Honey had gotten dressed for school and had his bookbag ready as well. In his arms was Usa-chan, his rabbit. He had gotten a call from Takashi which of course was for a ride to school. The two of them always went to school together so of course he agreed to it. Mia was surprised when she had gotten the call and after much though, had agreed to wait for him outside her house. She told him where she lived and after making sure she was dressed properly, Mia stepped outside to wait by the iron fence entrance to her house.
Kaoru was the first to wake up. "Hikaru, come on we need to get up and get ready for school." He gently shook his brother's shoulder and struggled to get him to go shower. Eventually he did though. While he was getting dressed, Kaoru went and showered as well. Yesterday had been pretty quiet for them. After what had happened, Hikaru didn't really talk about it. Even when they had gotten home and were comfortable, he talked about other things. Kaoru had decided not to bring her up, for respect to his brother. Once both brothers were dressed and gad eaten some breakfast, Kaoru led the way out to the car. "Did you sleep well?" He asked his brother once they were in the car.
Forums Role Playing OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
Takashi was pretty content with his morning so far. He was on his way to pick up his cousin, and once he had, he explained to the younger that he had also offered Mia a ride to school since she lived nearby. Even if he were to get angry with him, he knew the younger would lash out at Mia for his own decision. This needed to happen. Then the limo driver headed to Mia's address.
It wasn't until a little after her mother went downstairs that Alice slowly reached for the phone on her end table and sent the twins a text. '...I'm sorry for overreacting.. I'm sorry for hurting you, Hikaru.. I want to join the club, and end this nightmare..'
Honey was ecstatic when his cousin showed up. He waved goodbye to his parents and skipped away towards the large limousine. Once seated inside comfortably, he received news that they were on their way to pick up Mia. That girl from before. Annoyed, Honey huffed and crossed his arms across his chest. "You've been wanting to spend more and more time with her. Why don't you just invite her to the kendo club that way she could take that away from us too!" He spat, turning his body away from his cousin. Was he being childish? Very. But he didn't care, he was upset. This girl shows up and already takes his cousin away from him.
When the limo pulled up, Mia felt she wasn't dressed appropriately. She was wearing a turtleneck sweater in an olive green color and some simple navy jeans. Her hair was brushed and left down. She just hoped that this really was alright with Takashi. He didn't need to pick her up, but her parents clearly thought it was very gentleman like of him to do so.
Kaoru started up the engine and as they headed off to school, Hikaru noticed the message. He read it and frowned. 'I'll talk with Kyoya. What happened, happened. And...I don't want to talk about it. - Hikaru'
Hikaru sent the text and stared out the window with a bored look on his face. Hopefully a day at school would cheer him up a bit. "Of course I slept well." He answered and glanced towards his brother who was driving. "What about you?" Kaoru kept his eyes on the road. "I did. After the homework and dinner, I was exhausted." Kaoru admitted.
Meanwhile, Haruhi was getting a ride to school from her father. However, while they waited, Haruhi hurriedly put together a lunch for herself. She was starving so it was a larger bento box with leftovers of course. Afterwords, she grabbed a white cloth and used it to cover up the bento box. This cloth would serve as her napkin. She tied it up and grabbed her things then stepped outside and got into the car.
When the limo pulled up, Mia felt she wasn't dressed appropriately. She was wearing a turtleneck sweater in an olive green color and some simple navy jeans. Her hair was brushed and left down. She just hoped that this really was alright with Takashi. He didn't need to pick her up, but her parents clearly thought it was very gentleman like of him to do so.
Kaoru started up the engine and as they headed off to school, Hikaru noticed the message. He read it and frowned. 'I'll talk with Kyoya. What happened, happened. And...I don't want to talk about it. - Hikaru'
Hikaru sent the text and stared out the window with a bored look on his face. Hopefully a day at school would cheer him up a bit. "Of course I slept well." He answered and glanced towards his brother who was driving. "What about you?" Kaoru kept his eyes on the road. "I did. After the homework and dinner, I was exhausted." Kaoru admitted.
Meanwhile, Haruhi was getting a ride to school from her father. However, while they waited, Haruhi hurriedly put together a lunch for herself. She was starving so it was a larger bento box with leftovers of course. Afterwords, she grabbed a white cloth and used it to cover up the bento box. This cloth would serve as her napkin. She tied it up and grabbed her things then stepped outside and got into the car.
