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Forums Winter Solstice 2018! [Hangout]

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 04:17:02 )

@MoodyBats: Dang ;A; But I totally get you, I think I'm worse this time of year ^^;

Ahh no problem~ <3 Glad I told you ^^

I totally get that xD My main like "Hey this is a hangout" has like....idk...4, 5 people?
I usually just help mod and stuff xD


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 04:49:41 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: but it'll pass like a breeze i am sure. :vanora_smile:

Ah yeah, that makes sense.
I just never know if people are like interested in my art. :vanora_sweat:

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 04:56:01 )

@MoodyBats: Aw I hope so

Well I for sure am interested xD
I always wanna post art in art sharing discords but I feel like I don't talk in chats that much so I feel weird just throwing art in there and disappearing ^^;


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 04:58:56 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: Me too. XD

haha same here! I do it a lot in the voltra discord.
but then i mute it cause i feel i will be criticized about my art or worse
no one will say anything. :vanora_xd:

I have so much art stuff to learn. i feel so behind.
Though right now trying to practice blending in photoshop.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 05:07:45 )

@MoodyBats: I haven't ever posted art in the Voltra discord xD
I am way too nervous xD

And tbh everytime I see your art I think you've improved ;A;
We all need practice tho ^^ But I totally get you, I feel like I should be way further than I am now ^^;
And tbh, wish I could help but I haven't touched Photoshop in ages ^^;


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 05:10:24 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: haha that is understandable.
I've only posted my half-arsed art.
And then sometimes i go back and delete it.
but sometimes the feedback is really awesome and makes me blush.
and then doubt sinks in. :vanora_upsidedown:

Aww that means a lot to hear.
Lately i feel I am just...stuck. and I have so much to improve on
that i never know what I am practicing if it's working or not. :vanora_sweat:
I will just have to look up the same videos on blending again to understand it better.
most photoshop tutorials i watch was before i touched it/colored. :vanora_xd:

I think it looks off though because my values might be off.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 05:14:26 )

@MoodyBats: Yessss I totally get that!
Doubt is like, my biggest thing
Like, I will post something and feel real good for like 5 minutes and then it just....goes down xD

I feel you with the practicing thing. I feel like I'm always practicing but never getting anywhere
Tbh I think I need to do more light studies and material studies because I feel like my stuff is always flat and doesn't look right ^^;
Haha maybe that'll help tho~ If I find any good ones I'll send them your way~

Maybe play with your values and stuff and see if things look better to you???


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 05:18:57 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: Right!? me too!
I'll post something on my social media and then something in me lately with my art just says "you barely even tried with this. How about you actually TRY!"
Augh i hate it.

I definitely need to do light studies, anatomy studies, proportion studies and definitely value.
Value/color/and anatomy right now is my biggest obstacle.

Thank you

Yeah I might do that. I have so many pictures to practice with value and colors.
Gonna pick one and just try to see how it turns out.
i always hate i am such a planner. as PS tends to kill my tablet battery pretty fast.
Then it has to charge for like 5-6 hours. :vanora_cry:

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 05:23:30 )

@MoodyBats: Yesssss
Or my thing is "You spent like 3 hours on this thing, someone else coulda done that in 30 minutes you scrub"
And like "If you spent x amount of time on this it should be way better" ^^;

All the studies~ <3
Proportion is definitely an issue for me, which is why I kinda stick to chibis
Which is why I need to venture out from chibis too xD

Aw I wish you luck~ But dang about the PS killing the battery ;A;
I don't have a wireless tablet so I don't really deal with that ^^;

Also saw the sticker video you put in the Helpful Videos channel~
That's totally how I make stickers minus the procreate xD
I was like "Eyyyyyy" when I saw it xD


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 05:28:28 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: Oh man those feels.
I spent 3 months on one and my inner voice is "3 months?? should've taken you 3 minutes from how bad it looks."
Yeah inner Moody is such a jerk. :vanora_cry:
Inner Voice to me:

For real. Sometimes I do regret the choice of this tablet because PS runs it down so fast.
Though i found a display tablet i desperately want.
The one thing anyone can convince me to buy.
Art related anything. From supplies to drawing tablets. I'm a sucker for it all.

