“Well then, now that we’re all situated, we can go right into the crux of the matter…”
Mayor Volkan addressed his guest with an even, but still amicable tone. He, alongside Cinnabar and Spark who kept his hand and eyes firmly on the latter, had relocated to the mayor’s office. Spark ensured that Cinnabar was kept moving in transit and remained as close as possible, even as the two took their respective seats. Piping hot cups of tea were set between them, and the mayor calmly took his up and blew on it before taking a sip.
The Guardian of Metal’s glare did not falter as Spark kept him in his seat.
“The problem here, Mayor, is that the justice I am meant to enforce as a Guardian is being delayed. Justice delayed is justice denied, is it not? Laws were broken and reparations must be made! Vaughn Mard’Gear must be brought to justice for his crimes-” he stated, his voice steadily rising in volume.
Just as it seemed he was about to stand up, Spark kept him seated with a swift downward push. Cinnabar in response gritted his teeth, his baleful eyes glaring daggers at his subjugator before moving back onto Mayor Volkan.
“I swear if I met you in an alleyway…” he seethed under his breath, teeth gritting. Throughout all this, the mayor himself remained silent, eyes closed and face set into a look of contemplation. Having set down his cup, he let out a soft sigh before leveling his gaze upon Cinnabar.
“Ho-ho, while I do admire the desire for justice in you, I can’t say I agree with how you went about fulfilling it!
See now, you came here and attempted to take one of my own without even letting me know…”
he began, picking up his cup of tea and taking another sip before continuing,
“…Vaughn Mard’Gear and Valentina Tinker are under my protection, lad. Vaughn himself is not at fault given the circumstances that led to Val and him meeting. There’s little to argue about that." And with that, Mayor Volkan folded his arms, leaning back to regard Cinnabar once more whose glare was steady and unwavering. It looked as if he was seconds away from exploding if not for the impotence he suffered in the mayor’s presence.
“…Her name is Valentina Diorite, you insufferable…”
Cinnabar’s eye twitched, his hands clenching and unclenching erratically. Even from a quick glance, his irritation at his current predicament was obvious. He clicked his tongue and moved to bat away Spark’s hand with little success. A quick glance from Mayor Volkan and the blonde’s grip loosened, albeit reluctantly. Before Spark could protest, the mayor gave him a pointed look, and that loosened grip turned into a fully freed hand that found itself away from Cinnabar’s shoulder. The Guardian, newly liberated, might have done something, anything to get out and get Valentina back home, maybe even rough up some of the irritants who had dared meddle with him and his task…but all thoughts of such came to a halt when he remembered exactly how he had gotten to this point. He wisely remained still, sat firmly on his chair, and Mayor Volkan let out a hearty laugh and nodded with some satisfaction.
Like a switch had been flipped inside his head, Cinnabar’s mouth stretched into a grin that could only be described as sadistic glee.
“…Vaughn Mard’Gear’s misdeeds are just one of the problems that need addressing. He will be brought to justice, that much is certain. But…Valentina Diorite must be returned to her family this very instant."
He started, and before the mayor could interrupt, Cinnabar raised his hand and continued...
"Twelve years, Mayor Volkan. Her mother has been missing her for twelve whole years and we’ve exhausted ourselves in our search for her. Runaway or not, she has finally been found. As a Guardian of Metal, it’s my duty to get her back to her mother. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?” he finished, leaning into a more comfortable position.
Mayor Volkan hummed, lifting one hand to stroke his chin. Tone notwithstanding, there was some credence to Cinnabar’s words. Some. If the Realm of Metal was so willing to simply send one of their own to apprehend someone with no regard for any semblance of due process, not even an advanced notice, then there was something wrong there.
“My heart goes out to Val’s mom, really, it does, and as I’ve said before, I admire your resolve as a Guardian…but there’s Val’s happiness to consider in all of this. There was a reason, perhaps even a whole plethora of reasons she must have run away…” he idly noted Spark’s still close proximity to Cinnabar and smiled. Trust in him to be rightfully anxious. He looked down at his now empty cup, before looking back up at Cinnabar with his smile still set firmly in place, “…and all of that I’m willing to discuss. Why not go back to Val’s mom for now, see about setting up a meeting? Surely, we can come to some form of agreement? The lass is twenty now, for cryin’ out loud! We’re all adults here, aren’t we?” he finished, his voice laced with a mix of mirth and steel belying one not unknown to dealing with rougher people.
A flash of anger in his eyes was all the warning Cinnabar showed before he stood, hands slamming onto the table and producing a cacophony of splintering wood and shattering glass as the cups shattered upon the floor.
“That’s not good enough! Metal Law dictates that I take Val back home and execute the full force of the law upon Vaughn Mard’Gear’s criminal head! This farce of a discussion has gone on long enough…” he was breathing heavily now, itching for an outlet for his anger. The mayor’s stony gaze did not fit the smile, and Cinnabar was once again subject to that dreaded magic that left his legs weak and paralyzed. Disregarding this and Spark who politely but passive-aggressively lead him back onto his seat, he continued, “…Valentina Diorite and Vaughn Mard’Gear are coming with me…” and he glowered at the mayor with an unflinching tenacity that came from a mental cocktail that added up to an unhinged bravado…