Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses
Allen slowly picked up the tray from his lap and carefully set it down on the bed next to him before lightly cupping Kaneko's cool face. Maybe he was being silly, but he doubted that was the only thing she was worried about. Allen lightly leaned rested his warm forehead against hers, his milky eyes seemingly looking right into her brown ones. "Kaneko.. I won't ever hurt you, not ever, understand? I love you." He would be quicker to take his own life before that happened, but he'd keep it to himself. Kaneko was his life. No one would take that from him, not even himself.
Kaneko watched him set the tray off to the side. Perhaps he was full now. She knew that whenever she was sick, she didn't really want to eat much but she knew she had to eat if she ever wanted to get better. He still felt really warm, it was worrisome but she was hopeful he'd get better soon. He had to. He wouldn't hurt her. No, of course he wouldn't. He wasn't like the others, but she knew that there was a possibility it would happen and if it did, it would be accidental. He wouldn't hurt her on purpose. Her warm hand reached up and lightly cupped his cheek. "I know Allen. I love you too." She answered quietly. "I'm being silly aren't I?" She asked and chuckled. Kaneko looked into his milky white eyes, her heart slowed down. She was safe.
Allen offered her a warm smile when she finally spoke, and moved his hands to loosely wrap his arms around her slender figure. "Not at all.." He assured her. She wasn't being silly. This was normal behavior for any innocent human that had been thrown into the world with vampires. Even if they had been there all along. "You're scared and weary, and I understand that." He said to her comfortingly. "I'm not sorry I talked to you that night in the park.. However, I am sorry there isn't much I can do to ease your mind.." Allen said quietly, slowly pulling back and easing down onto the bed to lay down.
Kaneko had no regrets either. She wasn't sorry they spoke that night in the park. It was a simple, innocent conversation. A chance for her to make friends. Friends that she could see outside of work. People she could talk to when things got rough at home. This hadn't ever popped into her head, but she didn't regret it happening when it did and the way that it did. Of course it was her luck that she fell for a vampire and that the vampire was one her father had been trying to kill. "It's not your fault Allen. You being here helps greatly." She assured. It was true. This would be much more frightening if she were all by herself. At least now she had someone by her side who was very important to her. "Going to get some sleep?" She asked him. "W-would you like anything to drink? Or...well I should let you sleep actually. Rest is important."
Allen couldn't help the smile that formed across his lips when she spoke. It was nice to know she didn't regret that night either, or anything after. "I'll stay here with you for as long as you'll allow me to, my love." He said to her gently, closing his eyes. He shook his head lightly at her question. "Not sleeping, just going to lay down for a bit." He answered casually. Something to drink was tempting, but not what he currently wanted. Well, rather what his body wanted. He pushed the thought aside and wondered about that peppermint tea she made earlier. It did help him relax some. "Could you make some of that peppermint tea?" He asked innocently.
Kaneko felt her heart flutter in her chest when he spoke. He really was too good for her, but he had picked her and she wasn't complaining. He was her everything. Her beam of light when things looked really dark. She would do anything to take care of him and make him happy. To see that smile on his lips was everything to her. At least he was taking it easy. There wasn't really much else he could do at the moment. He wanted tea! Kaneko nodded. "Of course, of course! I will go get that for you right away. You just rest here and I will be right back with the tea okay?" She said then walked to the door but stopped and turned back. Instead, she walked to back to Allen and kissed his cheeks and then his forehead before leaving to get started on the peppermint tea.
((gawd they're so cute! x3))
Allen nodded lightly to her words and did just that. Until he felt her kiss his cheek and forehead, then listened to her leave the bedroom. He somewhat buried his face into his pillow and wrapped his arms around the sides of the pillow. Even when had a fever, she still managed to make his cheeks burn! He did start to doze off before his eyes started up again, causing him to tighten his hold around he pillow and bite back a hiss. An idea struck him during this short amount of time she he slowly let go of the pillow before sitting up. What if he took and soaked the bandages he used for his eyes, in a mixture of his herbs? Did he even have any herbs left in his bag? Either way, it was worth a try, right? First he needed to figure out what herbs he had left, if any. He'd mention it to Kaneko when she came back, and laid back down for the time being.
Allen nodded lightly to her words and did just that. Until he felt her kiss his cheek and forehead, then listened to her leave the bedroom. He somewhat buried his face into his pillow and wrapped his arms around the sides of the pillow. Even when had a fever, she still managed to make his cheeks burn! He did start to doze off before his eyes started up again, causing him to tighten his hold around he pillow and bite back a hiss. An idea struck him during this short amount of time she he slowly let go of the pillow before sitting up. What if he took and soaked the bandages he used for his eyes, in a mixture of his herbs? Did he even have any herbs left in his bag? Either way, it was worth a try, right? First he needed to figure out what herbs he had left, if any. He'd mention it to Kaneko when she came back, and laid back down for the time being.