Takashi figured that the smaller boy would react like this, and glanced at his cousin. Somehow, he needed to assure him that Mia wasn't taking anything, he just thought it be nice to allow someone into their world, outside of the clib. "Mitsukuni.." He murmured quietly, only wanting to voice his feelings without really knowing how. "I'm not going anywhere, we're family. Nothing comes before that." He murmured quietly, having a feeling that was what the smaller boy was thinking.
When they arrived, Takashi hoped his cousin would be feeling at least a little better.. The driver greeted Mia, and opened the door for her.
Alice glanced at her phone when it buzzed and opened the message. She frowned some and couldn't think of anything more to say to him, so she just set her phone aside and curled up in her bed. Her chest felt like someone had pierced it with an iron dagger.
Tamaki and Kyoya had arrived at the school and Kyoya made his way to he third music room to make certain preparations for the days host activities.
When they arrived, Takashi hoped his cousin would be feeling at least a little better.. The driver greeted Mia, and opened the door for her.
Alice glanced at her phone when it buzzed and opened the message. She frowned some and couldn't think of anything more to say to him, so she just set her phone aside and curled up in her bed. Her chest felt like someone had pierced it with an iron dagger.
Tamaki and Kyoya had arrived at the school and Kyoya made his way to he third music room to make certain preparations for the days host activities.
Honey was seething, he said nothing. Just stared out the tinted window as they pulled up to Mia's place. There she was, waiting patiently and smiling. It made the younger one sad. Why was his cousin so interested in her? She was just some strange girl who showed up one day. What was so special about her? He would have asked his cousin these things, but it wouldn't change the fact that his cousin was liking this girl.
Mia smiled and thanked the driver then slipped inside and made sure to buckle up. "Thank-you for the ride, Mori-senpai." She said, noticing Honey was there as well. "Good morning Mitsukuni." She said politely. Honey didn't answer and Mia frowned, "Is..something wrong?" She asked, looking at the taller male.
"At least we got the homework done. I was starting to think we never would." Hikaru said. Kaoru laughed and shook his head. "We were going to finish it. It just took a little longer than we thought it would." He said. Glancing in his brother's direction for a split second, "Is everything okay?" Kaoru asked. Of course his brother would ask, he was worried about him most likely. "I'm fine. She wants to join." This surprised Kaoru. "Did she just send you a message saying that?" He asked. "Yeah." Hikaru answered. "I thought she didn't want to after the way she left. But hey, that's great news! I'm sure Kyoya and Tamaki would be happy to welcome her." Kaoru said, pulling into the school parking lot. He parked the car and switched off the engine. "Come on. We should go tell him now before class starts."
The drive to school was pretty quiet. Apart from her father asking her about her friends there and when would she ever bring them over. Haruhi shook her head quickly. She didn't want to imagine how these prestigious people would react to seeing her small home. "Maybe someday. We'll see." She answered as they approached the school. "Thanks for the ride. I'll probably catch the bus home, so don't worry." She said to her father as she exited the car.
Mia smiled and thanked the driver then slipped inside and made sure to buckle up. "Thank-you for the ride, Mori-senpai." She said, noticing Honey was there as well. "Good morning Mitsukuni." She said politely. Honey didn't answer and Mia frowned, "Is..something wrong?" She asked, looking at the taller male.
"At least we got the homework done. I was starting to think we never would." Hikaru said. Kaoru laughed and shook his head. "We were going to finish it. It just took a little longer than we thought it would." He said. Glancing in his brother's direction for a split second, "Is everything okay?" Kaoru asked. Of course his brother would ask, he was worried about him most likely. "I'm fine. She wants to join." This surprised Kaoru. "Did she just send you a message saying that?" He asked. "Yeah." Hikaru answered. "I thought she didn't want to after the way she left. But hey, that's great news! I'm sure Kyoya and Tamaki would be happy to welcome her." Kaoru said, pulling into the school parking lot. He parked the car and switched off the engine. "Come on. We should go tell him now before class starts."
