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Forums Role Playing OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 05:59:22 )
Despite eating so many sweets all the time, Mitsukuni didn't weigh much. It was a gift. He looked up at his cousin with wide amber eyes. He still didn't understand why Takashi liked Mia so much. What was so special about her? "You like her.." He said quietly. Takashi liked her, and he knew that he could easily forbid Takashi from seeing her but that wouldn't be right would it? "How can you be so sure that she does?" He asked. Hearing Takashi say that he would always come first normally made him feel better. This time however, the younger cousin was not convinced. "Are you going to go look for her and invite her the the club after school? Are you going to invite her to eat lunch with us?"


Kaoru looked at both his twin and Haruhi as they babbled on about the food and the taste. "Well that was kind of her." He said, running his fingers through his hair and poking at his lunch. "Look...things were said without much thought. You were upset, you thought we were doing something we shouldn't have been doing. Your reaction was normal." Kaoru answered. "I don't think he is angry with you. Perhaps a little wounded...but I don't think it's something that can't be mended next time you show up. I'll tell him you're sorry. But...I think it would be best you apologize in person. When you can that is."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 06:23:16 )
Takashi didn't hesitate to shake his head at his questions about inviting Mia to sit with them or coming to the club. "Not if it upsets you, Mitsukuni, and it did. You made that clear this morning.." He said. "Why do you think I had that talk with her in the limo? That was my of telling her that the three of us couldn't be friends, and she blamed herself for coming between us. It's not what was intended." He spoke, trying explain it in a way he would understand.


Alice stifled a sniffle as she listened to him speak, unable to fight back her tears. "Will he still come rescue me..?" She asked softly. "She wants to send me back to France, to stay with my grandparents.. After we came home yesterday, we had a bout and she admitted that she never wanted to bring me here to begin with." Alice spoke, her voice cracking some and she held the phone away from herself when she started to cough.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 06:47:02 )
Mitsukuni frowned. He looked up at his cousin and then looked down at Usa-Chan on his own lap. "I don't like her." He murmured and rubbed his eyes with tiny fists. "But you like her Takashi! And...and you will hate me if I don't let you talk to her. I know you will. Even if you say you won't, you will be mad if I make you choose one or the other." He didn't look back up at his cousin. He couldn't. He was being so unfair to Takashi. And yet his cousin wasn't raising his voice or anything. "Well she was coming between us! She is.." He murmured, hanging his head.


Kaoru listened to her question and then looked at Hikaru who was deep in a conversation with Haruhi who didn't look impressed. "He will. I can promise you that much." He answered. "Look...she brought you here for a reason I'm sure. If you do have to go back..well just tell us when and where you'll be so that we can think up a plan." He said, trying to cheer her up. Hearing her cough only made him worry more though. "You should drink some tea...or water. Get some rest Alice."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/14 07:41:52 )
"You were the first one to ask her to be our friend and hang out with us, all because you were promised sweets, remember?" Takashi reminded him calmly. "Every choice has consequences, and now you feel like she's trying to replace you when all she wanted were some friends." He explained, honestly beginning to think his cousin wasn't really listening, or thinking. "So really, if you want someone to be upset with, it should be Tamaki for asking us to bring to the club in the first place." Takashi stated, since that was how this all started, and to make a point, knowing his cousin wouldn't think like that. At least he hoped not.

The point was, they chose to befriend her in the beginning, for whatever reason and now they turning their backs to that friendship. It wasn't right, not was it fair to anyone.


Alice slowly calmed down as she listened to the younger twin speak. "She has a flight booked for at the airport downtown for Friday morning, first thing." She murmured quietly. That was less than a week from today. At this rate, she didn't even know if her mother would allow her to keep going to school. Soon, she heard her mom's voice as the woman came to check on her and quickly hung up the phone and hurried it under her pillows, before acting as if she had fallen asleep.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 23:00:46 )
"I didn't think that you would actually like her and want to be her friend. I was just trying to be nice!" He complained. Mitsukuni frowned. He didn't like being lectured by anyone. He just wanted to be free to do whatever he wanted without dealing with the consequences. He listened to Takashi mention that he should be upset with Tamaki since he was the one who said they should invite Mia to the club to begin with. "You're right.." His voice was quiet, his eyes looked around, trying to find Tamaki but not seeing him anywhere. "I.." he frowned and looked back up at his tall cousin. "I guess you think I'm a bad person for not letting you see her. But if you want to see her then you should. If you then you should talk to her more."