((I know right? They're like an old married couple. Too cute!))
The teapot was filled with water and set on the stove for the water to boil. While she waited on that, Kaneko opened the cabinet and brought down a mug and set it on the counter. She then looked in the refrigerator and decided to make herself a little something to eat for breakfast. Scrambled egg burrito. Her stomach growled at the thought and she started to work on making that for herself. When the water was ready for his tea, Kaneko poured it gently into the mug then set the teapot back onto the stove after turning off the flames. She walked to the pantry and pulled out a box of peppermint tea. Kaneko took one of the tea bags and put the box back where it went then dropped the tea bag into the mug of hot water and drowned it there using a spoon. It had to steep for a few. During that time, she finished making her breakfast and ate it quietly by herself at the table. Afterwords, she threw out the tea bag from the mug, put the spoon in the sink and made her way to the room with the mug of hot tea. "Careful, it's hot." she warned after she entered the room.
The teapot was filled with water and set on the stove for the water to boil. While she waited on that, Kaneko opened the cabinet and brought down a mug and set it on the counter. She then looked in the refrigerator and decided to make herself a little something to eat for breakfast. Scrambled egg burrito. Her stomach growled at the thought and she started to work on making that for herself. When the water was ready for his tea, Kaneko poured it gently into the mug then set the teapot back onto the stove after turning off the flames. She walked to the pantry and pulled out a box of peppermint tea. Kaneko took one of the tea bags and put the box back where it went then dropped the tea bag into the mug of hot water and drowned it there using a spoon. It had to steep for a few. During that time, she finished making her breakfast and ate it quietly by herself at the table. Afterwords, she threw out the tea bag from the mug, put the spoon in the sink and made her way to the room with the mug of hot tea. "Careful, it's hot." she warned after she entered the room.
Allen waited until he could hear her footsteps approaching the bedroom before sitting up again, and lightly pat the bedside table. "Then set it down for a minute." He said casually, bringing his hand up to cover his eyes. "I was thinking about trying help." He said quietly. "If I have any herbs left, I could try taking the wrapping and soaking it in a mixture. Or make something like eyedrops.." He voiced, waiting to hear her response. If not, then well, he'd have to do some exploring after his fever went away.
Kaneko looked a little confused and set the mug down on the bedside table. "What did you have in mind Allen?" She asked him. Then he explained to her his plan. It seemed like a good idea and it would probably help. "So you want to make a herbal mixture, dip the cloth in it and have it on your forehead? I could do that and in pour some into a small vile with a dropper to use as eye drops as well. We have some herbs outside too, I can harvest a few of them if you'd like." She said softly. They did have a few herbs left, but to be fair they weren't that many. It was a risky thing but if it helped then that would be great.
Allen sat quietly as he thought about what he was saying. Lucky, Kaneko mentioned bringing quite a few of his books if not all of them. "I need you to find volume 2 of the Herbalist book series you brought along. In that book should be Kava Kava, and Euphrosyne. One is for pain, while the other has been used for eyesight. Granted, I'm not sure how much mixing them will help, if at all, but it's worth a try..and I'm sure they'll be easier to find then what I was orginally using." He said calmly. "I need to look in the book because I don't remember what they look like, or how people used them when they did. I do know that the Euphrosyne can be used as a compress though, and used to make eye drops." He explained.
thought this might help;
Kava Kava
thought this might help;
Kava Kava
Kaneko listened and nodded. "Okay, volume 2. Got it." She said and made her way over to the bookshelf on the far end of the room. Her dark eyes scanned the titles of the books that she had brought along from Allen's old manor. "Hmmm... oh! Here it is." Picking it from the bookshelf, Kaneko made her way over to Allen once again and started to open up the book to the table of contents. She searched for Euphrosyne first since it was in alphabetical order. "Euphrosyne is a plant chiefly used to assist with ailments of the eyes. It is a short lived herb that can reach up to about 30 cm in height. Its leaves have jagged toothy edges and its flowers also vary between white, red or yellow, they usually have a yellow spot in the throat." She read aloud from the book. "Huh this is interesting, it's recommended as a gargle for a sore throat and relaxed tonsils.." She said quietly. "It also says it can be combined with both Chamomile and Fennel for treating eye problems." She explained to him. Not losing that page, she started to look for Kava Kava.