The drive to school was pretty quiet. Apart from her father asking her about her friends there and when would she ever bring them over. Haruhi shook her head quickly. She didn't want to imagine how these prestigious people would react to seeing her small home. "Maybe someday. We'll see." She answered as they approached the school. "Thanks for the ride. I'll probably catch the bus home, so don't worry." She said to her father as she exited the car.
((omg.. Why does mitsukuni have to be so freaking adorable, even when he's mad? ;x; ))
Takashi was hurt, deep down. Mia was only trying to be friendly, and polite, and Mitsukuni was taking her friendship as if he were threatened by it. Why did the smaller boy even think that she was going to steal him away?
Takashi glanced at Mia and greeted her like the gentlemen he was. Seeing how it didn't seem his cousin wasn't even going to try to play nice with their classmate, Takashi only shook his head lightly. She didn't need to know about their quarrel. But.. Maybe.. Nope. He wasn't even going to go there. "How is your morning going?"
Kyoya was on his computer again, finally.having found Derek 's location and a way to contact the man. He his words to the girl were.blunt, but she needed to hear them. Beating around the bush never helped anyone. He had a feeling she'd come around though, despite her attitude.
Takashi was hurt, deep down. Mia was only trying to be friendly, and polite, and Mitsukuni was taking her friendship as if he were threatened by it. Why did the smaller boy even think that she was going to steal him away?
Takashi glanced at Mia and greeted her like the gentlemen he was. Seeing how it didn't seem his cousin wasn't even going to try to play nice with their classmate, Takashi only shook his head lightly. She didn't need to know about their quarrel. But.. Maybe.. Nope. He wasn't even going to go there. "How is your morning going?"
Kyoya was on his computer again, finally.having found Derek 's location and a way to contact the man. He his words to the girl were.blunt, but she needed to hear them. Beating around the bush never helped anyone. He had a feeling she'd come around though, despite her attitude.
((Because look at that face. lol He's too precious.))
Seeing that Mitsukuni wasn't answering, Mia focused on Takashi. He only shook his head, perhaps it was best that she didn't know what happened. Maybe Mitsukuni was just not feeling well. Maybe he had a bit too many sweets for breakfast. Well, whatever the reason, she hoped that he'd feel better soon.
"My morning is going very nicely so far, thank-you." Mia answered politely. "I am hoping I did well on the homework assignments for my homework. They weren't too difficult though. Just a tad confusing at times but maybe that's just me." She added with a chuckle. "I hope your morning is going...well?" She commented quietly. Somehow, she got the feeling that Mitsukuni just didn't like her and she didn't want to end up tearing the cousins apart. "Mori-senpai, w-would it be alright if I spoke to you privately at some point in the day?" She asked.
The twins headed into the school, making their way to the club room. They needed to speak to Kyoya. They bumped into Haruhi on their way over. "Leftover lunch?" Hikaru asked, pointing to the wrapped up box in Haruhi's hands. Haruhi pouted and looked away for a moment. "Yes. Nothing wrong with leftovers you know. They're just as good as...not leftovers." She said simply, following them to the club room. "Don't you ever get tired of it though?" The twin asked. Haruhi thought about this, "Well...not really no. I guess I've gotten used to them by now."
Seeing that Mitsukuni wasn't answering, Mia focused on Takashi. He only shook his head, perhaps it was best that she didn't know what happened. Maybe Mitsukuni was just not feeling well. Maybe he had a bit too many sweets for breakfast. Well, whatever the reason, she hoped that he'd feel better soon.
"My morning is going very nicely so far, thank-you." Mia answered politely. "I am hoping I did well on the homework assignments for my homework. They weren't too difficult though. Just a tad confusing at times but maybe that's just me." She added with a chuckle. "I hope your morning is going...well?" She commented quietly. Somehow, she got the feeling that Mitsukuni just didn't like her and she didn't want to end up tearing the cousins apart. "Mori-senpai, w-would it be alright if I spoke to you privately at some point in the day?" She asked.
The twins headed into the school, making their way to the club room. They needed to speak to Kyoya. They bumped into Haruhi on their way over. "Leftover lunch?" Hikaru asked, pointing to the wrapped up box in Haruhi's hands. Haruhi pouted and looked away for a moment. "Yes. Nothing wrong with leftovers you know. They're just as good as...not leftovers." She said simply, following them to the club room. "Don't you ever get tired of it though?" The twin asked. Haruhi thought about this, "Well...not really no. I guess I've gotten used to them by now."
