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Forums Role Playing Forsaking the Past

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 04:22:41 )
((boy am I glad Maddie loves to read xD))

Maddie started to feel her eyelids growing heavy as she read a few more pages of the book. Getting to the part where the girl had found her ghost friend and.. She set the book aside and curled up under the blankets and fell asleep within minutes. She'd probably have to re-read the chapter later anyway.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 04:33:46 )

Well it went better than expected. Work was fine, no one asked questions and when they did they were ignored. It was safe to say Clint's mood was ruined. He hadn't meant to yell at her like he did, but he could only deal with so much before he cracked. Now he made his way to his car after work and he remembered what Maddie had said, Jess would try to follow him. Fine, but he wasn't letting her in. He had plans already. It was movie night with Maddie, that was what mattered right now. Clint drove home in silence, trying to cool off and calm down. He was a filthy sweaty mess when he got home. He didn't see her car straight away so he thought he was fine. He thought so anyway, and walked inside, locking the door behind him unaware that he had been followed.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 05:24:20 )
((cat fight? Oxo))

Maddie stirred as another weird dream took her. It was one of those jumbled dreams that didn't make since. She woke and slowly sat up with a yawn. Damn, she was still tired.. Maddie blinked awake when she heard the door close and slowly crept out of her bed and peeked out of her room, relaxing when she saw only Clint. Jeez, being afraid of people finding her was going to take awhile. She wanted to greet him, until she noticed the face he was wearing. That Jess woman must've showed up and upset him, just like in the vision. Wait a.minute.. How far did she follow him after he left?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 06:45:53 )
((Ooooh that would be interesting.))

"I'm gonna shower. I'll start on the popcorn after." Was all Clint said as he walked past her and into his room to get some clean clothes and shower. A hot shower was what he needed. He knew that Jess would follow him, and he was waiting for her to show up. What would she do if she happened to see Maddie though? Well, she wouldn't, unless she got inside or Maddie came outside. Best to keep an eye on both of them anyway. Yes, two girls under one roof with a boy in the mix could only spell trouble. Both girls from his past. One a friend, the ex girlfriend gone total stalker mode. Clint was dressed properly for bed after the shower. Hair was dried, clothes were taken to the basket, and he made his way to the kitchen to start on the popcorn. That's when he remembered, he didn't know what type she liked. "Hey Mads, kettle or butter?" He asked her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 07:03:39 )
Maddie nodded lightly when he spoke, and went to sit on her bed while she waited. She yawned again and tried stretching to get her blood moving. She was still in her pjs after he had cleaned up and went to kitchen. Maddie blinked and wandered into the kitchen when he asked what kind of popcorn he liked. "I like both, but buttered is just fine for our movie evening." She said casually. It wasn't dinner time, but it was too late in the day to day afternoon.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 07:12:22 )
"Okay." Clint went to grab the popcorn package and tore off the plastic wrapping on it. He still looked troubled, upset, confused. Conflicted. But he was just looking forward to spending some time together with Maddie. It was so long overdue. Tossing the package in the microwave, he entered the required time then pressed 'start' and Went to sit at the table so he could at least listen to it when it stopped popping before the time ran out. "How's the book so far? I'm guessing you're probably already finished with one book by now huh?" He asked her, looking at her and brushing some hair away from his face.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 07:31:01 )
Maddie went and stood by the.microwave like a child, just.watching and waiting for the popcorn to start.popping. She wasn't aware, nor did she really care, how silly it childish she might've looked. Anything to keep her from asking about his day at work. That and..She just wanted to watch popcorn pop in microwave at least once up close. She curiously glanced at him when he spoke and shook her head. "Not quite, I've still got a few chapters left and I'm to have to re-read some pages 'cause I fell as reading." She answered casually,.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 07:50:28 )
Clint watched Maddie approach the microwave and stare at the popcorn as it popped. It wouldn't be long before the smell of popcorn filled the air. His mother never allowed him to stand so close to the microwave and watch. He was always scolded and told he'd go blind if he continued doing so. So he stopped. He didn't think it was true what his mother said but back then it sure scared him. "Fell to sleep reading huh? Well reading can do that to you, especially if you were already tired when you started reading. You clearly read faster than I do." He told her with a chuckle. His eyes drifted to the front door. Had she not followed him? Had she actually payed attention to him and done as he said? No way, she had to be getting ready or on her way over.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 19:49:18 )
Maddie nodded lightly and ran delicate fingers through her long black hair. A small smirk on her face as the popcorn began popping more frequently and louder. She soon got bored watching the popcorn and walked over to the table where Clint sat. "I only read fast when I like a book." She poked at him, honestly just hoping to see him smile or something. He was stressed out, probably about her vision, and she almost regret- no. She pushed the thought aside. She wasn't even going to entertain the thought of regretting agreeing to give him a reading. It would've affected him more.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 21:07:12 )
Maddie said she only read fast when it was a book she truly enjoyed. Clint gave her a smile, he could tell what she was doing. She was trying to cheer him up, and he appreciated it. But...he wasn't going to be mopey. He didn't want to ruin movie night for her. Whether Jess showed up or not, he wasn't going to ruin this for his friend. "I'm glad to know you're enjoying the book Maddie. I was hoping you would." He said. There was the sound of a car engine coming to a stop outside and right away, Clint stood up. " were right Mads." He told her.

