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Forums General Chit-Chat how's your winter going?

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/26 15:43:54 )
@koneko: oh noooo.
Get better soon

@Deaa: oh no not you too D:
You guys take care D: and get better soon
I was thinking about getting a humidifier too. Let me know how it helps when you get one XD

@scribartz: that sounds nice! I've been enjoying hot tea a lot lately.
Yeah when the storm came last weekend there were so many accidents.
Also, odd health issues?

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/26 20:49:38 )
@Ixora: Gosh... Why is it that folks who grow up around snow their whole lives never know how to drive in it? D=
Yeah... I can't even stand for too long without getting faint or passing out. I have been in the hospital twice.. Not sure what's wrong
yet, doctors are still running tests but I just haven't been well.

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/26 22:35:49 )
@koneko: I don't really know what pots is but they did a heart tracer thingy and it was fine, blood panel was fine. Physio said there was nothing wrong with my inner ear but my doctor is stuck on vertigo so... Since it's not my ears causing it, maybe it's my brain. =P It's frustrating because I've been out of work for 3 months with nothing really helping.

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/26 23:24:14 )
@koneko: Is an active stand test where they take your pressure while you sit or stand?
I might bring it up, but I don't want to go back to the same tests multiple people have done 5 times already. ^^;

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 01:09:32 )
@Scribartz: ugh I hate the feeling not knowing what's wrong with me. Hopefully the doctors figure it out soon.

I've never tried driving in the snow. Seems scary D:

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 02:49:39 )
@koneko: They did the blood pressure bit but that's all. =P But I know my bio dad had a mitral valve prolapse that gave him the same issues. Hoping it's not that. They had to give him a stress test before he got diagnosed.
And thank you. I really appreciate it. I will ask my doctor about it next time.

@Ixora: I hate it too. I just recently started getting well enough after one bout of the same issue [with heart palpitations] and going back to the gym, got a good job and now it's just all over again. It really sucks. And Hopefully. I'm trying to remain positive.

It. Is. A. Deathwish. At least in the city I live in. These folks will literally hit you. They don't care. Like, there are one lane roads. People will be trying to turn lef, and the cars will go around these folks to go straight at an intersection. No matter the time of year, or road conditions.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 02:59:16 )
@Scribartz: yeah definitely. Positivity is key! Hopefully it's nothing big tho.
I am here if you need virtual hugs

I can imagine XD The drivers in Toronto never do that to people crossing. As a pedestrian tho, I feel so pressured to walk fast @.@
I'm only like 61 inches tall and my stride is tiny and I walk casually so I'm like "omg driver pls dont say mean things about how slow i walk i promise i'm trying ; n ;"

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 03:07:49 )
@Ixora: Hoping as well. But I inherit more physically and mentally from my bio father, so I just hope I didn't also get his health issues. [he died at like, 59? that would suck. ]

Drivers here do that. My mom yeilded for a bunch of school kids crossing and a big truck tried to go around her and almost hit the line of kids. This is saskatoon. I have a friend from Toronto and when she sees the same stuff she flips. xD She's so sassy she yelled out the window at these dudes.

Aweeehhh! xD I am sure they don't mind waiting for you. Most folks don't. Those who do are butt holes.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 03:19:52 )
@Scribartz: the important thing is to not let genetics get in the way of our life :D
My mom is hypertensive so I've been doing everything to keep healthy. Like OMG I haven't eated chicken skin in so long.
I mean, we can delay or hopefully prevent things :D

I can imagine. It's rare that drivers here would pass the pedestrian lane even if a pedestrian only has one foot left on the lane XD I mean, it's those guys who are gonna get in trouble for hitting the people on the pedestrian lane >.>

Ah yeah. Most people I've encountered are pretty nice. But even if they're impatient... sometimes I just think "TIRED OF WAITING? RUN OVER ME I DARE YOUUUUUUU" lol XD

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 03:38:58 )
@Ixora: Trying not to. Unfortunately after passing out at work and stuff it's kinda hard to not let it get in the way. ^^; Some things can't be fought. As far as food goes, I generally eat pretty healthy. More veggies and fruits than most other stuff.