(( ~<3 I do wish he'd give Mia a chance ;w; ))
He was quiet for a moment as he listened to her speak about the confusing homework and how she hopes she did alright. She wasn't wrong about the confusing part.. Then, she asked if his morning had been 'well' and had to thinking of something to say. She asked if they could meet privately later, and he honestly didn't know how to respond. Given her tone and uncertainty, he was thinking the worst. Takashi subtly glanced at his cousin, before glancing back at Mia. "I knew this would happen, and even so, I somehow thought this car ride would help." Taskashi admitted truthfully.
"It was nice having a classmate join us, and I thought we could have someone outside of our club to spend time with as friends.. But.. All I've done it upset Mitsukuni, it seems.. I'm sorry for any awkwardness, or any other negative feelings I've caused you as well, Mia.." Takashi explained calmly, evident that he felt at fault, and bowed his head respectfully.
Kyoya glanced up from his computer as the group entered the club room. "Good morning." He greeted casually .
He was quiet for a moment as he listened to her speak about the confusing homework and how she hopes she did alright. She wasn't wrong about the confusing part.. Then, she asked if his morning had been 'well' and had to thinking of something to say. She asked if they could meet privately later, and he honestly didn't know how to respond. Given her tone and uncertainty, he was thinking the worst. Takashi subtly glanced at his cousin, before glancing back at Mia. "I knew this would happen, and even so, I somehow thought this car ride would help." Taskashi admitted truthfully.
"It was nice having a classmate join us, and I thought we could have someone outside of our club to spend time with as friends.. But.. All I've done it upset Mitsukuni, it seems.. I'm sorry for any awkwardness, or any other negative feelings I've caused you as well, Mia.." Takashi explained calmly, evident that he felt at fault, and bowed his head respectfully.
Kyoya glanced up from his computer as the group entered the club room. "Good morning." He greeted casually .
((He's going to have to eventually.))
Mia listened to what Takashi was saying and looked at Mitsukuni who said nothing. His back turned to them as he continued to gaze out the window with Usa-chan. "Mori-Senpai...it's okay. This is not your fault. It is mine. I am truly sorry for getting in between you both. It was not my intention." She began softly. Her eyes lowered to look down at her lap. "Thank-you for telling me though. I'll be sure to keep my distance. I'm sorry for having caused this...really, I am." Well this was a horrible way to start the school day. Not to mention now things would be awkward in class. However, Mia was determined to fix this. Even if it meant staying away.
"Good morning Kyoya-Senpai." Haruhi greeted with a smile then went to sit at a table and look over her work. While she did this, the twins made their way over to Kyoya. "She said she'll join." Hikaru informed quietly.
Mia listened to what Takashi was saying and looked at Mitsukuni who said nothing. His back turned to them as he continued to gaze out the window with Usa-chan. "Mori-Senpai...it's okay. This is not your fault. It is mine. I am truly sorry for getting in between you both. It was not my intention." She began softly. Her eyes lowered to look down at her lap. "Thank-you for telling me though. I'll be sure to keep my distance. I'm sorry for having caused this...really, I am." Well this was a horrible way to start the school day. Not to mention now things would be awkward in class. However, Mia was determined to fix this. Even if it meant staying away.
"Good morning Kyoya-Senpai." Haruhi greeted with a smile then went to sit at a table and look over her work. While she did this, the twins made their way over to Kyoya. "She said she'll join." Hikaru informed quietly.
Takashi kept his head down as she spoke. "It was me..who invited you into our world.. I caused this." He spoke quietly, wearing his poker face while facing them both. He invited her, without talking to his cousin first. He wouldn't blame either of them if they spoke to him again.
Kyoya nodded a greeting to Haruhi when she spoke, then glanced at the approaching twins. He adjusted his glanced and Hikaru. "Wonderful. If only she were here." He murmured quietly, dropping his tone. "Ms. Winters called earlier, Alice won't be coming to school today." He informed casually. "Have you heard from her?"
