Welcome to the Collector's Bundle Items page!
You'll find previews, pose names, and any other
relevant information regarding these items here!
Collector’s Bundles contain premium items in bulk and Volties are rewarded
with a limited edition Collector’s Set as our appreciation for your support.
Each Collector's Bundle contains x3 General CI #1, x3 General CI #2, x5 Monthly Crates, x1 Rare CI and x1 Collector Set!
Each Plasma Orb Collector Bundles contain x4 Common Orb, x4 Premium Orb 1, x4 Premium Orb 2, x1 of each Rarest and x1 Collector Set
Important Things to Know:
ϟ Poses are listed in order that they appear in the item, from bottom to top.
ϟ For certain poses that have exactly the same images, you will only see a 'male' version.
This is to help with image loading and space taken up in the guide. If there are different
versions for Male and Female, you will see a (M & F) in the pose list and you will see two
of the same item previews.
ϟ When you see (L & R) in the pose list, this means that there is a Left and Right
version of the item as well as a Both option. The only version being shown is the Both
option to help with loading & space.
ϟ If you ever see an asterisk (*) next to anything, look at the bottom of the post
for extra information regarding that item/pose!
➊ Info and Resources
➋ 2017 Crate Items
➌ 2018 Crate Items
➍ 2019 Crate Items
➎ 2020 Crate Items
➏ 2021 Crate Items
➐ 2017/2018 Rare Crate Items
➑ 2019/2020 Rare Crate Items
➒ 2021/2022 Rare Crate Items
➓ Collector's Bundle Items (you are here)
➊➊ Common Plasma Orbs
➊➋ Charged Plasma Orbs
➊➌ Charged Plasma Orbs
➊➍ 2017 Event Items
➊➎ 2018 Event Items
➊➏ 2019 Event Items
➊➐ 2020 Event Items
➊➑ 2021 Event Items
➊➒ Milestone Items
⓴ Misc. Items
➋ 2017 Crate Items
➌ 2018 Crate Items
➍ 2019 Crate Items
➎ 2020 Crate Items
➏ 2021 Crate Items
➐ 2017/2018 Rare Crate Items
➑ 2019/2020 Rare Crate Items
➒ 2021/2022 Rare Crate Items
➓ Collector's Bundle Items (you are here)
➊➊ Common Plasma Orbs
➊➋ Charged Plasma Orbs
➊➌ Charged Plasma Orbs
➊➍ 2017 Event Items
➊➎ 2018 Event Items
➊➏ 2019 Event Items
➊➐ 2020 Event Items
➊➑ 2021 Event Items
➊➒ Milestone Items
⓴ Misc. Items