Allen waited patiently while Kaneko went over her bookshelf, then she came back and the bed shifted under her weight. He quietly listened as Kaneko read the page to him and earned himself a decent picture of the herb in his mind. Did they have any of that? He wondered. He tilted his head when she read the little notes on the page and felt a small smirk tug at his lips. He'd have to remember that the next time either of them had a sore throat. It should also say something about restoring eyesight to those over seventy years old, but he figured that was porbably for humans. "Question is, do we have any?" He murmured quietly, meaning whether is was in his bag or in their garden.
Kaneko found the page for Kava Kava and looked up from the book at Allen. "I think so. Judging from the written description of the appearance, I think we have some outside and the Kava Kava...I think you might have some Allen." She answered. "It says here that it's used for headaches and neuropathic pain. When consumed, the plant produces a state of calmness, relaxation and well being without diminishing cognitive performance. It also says that it may produce an initial talkative period, followed by muscle relaxation and eventual sleepiness." She informed and looked back at Allen. "So I guess you should be prepared to get plenty of rest. This is good though, rest is needed." She said and flipped back to the Euphrosyne to read some more about it. "Hmmm..." There was a little bit of info about it that she wasn't sure if she should mention or not since it didn't specify what it worked on exactly and she didn't want to get his hopes up.
Allen nodded lightly when she spoke. "Perfect. All we'll need to do is mix them and make it consumable, that seems like the easiest thing to do. Boil the leaves of both plants together as a tea." He said, partially talking to himself, then shook his head lightly and rubbed the back of his head. This was what happened when he started thinking remedies. It was like a natural reaction for him by now. Speaking of tea.. Allen remembered she had set his cup of peppermint tea on the bed table so it would cool a little, and carefully picked it up and held it securely as he sipped from it. It was still warm, but it wasn't hot enough to burn him. Allen listened as Kaneko read the other page to him. Talkative period? Ah.. He remembered that little detail. "Rest is quite needed." He said casually, happy to have someone to talk to about herbs and remedies once again. He lifted his head slightly. " there something else?" He asked curiously.
As Allen was talking, Kaneko nodded in agreement. Making a tea sounded like a good idea. So much tea today. She thought, looking at his mug of peppermint tea that she had brought him. When asked if there was more, Kaneko hesitated before answering. " says here that the Euphrosyne plant has a reputation to be able to restore sight to people over 70 years of age." She informed softly. "It doesn't specify if it's just for humans though.." She added quietly. Kaneko didn't want to get him too hopeful on the idea of possibly regaining his eyesight. If he could see again, it would change everything. She'd still love him regardless.
Ah, there it was. She found the more he had just remembered. Allen sighed quietly and sounded a soft chuckle. "My love, of course it doesn't. Most people don't know that fictional creatures aren't so fictional." He spoke quietly, sipping from his tea. " It doesn't hurt to try though, right? Once my fever goes away? " He voiced curiously. Allen understood why she was hesitant to tell him, but he didn't have much hope.
True, it didn't hurt to try. What did they have to lose anyway right? His health was her priority right now. So yes, perhaps once he was feeling better, they could give this a try. To have him be able to see again, it made her smile because she knew it would bring him so much joy to be able to see the world again. "Of course. Once you're better...we'll give this a try." She agreed. "I'll go and start on that tea then alright?" Kaneko informed, closing the book and putting it back where it belonged.
Allen smiled some when she finally spoke, and carefully set his cup down on the table. He still had some, he just didn't want to drink it too fast. He hadn't forgotten about the remainder of his oatmeal either. He leased back against his pillow some and nodded to her words. "Alright." He spoke casually.
"Enjoy your food and drink. I'm going to go make this. Hopefully it helps." Kaneko said and excused herself from the room. The herbs had been put away in plastic bags to keep them fresh but before she took out the one in the bag, she had to step outside again and collect the one from outside. "Not too much, just enough. I don't want the entire plant either. Just a few leaves for the tea.." She said to herself as she carefully plucked a couple of leaves from the plant then ran back inside. Boy was it cold out there. Inside, Kaneko walked to the kitchen and put some water in the teapot and waited for it to boil on the stove top. As she waited, Kaneko dropped the leaves in a clean mug then plucked some from the other plant that Allen still had some of. She only took a few leaves, wanting to keep some in case they needed this again. She dropped the leaves in the mug, then sealed the plastic bag again and put it away. She was tempted to add sugar, but she wanted this to be all natural.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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