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Forums Role Playing Forsaking the Past

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 02:53:50 )
Maddie knew he'd be upset with her later, but the cards had already fallen. This was what friends did for each other, even if she didn't really know that. She did know that he had stood up for her countless time as children, this really wasn't any different. Was it? She listened woman for a moment, just gathering her scattered thoughts and keep from saying anything she might regret more later. "I'm a friend of his, who can tell that he's had enough. You have no idea how long we've known each other, so don't even go there with me. I can tell you exactly what harassment is if you'd like, and you've crossed that line. " Maddie spoke, managing stay pretty calm about it. "The rude one here is you. I was just minding my own business until you started integrating him." She voiced, having a very delicate button pushed by this Jess, bringing her parents up. "If you really knew him that well, you wouldn't be here." Maddie said with a bite.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 03:10:51 )
Oh dear, this was bad. Maddie wasn't backing down and Jess didn't look like she was backing down either. He knew he had to put an end to this before it got any worse. "You just don't want me here because you know that I'm better for him than you are. I get it, you want him to myself and I don't blame you, he's a looker isn't he? But you're just a kid. You should be out playing with other kids your age and drinking from juice boxes. This is big girl stuff, I suggest you just stay out of it little girl." Jess sneered. "Jess, please just stop it already okay? Stop trying to pick a fight with her, you need to leave now. I won't be held responsible if anything happens." Clint warned. "Oh hush Clint. She's not going to do anything. She's just talking, and I don't mind letting her talk all she wants, it isn't going to change anything." Jess answered simply, glancing back at Clint and smiling. "She just doesn't understand that what you and I have is special and no one can ever replicate it. You and I belong together Clint."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 03:30:18 )
((..... Damn she's got a mouth xOx
I dare Jess to try and slap her though >:c ))

It took a lot to make Maddie this peeved about someone or something, but this woman was pushing buttons left and right. "If I'm a child, then what does make you? Since I'm guessing we're the same age." Maddie poked at her since she wanted to play this. "I'm either a lot smarter or I actually care. You're nothing but poison, and if you knew who I was you'd know I don't play well with others. I'm not his girlfriend and I wouldn't care if he had one, I certainly wouldn't be attacking him with questions about it." Maddie spoke, her voice dropping a tone or two as her anxiety began to take root. "Whatever you had in the past is done.. You can take shots at me all you like, doesn't make a difference. It just goes to show you're a jealous woman who can't let go of the past."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 03:53:16 )
Jess started to laugh. "Jealous? Why the hell would I be jealous of you? Please. You've got nothing going for you. You're not even that pretty, I mean look at yourself. Clint needs a woman in his life, not a girl." She spat seriously, starting to march her way towards Maddie. "I should honestly hurt you for all the mean things you're saying. I am not poison so I'd shut up if I were you!" She hissed, raising her hand to slap Maddie across the face. "Okay, okay no...come on just stop. Jess don't you dare put a hand on her or so help me god." Clint warned. He was done, he had snapped as well and it was easy to tell he was pissed off right now. Hearing him, Jess looked at him, "You actually care about this runt?" She asked and snickered. "Please Clint, you're not fooling anyone."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 04:17:10 )
"Don't need to be pretty to have friends, and I never said you were jealous of me. Clean your ears." She said quietly. Jealous, yes. Of her? Not so much. Maddie stepped back when the woman started moving towards her. She actually thought Jess was going to hit her for a minute, and she reeled herself back in. Well, tried to anyway. She was damaged, and trauma didn't just go away, nor did the effects of it. Maddie sank to the floor and lowered her eyes to the finger nail she had torn just minutes prior to adding fuel to this fire. She should've just kept her mouth shu, and out of sight. Clint was clearly pissed and she felt guilty, her face expression said that much. All she did was make things worse. That's all she ever did..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 04:31:02 )
Clint grabbed Jess' wrist and opened the door and practically threw her out before slamming the door shut and locking it up. "You come back, I'll call the police. I'm not even joking!" He yelled at her through the window. Looking at Maddie, "Mads...I'm...sorry you had to see that. I ruined everything didn't I?" He asked. Clint slowly made his way over and sat beside her, "Don't listen to her. Jess is just...a f-ing mess." He muttered. He wasn't sure if Jess would actually leave him alone now, even after hearing her car leave. She'd probably come back another time. Or she'd torment him with calls. He could always just hang up if she called though.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 04:50:25 )
Maddie shook her head lightly when he spoke and offered him a small smile. "Don't.. Okay? I've heard far worse, and it wouldn't have happened if I would've just stayed out of it. All I did was make it worse. She murmured. "I couldn't just stand there and let her talk to you like though.. She's totally wrong about you and she doesn't deserve to even look at you." Maddie spoke quietly. "We.. Still have popcorn.. If watching a movie still sounds possible." Yep, she was doing it again. She'd probably keep doing it to, for a while before understanding that she wasn't a total screw-up. Maddie held up her finger some. " ..I need first aid.. " She said hesitantly, wearing a sheepish smile. She was a mess, but she was different than Jess.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 05:30:37 )
((Omg, she's adorable.))