Jess stepped out of her red convertible and closed the door. She stood there for a while, looking at Clint's house. It had been so long since she was last here. He never invited her over as much as he used to, and she wondered why. Jess didn't want to believe that he was being serious with what he said back at his job. He had to be messing with her right? Shaking her head, she made her way to his front door and then rung the doorbell.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 22:26:20 )
((*starts playing the trouble song* xD))

Maddie smirked lightly at his smile, it seemed he had seen through her plan. But, at least he smiled! She felt accomplished. She giggled sheepishly and rubbed her forearm. "Well.. Aside from the genres I don't favor, it's hard to find a book I won't enjoy." She said casually, giving him a light nudge with her elbow. Maddie lifted her heaad when the sound of a car engine and frowned slightly at his words. "Really.. I know I mentioned her following you, but following you home?" She said quietly, and mostly to herself. She could see his face change again and glanced around for a hiding spot. The last he needed was a girl starting a fight because another girl was living with him, not that it mattered. It was his house. But.. Maddie glanced at him curiously. Curious to if he would open the door or not. "What do you want to do here?" She asked him quietly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 22:48:09 )

"I don't know...but I can't just ignore her either. Umm...k-keep an eye on the popcorn. I'll try to get her to leave." He said to her and made his way over to the door. When he opened it, there she was with a smile on her face. "Jess...what a uhh...surprise." He said quietly. "Going to invite me in?" Jess asked, trying to look behind him but Clint kept blocking her view. "Uhh, I'd rather not. Seriously Jess I'm not sure what to do anymore. What is it you want?" He asked her. "I think you know the answer to that question." Jess said seriously, crossing her arms across her chest. "I'm off the menu Jess. I already said what I had to say. I have nothing else to say to you, so I suggest you leave." He warned her. The woman didn't look scared though. Instead, she sighed and rolled her eyes. "Jeez, you sure changed. But I think deep down inside, you're the same guy from college. And you can say that you're over me and whatever but yesterday said otherwise." She reminded with a smirk. "Yesterday didn't mean anything." He countered. "Are you sure about that Clint?" Jess asked.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 23:07:07 )
Maddie nodded lightly and went to stand closer to the microwave, to keep an eye on the popcorn like he asked. She could see the part of the woman when he opened the door, but she made sure that the woman wouldn't see her. She could hear them talking, it didn't take hyper-sensitive ears. The kitchen wasn't that far from the front door, but she kept her eyes on the floor and quietly listened to the popping of popcorn as if attempting to tune out the private conversation. It wasn't her business. Obviously they had some kind of relationship in the past, and this Jess woman wanted it once again. Clint on the other hand, not so much. Whatever happened yesterday was between them- and that's the way it worked,

