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Forums Role Playing OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/1 22:59:45 )
Takashi glanced up at his smaller cousin and offered him a small smile. He was proud of him for being so attentive during class. Part of him wondered what they would be doing in the club today, the other part of him wondered what Mia was up to. He really liked talking with her. Pushing the thoughts aside, he continued down the hall until the large doors came into view. He opened the doors and walked inside. Kyoya glanced up at the duo briefly, then went back to his computer. Tamaki was sitting on one of the couches.

Takashi set Mitsukuni down on one of the chairs at a table. "What kind of cake do you want?" He asked casually. They had some time before the club actually started.


Alice quietly followed Hikaru to the club room, thinking about the offer. Could she even play the piano in front of everyone? That was also a concerning thought. Playing for her friends was one thing..but a whole room of people? Her mother though. Speaking of which.. "Hey, Hikaru.." She spoke quietly, keeping her eyes low. "Do you think, I could do it? I mean... I'm not good with people.. and I don't have a lot of skills.. I've never tried playing the piano in front of anyone other than my friends, my parents, or my teacher.."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 05:19:19 )
"Hiiiii Kyoya-Senpaiiii!" Honey greeted the dark haired male who glanced up at them for a split second. Hmm, what kind of cake did he want? "Hmm, well I like Strawberry cake. But I also like chocolate cake. But the strawberry cake has a strawberry which I like a lot too, but chocolate is really good and I don't eat it often. Hmm, but I guess I could maybe put a strawberry on the chocolate cake? Though that wouldn't taste the same. Does strawberry go with chocolate? Hmm, no I don't think so. Maybe I'll just have strawberry then." The smaller blonde rambled quietly as he sat on the chair and looked at Usa-chan wondering what his friend would do in this situation.

Mia was working pretty hard on her homework and then checked the time. Maybe it was time for her to get home? She had to call her parents for a ride. Gathering up her things, she adjusted her bag on her shoulder and dialed her house number as she walked out of the library quietly.


Hikaru stopped outside the doors and looked at Alice. He could understand her hesitation to accept. "Well, if it would help, maybe you can practice playing in front of just me and my brother? Or just me. And I'll tell you if you have what it takes or not. I think you'll do fine though. I know it's scary at first, but after a while maybe you'll grow used to it and you won't be nervous anymore." Hikaru explained quietly before opening the door for her to enter first.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/2 06:21:09 )
Chocolate strawberries actually sounded pretty good..and since little Mitsukuni was having a hard time deciding on either a strawberry cake, or a chocolate cake, maybe he'd surprise the smaller boy.. What if he didn't like it though? Was there even a cake he didn't like? He was curious now. Takashi offered Mitsukuni a small smile. "Wait here." He said, before walking off to find his cousin a chocolate strawberry cake.


Alice lightly but the inside of her cheek. As sweet as the offer was.. Playing in front of just them wouldn't help much.. It was worth a try though, right? She'd think It over. She really just wanted to ask Hikaru to 'kidnap' her so she could stay at their place instead of going homr, but of course, she had brought something else instead. Alice quietly followed him into the room.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/3 04:57:06 )
Honey looked at his taller cousin and nodded. "Oh..okay then." The smaller blonde answered and watched as Takashi walked away. "Hmm...what do you think Takashi is up to?" he asked his rabbit doll. The rabbit just stared back at him and Honey nodded. "You're right. We should wait patiently and stay right here." He answered as his stomach growled. What would the club do today? No doubt there would be people showing up eventually for companionship.

"I'm outside, could you or father pick me up please?" Mia asked as she sat on one of the benches outside of the school gates. "Who? Oh...n-no they're busy right now. I can't ask." She answered her mother's question then nodded. "Alright, I'll be right here waiting then. Bye." Hanging up, Mia sighed and stuffed her cellphone into her bag.


