@MoodyBats: Haha I get you, tbh I'd like to get an ipad or something or like, just something more portable because sometimes I just wanna sit on the couch and work instead of at my desk xD
Also I feeeeel you xD
Ahh I get that, I'll say I haven't personally come across my own art being stolen up there yet in the 4 or 5 years 3 or 4 xD I can't count, I've been up there, but I get the distrust of other users, but I guess my art's not really worth stealing anyway xD
Have had art stolen on instagram before tho, that sucked xD
I've been meaning to get on society6, I keep forgetting to do the verification thing xD Which is dumb because it's like $1, like, get on that Kay wtf
Ooo cool~ I'll give it a look~
I struggle with....everything xD I at least have an ehhhhhh okay-ish cutesy style I'm okay with to do like, stickers and stuff for the time being while I'm practicing other things xD
'Cause I refuse to post things online that I'm practicing because....yknow....doubt xD