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Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:19:36 )

@Ixora: That's horrible D: You still haven't been able to play it then? D: it's so nice, I 100000% recommend playing it when you get a chance, just keep in mind the game is long but that's part of why I love it so much too
Hm... I think I've heard of it, what's that one about?
I think part of what's been keeping me from doing it is that's literally all my friend played day in and day out for like a week XD If she wasn't asleep or at work she was playing Stardew Valley XD

@Unicorn: So how are you today?

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:23:34 )
@SamSpyroxis: old broken bones are aching, probably more bad weather on the way. tired but I am alright. how are you doing?

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:28:22 )

@Unicorn: So far so good, but I also just woke up so... XD

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:31:41 )
@SamSpyroxis: Aah I can understand that, I woke up at 7:40am

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:32:45 )
and my little unicorn is awake now to we need to get up get dressed and go eat something.

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:35:04 )

@Unicorn: I need to get myself some food too ;u; Not sure what I'm in the mood for though...

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:35:20 )
@SamSpyroxis: Not at all. I know I can get it on Steam but... I haven't lol
Epistory is a nice typing game! It has a really cool story as well. XD
That was basically me when I was at the height of playing Stardew Valley >u<

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:39:13 )

@Ixora: I definitely would! Like I said, I've played it at least 10 times through already and I still absolutely love it. Definitely one of my top 5 favorites ;u;
That sounds nice :3 I may have to add it to my constantly growing list XD
Hm... I should probably wait until tomorrow to play then XD I have the day off I think? Unless they changed the schedule on me of course...

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:41:34 )
@SamSpyroxis: it there is any of that omelette left I will be eating that.

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:43:38 )

@Unicorn: It's been forever since I've had an omelette... Granted that's probably because the only way I get one is if we go out, or I make it myself... I tend to forget to get stuff to put in my omelettes so I just don't make them XD

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:46:49 )
@SamSpyroxis: I used to love making omelette don't really need much, just some meat, veggies, mushrooms, cheese if one is into any of that ect. and some salt and peppper in the mix.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 15:58:22 )
@SamSpyroxis: I'll think about it. I got 2 hours before sale ends lol. How do you think it would translate to a keyboard/mouse set-up?
It's fun but very short D:
Better check that schedule first XD

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 16:21:19 )

@Unicorn: Yeah, my problem is I never have any meat I wanna put into it XD

@Ixora: I honestly have no idea. Assuming you draw with the mouse I would think it would be fine. I'm sure it's better than the wii controls XD wii controls for that game were surprisingly awful, granted I came from a ps2 controller but still...
I always have mixed feelings with short games XD It's like it was good but... I want more...? Why is it not longer? XD
Yeah... I would have done it yesterday but they didn't have it posted yet >.>

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 16:29:44 )
@SamSpyroxis: Ah, then I'm gonna be that girl and buy it like last minute XD
I've never played any wii??? How is it bad tho? Do they move around the controller to draw?
I bought a 4 hour game. It was really nice but it was only 4 hours ; ___ ;
Awww DX

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 16:38:31 )

@Ixora: I highly recommend it :3 To be honest I'm debating on getting it on Steam too even though I already have the original on ps2 and the hd remake on ps4 XD
Yeah, you moved the controller to draw with the celestial brush, and something about shaking a controller to attack...? I don't remember, I just know I played the first little section on wii and immediately went back to my ps2 copy XD I had borrowed a friends wii copy to try out
I hate when that happens ;n; It's like i just want more of this nice thing, can I please have more of it...?

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 16:42:43 )
@SamSpyroxis: It's... in my cart? LOL XD Sale ends in a little over an hour. Gonna buy it after I go through my queue.
.... that is a lot of copies of one game XD
FFX and FFX-2 is one of my favorite games. I owned it on PS2, own the remaster on PS3, but I can't bring myself to buy it on steam .__.
That... does sound complicated. The only game I've played on wii is like the wii sports one. I played it at a friend's birthday party XD
Yeah. Why can't we have the nice things ; ___ ;

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 16:48:26 )

@Ixora: Do iiiiiit XD
Indeed it is, the only reason I'm debating on the Steam copy is because of the fact I can literally take my laptop where ever so I'd be able to play it anywhere vs just at my house XD
I never owned them on PS2, but my uncle did XD I don't remember much other than getting stuck fairly early? it was at a time when I hated doing battles so I constantly ran from everything, so.... Definitely explains why I got stuck XD I have the remaster on Vita I think?
Yeah, I think the gameplay for wii could have been sooo much better with Okami... I actually initially thought it would be the better choice since you had to draw things but I was oh so wrong XD

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 16:53:29 )
@SamSpyroxis: I wiiiiiiiill XD
That is why I've like... moved on to PC games cause laptop lol. XD
SAME! LOL. The grind in jrpgs will be the death of me one day ; ___ ;
Yeah, I'd think the drawing thing would be easier. I wonder how I'm gonna fare on the mouse tho... kinda worried @.@

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 16:55:42 )
@SamSpyroxis: Ooh I can understand that, I am hungry for sushi again but I don't have any. and I csn't make it either.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — they / he Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 17:07:20 )

@Ixora: Lol, I'm basically doing the same but... I don't think I can ever fully "abandon" my console games either ;u; I definitely play PC more than I did in the past though.
Omg same though x.x I've always hated grinding... not including FFXV because I'm at like level 75 or something because I'm doing everything BUT the story first XD I just love the character interaction to be honest
I wouldn't think it'd be too hard? I would guess it's wasd to move, mouse to draw (maybe holding the rmb to pull up your brush screen?) with probably lmb to attack and draw (in brush screen)? That's what would make sense to me at least XD
oh god I just got to the Okami finale of Cry's playthrough and started tearing up again ;n; The ending gets me everytime DX

@Unicorn: On that note, chinese sounds pretty good... But I don't have anywhere close to me and I gotta get ready for work soon XD
Always @ me

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