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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 06:44:46 )
It didn't take long at all for him to blissfully return to sleep as he listened to her soothing humming.

The only downside was, he slept for hours before waking again. He was still a little warm, but he wasn't nearly as hot as that morning. His body temp was much cooler. He slowly opened his milky eyes only to squeeze them closed and silently cursed. Now he had two problems, his eyes bothering him and he was hungry. Foodwise. Some of that tea also sounded really good right now.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 23:00:30 )
Kaneko's humming came to a slow stop once she noticed he had drifted off to bed. A smile on her face, she resumed what she had been doing and when the water got room temperature, she left to pour it down the sink and replaced it with cold water again. Then she was back in their room, rubbing the cold hand towels on his chest, neck, shoulders, forehead, his arms. This went on until he woke. By that time she was starving and tired. But as she had said, she was right there. She hadn't left. Her hand rested on his forehead, warm. Not hot though. The fever seemed to be going down thankfully. "Hey.." She spoke quietly. "Sounds like someone is hungry. Would you like me to make us some dinner?" She asked. "I'll bring it here so you won't have to get up. And if you want I can make you some more of the tea as well."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/16 02:54:34 )
Allen slowly opened his eyes once more, ignoring the pain doing so caused. He nodded lightly to Kaneko's voice as he began to sit up, and gently gave her forehead a peck of a kiss once he had done so. She sounded incredibly tired, and he could faintly hear the grumbles of her own stomach. Had she really stayed here the whole time? The thought made him feel a little guilty, and he loosely wrapped his arms around her figure. "That sounds like a great plan, but, let's eat at the table.. Okay?" He murmured, his voice sounding a bit rough but it managed to maintain his loving tone.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/16 07:16:20 )
Kaneko had set the hand towel back into the bowl of water. Her attention now on making him something to eat and his tea to drink. She was already making arrangements in her head of how they would eat together here in their room. They would most likely eat in silence. Not because she didn't want to talk to him, but because she didn't want to disturb him or give him a headache. A small smile appeared on her tired face when he kissed her forehead. It was a small gesture, but sweet nonetheless. When he wrapped his arms around her, she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes, listening to him. What he said surprised her. "You want to eat at the table?" She repeated. "Are you sure?" She was more than happy to eat with him at the table. She knew it wouldn't be too long until she would eat by herself, so she wanted to take advantage of the moments when they could eat together.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/17 18:39:20 )
Allen quietly held her in his arms as if afraid to let her go, why? Sometimes he felt like this was a dream, and he'd have to wake up eventually. Wake up to nothing, alone in his manor. She rested her head on his chest and he delicately kissed the top of her head, closing his eyes. Then it hit him, her sweet scent sent a signal to the hunger he hadn't paid much attention to since waking up. He thought he was just hungry.. Could it really had been this? He tensed some and pressed his lips together, his arms holding her just a little tighter as he felt the tips of his fangs poking out. This was the second day..