Once inside, Hikaru's brother glanced towards the door and gasped when he saw Alice there. Kaoru quickly ran in their direction and hugged her then glanced over his shoulder at Haruhi who was watching him with a confused expression. Kaoru let Alice go and looked at Hikaru. "W-what did she say?" He asked his brother. "She's going to think about it I think." Hikaru answered. "Ah...well that's good. It's a big step. Not one to be taken lightly." Kaoru agreed. "Yeah, but if she agrees then we can get her away from her evil mother and her father can take care of her and then everything would be fine." Hikaru whined. Kaoru smirked and shook his head and looked at Alice. "Take all the time you need. If you have questions, we will answer them to the best of our ability."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/4 00:53:54 )
Takashi had to keep focused on finding a chocolate strawberry cake for his cousin, but his mind kept wondering about Mia. Was she avoiding him because of what Mistukuni said? Or his change in behavior? He shook his head and sighed quietly when he found what he was looking for. He put the cake on a tray, and moved it to a cart. He then made some tea and put it on the cart as well, before returning to the Mitsukuni's table.


Alice blinked a couple of times when Kaoru hugged her,and she hugged back, then he let go and began conversing with his brother. What was going on with them today? And why were they suddenly asking her to join the club? What did her parents have to do with it?? She glanced at Kaoru when he spoke and nodded lightly. Of course she had questions! She just didn't know how to ask them.. "Alice, my delicate flower!" Was she really going to join them? He wouldn't bring it up. Tamaki was heard as he approached her and pulled her into his arms. Alice blushed and shyly hugged him as well. "Didn't think I was coming back?" She teased. He pouted and released her. "Well.."

Alice smiled a little. "It's gonna more than this to scare me away. I'm not the same scared little girl.." Tamaki beamed with joy and picked her up . "Oh, I'm so happy to hear that!" Alice was happy once he set her down again and she pulled him over to the piano. "Happt enough to play with me? " She asked curiously. Tamaki blinked.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/5 04:08:13 )
Mia waited outside in silence and smiled when her father finally pulled up. "Hi dad." She greeted after stepping into the passenger's seat and buckling up. "How was school today? Your friend didn't give you a ride?" Her father asked. Mia set her bag on her lap and shook her head. "I think he's busy with after school stuff. But it's fine really, I don't mind. Besides, I just met him, I don't think we're really friends just yet." She answered honestly, looking out the window.


Both twins watched her in awe. Was she really going to play the piano for them? This was it, this was what they wanted. What Kyoya wanted. This was going to be her ticket into the club, if she wanted to join of course. "Do you two think she's going to join?" Haruhi asked, suddenly appearing behind them. Both Kaoru and Hikaru turned around to face her. "Well the choice is honestly hers. We invited her here to join as a surprise for the boss, but in the end it's up to her." Kaoru explained. Hikaru nodded quickly. "I just wonder if she's actually going to play. I wonder what her skill's like." He commented quietly.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/5 04:42:22 )
I'm trying really hard not to have Takashi go after her ;~; i don't think he'd chose a girl over his cousin- but i honestly want to hug Mia right now x3

Takashi spotted Mia getting in the car from the window and lowered his head. Walking up to Mitsukuni, he offered the boy a small smirk. "I found a chocolate cake with strawberry icing and toppings. Try it before you say you don'y like it." He said to the smaller boy, cutting a piece and putting it on a plate, then putting it one the table before sitting down as well. They had just met why was she on his mind so much?


Tamaki was baffled by Alice's sudden change of character. Maybe she really had changed over the years. Kyoya was curious, and lifted his gaze to watch the two. Alice pouted when Tamaki seemed to hesitate. "Oh please, Tamaki? I haven't gotten to play with you since you left France.. and I'm too nervous to play by myself." She said innocently. Tamaki only smiled. How could say no to his childhood friend. He nodded and Alice smiled brightly. She sat next to Tamaki on the bench and he began to play half of the piano, and Alice joined him once she caught on to what he was playing. It was a song best preformed as a duet, but they only had one piano currently so they made due.

Song link ;3

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/5 07:09:35 )
Heh, no he wouldn't. Family is stronger.
Well I wouldn't worry too much. She's a good girl. She's not going to be mad at him or anything.

"School was fine. Took plenty of notes. Oh and I headed out to the library to work on homework. Or at least on some of the homework so I wouldn't have too much to do when I got home." Mia explained as they headed home.

Honey's eyes widened when he saw the cake that Takashi had brought for him. "Oh wow!" He expected the entire cake to be for him but then Takashi cut him a slice, placed it on a plate and slid it over to him. The sugary scent greeted his nose then. It sure smelled nice, but would it taste good? That was the real question. Without having to be told again, Honey cut off a piece and ate it. For a moment, no reaction, nothing. Then it happened. His eyes shone and he bobbed his head from side to side, a smile on his face as he ate some more of the cake. It was delicious!


