was nothing they could do. Their only chance was to get Kyoya involved but they had to be careful about asking him. They couldn't let the others know about this. Alice would surely tell them all in her own time. Kaoru only wondered how Tamaki would take the news if he found out. Thankfully when the bell rang, they each gathered their things and Hikaru had collected the homework from the teacher for Alice then they walked out with Haruhi quickly following after them.
Mia took clean notes throughout the class. She never once looked to see how the others were doing, she didn't want to pry. Despite them being late though, they got straight to work when they arrived, it was nice to see. Once the bell rang, Mia gathered up her things and stood from her seat. She allowed the students to leave the class before she headed towards the door herself.
Class was so boring, Hikaru was having a hard time focusing. Kaoru did what he could to keep him on track but even he was struggling. The news of Alice's health had hit hard. It felt as if there was nothing they could do. Their only chance was to get Kyoya involved but they had to be careful about asking him. They couldn't let the others know about this. Alice would surely tell them all in her own time. Kaoru only wondered how Tamaki would take the news if he found out. Thankfully when the bell rang, they each gathered their things and Hikaru had collected the homework from the teacher for Alice then they walked out with Haruhi quickly following after them.
Takashi seemed relatively content with how his cousin had been attentive through the day, up until they were dismissed for lunch. He easily lifted the boy up and up and set him down on his shoulders before following the class out. He did wait outside for Mia though, since she and Mitsukuni had waved to one another. Maybe they'd sit together in the cafeteria?
Kyoya was already back in the club room, having thought about contacting the girl's step-father in order to talk to him about her mother's behavior and such. He was taking on the role he knew as a business man, who was also usually one-step a head of everybody else. Since he was focused on taking care of this before the end of school, he hadn't really thought to actually grab lunch.
Kyoya was already back in the club room, having thought about contacting the girl's step-father in order to talk to him about her mother's behavior and such. He was taking on the role he knew as a business man, who was also usually one-step a head of everybody else. Since he was focused on taking care of this before the end of school, he hadn't really thought to actually grab lunch.
Honey sat comfortably on his cousin's shoulders and waited patiently for Mia to join them. Mia walked out of the classroom and saw that both were waiting there. Were they waiting for her? "You both made it. I was starting to think you wouldn't show up." she admitted to them. Honey shook his head. "I fell to sleep again. T-that's why we were late. But it's okay because we didn't skip class. Do you want to sit with us for lunch Mia? It will be fun! We can talk about how cute my bunny is." He said, showing off Usa-chan to her. Mia looked at the bunny and chuckled. "Alright then, I'd love to." She agreed. It was nice of him to invite her to lunch with them.
The three of them headed towards the cafeteria to grab lunch. On their way there, the twins didn't see Kyoya and when they got there he was nowhere to be seen either. "Why don't we just call him?" Kaoru suggested. "Who do you want to call?" Haruhi asked curiously. "Kyoya-senpai. Just to ask if he's coming to lunch or not." Hikaru answered. Haruhi looked confused. "Well...maybe he is spending lunch hour at the club room. Maybe he and Tamaki-senpai are working in there. We can go visit them if you really want to talk to him."
The three of them headed towards the cafeteria to grab lunch. On their way there, the twins didn't see Kyoya and when they got there he was nowhere to be seen either. "Why don't we just call him?" Kaoru suggested. "Who do you want to call?" Haruhi asked curiously. "Kyoya-senpai. Just to ask if he's coming to lunch or not." Hikaru answered. Haruhi looked confused. "Well...maybe he is spending lunch hour at the club room. Maybe he and Tamaki-senpai are working in there. We can go visit them if you really want to talk to him."
Takashi couldn't help wearing a small smile as the two conversed casually with one another. He nodded in ageement with his cousin's offer to Mia about sitting with them at lunch. He she agreed, the three of them went to get their lunch and sit together afterwards.
It wasn't long before Tamaki wandered into the cafeteria. He soon noticed the trio and quickly approached them. Have they not seen the dark hair make either? The thought made the blonde sigh. "Kyoya must be skipping luncn, again.. Seeing how he's not here."
It wasn't long before Tamaki wandered into the cafeteria. He soon noticed the trio and quickly approached them. Have they not seen the dark hair make either? The thought made the blonde sigh. "Kyoya must be skipping luncn, again.. Seeing how he's not here."
Mia quietly walked beside them on the way to the cafeteria where they each got their lunch and went to sit at a table. It was not surprising to see that Mitsukuni had gotten plenty of sweets. It really was strange though. "How is it you eat so much sweets? Don't you ever get sick?" She asked him curiously. Honey shook his head. "Never. And I take very good of my teeth so I don't get any cavities. I always remember to brush my teeth and if I ever forget, Takashi reminds me." The young boy replied.
Seeing the tall blonde approach, Haruhi was surprised as were the twins. "T-tamaki-senpai! We thought you would be with Kyoya-senpai." She saod. "Boss." The twins said, saluting him then chuckling. "If Kyoya-senpai isn't with you...then he must be in the club room. We need to go there." Haruhi explained seriously. "We don't all have to go, Kaoru and I will go since we have to ask him something about...some class work...stuff." Hikaru explained, hoping it would be an excuse that was believed. Haruhi wasn't an idiot though. She knew they were hiding something...but what? Was it about their family emergency? Why didn't they tell her or Tamaki about it though. "Yes we should really get going now. Bye!" Kaoru agreed and quickly started walking away with Hikaru at his side, the two making a beeline towards the club. "Hmmm....those two are hiding something." Haruhi said to Tamaki, her eyes narrowing.