YAY! i really want that cricut machine. Augh! I needz it!
Stickers is one merch i desperately want to make...and then i'll buy them for myself and put em everywhere! :vanora_xd:

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 05:39:40 )

@MoodyBats: I feel you xD
Our inner us's are rude af xD

Awww I've had my little tablet for 3 ish years I think???
But it doesn't have a screen ^^;
I'm a sucker for art supplies tho, I want all the things xD

Stickers are really nice to make I think ^^
I need to try selling mine online tbh ^^;
And tbh my cutter has been one of my favorite purchases tbh ^^;
I make stickers for presents and stuff usually, I've sold some at like, local fairs and stuff but it's like, catering to their likes and it's usually stuff I don't like drawing xD


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 06:13:28 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: For real. They can be too mean sometimes.
I have to remind myself reasons to not listen to her. :vanora_sweat:

Aww. I haven't had mine even a year as I bought it back in may or June
since i got like $150 for a tablet. It also does not have a screen.
Though the display tablet I want[which is the most affordable one i've found] is $250.
So I might save up for that one. comes with a red glove, stickers and a key chain :vanora_xd:

YASSS sell em!
It looks so fun to use. I can't wait. Plus how you can just peel it off that mat. Ahh so satisfying.
Ooo that's awesome though!
Prints and stickers I feel will be my main merch. Once I decide what i would do for like enamel pins and key chains.
I think my koi fish piece[once i flesh it out more] will be a good sticker design.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 06:35:17 )

@MoodyBats: Exactly~ I try not to listen to my bad thoughts :vanora_sweat:

Yeahhhh mine was like.....somewhere between $60-$80? I don't remember :vanora_sweat: I bought it refurbished but it's still kickin and works just like when i first got it :vanora_xd:
But eyyy that's a pretty obtainable goal I think ;w;
I hope you get it ^^

Omg we have like the same merch-brain I swear xD I've been looking into enamel pin manufacturers all week xD And people that do acrylic keychains~ I have a design already for a pin and I have some stuff done that could be double sided keychains hnnnnnn I just wanna get them made already xD
I think I know what koi fish design you're talking about?? If it's the one I think, that would be cool ;w;

I many ideas for products xD


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 06:41:18 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: Haha yeah.

That's awesome. My old one was around there, but the only problem with my old one is no
sensitivity. or at least it was not very high at all.
This one has around 2k Sensitivity though so it works pretty well.

Thank you, I think so too. Espectially since I will be working from home
since I don't want to get a job that needs transpiration as I can't drive and i really don't
want to burden more people again. :vanora_stunned:

Team brain merch! :vanora_xd:
Ooo that sounds exciting!
I'm not sure if I uploaded in my discord.
It might be in the WIP channel. But it's a pretty simple design. But i plan to flesh it out more.
Once I understand my values and color and blending a little more than I do now.
I think so too!

Haha right!? Me too!
I really wanna draw my Alien oc so badly.
But first i must think of a good idea for the pose.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 09:17:06 )


@MoodyBats: oooooh~ Nice ^^ I did a few bottle studies the other day~
How have you been~!
I saw you pinged me on Cae for the art discord but the invite was expired???
And IIII'll have to give that a listen ^^

@Fielkun: Hello~~~ Merry Christmas to you as well~ &lt;3
Hope you're having a good holiday so far ^^

@star2000shadow: Oooo food is always good &lt;3 I just had like.....a box of lifesaver gummies so....that's kiiiinda food xD

that's candy candy's..err kinda food so yeah i guess..haha.

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Avi art is best gift

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 21:42:52 )

@MoodyBats: Oh yea my very first tablet had no sensitivity whatsoever xD It was sooooo bad xD

I totally get that, I am in a similar boat tbh so it's been hard for me trying to find a job
But I wish you the best of luck ;A;
If you start selling merch or something let me know and I'll try to get something ^^

Have you looked into like, print on demand services like RedBubble or Society6??? I don't get a whole lot from there each month but it's usually at least a little spending money I can save yknow?

