Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/23 18:07:43 )
I had traditions with my foster family; they would go to a forest to find a tree we could use for x-mas, in the night while we kids were sleeping the would put up the tree and decorate it, so we had that to watch when we woke up. watching x-mas-calendars ( like pyrus, jul i gammelby and the like ) together on television too while eating snacks. we would also make the advent decoration together some days before the first advent. on christmas day we would go to church before getting home and getting ready for guests. Each night we would also place our indoor shoes outside the door so the 'nisse' would be leaving small gifts for us to wake up to in the morning. From candy to small toys and erasers
at the institution ( or orphanage as it was by name ) we had a donated x-mas where rich people and compaies would donate so that we kids could get x-mas present and celebrate x-mas about a week before the actual x-mas one of th pedagogs would be dressins up as santa and come in with a bag with the presents and an other bag with stuff from the companies that usually were in sportsbags or schoolbags after we had danced around the christmas tree , only us kids while the pedagogs would be watching.on sundays we would get a advent present for a certain amount of money that the commune would give them.
In my biological family we dont have any traditions, though my sister this year will try to start making traditions now that she got her own daughter. My oldest brother and father wont be joining, my brother cause he cant be with my sister, my father because of stairs up to her apartment as well as, what is suspected to be bowel cancer, ( but we will first know for sure next year..) giving him a lot of issues.
Im just kinda considering to try and hold x-mas alone by myself next year ^^;;;