Haruhi and the twins watched the pair with much attention. When Tamaki started to play, silence spread throughout the room. Then Alice joined in and the twins were surprised. They had never really heard her play. They just knew she could play because Tamaki always talked about her skills. Now they saw he wasn't lying when he said she was really good. Kaoru glanced towards Kyoya who was watching the pianist duo. Even Honey had looked over to see who it was that was playing.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/5 22:16:27 )
Takashi chuckled quietly as he watched the smaller boy eye the slice of cake. "If you like it, the rest of the cake is yours as well." He said casually, only wanting him to try it first. He watched his cousin a moment longer,smiling as his large amber eyes proved that he liked the chocolate strawberry cake. However, when the duo began playing the piano his attention drifted. Everyone had heard their king play at least once, but this time he was playing with a fellow student. She

Tamaki was absolutely and completely absorbed into the song as he and Alice played together. Alice had her eyes closed so she could focus more on the song and less on all the students watching them. It was her way of tuning out the world. The other things that mattered right now was herself, Tamaki, and the piano. The song soon came to its end and Alice slowly opened her lavender eyes. Tamaki was speechless, and smiling. "You've gotten better..and by their expressions, everyone here enjoyed the performance as much as I did." He said to her. Alice blushed and smiled a little.

Kyoya stood from his table and approached the two. "Wonderful." He said. Alice blinked and glanced at him, as did Tamaki. "Your skills really do rival those of Tamaki. I'm sure you've already been asked this but, how would you like to perform here as much as you'd like, as a host member?" He asked quietly as to not cause a fuss. The other girls didn't need to hear his invitation.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/7 21:13:36 )
Honey was entranced by the piano playing. Hearing Tamaki play was nothing new...but that girl. She played really good as well! He had actually stopped eating just to listen to the beautiful melody fill the room. When the song ended, everyone was in awe. Honey stared at the pair at the piano for a while longer before turning his attention to his cake piece. "I can h-have it all?!" He asked his cousin but didn't wait for an answer before digging in to the rest of the cake happily. Yes, this was probably really bad for his teeth but he'd never gotten a cavity before so why would today be any different right?


The twins watched as Kyoya approached Alice. Kaoru was certain he knew what was going to be asked and shook his head, leaning closer to his brother. "I feel a tad bit sorry for Alice. She might feel pressured to join at this point." He whispered to Hikaru who nodded. "But it will be great if she joins. It will be better for her in the long run anyway, and her mother can't make her leave early if she joins." Hikaru answered quietly, his eyes on Alice. Haruhi noticed the brothers whispering to each other and wondered what all this secrecy was really about.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/8 01:37:38 )
Takashi noticed the emotions that lingered unnoticed through the song, and noticed how many of the girls were in awe. Women were clearly jealous, but moved as well. Takashi offered his cousin a small nod when he spoke. "Just make sure you brush your teeth an extra time." He said. He was really proud of Mitsukuni today.

Tamaki blinked and glanced between the two briefly, as they were quiet. Alice slowly stood and pushed some of her hair behind an ear. "Can we talk, somewhere else? Less embarrassing?" She murmured quietly. Kyoya nodded lightly and went to lead her to the back of the host club, where the members often changed into it out of a costume. When the door closed, Alice sighed and glanced at the dark haired male. "First, I'd like to know what is going on. I just recently joined your school, and already you're trying to recruit me? I know all about your talent of digging around and finding information on people.. and I doubt you're asking me purely because of my piano playing." She said to him with a bit of her French accent coming through. Kyoya smirked lightly and adjusted his glasses. She was a quick one, that was for sure. "Ms. Winters, I assure you I am only looking out for the members and customers of this club. " He said, acting on his business man persona.

Alice folded her arms. She could be stubborn too. "I won't give my answer until you tell me what you're angle is, Shadow-King." He simply remained quiet and she turned to leave. "It's clear you have a few friends here in the club who worry about you, and your health. We can help you, but only if you're a member. This club is a family, and I don't want to see anyone get hurt." He spoke. She paused. So, he knew as well.. And he was just trying protect his 'family'. Alice left without another word, and not just the back room. She left the host club and headed down the hall.

