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Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 05:29:37 )
Aria smiled and nodded, following him inside his room. She sat down beside him and listened to him as he read. After a while, she leaned against him gently, listening quietly. She had so many memories of them reading this book together.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 05:53:41 )
Lyle continued to read out quietly as it got darker outside. Eventually he had to fold the corner of the page and closed the book, looking at Aria. "Alright, we read enough for tonight." He said and kissed her forehead. "It's time for both of us to get some sleep. I'll walk you to your room." he said softly and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. He knew she probably didn't want to sleep, but it was very late and she needed to get plenty of sleep to prepare for tomorrow.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 05:55:36 )
Aria nodded. She smiled and kissed his cheek before getting up and stretching slightly,"You're right." She said. She felt a little bit nervous again, but pushed the nerves away as sleepiness filled her,"That soft bed is calling my name." She giggled.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 06:27:47 )
Lyle stood up and took her hand in his, leading her out of his room and walking down the hall towards her own room. "I wouldn't worry about tomorrow." he whispered softly. "You'll do fine. I'm sure your training won't be so lengthy. I hope not anyway but you seem to be walking straight so maybe you won't have to undergo that training. We'll see tomorrow what your teachers think though." he commented honestly. Hopefully she wouldn't have trouble with it.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 06:36:56 )
Aria nodded,"We will see." She said softly. When they got to her room, she hugged him gently,"See you tomorrow." She said, kissing his cheek,"I love you." She couldn't hold back from holding back a soft yawn. She could also see that he was tired as well,"Sleep well and sweet dreams." She smiled sleepily.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 07:08:54 )
Hugging her back, he purred softly and smiled, hearing her words. "I love you too." he whispered tiredly. Hopefully they would both be getting enough sleep. He was going to need his coffee tomorrow, that was for sure. "I just want to hold you like this forever.." he said quietly but forced himself to let her go. "Until tomorrow then. Goodnight and sweet dreams, Miss Sage." he said politely, being the perfect gentleman that he was. After a quick on the back of her hand, he turned around and started walking in silence back to his room.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 07:18:20 )
Aria smiled and watched him go quietly before going inside her room and closing the door behind her. After stifling another yawn, she walked over to her bed, gently pulled the blankets down and crawled in, letting out a soft sigh as she snuggled into bed. She let out a yawn, closed her eyes, and quickly fell asleep, worn out from the excitement of the day.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/13 07:24:23 )
Lyle stepped into his room and shut the door quietly behind him. He undressed and then got dressed into his silk pajamas before dropping his clothes into the laundry basket for the maid to pick up in the morning. He walked into the bathroom, washed his face and brushed his teeth then stepped back into his room and lay in his bed. Getting comfortable, he turned his back to his door, closed his eyes and fell to sleep.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/15 19:13:15 )
A Few Months Go By....

Aria was excelling in her classes and she was actually enjoying them. She found out a lot of interesting things she had never known before while having these lessons. She didn't know, but her teachers would brag about her and it seemed she was well on her way to becoming a proper lady.

One morning, as she woke up, she realized today was her first free day since she started her lessons.
She was hoping to be able to see Lyle for a little while today. Lately, she had only seen him around meal times and in the evenings where they were able to read for an hour or two before bed.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/16 07:00:07 )
Lyle's parents were pleased with Aria's performance in her classes. They had meetings with the teachers at the end of every week to know what was going on. In this time, Lyle couldn't exactly spend time with Aria but sometimes he dropped by her classes just to watch her for a few minutes before leaving her to her classes.

This morning, the prince quickly left down the stairs where a maid handed him his coffee. "Thank-you." he said simply and enjoyed his coffee and kissed his mother's cheek then took his seat at the table as they waited for the breakfast to be served. "How'd you sleep dear and where is Aria?" his mother asked. "Fine and I'm sure she's still sleeping. She deserves to sleep in after all the lessons she's been through." he said and took a sip of his coffee. "Any plans for today Lyle?" his father asked. "I would go out and buy a ring, but perhaps I'll wait a while longer." he answered.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/16 07:03:37 )
Aria let out a soft yawn as she walked downstairs, soon noticing Lyle and his parents were at the foot of the stairs. She smiled,"Good morning, Lyle. Good morning, your highnesses." She said, curtseying to them when she got to the bottom of the stairs. She then leaned over and, careful to not hit his coffee, hugged Lyle gently. She had been really missing him despite their short reading moments at night.

She then turned to look at the king and queen,"I was hoping to ask for permission to go into town for a little while today." Aria said with a smile,"I was hoping to be able to adopt a cute little kitten or a puppy and I know the shelter in town always has pets looking for new homes." She looked over at Lyle,"If I can go, would you be free to come with me?" She asked him

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/16 07:35:35 )
"Well don't wait too long boy." his father warned and motioned towards Aria who was descending the stairs. Lyle looked over at smiled tiredly at her. "Good morning miss sage. I hope you slept well." he said to her as she hugged him. He missed her in his arms. He hadn't been able to hold her at all since her training had started but he was proud of her. She had managed to excel as was expected.

"Good morning Aria dear." the queen said with a smile and a nod of her head. "Good morning Aria." The king said then listened to her request. "Oh she takes the rules seriously." The queen said with a grin. "An animal?" Lyle asked, confused. He never had an animal in the house. Animals were not allowed in the palace but Aria wanted a pet so he would get her one if she was allowed one. He looked to his parents. The choice was theirs.