Yeah... Naw. Toronto sounds like an amazing place to drive at in comparison to sask. I would trade in seconds. D=

xD I used to do the same. Instead it was more "YES! FUND MY COLLEGE TUITION!" lol. But it sounds like, in general, pedestrians are respected there. You'd think it'd be the same most places... =\

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 03:56:38 )
@Scribartz: I get that.
Fried chicken skin is good tho D:

Yeah sounds like XD I've never had problems as a pedestrian in Toronto XD

Apparently, much of the world I've seen are pretty disrespectful to pedestrians. My aunt went to Vietnam and she said if you wanna cross the road, you gotta close your eyes cause all you're gonna see are cars and motorcycles flashing by you and they're just gonna evade you DX

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 04:58:15 )
@Ixora: I never said it wasn't. Lol. I'm middle eastern and my favorite rice is made with chicken boiled in the seasonings to make a base. I like to debone it and fry it up and have it with a nice salad. Fried chicken skins are amazing and as long as you have high fats or something in moderation, a little shouldn't hurt.=P

I hate being a pedestrian here. Terrified. Just terrified.

LOL! Hey, I heard crazier things. There have been jokes about nothing stopping traffic in india, But it's just different everywhere ya go. =P Some places pedestrians are respected and looked out for, other places it's like a bowling match... D=

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 05:18:30 )
she looks to the sky to build herself

@ixora: i've been drinking quite a lot of tea and orange juice
it's been getting better, doing a lot of sneezing and blowing my noise, but better!
the humidifier would help so much, my apartment complex has very dry air
I wanna get one off of amazon so i'm struggling to wait thru this cold lol

@ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
looking to buy: ARIES

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 15:24:20 )
@Scribartz: there is no moderation for me ; n ; I has no control D:

I've never heard stories where pedestrians are respected. I'm from the Philippines and the only places there where pedestrians are respected are inside universities >.>

I've never heard India traffic stories DX

@deaa: that's good to hear.
Why not order it now tho?

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 20:12:23 )
@Ixora: Lol! Fair enough. I lose all self control when it comes to cake and pie, and chocolate. But I need them all or else I have these crying spells. xD MODERATION. If I need to be reminded of it, I just have my little sister watch me and say "Really? ANOTHER piece of cake? How much of it are you going to eat?" And then I give it to her. xD

I'm from Missouri. Pedestrians aren't respected there at all. Literally. xD

Oml, I have. I have a friend who has dual citizenship between canada and india and she tells me about the crazy traffic. D= It's insane, dude.
Ping me for fast replies!

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/27 21:38:26 )
snow starts up again tonight and goes all of tonight into all of tomorrow I am just glad that the wind chill advisory had cancelled but it is still in the negative digits.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/28 01:55:51 )
@Scribartz: ah same. Sweets r the best ♡
Lmao. I try my best not to have tooooo much sugar these days... it's really hard ; n ;

Idek. Lucky I'm staying in a place where I can walk around rather comfortably. The snow and slush makes me walking 10x slower DX ngl, I'd rather walk slowly than fall on the crosswalk XD

@unicorn: whoa. It snowed today here and gonna be really cold tomorrow too. Hope you keep warm ♡

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/28 02:13:57 )
@Ixora: myself and little unicorn will be keeping warm and toasty. but thank you it snowed here yesterday. but it is to start up again tonight. I wonder why it couldn't have snowed this much on Christmas.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/28 02:21:26 )
@Unicorn: ah yeah. It's been snowing so much recently. Sucks that I have to be going out recently ; n ;

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/28 02:56:44 )

Kiwi's Posting Contest / Unicorn's Posting Contest
(with a referral contest too!)

My winter could be better. Jan and February are the coldest and normally snowiest months of the year up here.
Got laid off work because my store closed down. Having to find something new.
Having to ride the bus back and for places, sometimes it takes almost an hour to get to destinations. And it doesn't run past 5pm, so that makes getting jobs where I would have to rely on the bus route harder.
Though, my kids' birthday is in a little over a day! They will be 10 on the 29th! Gotta make and ice the cake tomorrow night.


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