Kyoya nodded a greeting to Haruhi when she spoke, then glanced at the approaching twins. He adjusted his glanced and Hikaru. "Wonderful. If only she were here." He murmured quietly, dropping his tone. "Ms. Winters called earlier, Alice won't be coming to school today." He informed casually. "Have you heard from her?"
Mia kept her eyes on Takashi and then glanced at the smaller male who was staring out the window. "Perhaps so, but you only wanted to become friends and I think it was really sweet of you to want to get to know me even just a little bit." She said to him, gently patting his shoulder. When they had arrived at the school, she unbuckled her seat belt and looked at Takashi. "Thanks again for the ride, Mori-senpai. Please cheer up okay?" She gave him a warm smile before getting out of the car and making her way to the classroom.
"Come on Takashi, let's go." Mitsukuni said, looking at his cousin finally then unbuckling his seat belt and opening his door. Then he wiggled out of there and yawned softly, stretching his arms above his head then held Usa-chan close.
"Eh? She won't?" Kaoru repeated and looked at Hikaru who shook his head. "No. She only texted us that she was going to join. She didn't tell us anything else. Maybe she's just sick. Or on her way to the hospital." Hikaru answered. "Relax, I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she's caught a bug or something. I'm sure it's nothing serious. If it was, she would have told us." Kaoru pointed out.
"Come on Takashi, let's go." Mitsukuni said, looking at his cousin finally then unbuckling his seat belt and opening his door. Then he wiggled out of there and yawned softly, stretching his arms above his head then held Usa-chan close.
"Eh? She won't?" Kaoru repeated and looked at Hikaru who shook his head. "No. She only texted us that she was going to join. She didn't tell us anything else. Maybe she's just sick. Or on her way to the hospital." Hikaru answered. "Relax, I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she's caught a bug or something. I'm sure it's nothing serious. If it was, she would have told us." Kaoru pointed out.
Takashi waited a moment, after Mia had tried to reassure him of his actions, before quietly sliding out of the limo and following his cousin. Part of him feared feared that the smaller boy was still upset with him, and rightfully so.
Kyoya adjusted his glasses, and nodded lightly. "Alright, but you should call her later." He suggested before closing his laptop and getting his things together and ready for classes. "Cheer up Tamaki, if she is indeed suck then she'll need the rest before officially joining our club." He said as an attempt to tease him.
Tamaki was off pouting slightly. He really bad been looking forward to throwing Alice a welcome party or something, but she wouldn't be coming to school. It still didn't make since..
Kyoya adjusted his glasses, and nodded lightly. "Alright, but you should call her later." He suggested before closing his laptop and getting his things together and ready for classes. "Cheer up Tamaki, if she is indeed suck then she'll need the rest before officially joining our club." He said as an attempt to tease him.
Tamaki was off pouting slightly. He really bad been looking forward to throwing Alice a welcome party or something, but she wouldn't be coming to school. It still didn't make since..
Mia had made a beeline for the classroom. Although, she wasn't sure why she thought she could hide away in here. Both Takashi and Mitsukuni had the same class with her. Well she would just focus on her work. It would be a regular day. She would take notes, work on the assignment and answer questions. Nothing too different really. The only real difference is that now she wouldn't go to the club after school and she wouldn't have friends. It was a little upsetting when she really sat down to think about it. Walking into the classroom, Mia took her seat at her usual desk and started to get her stuff set up.
Mitsukuni skipped along, trying to keep up a cheerful demeanor. He knew Mia would be in the classroom, he knew she'd be waiting for them and probably start to talking with Takashi the moment they entered the classroom. They could just go to the club, but there was no need for that since class would be starting soon anyway.
Call her? Hikaru looked at his brother Kaoru who was also looking back at him. "I'll be the one to call her." Kaoru said, answering his twin's unspoken question. Of course Hikaru didn't want to be the one to call. He didn't know if she would like it or just get depressed hearing his voice. So, he left the task to his brother. Surely Alice wouldn't get upset with Kaoru would she? "Come Hikaru, we should be going to class."
"I agree with Kyoya-Senpai. I'm sure Alice is just fine and if she is sick, she'll be back in a few days." Haruhi spoke up, standing to her feet and dusting herself off. "Just take this time as a chance to really plan out the best welcome party for her! One that she'll really enjoy and be surprised by." She suggested.
