— they or he
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/27 01:57:52 )
' .... ' ' Nnn--did I miss some kind of bombshell or something?
I was going to listen but then it all just became droning in my ears and I zoned out. '
Layton is beginning to think. This may be another major mystery to be solved. And solving puzzles is his specialty. Layton wasn't sure why she was speaking as if they had a choice to come here but he was never going to turn down a challenge in regards to puzzles and mysteries. It's part of what he does. Monika has his full attention still.
"Being surrounded by nature makes me feel... happy."
@pearly ".... It's okay Pearl. You will see mystic Maya again. You just have to believe and have faith."
Luna is trying to reassure Pearl. She doesn't want to see the poor little thing sad and alone.
She tries to give a gentle expression to help cheer pearl up.
" Um, is there any specific point you need me to reiterate for you? "
@KOKICHI " All you have to do is click this helpful button here, and you'll get a recap of everything I said!
Let me know if you have any other questions, okay? Aha... "
@VERA &LAYTON&LUNA&ANGIE " No questions? Okay... I'm glad we understand one another! "
@APOLLO " Oh, that? Don't worry too much about being penalized. It won't happen unless you break the rules,
and you're not going to do that, right? "
@ATHENA " Um, I don't think you listened very closely... don't forget, you can always click this if you need a recap."
@MILES " Ahaha! Sorry, that made me laugh - there's not going to be an end to the puzzles! We'll be doing this until the end of days. Isn't it exciting? "
@PEARLS " Not unless she joins the club! Is she interested in puzzles? "
"You can't just keep us here! There's no way we're going to accept that!"
"That little girl has her whole life ahead of her! You can't make judgements about what she would be missing!"
Kaede gestures towards Pearl as she speaks.
"I was supposed to be starting high school today..."
@KAEDE " Um... well, it's kind of too late to really argue, y'know? "
" Nobody's leaving, so I guess you should just forget all about future, and high school, and stuff! Ahaha.. "
" Besides, everybody else seems fine with it. There's no reason to rock the boat.
You should just get settled in with your new club members. They'll be your family going forward. "
@monika "Well no... but..."
Kaede brings up a good point. This puts a knot in Apollo's stomach much stronger than it had been previously. He doesn't like the sound of being trapped here forever and it shows in his posture.
"Being surrounded by nature makes me feel... happy."
Monika was right that Luna had no one in the outside world. Her eyes go to the floor. As much as she would like to make Kaede happy, she just didn't know what to say.
Layton's expression is grim but he has no arguments. If they are doomed to stay here, there is no point antagonizing the situation further as they are talking to the "vice president" of all of this.
"We were chosen by a higher power to participate in a secret society.
The proof of their might is right here: they collected us all from around the world in
record time, and have given us eternal life in exchange for compliance! If you ask me, it's holy work. " " To fight against it is to fight against the divine, and that's no good.
Are you trying to say you don't want this gift? Are you saying the work of the lord is wrong, and you're right? " "Are you trying to say you know better than the divine? Than Atua? "