"Certainly.." He murmured, focusing his will on pushing back the craving for her. "Go on and prepare breakfast, I can make it to the table." Allen said, trying to sound more like himself as he slowly released his hold on Kaneko so she was free to do so, if she so chose.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/20 05:08:54 )
Kaneko smiled warmly, his small forms of affection always made her happy. When he suddenly released her, she nodded. "Alright then. I'll go and make us some breakfast." She said softly and hesitated a bit before walking out of the room and to the kitchen. She grabbed some eggs to make them sunny side up. Two eggs each. She had bacon as well and was making blueberry waffles with a hint of vanilla. The smells wafted through the air which only made her hungrier. She just hoped that he liked this. She remembered that he said one day he wouldn't want to eat human food. He'd lose the craving for actual food. So that made her want to really enjoy these little moments that they had together because once the last bit of humanity left him, he'd be fully a vampire and she'd be alone in a sense.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/22 00:53:28 )
Allen sighed quietly once he knew she had left the room, and he laid back against the pillows for a moment, a hand resting over his forehead and his eyes closing. After a short time, just as the scent of her blueberry and vanilla waffles reached his nose, he slowly sat up again and used the night table to help himself stand. His body still felt heavy despite his fever going down. Clearly, it wasn't gone yet, it had just settled down for the time being. Allen used the support of several house-hold things to help him make it to the dining room table, but he made it. Once he could feel the chair, he pulled it out and sat down at the table, quite proud of himself for making it to the kitchen a;; by himself.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/2 23:51:20 )
Kaneko focused on cooking. She heard movement and glanced around, smiling when she saw Allen managing to sit on his own. "You made it without my help." She noted. Maybe one day he wouldn't need her help. It made her pout a little but on the brightside, he'd probably feel better doing things on his own. She expected it to take time of course. Maybe over time he would learn the layout of the house and be able to maneuver it more easily. "I hope you are hungry. I'm making us a nice filling breakfast." She explained. She grabbed two plates, two forks and two cutting knives so they could cut into their eggs and waffles. "Would you like some tea?" She asked, wondering what he'd want to drink with his breakfast. She was planning on drinking a nice glass of milk. Nothing special really.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/3 21:05:31 )
Allen smiled some at her words and nodded. "I need to start..learning the layout of the house.. What if you go out and I need something or if you're sick and I need to take care of you..?" He spoke, turning his head in the direction of her voice. "I am quite famished, my love, and breakfast smells absolutely wonderful." He noted, smiling once again as he listened to her moving about the kitchen. "Tea?" Allen voiced curiously. "Actually, I'd like some orange juice. If you don't mind, love." He spoke, not meaning to sound pushy or anything. It was high in vitamin C and it was tart. He needed tart, but not too tart. He'd have some of the herbal tea after breakfast.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/3 22:21:12 )
This was true, what if she did go out or get sick? He would need to take care of her. Though, knowing herself she would probably want to do things herself anyway. "I was thinking that same thing, but I am sure you will learn the layout of the house overtime." She replied honestly. For the time being, she would do her best not to get sick. If he was sick though and they were sleeping in the same room then there was a chance she could get sick as well. Hopefully she didn't though. She felt fine so far. "Thank-you sweetie, I try my best." She was no chef. She didn't burn the food though so that had to count for something. He wanted orange juice. Did they even have orange juice? She had a feeling that they did though since it was good for you and she happened to like it too. "Of course, sweetie. I'll pour you a nice glass right now." Kaneko answered. When the food was ready, she shut the flames off and served everything on the two plates, setting them down on the table. Then she grabbed two glasses and poured orange juice in one, and milk in the other. "Here you are." She said. She set his glass of orange juice down near his plate and gave him a kiss on the cheek before taking her seat. "I hope you like it."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/3 22:44:10 )
Allen chuckled and kissed her forehead when he got the chance, once she had poured his orange juice and set down the plate of delicious smelling food. "I smell eggs.. and waffles?" He asked curiously as he focused on the scent of his breakfast. He couldn't wait to try a bite. Allen carefully cut up his waffles and took a bite, smiling. "As always it's delicious." He complimented then began to slowly eat.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/3 23:05:51 )
The little kiss brought a smile to her face. Yes, Kaneko was very easy to please. You would have never thought that considering how spoiled she used to be growing up. She really had changed once her mother left. Maybe it was for the best really. "You're correct. Eggs, waffles and bacon." She said, cutting into her waffles. "Thank you!" She grinned then took a bite of her waffles. They were so good! They weren't too sweet which was great since she didn't have a big sweet tooth.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/3 23:26:48 )
Allen tilted his head. Bacon? "I missed the bacon.." He murmured as if confused, then he shrugged an continued to eat. It was normal to miss something when sick, right? He wouldn't let it get to him. "You're quite welcome." He said casually, taking a drink of his orange juice. It tasted different and it really caught him off guard, but it wouldn't show. He coughed briefly and soon recovered. It seemed his..craving and the juice weren't going to mix and he'd just have to deal with it subtly as to not worry Kaneko too much. He continued to eat his breakfast.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/4 03:02:33 )
"Well you are sick. Besides, you said that you would one day no longer want food. Perhaps this is just a sign that the day is getting closer?" Kaneko suggested. While it was a sad thing to think about, she knew it was something that they both needed to accept. He was a vampire, and vampires didn't eat human food. It was okay. It wouldn't change anything about how she felt about him. Her attention went on him when he coughed, but she didn't think anything of it. He was sick, coughing was normal when you were sick.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 01:53:13 )
Allen chuckled and shook his head. "No, it's not that.." He murmured. "I just didn't notice it over the delicious eggs and waffles." He teased as he ate a bit more of his breakfast. He ate slowly without saying much else, or hardly touching his juice unless he needed it. He still finished shortly before Kaneko and relaxed in his chair, sipping on his juice. He always enjoyed eating her home cooked meals.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 04:21:49 )
Kaneko listened to what Allen had to say and offered a smile. His comment was much appreciated. She wasn't one to boast about her cooking skills. But she could boast about her cleanliness skills. She did like to keep things cleaned. Her room was always cleaned, the house, the dishes. Everything was tucked away where it belonged. Her mind wandered back to the photo she had found of three people. A little boy and what she assumed were his parents. Was that a photo of Allen? Should she bring it up? For the meantime, she did her best to finish her food and when she did, she stared at Allen for a while before rubbing her hands on her thighs nervously. "Sir Allen...there is something I would like to discuss with you. However, I am unsure of how you will react to this information." She admitted.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 19:33:44 )
Allen set down his half empty glass of juice and glanced in the direction of her voice. He could tell it was indeed important and he nodded lightly. Whatever it was, he'd listen. "Kaneko, you can tell me." He murmured calmly, gently taking her hand and holding it.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 19:45:00 )
All she had to do was come out and say it. Why would he react to it negatively? "A few days ago, I was cleaning the house as I normally do. You get rid of the dirt. Well, I found this old photograph hidden behind the tv stand. It looked very old, aged, and the photo was of what I assume is a family? There is a little boy at the center with his mother and father...I don't know why I think it's you. There are similarities but that would be silly because how would it have ended up here?" She said softly. Her hand nestled in his hold.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 21:26:29 )
Allen sat quietly, curious about this photograph she had found. Listening as she explained, his thoughts wandered to the to the images and dreams he had seen of the boy and the parents since being ill. Were they connected? "A boy.. and his parents?" He spoke quietly. "Like the boy I mentioned seeing?" He asked, both nervous and curious if the answer. Why would there be an old photo?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 22:55:42 )
Kaneko nodded her head even though she knew that Allen couldn't see her. "Yes, a boy and his parents. Or at the very least his caretakers." She explained. She nodded again, "Just like that. I still don't understand why the photo is here. Clearly someone had lived here before and forgot it when they left. That's what I'm going to guess is the answer."

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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