Mitsukuni skipped along, trying to keep up a cheerful demeanor. He knew Mia would be in the classroom, he knew she'd be waiting for them and probably start to talking with Takashi the moment they entered the classroom. They could just go to the club, but there was no need for that since class would be starting soon anyway.
Call her? Hikaru looked at his brother Kaoru who was also looking back at him. "I'll be the one to call her." Kaoru said, answering his twin's unspoken question. Of course Hikaru didn't want to be the one to call. He didn't know if she would like it or just get depressed hearing his voice. So, he left the task to his brother. Surely Alice wouldn't get upset with Kaoru would she? "Come Hikaru, we should be going to class."
"I agree with Kyoya-Senpai. I'm sure Alice is just fine and if she is sick, she'll be back in a few days." Haruhi spoke up, standing to her feet and dusting herself off. "Just take this time as a chance to really plan out the best welcome party for her! One that she'll really enjoy and be surprised by." She suggested.
Takashi quietly followed his cousin to their class room, keeping his dark eyes on his cousin who seemed to be in a better mood. Which was both relieving and a little confusing since he didn't act very cheerful until after the talk with Mia, but he supposed it made since now that Mitsukuni had Takashi all to himself again.
Kyoya nodded in agreement with the younger twin, after the events of yesterday he wasn't surprised that Hikaru didn't voice that he'd call her. He glanced at Tamaki who sprung up from his pouting position and seemed to be himself again as he smiled. "Of course! When she comes back, we'll have the best welcoming party we can put together!" He then grabbed Kyoya and practically dragged the other to class.
Mitsukuni hopped from one colored tile to the next, avoiding certain ones as if they would cave in if he stepped on them. He was singing quietly to himself, usa-chan held to his side by one arm that was wrapped tightly around it. He "Takashi!" He said as he hopped onto another tile. "Takashi, can we talk later?" He asked, hopping like a rabbit on to the next tile.
Haruhi laughed softly, it was amusing how easy it was at times to cheer Tamaki up. Looking around the club room, Haruhi made sure she hadn't forgotten anything and left the room in silence. She was making her way towards her classroom where both twins were already sitting down next to each other and conversing. "I'll call her during lunch. Let's just hope that she answers." Kaoru said to his brother who only shrugged. "Hey, don't hate her. She might have gotten angry but I don't think she hates us."
Haruhi laughed softly, it was amusing how easy it was at times to cheer Tamaki up. Looking around the club room, Haruhi made sure she hadn't forgotten anything and left the room in silence. She was making her way towards her classroom where both twins were already sitting down next to each other and conversing. "I'll call her during lunch. Let's just hope that she answers." Kaoru said to his brother who only shrugged. "Hey, don't hate her. She might have gotten angry but I don't think she hates us."
Takashi blinked when he heard the younger call his name and glanced at him, nodding when he asked if they could talk later and watching him hop from one told to the next. Of course they could talk, if he wanted to after all, he wasn't mad with his cousin. But, he was relieved that Mitsukuni actually wanted to talk.
Once they made it to class, Takashi quietly took his seat and got his proper materials out for the class.
Classes seemed to drag today but when the lunch bell finally rang, Takashi gathered his things and waited for his cousin. After they got their lunches, they could go somewhere and talk if the smaller boy wanted to, or he'd wait until after school of that's what he wanted. Either way didn't really matter.
Tamaki was going on and on to Kyoya about the welcome party, and Kyoya made some.metal notes to write down later to see if they could even afford it.
Alice had fallen asleep again, waking only when her mother knocked on her door before opening it and carefully brought over a lap tray with some food on it, a grilled cheese and bowl of soup. "Alice, you need to eat something. It's noon and you haven't had a single thing to eat today." The woman spoke, watching as her daughter slowly sit up in her bed. "I'm not hungry.." She murmured . Miranda sighed and sat the tray down on her desk before sitting on the edge of her bed. "It's those boys isn't it? I knew they were no good and I tried keeping you away from them." Alice frowned and glanced at her mother. "Don't say that about them, they're my best friends! 'Those boys' have been there for me since the first time we ever came to Japan, and all they ever did was look out for me!" She protested, ending herself in a minor coughing fit.
