You were midst collecting materials to decorate your home with holiday goods from Valentina’s shop. Hoarding spools of thread,
fabric cuts, lightbulbs, cardboard and other miscellaneous things; your eye catches the brilliant purple flicker of Vanora's hair swaying
several heights above you.
She stands shakily on the top of a ladder reaching her arms out as far as she possibly can to tie a ribbon around a branch, but she loses her footing and begins to fall sideways downward! She screeches out in panic and you instinctively close your eyes knowing the inevitable outcome. However, no crash rings out, only a gasp and then: ”Oh! Vyctor! I’m so sorry!”
You let out a giant sigh, relieved she is okay. Vyctor had barely caught her to help break the fall. He stumbles a bit but swiftly plants her back down to earth, crossing his arms in concern. “What are you doing this all alone for? Where’s Viv?!” He spins around searching, only to see you and gives a wave while also gesturing for you to come help.
Vanora beams at you brightly as you place the ladder back up while she dusts herself off. ”Vivi insisted she had to be alone today to pick up my Solstice gift she ordered. Besides, this is totally my own personal little project I like to do this time of year.” Vanora opens up the tan braided satchel at her waist revealing hundreds of ribbons and bells. You look up at the tree and notice she has already substantially covered a majority of the branches at the base and mid section of this giant tree. You feel inspired by her hard work and dedication, feeling inclined to offer a helping hand.
”Might I make a suggestion to make this easier, Viv?” Vyc grabs a small handful from her satchel, and takes a needle from his pocket. ”Anyone have some thread?” Your ears perk up and you immediately hand him spools from your bag, you're grateful to carry less bulk.
”How convenient, thanks!” After nodding at you with an appreciative smile, Vyc ties the end off, and then slips the thread through about a dozen ribbons, making a collective garland of jingling bells. ”Oh! Vyc,! Dude you’re a genius! This will make it so much quicker!” Vanora leaps up for joy and Vyc smirks at his own wits. You join them in a crouch and offer to help decorate this massive tree with ribbons and bells to welcome home rekindled energy from spirits of the past.