Kaoru listened to the information that Alice was giving him. He and his brother had only a few days to figure something out. Drive out there before school and somehow bring her back here. Maybe if they got in contact with her father about this then he'd be able to help them out. Regardless, he had information now he'd need to share with Kyoya. If anyone was smart and could figure out a plan, it was him. "We'll be there." He said, then he heard the line go dead and he sighed. She had hung up. "Hikaru, I have something I need to tell you. I'll tell you at the end of school though since we need to talk to Kyoya about it too."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/16 03:29:00 )
Takashi watched his cousin as he complained and pouted about the situation they had landed themselves in. All because of one girl, some sweets, and the king of their host club wanting to throw a welcoming theme for the new students.

He only listened once Mitsukuni looked at him and started to speak again, in which he shook his head lightly. He didn't think that at all! The smaller boy should've known better than that. He wasn't used to sharing the older male with anyone except their friends in the club. It would be a process, he knew that. Takashi did however see that Mitsukuni was trying, and it made a silk thin smile across his thin lips. He lightly placed a hand on top of his head. "Not without you, Mitsukuni."


"We'll be there."

She had heard the words just before she had hid her phone, keeping her hand under the pillow and gently holding the cell phone, a small smile on her face. It sounded more like a promise than just simple words, and she held them very close to her heart. When her mother came in to check on her once more, Alice rolled over to see her and slowly sat up. "Sorry mom, I'll try eating now." She said, causing the woman to blink in surprise, then nod and handed her the plate of food.

Miranda left her alone while she ate, wondering what had suddenly changed the girls mind, but decided not to question it. She was eating, and that was all she wanted.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/16 07:16:33 )
Mitsukuni's eyes widened and tears threatened to spill from the corners of his eyes. Why was Takashi so kind to him? He knew he was a handful. Anyone else would have yelled at him for his behavior. He assumed that Kyoya would. Maybe. Maybe not. Okay he wasn't so sure anymore.

He enjoyed the head pats. It made him feel a lot better. At least he was getting some attention now. Still, deep down inside he still did feel bad about what he had done. He needed to fix this! But how? Looking at Takashi, he smiled and hugged his cousin. "We should invite that girl to the club after school. And...I promise I will try to be nicer to her. I will be there with you." It was going to be difficult. He never once had to share his cousin with anyone other than the club members. Sharing was not his strong point.


"Oh..?" Haruhi looked to Kaoru, food in front of her lips. "What is it Kaoru?" She asked him. "Yeah, what is it, you can tell us." Hikaru spoke quietly when his twin leaned across the table to close the distance. The three of them were now huddled over half eaten food. "I spoke to Alice. She told me her mother plans on sending her back to her grandparents in France. The airplane leaves Friday morning. First thing. And, she says she's sorry about what happened. She didn't mean to make you upset. She still hopes that you will rescue her. And you're going to. We are going to. I'll talk to Kyoya, tell him what she told me. I'm hoping he'll have something up his sleeve."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/16 20:05:37 )
Takashi loosely hugged his cousin and nodded lightly, then released the hug and glanced at the smaller boy. Neither one of them had really touched their lunches, but lunch was coming to an end and it was almost time to head back to the classroom.

Later that day and as classes were coming to an end, Takashi found it easier to concentrate after talking with his cousin at lunch time. Now they just had to convince Mia they were okay, and invite her back to the club.


