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Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/29 19:28:53 )
You can die anytime...

Sabrina nodded, listening to his words,"Oh wow." She said,"Sounds like this is something he was born to do." She looked back towards the cabin where Andrew and Cordelia were,"Cordelia told me about what happened, about the storm washing her off into the sea and how he had saved her... I'm really hoping that medicine will work as well as I've seen it do so before."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/29 19:44:50 )

Cross nodded lightly and ran a hand through his dark hair as she spoke. She wasn't wrong, that was for sure. "If I'm not mistaken, I could bet Captain Fae would give his life up for Cordelia any day." He said in a quieter voice, also glancing in the direction of the doors that led below deck. Cross glanced at Sabrina and offered her a small smirk. "If you've seen it happen, then I don't doubt it'll work. Seeing is believing after, miss."

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/29 20:23:18 )
You can die anytime...

Sabrina nodded,"Cordelia told me a bit of their past while we were gathering medicine." She said softly,"I think if he were to die saving her it would just break her heart. I'll feel better seeing him get better. It should only take about a day or two even with the help of the medicine." She smiled,"I'll talk to him about joining the crew then."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/29 20:55:13 )

Cross bit back a frown and nodded lightly. Yeah, those two were a pair alright. Anyone could see it. "For now.. How about we take a walk around the island? You could kind of show me around while we're here. Maybe even find a bounty." He asked, glancing at her curious. He didn't mean anything by it, but it was definitely better than standing here and doing nothing.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 01:12:12 )
You can die anytime...

Sabrina nodded,"Sure." She said, walking with him around the island. She spent a couple of hours showing him around before stopping to bring food to the ship for Cordelia and the captain,"I hope they will like this..." She said as they headed back to the ship,"I really wasn't sure what they ate but I felt bad not bringing anything back for them to eat too." She looked over at Cross,"So what do you think of this little island?" She asked as they walked.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/3 18:15:12 )

Cross quietly followed her around the island, taking.mental notes to remember where each shop or tavern was. To his disappointment, there wasn't any bounties or jobs available, and the tour ended after the two of them for something to eat and headed back to the ship. It had been a few hours, so he was hoping his captain was feeling better. Cross chuckled at her comment. "I'm sure those two will eat just about anything." He said, thinking about her question. "Cozy little island you got here, you sure wanna leave it? No tellin' if you'll ever see it again."


Andrew started to finally wake. His fever gone and him no longer sweating like someone stuffed inside a sonna or something. He still didn't feel great, but he was feeling a lot better now.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/7 17:47:28 )
You can die anytime...

Sabrina nodded,"Yeah." She said,"I think so. I love this place, don't get me wrong, but I've always wanted to see other places, meet new people... I do that somewhat but not as often as I would like to." Once they hard arrived at the ship, Sabrina looked over at him, " I just hope the captain will be able to eat something." She said.

Cordelia smiled seeing him waking up,"You look like you feel a lot better." She said, gently checking his forehead,"No more fever at least." She got a cooling wash cloth and gently dabbed it on his forehead some to help him cool down a bit,"Sabrina and Cross should be back soon. I heard her mention they would bring food back for us."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/01/28 01:58:18 )
Cross nodded some and helped Sabrina up to the dock. "If he's feeling better, he'll definitely need to eat." He chuckled.

Andrew slowly sat up, blinking when he felt her dap his forehead with the cloth. He glanced at her with a tilted head. "Del.. Have you been sitting here the whole time?" He asked, slightly concerned.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/2 16:54:26 )
You can die anytime...

Cordelia nodded,"Where else would I be?" She asked him gently,"Like I'm going to just do other things when you aren't feeling well? Your fever was terrible and even with getting proper medicine I wanted to make sure that it was working and that it was helping you feel better."

Sabrina nodded,"I'm sure they're both probably really hungry right now." She said as she started for the captain's quarters.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/3 00:53:57 )
Andrew chuckled. "I don't know, watching the ship?" He teased, shaking off the brief headache he got from laughing. "Thank you, Del. You're always there for me."

Once Sabrina was on the deck, Cross followed. Then he stopped and glanced off. Pirates. "You there, got any bounty?" A man burly man asked. He was dressed like a captain and he had two others behind him, the others were probably keeping an eye on the ship. Cross pulled his out and aimed at their feet before firing a warning shot. "I never miss."

The gun shot alerted Andrew and he stood without much hesitation.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/25 23:36:25 )
You can die anytime...

Sabrina jumped, hearing the gunshot.

Cordelia quickly got to her feet and ran outside, pulling out her own pistol,"Is all okay out here, Cross?" She called to him, aiming at the supposed Captain with her own weapon, just in case.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/26 00:27:36 )
The other pirates smirked at his words, taking them more as a bluff. When the men saw Cordelia, the 'captain' rose an eyebrow. "Looks like we struck gold, men! All we gotta do is take out this here guard dog." He taunted, easily striking a nerve. Honestly, Cross didn't really want to kill anyone. He didn't like killing, despite his. love for guns and shootings. "I can handle these goons, mate." He called back to Cordelia and stepped in front of Sabrina. "Get below deck and stay with the captain." He said to her quietly, keeping his pistol on the other pirates.