"A pet..." The queen started and looked to her husband before looking at Aria. "Aria dear, a pet is like a child. It takes a lot of responsibility to take care of one. If you think that you can handle it..." she stopped and looked at her husband who nodded. "We'll let you have your pet if you truly wish to have one. But you must make sure it doesn't make a mess in the palace. Please try to keep it in your watch at all times." The king instructed. Lyle looked at Aria and smiled. "Of course. We can go after breakfast." he promised. "Come along then." The queen said as she led her family to the dinner table where breakfast had been served. The king pulled out the chair for the queen and Lyle did the same for Aria. Once the ladies were seated, the men took their seats beside them.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/18 00:47:56 )
Aria smiled and clapped her hands,"Thank you so much, your highnesses." She said, looking truly excited about the idea of having a sweet little kitten or puppy of her own. She had wanted one for a long time, to kill the loneliness she sometimes felt in the castle, but she never had the courage to ask until now.

She followed the royal family into the dining room for breakfast. When Lyle pulled out her chair for her, she kissed his cheek gently,"Thank you." She smiled, before sitting down. She was still wanting to go into the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone like she so used to, but she was adjusting well to not having to anymore.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/18 01:12:00 )
It was odd to see Aria sitting at the table with them instead of having her serve their breakfast and vanish into the kitchen again. "An animal in the house, how do you feel about it mother?" Lyle asked before taking a bite of his meal. The queen smiled and shrugged her shoulders as she looked to Lyle. "As ling as the pet doesn't make a mess I don't have a problem with it. Besides, I think it will do you good to have a little friend around the house. You are an only child so maybe something smaller than you will do you some good." The queen explained. The king chuckled softly and nodded. "Your mother is right." he said and enjoyed his meal.

Lyle thought about the idea of having a cat or a dog running around the house. He didn't think it was a good idea, what if the animal scratched up the furniture? Sure they could easily replace it but that wasn't the point. "I already have a friend." he pointed out, motioning to Aria and took another sip of his coffee then continued eating his food.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 04:07:18 )
Aria had smiled as she sat down to eat with everyone,"I had heard there was a shop in town with trained fox kits." She said, eating a piece of bacon,"They seemed so cute and well trained. I might have to take a look at them after breakfast. I just love foxes. They are such beautiful little things." She looked over at Lyle,"I remember you use to dream of having a black kitten called Soot." She giggled.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 04:30:11 )
Lyle almost choked on his drink when she mentioned foxes. Swallowing his drink, he looked at her and slowly shook his head. "I thought you wanted a normal pet?" he asked her and then looked back at his food, taking another bite. "A pet will do you good. I hear that they're good for the health." the queen commented. "Unless you're allergic, which you're not." the king added. Lyle didn't say anything, he had never owned a pet before. The thought of having a pet never occurred until he was older. Hearing what she said about the kitten, Lyle shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, I used to. But I don't need a pet. I wouldn't have the time to deal with it anyway." he admitted.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 06:19:30 )
Aria frowned a bit when he had said that. She continued to eat her breakfast quietly, somewhat thinking about which pet she would go for at the moment. She really did want a fox kit, but she though t a kitten would be a safer choice to start with. She could always get one later in life too. Plus she didn't want something that could cause too much trouble for the royal family.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/27 04:10:44 )
Lyle's parents noticed the look on Aria's face then looked at each other but the king only shook his head. He knew that his wife probably wanted to speak up but if Lyle and Aria were already butting heads, they'd have to work them out themselves. "Any other plans for the day aside from looking at possible pets for Aria?" the king asked Lyle. "You mean pet. As far as I know, no I don't really have anything planned. I didn't even have this planned but if she wants a pet then I'll get her a pet.How many more classes does she have before she's all finished, mother?" Lyle asked his mother. The queen finished her bite of food and looked at Aria then looked at Lyle. "Oh well I'm not exactly sure. She's been making very great progress but she still needs some more teachings. I'm sure she'll be done by the end of this month or the next." The Queen explained as they continued to eat their breakfast. "I see.." Lyle said quietly. He was proud of Aria, she had really come a long way. Most people would usually be complaining about training by now. For that, he was glad he didn't have a sibling.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/28 01:17:04 )
Aria looked over at Lyle and smiled,"You don't have to get me a pet if it is too much trouble." She said gently,"I just thought it would be wonderful to have a little friend around for the times I'm unable to see you as much. I don't want to make it an inconvenience to anyone, least of all to you and your family." She took a sip from her cup before going back to her breakfast, remember how to eat properly as she had been taught.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/28 01:28:29 )
"I don't think this is an appropriate place to have this conversation. We can talk after breakfast." Lyle replied. "See dear, Aria has the right idea. A pet would be nice to have, especially since she'll be very busy with her classes and you won't be able to see her. A pet will be able to keep you company while she's away. I know you probably think that you don't need anyone or anything to keep you company. You probably love the space and the peace and quite that comes with it. But give the pet a chance." his mother pointed out. Lyle looked at his mother and sighed then looked at his father. "Father, could we have a drink later today? There's something I'd like to tell you." Lyle said as he finished up his breakfast and his drink. The king continued to eat as he listened to the conversation and nodded at his son's request. "Of course we can Lyle."

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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