Ohhhh yeah I think I know the one you're talking about~
If so it is in the discord ^^

I've been struggling with poses lately tbh ^^;


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 21:53:25 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: Haha yeah same.
And i figured to get something wireless this time as i wore down the wire so bad
on my first tablet. But it did last me 8 years. :vanora_smile:
Sure thing. Not sure if will be selling merch anytime soon.
maybe in 1-2 years. I am not super hopeful with the current skills I have. :vanora_sweat:

I don't trust Red bubble since a lot of stolen art ends up on there.
so probably won't be doing anything with that site.
I'm not selling merch at this time so i kinda don't have a need for society6 and such.

I reuploaded it just in case as this is the more updated version since the first vers. had black lines.

I think my struggle is faces and proportions, values and colors.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 22:12:43 )

@MoodyBats: Haha I get you, tbh I'd like to get an ipad or something or like, just something more portable because sometimes I just wanna sit on the couch and work instead of at my desk xD
Also I feeeeel you xD

Ahh I get that, I'll say I haven't personally come across my own art being stolen up there yet in the 4 or 5 years 3 or 4 xD I can't count, I've been up there, but I get the distrust of other users, but I guess my art's not really worth stealing anyway xD
Have had art stolen on instagram before tho, that sucked xD
I've been meaning to get on society6, I keep forgetting to do the verification thing xD Which is dumb because it's like $1, like, get on that Kay wtf

Ooo cool~ I'll give it a look~

I struggle with....everything xD I at least have an ehhhhhh okay-ish cutesy style I'm okay with to do like, stickers and stuff for the time being while I'm practicing other things xD
'Cause I refuse to post things online that I'm practicing because....yknow....doubt xD


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 22:24:09 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: YESSS! I really want the ipad too.
I need to try procreate. Ahh!
//programs and tablets are my weakness
Yes i totally feel that. with my tablet i do art in bed but it's hard because I have to set it on top of my laptop keyboard
and then it clicks all kinds of buttons. :vanora_unamused:

My art is too half-arsed to get stolen. :vanora_sweat:
Instagram is that place where art getting stolen happens all the time.
Which is why i always try to make my watermark appear in such an awkward place to remove.
Though all my art accounts are private.
Ah. I plan to do society6 but not until i am like...happy with my art.
i want my own phone case and bag of my art. I pretty much just want my own merch in my house. :vanora_xd:

I think i made the lines red and it looks so much better.
though coloring it will be a struggle. Blending colors is such a pain. Like idk what is blended tbh.
Or what is over blended. like parts i am like "yeah that looks blended."
doubt: "but maybe it's not?"

I have no idea what i'll make into a sticker.
I thought about my third eyed portrait and the koi fish.
But other than that, i have no clue.
Practice makes progress after all.
I did a small study. it wasn't terrible but also was not great and made me so sad lol.
But i think it made me see what i need to work on.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 22:34:57 )

@MoodyBats: Yessss the struggle xD My laptop is very.....touchy. I need a new computer tbh xD
An ipad is an investment I'm hoping to make soon.....after a new computer xD

Yeah that's why I started making sure my signature and stuff is super present now tbh, or in places where it's present but not where you can crop it out so I'm like "SUCK IT"
Yessss I got a little notebook with my art on it and it was lovely xD And like, a tshirt, but that was mainly to see how it printed and how the quality was because I'm really picky about that xD

Blending is so hard for me tbh, I see people blend beautifully and I'm like "HOW"
I can blend relatively well on like....canvas with acrylics and stuff but for some reason on digital mediums I just....can't xD

Oooo I like the third eye one~ And I think the kois would be nice~ ;w;
And tru~ Practice is progress~
And that's good you know what to work on ^^ I'm sure you'll just continue improving just by keeping at it~ <3


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