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Forums The Undercurrent Wanna chat?

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 02:52:25 )

Honestly, I'm terrible at keeping up with conversations, so I think this forum will work for me XD
Plus the whole post as many times as you want in a row sounds good too, I can just post whatever randomness pops into my head and see if it sparks a conversation XD

You can post whatever here as long as it follows Voltras rules and you're not being disrespectful to anyone. :3
I may also do some random art freebies on occasion for people who stick around to chat.

Donator — King Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 03:12:07 )
hi there friend!

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 03:36:08 )

@Dread Pirate: Hey there :P
How's the new year treating you so far? XD

Donator — King Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 04:04:49 )
@SamSpyroxis: good hopefully gettim payed on the 7th after a garbage schedule though im blaming 2018 for that

Donator — King Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 04:05:12 )
@SamSpyroxis: good hopefully gettim payed on the 7th after a garbage schedule though im blaming 2018 for that
Dressed as goblins!
Do it all again!
See the friends all again!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 04:15:29 )
Hello ( ゚▽゚)/

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 04:20:30 )

@Dread Pirate: Why wouldn't you be getting paid? o.o Or are you just not for sure on the date?

@Ixora: Hey there :P How are you?

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 04:24:47 )
@SamSpyroxis: Good. Thinking about starting my new year's resolution (which is to develop more skills - art included)
How about you?

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 04:32:01 )

@Ixora: Debating on what to doodle since I made a resolution to draw everyday I'm realistically able to XD
On the bright side I'm doing well with my other resolution so far, which is to be more social :D (I've been lurking around and posting here and there all day so XD)

I should doodle one of my OCs, but my avis not a bad choice either...

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 04:35:23 )
@SamSpyroxis: Ah. Part of my resolution was making an avenue to post art on like IG/DA I still haven't made it but we'll get there
That's good tho. Are you having fun being social? :D

Doodle it all

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 04:46:15 )

@Ixora: I have both but... I tend to forget to post ^^; Not really sure why that is considering IG is literally at my fingertips 24/7 so I could easily post something I just.... don't? XD You've got plenty of time to make one though, especially with it only being the start of the new year :3
So far so good :P I haven't been on here for like 8-9 months, I honestly forgot how much I enjoyed just talking with people on sites like this ;u; Hoping I can stay motivated to not fall into my lurker ways again x.x

lol. That's also an option, though not one I could do all at once right now I'd probably pass out midway through a sketch... ^^;

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 04:49:45 )
@SamSpyroxis: Yeah naming it is a challenge. I've had a couple of DAs over the years ; ___ ;
Welcome back c: Yes stay motivated! D<

Awww. Sleep well if you do pass out D:

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 04:57:46 )

@Ixora: Naming was always my issue until I came up with this one like 2-3ish years ago I think...? I've had several DAs too ;u; granted I'm sure most have at this point
Thanks! That's the plan right now at least ;u; and omg that gif is great XD it's so cute but motivational.

I'm hoping to, but I also can't sleep yet ;u; I'll wake up way too early if I do that x.x

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 05:04:54 )
@SamSpyroxis: I go by Ixora for mostly gaming now :/
I need to think of one that sticks ; ___ ;
You're welcome! I've got gifs in mind for all sorts of situations XD

Lol! What's wrong with waking up early and sleeping more after waking up?

I just realized craft scraps are gonna end soon and I started trying to use up all of mine .___.

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 11:27:18 )

@Ixora: I've had two names that stuck for a while XD This one, and before that I went by LucifersSavior for like 2 years? XD
That's awesome XD

My only problem is I normally wake up and then I'm up until I go to sleep that night ;u; and unfortunately I passed out too early so I'll have to try and nap in a few hours and hope it works... Plus I'm still trying to readjust my sleep schedule and it's not working as well as I want it to. I went from working overnight on 3rd shift to during the day on 2nd ;u;

Oh no D: I've used... most of mine I think? I mean I still have a lot to use, but I already have some extra sets so I'm not too worried about it XD

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 11:34:39 )
@SamSpyroxis: Sometimes I think up new names especially with games - like depending on a game's theme XD
I just love gifs XD

Good morning! Hope that works I know readjusting sleep schedules is hard work. Mine is a mess atm @.@ How do you try to readjust it?

Well, it'd be a shame not to use them all XD I wanted to use them all cause I told someone I'd give them like 10 sets of the craft scraps EIs for their charity XD which I already did so I'm all good :D

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 11:43:57 )

@Ixora: I'll do that too sometimes XD If I don't feel like thinking about it though I'll usually just use Spyrox, so really it just depends how lazy I am the day I start playing XD

Hoping so too x.x; Depends on how I need to adjust it. If I only need to get up a few hours earlier than usual I'll usually drink some chamomile tea a few hours before my usual bed time since it tends to knock me out ^^; In my case I probably did the worst possible thing since I had to go from going to bed at like 11am to waking up between 9-11am. I had work last Thursday, so woke up around 8pm, worked from 9:45pm-6am and stayed awake until like 10 or 11 on Friday night and woke up around 8am on Saturday XD I'm sure there's better ways to do that, but that's what I went with XD

That's true XD And as long as you got those sets to them already you're all good then :3


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 11:49:55 )
@SamSpyroxis: lmao. Nah. I'm the type who spends like at least an hour in naming... then another hour or two on character creation XD

The second one is what I do XD Like... let me just stay up for 24 hours and see if it fixes it XD
Well, as long as it works, right? :P

Yup. I got more now... so I might spend them again XD

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 11:55:38 )

@Ixora: I'll easily spend at least an hour on character creation XD

lol, yup :P I mean it seems to work alright XD Especially because to me it's easier to stay awake 24 hours rather than just, you know... maybe take like a quick 30 minute nap...? XD

Spend them all! XD
Always @ me

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/2 11:59:44 )
@SamSpyroxis: Definitely! And a lot of games these days have really intense character customization @.@ Which is great but sometimes makes it hard to decide.
Do you have a go to look? o:

Same! Sometimes I tell myself I'll take a 30 minute nap and I end up sleeping for hours ; ___ ; And no, alarms don't work D:


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