Seeing the tall blonde approach, Haruhi was surprised as were the twins. "T-tamaki-senpai! We thought you would be with Kyoya-senpai." She saod. "Boss." The twins said, saluting him then chuckling. "If Kyoya-senpai isn't with you...then he must be in the club room. We need to go there." Haruhi explained seriously. "We don't all have to go, Kaoru and I will go since we have to ask him something about...some class work...stuff." Hikaru explained, hoping it would be an excuse that was believed. Haruhi wasn't an idiot though. She knew they were hiding something...but what? Was it about their family emergency? Why didn't they tell her or Tamaki about it though. "Yes we should really get going now. Bye!" Kaoru agreed and quickly started walking away with Hikaru at his side, the two making a beeline towards the club. "Hmmm....those two are hiding something." Haruhi said to Tamaki, her eyes narrowing.
Takashi quietly listened to the two as they conversed, and nodded lightly in agreement with his cousin. It was quite curious as to how the smaller boy are so many sweets, and didn't ever get sick. Honestly though, he was just happy that Mitsukuni was happy.
Tamaki was dumbfounded as the twins suddenly came up with a reason to seek out Kyoya, a lone, and glanced at Haruhi when she spoke. They definitely were, and he wanted to know what. "I think it's time we found out " He suggested with a small grin. First they and Kyoya were late arriving, then Kyoya slipped lunch, and now the twins were hurrying off to talk to him..about homework? He wasn't the brightest student, but he wasn't a complete idiot.
Kyoya sat back in the chair brieflg, just reading over some things he had found about Miranda, her first husband, their daughter, and the step-father. This was going to be difficult even for him. Somehow, he needed Alice to come back to school and join their club so he could 'freely' do as he pleased. That way it didn't look like they were playing favorites. Couldn't have that in a club involving girls.. He glanced up from the laptop when he heard the doors open and adjusted his glasses.
Tamaki was dumbfounded as the twins suddenly came up with a reason to seek out Kyoya, a lone, and glanced at Haruhi when she spoke. They definitely were, and he wanted to know what. "I think it's time we found out " He suggested with a small grin. First they and Kyoya were late arriving, then Kyoya slipped lunch, and now the twins were hurrying off to talk to him..about homework? He wasn't the brightest student, but he wasn't a complete idiot.
Kyoya sat back in the chair brieflg, just reading over some things he had found about Miranda, her first husband, their daughter, and the step-father. This was going to be difficult even for him. Somehow, he needed Alice to come back to school and join their club so he could 'freely' do as he pleased. That way it didn't look like they were playing favorites. Couldn't have that in a club involving girls.. He glanced up from the laptop when he heard the doors open and adjusted his glasses.
"So you've never forgotten to brush your teeth?" Mia asked. Honey shook his head, taking another bite of his sweets. Okay...what to talk about so that this wasn't awkward. "So...you said you fell to sleep and that's why you were late. Did you not sleep much at home?" She asked him. Honey looked at Mia and shook his head. "Well..I got home and then I did my homework and I had sweets and then I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I'm not a morning person, so I just took a nap again when we got here. But Takashi said it was okay!" The young boy said cheerfully. "Takashi said that did he?" She asked, earning herself a look from Honey. "Only I can call him that." The boy muttered.
Haruhi looked at Tamaki and nodded. "Yes, I think we should find out what's really going on. I have a feeling it's going to be about that family emergency Kyoya-senpai had mentioned at the start of the day. We're all friends, we deserve to know what's going on." She said and looked down at her lunch. "Well then, I guess we're eating lunch at the host club today. Come on Tamaki-senpai, let's go figure out what's really going on between these three. You never know what they're thinking."
The doors opened and the mischievous duo walked inside. "Kyoya-senpai, we need to tell you something important!" Hikaru exclaimed. Both of them closed in on the desk, practically looming over the dark haired male with glasses. It was at this time that both twins explained to Kyoya the current situation with Alice and by the end of it, they were upset. "We need your help so that we can call Derek and have him come down here to take action into his own hands." Kaoru explained as calmly as he could.
Haruhi looked at Tamaki and nodded. "Yes, I think we should find out what's really going on. I have a feeling it's going to be about that family emergency Kyoya-senpai had mentioned at the start of the day. We're all friends, we deserve to know what's going on." She said and looked down at her lunch. "Well then, I guess we're eating lunch at the host club today. Come on Tamaki-senpai, let's go figure out what's really going on between these three. You never know what they're thinking."
The doors opened and the mischievous duo walked inside. "Kyoya-senpai, we need to tell you something important!" Hikaru exclaimed. Both of them closed in on the desk, practically looming over the dark haired male with glasses. It was at this time that both twins explained to Kyoya the current situation with Alice and by the end of it, they were upset. "We need your help so that we can call Derek and have him come down here to take action into his own hands." Kaoru explained as calmly as he could.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.