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 23:26:06 )
The scent of buttery popcorn reached her nose and Jess was beaming. "We're watching a movie?" She asked him. Clint sighed. "No. Me, myself, and I are watching a movie. You are not invited. Please just go." Clint was emotionally drained. She was a handful, why had they even dated in the first place? Because he was stupid, she was lovely in his eyes and they happened to be at the same party. What was supposed to be a casual hookup turned into a serious romance between the two and now he wished he had never met her. "Can I come in please? It's cold." Jess whined. Clint thought about this, he really didn't think it would be a good idea, but he didn't want her to freeze either. It wasn't very cold out but they might as well sit and talk. "Fine..." He muttered against his better judgement. "Thank-you. You're always such a dear." She said to him, brushing past him into the house. Clint closed the door and turned to look at her. "If you have anything to say, just say it now Jess." He told her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/11 23:43:24 )
Maddie lifted her head at how the conversation was going, the popcorn not doing a very good job keeping her thoughts distracted. He was going to eventually let her in, if this kept up. Why? Because he was a nice guy. The very same reason why he had brought Maddie inside the day he found her, sleeping on the neighbors lawn, and wanted her to stay here as long as she wanted/ needed. Jess wasn't going away anytime soon, was she? Movie day was going to have to wait. Maddie sighed quietly when her thoughts came true, and he let the woman inside. Did she bother looking at the other woman? No. She wasn't going to. They didn't know each other, unless she happened to see her out on the streets or doing readings for people at her little table she had. Maddie didn't like Jess for one reason, she was a pest.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 01:05:49 )
"Fine, I'll say what I have to say and leave." Jess began, her eyes on Clint. "You're telling me you don't feel anything towards me anymore? Nothing at all?" She asked, approaching him. Clint frowned as if debating what to say. This pleased Jess and she grinned. "I knew you weren't over me like you say you are." She cooed, pinching his cheek. Clint wanted to hide. He wanted the ground to swallow him up. "Okay, that's it Jess. You need to leave. What happened between us is over. Yesterday was a mistake. I shouldn't have kissed you...but you just...I don't know. You just need to go, please. There will ever be a second chance between us. I want to settle don't. I'm tired of repeating myself with you Jess. Really, I am. I just...I'm sick of this constant begging on your part. It's not attractive at all. You need to move on. Seriously." Clint told her, holding her wrist and lowering her hand away from his cheek. "Just stop." He whispered. "Is it because there's someone else?" Jess asked suddenly.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 01:22:35 )
Maddie was boiling on the inside, and that took quite a bit. This girl.. No. This woman needed to stop giving him so much grief. Heading about the kiss made her mentally kick herself. Really? This was what that was about? A stupid kiss? 'Stupid to you.. But you've never had a relationship! What's stupid to you .might not be so stupid to them. Gah, it's none of my business!' She was having her own war with herself now, at least until the microwave beeped to signal that the popcorn was ready. Why did she suddenly give a damn about what people thought of her? Clint knew her, but she didn't. If she said something it would only cause more problems for Clint. That's what she cares about..but seeing him now.. She almost wanted to bite the bullet and say something.

((if Jess keeps up next post, I'll have Maddie step in x3))

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 01:47:01 )
"Someone else?" Clint repeated and looked at her. "What the- Hold on, why does it matter anyway?" He asked. "Oh, so there is? What's her name? Is she the reason you didn't want to come over yesterday? Is she here right now?" The onslaught of questions surprised. Why did she need to know everything about his life? She was infatuated with him and it was not flattering at all. She wasn't his mother or his sister to demand details about his life with whoever he shared it with. "I'm not answering any of your questions Jess." Jess narrowed her eyes and looked around the room. She didn't see anyone right away, maybe Clint really was alone today. All the better for her right? "Well your popcorn is done so why don't we just have a seat, and watch some movies together just the two of us. It will be fun. And I'll sleep over, like old times." She reminded with a wink, making Clint groan. "Oh come on now, don't act like you don't like the idea. You never complained before."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 02:01:54 )
Snap. Maddie had leaned against the counter some and had her hands under it like it was keeping her anchored. However, her grip tightened and her nail caught and broke. Just like the ice under her feet that was keeping her mouth shut, for his sake. To hell with this! She thought bitterly as her personality began to slip. "I'll apologize in advance for budding in, but I can only keep quiet for so long. That's just who I am." Maddie spoke as she lightly pushed off the counter and came into view for both of them to see her. "You might even tell to get out, but you know what? I think it'd be worth it." She glared at Jess dangerously. "Who the hell are you to come here and harass him? He doesn't deserve it. It's got nothing to do with you, and it's none of your business. Get it?" Maddie spoke, and sounding different from her usual self. This was the ' her' she feared. The side of her which she had no real control of.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 02:37:13 )
Hearing Maddie's voice come up, Clint looked at her and shook his head. What was she doing? He hadn't wanted this to happen. For Jess to see her, who knew how she'd react. Jess looked at Maddie and smirked, placing her hands on her hips. "Really? That's who you're sleeping with now? That child? Clint...that's not very good." Jess said. "Oh shut up Jess, she's not six and I'm not sleeping with her." Clint retorted. Jess wasn't buying it. She looked at Maddie and raised an eyebrow. "I am not harassing him. I'm visiting him and having a simple conversation with him. Is that so bad? Besides, who the hell are you and why are you listening in on our conversation? That's very rude you know. I guess your parents never taught you any manners. Trust me, I know what Clint likes and what he doesn't like. I've known Clint for a very long time and I know him better than you do. So I would drop the act little missy."

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

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