How could she say that about them, when she didn't know anything? She felt horrible for the way she talked to Hikaru.. Once she had calmed down some, she curled up under her blankets again. "Just leave me alone.." She murmured, surprised that the woman actually got up and left. But she left the door open. Alice wasn't well today and she was concerned, just not enough to take the girl to the hospital.
Once they made it to class, Takashi quietly took his seat and got his proper materials out for the class.
Classes seemed to drag today but when the lunch bell finally rang, Takashi gathered his things and waited for his cousin. After they got their lunches, they could go somewhere and talk if the smaller boy wanted to, or he'd wait until after school of that's what he wanted. Either way didn't really matter.
Tamaki was going on and on to Kyoya about the welcome party, and Kyoya made some.metal notes to write down later to see if they could even afford it.
Alice had fallen asleep again, waking only when her mother knocked on her door before opening it and carefully brought over a lap tray with some food on it, a grilled cheese and bowl of soup. "Alice, you need to eat something. It's noon and you haven't had a single thing to eat today." The woman spoke, watching as her daughter slowly sit up in her bed. "I'm not hungry.." She murmured . Miranda sighed and sat the tray down on her desk before sitting on the edge of her bed. "It's those boys isn't it? I knew they were no good and I tried keeping you away from them." Alice frowned and glanced at her mother. "Don't say that about them, they're my best friends! 'Those boys' have been there for me since the first time we ever came to Japan, and all they ever did was look out for me!" She protested, ending herself in a minor coughing fit.
How could she say that about them, when she didn't know anything? She felt horrible for the way she talked to Hikaru.. Once she had calmed down some, she curled up under her blankets again. "Just leave me alone.." She murmured, surprised that the woman actually got up and left. But she left the door open. Alice wasn't well today and she was concerned, just not enough to take the girl to the hospital.
Class had been as Mia expected it to be. It was boring, and often times very quiet save for the sounds of pens and pencils gliding across paper. The clock ticked in the distance, it was annoying to some but for her it was relaxing. When the end of class arrived, Mia turned in her assignments then grabbed her things and headed out for lunch. Her stomach growled in anticipation. Smoothing out her sweater, Mia walked off in the direction of the crowded cafeteria where she grabbed some lunch and walked to a table to sit and enjoy her lunch. The lunch she grabbed was a simple chicken sandwich. It smelled nice though and it was a little warm so she had high hopes. Besides, this was a prestigious school so it was bound to have good food.
Mitsukuni hummed softly to himself, a grin on his face as he quickly ran out of the classroom, leaving Takashi to turn in his work for him. Outside of the classroom, he was hopping from one tile to the next. Back and forth, waiting. And when Takashi was out, he left with his cousin to grab their lunch. Afterwards he dragged his cousin to sit with him by a water fountain. "Okay Takashi, let's talk." He said seriously. His cute and innocent expression gone.
"Are you going to call her now?" Hikaru asked as both twins and Haruhi walked to a table with their lunches. "Let's sit down first." Kaoru answered and looked down at Haruhi's lunch. "What leftovers did you bring this time Haruhi?" He asked. The three of them took their seats and she revealed to them her not so fancy lunch. It consisted of leftover egg rolls and some steamed veggies. "That's it?" Hikaru asked, causing her eyebrow to twitch. "Oi! I can't afford anything better." She murmured. Kaoru picked up his phone then and dialed Alice's number, hopefully she would answer but he'd understand if she didn't.
Mitsukuni hummed softly to himself, a grin on his face as he quickly ran out of the classroom, leaving Takashi to turn in his work for him. Outside of the classroom, he was hopping from one tile to the next. Back and forth, waiting. And when Takashi was out, he left with his cousin to grab their lunch. Afterwards he dragged his cousin to sit with him by a water fountain. "Okay Takashi, let's talk." He said seriously. His cute and innocent expression gone.
"Are you going to call her now?" Hikaru asked as both twins and Haruhi walked to a table with their lunches. "Let's sit down first." Kaoru answered and looked down at Haruhi's lunch. "What leftovers did you bring this time Haruhi?" He asked. The three of them took their seats and she revealed to them her not so fancy lunch. It consisted of leftover egg rolls and some steamed veggies. "That's it?" Hikaru asked, causing her eyebrow to twitch. "Oi! I can't afford anything better." She murmured. Kaoru picked up his phone then and dialed Alice's number, hopefully she would answer but he'd understand if she didn't.
