Credits to Illustrator Saeyra for the banners!

Welcome to Voltra's Official Item Museum!
This thread was created with the intent of helping all users
find out important information about items, namely what they look like
and where they come from. When items are uploaded to the website
and released, they will be added to their respective pages and posts!
Please allow at least a month for new items to be added! <3
I know this seems like a long time, but due to increasing workload of items,
I need more time to update the thread. Thank you for your patience :3
ϟ Info ϟ
Currently managed by: Hadsvich - Item Tech
Volunteers: Saeyra, Dipper, Hazer, Hadsvich, kiwi
- Dowan & Ghost prepared the Surge!
Released on: 7/26/2018
Last Updated: 11/8/2021
ϟ Directory ϟ
➊ Info and Resources (you are here)
➋ 2017 Crate Items
➌ 2018 Crate Items
➍ 2019 Crate Items
➎ 2020 Crate Items
➏ 2021 Crate Items
➐ 2022 Crate Items
➑ 2017/2018 Rare Crate Items
➒ 2019/2020 Rare Crate Items
➓ 2021/2022 Rare Crate Items
➊➊ 2023/2024 Rare Crate Items
➊➋ Collector's Bundle Items
➊➌ Common Plasma Orbs
➊➍ Charged Plasma Orbs
➊➎ Charged Plasma Orbs
➊➏ Charged Plasma Orbs
➊➐ 2017/2018 Event Items
➊➑ 2019/2020 Event Items
➊➒ 2021/2022 Event Items
⓴ 2023/2024 Event Items
➋➊ Milestone Items
➋➋ Misc. Items