Andrew roughly grabbed his hat and followed his first mate up the deck. He wasn't too pleased with seeing other pirates aboard his ship. Cross mentally kicked himself at the sight of Andrew. He shot the younger a ' let me handle this' kind of look and he nodded lightly.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/26 01:07:27 )
You can die anytime...

Cordelia took Sabrina's hand and together the two went down below where it was safer. "Oh god what did I do?" Cordelia murmured, feeling like she had made things worse. She covered her face and shook her head. She wouldn't forgive herself if something happens to Cross and Andrew. She really hoped they would be okay.

Sabrina patted her back gently,"It'll be okay... I'm a doctor so if medical help is needed I'll be right here." She said gently, trying to calm her.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/26 04:37:54 )
Andrew ended up going with the girls and stood watch in case any of the other pirates got passed Cross. Hearing Cordelia, he glanced at her. "You didn't do anything, Del.. Everything is going to be fine." He said to her. He led the girls to the captains room and had them sit on the bed, while he closed the door and sat close to it.

No sooner than the others went below deck, Cross hid a smirk and shot through the other captain's hat. "I'll say it again- I never miss. Now, I suggest you lot get going before I blow a hole in yer thick skulls. There ain't nothing on this ship for your taking." He said quite seriously. The cowards fled, leaving their captain alone and defenseless. Cross loaded the pistol again and aimed at the others head when the other looked like he was reaching for his own pistol. "Sharpshooter or not, I cant just leave the ship empty handed, boy." The pirate captain mused with a taunting smirk.

Gun shots could be heard from below deck, but it was unclear whose gun they were coming from. The shooting didn't last long though before all was quiet.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/27 14:46:38 )
You can die anytime...

Cordelia gasped, covering her face as Sabrina hugged her, closing her own eyes. Both weren't sure who had shot who. They both hoped that Cross was victorious. "Cross has to be okay..." Cordelia said softly,"Hes...hes been a pirate for a long time..."

Sabrina nodded,"I hope your right." She said softly.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/27 17:12:55 )
Andrew but his inner cheek once the gunshots stopped. "I'm gonna go up, you girls stay here. That's an order." He said, glancing at them. In case the other captain was the victor, he wanted to keep the rest of his crew safe. He readied his pistol and cautiously made his way up to the deck. "Shooter?" He called, referring to him as a nickname.

Cross took a moment to collect himself, before running a hand through his hair. "Here, captain." He called back. Andrew approached him and frowned when he noticed the blood on his arm. The other guy was dead, so they'd have to do something about the body..but he was more concerned about Cross's arm. "Sabrina!" Andrew called.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/1 01:04:08 )
You can die anytime...

Both girls hurried up on deck once they heard Andrew call,"What happened?" Sabrina gasped, seeing his arm,"Come with me at once." Sabrina said, instantly taking Cross down below where all the first aid items were. She was thankful Cordelia showed her where these stuff was earlier. She gently moved his sleeve so she could see his arm,"Thank goodness it's not a deep wound." She said, very carefully removing the bullet from Cross's arm. in no time at all, his arm was cleaned, treated and wrapped up with a bandage on it,"Keep it covered for the next few days. I'll check it again then and it should be healing up okay."

Cordelia smiled, seeing how fast Sabrina worked,"Wow. That was fast." She said to Andrew,"It's nice to have a new shipmate. And its nice to see you feeling a lot better."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/1 01:52:20 )
Cross obliged and followed Sabrina below deck so she could tend to his arm. "Ah, I've had worse." He murmured partially under his breath. It wasn't hard for him to sit will so she could work, and simply nodded to her orders. "Sure thing. Though, I can't promise I won't need more bandages as we travel." He winked semi-teasingly before getting up from the wooden stool.

Andrew smiled some and wrapped an arm around the shoulders of his childhood friend. "A crew mate who just so happens to be a doctor." He mused. "We'll leave docks at sunrise." He said. Cross looked at Andrew and Cordelia. " Since the ship is safe again, why don't you two to enjoy your grub? " He suggested.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/3 16:18:26 )
You can die anytime...

Sabrina smiled,"Good thing there is plenty of bandages to go around." She said, following Cross to rejoin the captain and Cordelia. She nodded at his words,"Oh right! I almost had forgotten." She led the others into the galley where she had brought the food,"We might have to warm it up a little bit though." She said sheepishly.

Cordelia hugged Andrew back gently and nodded at his words,"Right, sir." she said. She looked over at Cross and nodded,"Food actually sounds great." She said

but living takes true courage.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/3 20:00:58 )
Cross chuckled some and wandered back up to the deck to deal with the body of the captain.

Andrew followed Sabrina and Cordelia into the galley and smirked some. "Don't worry about warming it up, It'll be fine the way it is." He said casually.

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