Takashi quietly turned in both of their works since Mitsukuni dashed out of the classroom. He then followed his cousin to the cafeteria where they purchased their lunch, and allowed himself to be dragged by the smaller boy and set down his lunch tray before glancing at Mitsukuni and nodding. He could see the seriousness of his expression when he spoke, and made no motion to speak before Mitsukuni.
Alice slowly shifted when she heard her phone ring, then reached for the phone she had hidden under the blankets with her. God forbid her mother find it and take off with it. Her lavender eyes widen some when she noticed the picture of the twins, from when they were kids, pop up and she answered. "Hikaru, or Kaoru?" She asked quietly, quite curious as to who had dialed her after yesterday. She somewhat doubted that it was the older twin after the brief texting they had shared.
Alice slowly shifted when she heard her phone ring, then reached for the phone she had hidden under the blankets with her. God forbid her mother find it and take off with it. Her lavender eyes widen some when she noticed the picture of the twins, from when they were kids, pop up and she answered. "Hikaru, or Kaoru?" She asked quietly, quite curious as to who had dialed her after yesterday. She somewhat doubted that it was the older twin after the brief texting they had shared.
"Tell me about this girl you seem to like so much." Mitsukini said. He picked up his fork and stabbed his food then brought it to his lips and ate it happily. "Why are you being so nice to her? Why are you wanting to spend so much time with her Takashi? Why am I being replaced? I don't like it!" He whined. "You already have the club members as your friends, why her? She's nobody special.." He frowned and looked down at his food. "She just showed up and now you want to spend a lot of time with her and I don't understand why." Mitsukuni looked at his cousin. "Do you really like her Takashi?"
Kaoru was relieved when he heard Alice's voice on the other end. She sounded a little tired. "It's Kaoru. I wanted to call to check up on you. You're not at school Is something wrong?" Kaoru asked. "Wait let me try some of that, Haruhi." Hikaru's and Haruhi's voices could be heard in the background as they both shared their food with each other. Hikaru would have offered Kaoru but he was busy so he didn't bother him.
Kaoru was relieved when he heard Alice's voice on the other end. She sounded a little tired. "It's Kaoru. I wanted to call to check up on you. You're not at school Is something wrong?" Kaoru asked. "Wait let me try some of that, Haruhi." Hikaru's and Haruhi's voices could be heard in the background as they both shared their food with each other. Hikaru would have offered Kaoru but he was busy so he didn't bother him.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.
Takashi was surprised to hear Mitsukuni say what he said. He listened until his cousin was finished and his expression softened. Replaced? He never meant to replace the smaller boy.. That was never the intention! Takashi picked the smaller boy up and set him in his lap like hed he'd do in the club room, and looked down at him with a seriousness filling his dark eyes. "Mitsukuni, you could never be replaced." He murmured, his voice both tender and stern at the same time. "I do, and she likes us. She also understands that you mean more to me than anyone else. No matter what, you come first and you always will. "
Alice felt her eyes water as she listened. "I wasn't feeling well this morning, so mom let me sleep in.." She responded quietly, leaving out the part about having not one arrhythmias today, but two. Her chest still hurt, and she could feel her heart racing. "...I never meant to hurt him, Kaoru. I didn't mean to get so upset.. You're my best friends, and I understand now why you did what you two did about the club.. I'm so sorry." She murmured, unable to contain a sniffle. The last thing she wanted to do right now was cry, but she felt so bad about yesterday.
Alice felt her eyes water as she listened. "I wasn't feeling well this morning, so mom let me sleep in.." She responded quietly, leaving out the part about having not one arrhythmias today, but two. Her chest still hurt, and she could feel her heart racing. "...I never meant to hurt him, Kaoru. I didn't mean to get so upset.. You're my best friends, and I understand now why you did what you two did about the club.. I'm so sorry." She murmured, unable to contain a sniffle. The last thing she wanted to do right now was cry, but she felt so bad about yesterday.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.