Tamaki was dumbfounded. Why had she left? What happened in the back room? Well, he'd figure it out after the club was over.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/14 23:53:34 )
Honey looked over at his cousin and nodded quickly. "I always brush my teeth. Maybe not extra times, but I will. I promise. Thank you Takashi for the surprise cake!" He chimed happily. Then he noticed Alice leave the room and looked at Takashi in confusion. What had just happened? He looked at Tamaki then focused on his cake. Had something bad happened? Oh well, it would be dealt with soon enough. It wasn't his concern. This had nothing to do with him and he didn't want to get involved if he didn't need to.


The twins looked both confused and surprised when Alice just stormed out. "Alice?!" Hikaru called after her and sighed. "I'll go speak with her." He said quietly and quickly walked out of the room as well. "Alice!" He called out again and ran off after her. "Alice what, w-what happened? Where are you going?" He asked. Had Kyoya said something he wasn't supposed to? Kyoya was very...blunt so he could understand that maybe some people would get offended by that.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/15 01:40:22 )
Takashi offered his cousin a small smirk as he spoke. He too noticed the blonde haired girl leave the club room, but didn't pay it much mind. The girls had started coming in so his attention went to them fawning over his smaller cousin.

Tamaki also put on his princely act to please his customers.


Alice kept walking for a minute, getting some distance between herself and the third music room. She was too wrapped up in her thoughts to really hear the older twin call her until she realized he had followed her. She stopped and turned around to look at him with watery eyes. "So, the reason for asking me to join was a ploy to keep my away from my mother? I'm sorry if i'm hurting anyone, but so help me I hate when people tip-toe around me." She said, managing to keep voice somewhat calm, but her French accent was still lacing with her words. "I don't care if your Shadiw-King meant well, that's not how you talk to someone you want to help. I know you and your brother worry about me, and I'm practically lying to Tamaki every time I'm around him, but I'm not trying to hurt anyone. Especially not my best friends." She was mostly venting, but she was a little upset with the twins for not just coming out and telling her why she was being invited to join the club. With venting came a draw back though, she was already worked up and voicing that only agitated an arrhythmia.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/22 05:20:06 )
@Boss Rimi: bump?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/27 09:39:35 )
@xnovax: Sorry, been pretty distracted and not been feeling well. Not to mention I've been focusing on looking after my cat. She's better now though.

Honey of course was his adorable self, anything to please the girls who wanted his attention.

Back at home, Mia was busy at work, finishing up whatever homework she didn't do at the academy's library. Her thoughts wandered to Mori and what he was doing. She smiled thinking of him, but the smile faltered when she thought of Mitsukuni. Had he really gotten upset with her? Was he not going to allow her to sit with them now? Maybe she'd find out tomorrow.


Hikaru frowned as he listened to what Alice was saying. He wasn't sure what Kyoya had exactly told her but it clearly wasn't what Alice wanted to hear. "Alice please calm down. I..I know you're upset but we only wanted to look after you. I thought maybe you weren't happy with your mother. My brother and I could see that clearly when she went to visit you. We thought maybe if you joined we'd be able to look after you better and your mother would no longer have control over you. We would be able to help you get your dad here so he could get full custody of you. I-isn't that what you want?" He asked her. He noticed she was getting worked up and he began to panic. What was he going to do now? How could he get her to relax? "Please calm down Alice. I don't want you end up at the hospital again. You don't have to join okay? If you don't want to then you don't have to. We won't bring it up again then. Just...relax. Try to calm down."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/27 16:45:09 )
@boss rimi: it's okay.. I'm glad your cat is doing better. I hope you feel better. How was your Christmas?

Takashi went along with his cousin's act as usual, showing his concern over little things that seemed to matter.


Alice thought over what he was saying, well tried to anyway while attempting to calm down. Neither were working, which was normal in her circumstance. She wasn't happy with her mother, anyone could see that but that wasn't the point! She was honestly thinking about joining but.. She hated secrets and she felt betrayed that the twins went behind her back and talked to Kyoya before talking with her. "Hikaru.. You really think that's the reason I'm upset? You didn't even ask me, until after you went and talked to Kyota-senpai." Alice wiped her eyes and sniffled. "Just do me a favor alright? Next time, come talk to me before making any other decisions like this.. "

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/27 23:06:45 )
@xnovax: Ehh, it was nice I suppose. What about yours?