Maybe it was true. This wouldn't have happened if Maddie hadn't- wait no! This wouldn't have happened if Clint hadn't let Jess inside. He should have just left her outside and ignored her. "I appreciate you standing up for me though Mads, really I do." He said to her. She still wanted to do movie night with him, and he too wanted to do movie night with her. He didn't want this to ruin it for them. Clint smiled and nodded then looked at her finger, "We'll do first aid first, then we'll set up the movie and get the popcorn in a bowl. Sound good?" Maddie was a good girl, he hoped that she wouldn't ever change. He wanted her to stay this way always, she was kind, but if you got her angry she was scary. He'd keep that in mind so that he wouldn't accidentally make her mad. "I'll get the first aid kit." It wasn't hard to find and when he did, Clint made sure to take care of her finger first before putting the first aid kit away. He walked to the living room and started looking through his DVD collection. When he found the first Transformers movie, he set it up then left to the kitchen. Once there, he grabbed a large bowl and took out the popcorn bag from the microwave then opened it and poured the hot popcorn into the bowl before throwing the now empty bag in the trash.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 22:57:43 )

Maddie couldn't help smirking when she saw him smile, and felt accomplished once more.She shook her head lightly and looked at him. "Friends stand up for each other, isn't that what you told me?" She said, nearly calmed down to act like herself. Maddie's eyes lit up briefly when he agreed to keep movie night on and She curiously watched him get up and go get the first aid kit, then came back to fix her finger. Jess was right about one thing, she was still a child. Wasn't she? She sat still while he did so, then got up and wandered over to the couch as he went looking through his DVD collection. This would be fun, despite the events that had occurred. They would have their movie night and enjoy the rest of the evening, right? She sure hoped so.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/12 23:41:13 )
"That is true, I did tell you that didn't I?" Clint agreed, walking back to the living room with the bowl of popcorn and two glasses of water. He handed her one of the glasses and sat down on the couch with her before pressing play on the remote so that the movie would start. Yes, he remembered telling her that. When they were kids, he always stood up for her. He was always there to sit and eat with her. They would talk about anything really but Maddie was always the black sheep of the school. No one ever wanted to go near her unless they were looking for a fight. Fights that usually ended up being stopped before they got physical. Clint had always been there for her, and now was no different. They were adults now but he thought they were still friends. People could say all they wanted about Maddie, it wouldn't change how he felt about her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/13 02:38:28 )
Maddie relaxed as she carefully took the offered water, than scooted a little closer to Clint once he sat down as well. This wasn't a date, and she didn't feel that way about him. She never went to school, but whenever she went to his school to visit him, he was always there. Even with a fence between them, she climbed that fence just to be with him. He was the big brother she never had. The movie started and her attention went to the t.v screen.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/13 04:39:26 )
Clint set the controller down beside him and held the water in one hand. The bowl rested on his lap, and his eyes focused on the t.v screen. This wasn't a date, he wasn't going to ever think of it as a date. To anyone else looking though, they would automatically assume that the two were dating. Dating Maddie never crossed his mind though. The two were just friends, she was like a little sister to him, he coudln't see her as anything more. Not at the moment anyway. Perhaps that would change in the coming years.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/13 08:06:15 )

Maddie truly enjoyed this time, and even the beginning of the movie had her interest peaked. Probably because she knew the comics though, thanks to the hospitality of the local library. She could tell by glancing at him that he was thinking the same thing as she was as far as this might want and that made her happy, and she happily munched on a handful of popcorn as she watched the movie.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/13 08:39:25 )
It was so hard, so hard to to fan boy seeing the robotic cars come to life. Clint bit his tongue many times to keep himself from saying anything that might spoil the entire movie for her. He wanted Maddie to enjoy the movie as well, so he knew he had to keep quiet. What was a better way to keep quiet than to eat popcorn right? Reaching into the bowl, he grabbed a few pieces of popcorn and popped them into his mouth to enjoy while the movie continued.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/14 03:49:52 )

Nearly half way through, Maddie forgot all about the popcorn and just enjoyed movie. It was way different from the comic, but she was still enjoying it. She wasn't entirely sure about she felt about some of the scenes, but Bumbleebee was still her favorite. The movie just made him more adorable, and Prime packed more of a punch. So he was definitely cooler than in the comics.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/14 05:29:50 )
The popcorn was still being enjoyed by Clint. The buttery goodness could not be ignored. Besides, he didn't eat popcorn very often. It was too dry, but it was pretty filling so it worked as a nice little snack. Sipping his water, his attention was on the movie and the events going on on the screen. The film was really action packed, he hoped that Maddie was enjoying it. Stealing a glance her way, he smiled. Her attention was glued to the screen, it was a good sign.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/14 21:39:44 )
Maddie sipped on her water throughout the movie, just enjoying this time they were sharing, though most of her attention was on the movie. She did catch Clint stealing a glance at her, but paid it no mind. He was probably just seeing if she was enjoying herself or not, and she was. There was no mistaking it it.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/14 22:25:25 )
Enjoying more popcorn, Clint focused on the movie. He couldn't help but be on edge whenever things looked really bad for the robotic heroes of the movie. Of course, he knew nothing bad could happen to the good guys. Still he couldn't help but tense up whenever things got really good or really bad in the film. The effects were amazing, he wondered just how they managed to do all that. The voice acting was perfect, very fitting.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/14 23:03:09 )
Maddie had to keep herself from chuckling every time she saw Clint react to things in the movie, and by the end of the movie, Maddie had really liked the movie. Maybe not as much as Clint, but she definitely enjoyed it. However, she didn't know if she could sit through a second one tonight. One was fine, maybe another would be too, but she didn't want to agree to it and then end up falling a sleep or something. She glanced at Clint curiously, deciding to leave it up to him. "Feel like watching one more, or you ready to have dinner and call it a night?" He might not be hungry though, since he ate most of the popcorn. Maddie might have had a third of the bowl.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/15 21:27:29 )
Clint ate some more of the popcorn that was left, which wasn't much, and looked at Maddie when she spoke up after the movie was over. Another one? He wasn't sure that would be a good idea. It was late and he had work in the morning. "Can't. I have work in the morning so I'll make you something if you want. I'm good on this popcorn actually. This stuff is filling. If you're hungry though, I can make you something. I mean, you dind't really eat much today if memory serves me right." He explained, getting up and going to the kitchen to wash his hands quickly.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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