Honey smiled at the girls that crowded around him and his cousin. "Takashi got me a surprise cake today you know! It was chocolate, but it had strawberries and I didn't even know that the cake existed. It was like magic! And it was so good too! And he let me have it all to myself!" Honey said, telling them all about how Takashi surprised him with a wonderful cake.


Hikaru frowned, flinching at her words. "Sorry I thought...w-we thought you would like the surprise." He said and nodded slowly, "Right well..don't worry we won't do this again. We'll let you make your own decisions." He said. At least she looked pretty calm now, hopefully she would be okay. "I should...g-go back and get Kaoru. I actually want to head home early. Got some homework I need help with so I might as well have him help me. Umm...sorry again, for all of this. Won't happen again. I promise." Defeated, Hikaru walked back into the club room and went to sit by his brother who was currently entertaining a few guests. However, upon seeing his brother return, Kaoru looked at him and could tell something was wrong. "Is everything alright?" He asked his brother. Hikaru only shook his head and allowed himself to be hugged. "She was really mad." Hikaru whispered.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/28 00:12:11 )
@Boss Rimi: it was nice. I didn't have to worry about which family I was going to spend Christmas with, my parents or my ex's mom and brother. We just did something with our kid and roommate, it was a nice change ^~^ just wish I was feeling better x.x

Takashi smirked as the girls swooned over his small cousin, and lightly placed a hand on his head, just to remind him of his promise. He absolutely could not let him get a cavity or get sick from eating too much cake.


Alice saw the look in his eyes and immediately felt terrible about the words she had spoken. Terrible enough for guilt to all but eat her alive. How could she act like that towards him? As he began to walk away, she slowly reached for his hand only to stop herself and lowered it once more, before looking down at the floor. "Hikaru.." She murmured quietly as tears welled up in her eyes again. Instead of going back into the host club, she ventured outside and sat on one of the benches while staring at the contact she had pulled up on her phone. All she had to do was call the woman.. What was stopping her?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/29 22:38:17 )
@xnovax: Hope you feel better soon!

Honey was being called 'so cute' and all sorts of adorable nicknames. All he did was be his childish self and show off Usa-chan to them. He blinked and looked up at his taller cousin upon feeling his large hand on the top of his head. Right, the promise. What was it again? Oh right, to brush his teeth. Of course he'd brush his teeth. He smiled up at his cousin and then turned his attention back to the girls who were swooning over him.


Kaoru frowned and knew this wasn't the best time to just walk off. They had guests to please. "Hikaru, please don't be sad." He said, cupping his brother's chin and placing a kiss on his forehead. Making whoever was watching squeal in joy. Haruhi was not impressed of course. She found this to be rather strange. But after being in the club, she had sort of grown accustomed to it. Hikaru nodded, his brother was right. He had to put on a happy face. A positive act. He couldn't depress the guests with his sulking around.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/30 17:33:02 )

The rest of the club hour seemed peaceful enough, with the girls swooning over whoever they had decided to sit with in the club room. Each of the members had there own group of guests to entertain or charm. Soon, it was time for the club to disband and everyone went home. Takashi took Mitsukuni home before going home himself, and Tamaki went home with Kyoya like he had planned from the beginning. Alice had eventually called her mother to come pick her up, simply explaining that she had wanted to check out an after school club, and that was why she hadn't called earlier.


The next morning..

Takashi woke to the sound of whoever he lived with moving around the house. He got up and got dressed for school before going and having breakfast. He'd call Mitsukuni, and Mia and offer them both a ride to school He couldn't stop thinking about how Mitsukuni had acted towards her calling him by his first name, and he wanted to be able to sit them down together and talk about what was possibly going on.

Tamaki woke on the couch at Kyoya's house, and remembered the 'talk' they had. Kyoya came out of the shower and went into the living room only to toss a spare uniform at the blonde male. "Go in the bathroom and get changed. Breakfast will be served soon." He informed him. Tamaki only nodded and went to do as he was told.

Alice didn't wake to her alarm. Her mother quietly went into her room and simply turned off the noise-maker before glancing at her daughter and lightly placing a hand on her cheek. "Alice.." She called softly. Alice slowly woke and then pulled the blanket over her pale face. It was clear she wasn't feeling well, so her mother simply nodded and left the room so she could rest. Last night had been quite eventful, and now her mother would pretend like nothing happened.

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