Alice was feeling better as well, and she hoped that tomorrow she could go to school. to Her surprise, her mother left her a lone most of the day so she could rest.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/2 22:04:09 )
Mitsukuni had taken very small bites of his lunch hoping it would be enough to hold him over until after school. Classes were boring as always, but he did jot down his notes with a blank look on his face. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders after lunch. It was good to have talked it out with his cousin, besides, he couldn't be mad at his cousin forever. It was not in the smaller one's nature.

As the day was coming to an end, Mia gathered up her things and walked to the front of the class to discuss a homework assignment with the teacher. She just wanted to make sure she understood what they were supposed to do. Afterwards, she thanked the teacher and made her way out the door.


"Come on, we need to be quick about this." Kaoru told his twin as the two of them gathered their things at the end of class and headed out the classroom door. "H-hey! Wait up guys!" Haruhi called after them. She hurriedly gathered her things and whined as she ran off after them. They were headed to the club, but who said Kyoya was already there?

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/3 21:33:16 )
Takashi waited up for his cousin like he always did, and as soon as Mitsukuni was ready, he picked him up on his shoulders and left the classroom with there things. He noticed Mia and weaved through the crowd of the hallway until he lightly placed a hand on Mia's shoulder. "Can we talk?" He asked, trying to sound casual.


As soon as classes were over Kyoya grabbed his things and left the classroom, not even bothering to wait for Tamaki. Who would probably search the whole school before going to the host club, which was fine by him. He had a meeting with Derek and he couldn't afford to miss this chance. He got to the club before the twins, set up his laptop and accepted the video call that he received from the man in France.

"I understand you've been trying to reach me, I'm sorry for the delay Mr. Ootori." Derek's voice came through the speaker. Kyoya adjusted his glasses. "All that matters is that we're in contact now, sir." Kyoya spoke calmly. "Your daughter, Alice, has recently joined our Host Club and I want to see her taking care of, same as you. We all do." Derek had gotten quiet. "Is.. Is she okay?" His concerned voice came. "Let me be frank with you, sir." Kyoya went to speak, but he noticed the doors open and glanced over.

Who else could have come to the club room so early?

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/3 22:21:36 )
Mitsukuni yawned cutely as he sat comfortably atop his cousin's shoulders. His stomach growled but he chose to ignore it. They still had one more thing to do before he could get some cake. Up ahead, Mia was getting ready to exit the school and call her parents to pick her up, she stopped however when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She relaxed when she heard Takashi's voice and turned to look up at him. "O-Okay...what is it you want to talk about Mori-Senpai?"


"Wait!" Kaoru gasped as he barged into the room. His eyes landed on Kyoya who was sitting there with his laptop. "K-Kyoya wait! There's something very important we need to tell you!" He said, running to where the male was sitting. Hikaru ran after him, "It's about Alice!" Hikaru said. Haruhi closed the doors behind them then quickly approached the small group. "Oh...Kyoya-Senpai, I hope we aren't interrupting anything?" She asked nervously. "Alice is leaving!" Hikaru exclaimed in a panic. Kaoru, the calmer of the two spoke up. "It seems her mother wants to send her back to France to live with the grandparents. The flight has been booked for this friday at the airport downtown. First thing in the morning. She didn't give me an exact time though." The twin explained, looking right at Kyoya, hoping he'd have an idea.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/3 23:07:39 )
Takashi slowly removed his hand from her shoulder. "Mitsukuni and I would like invite you back to the host club. My cousin would like a chance to make up for his behavior, and hopes we can be friends again." He explained calmly. "Our world has always been just us and the club, expanding it isn't easy for us.." He looked at her with a glint of hope in his dark grey eyes. He really hoped she wouldn't run away again..


Kyoya blinked as the twins came running up to the table, out of breath and shouting. Had they ran all the way here, just to tell him that? Kyoya sighed quietly and adjusted his glasses. "I knew it was just a matter of time. That woman will do anything to keep Alice to herself, won't she?" He more-so muttered under his breath. He then turned his laptop so the boys could see Derek on his screen since they had a video call going. "Hikaru, Kaoru, meet Alice's step-father Derek." Kyoya introduced.

The man rose an eyebrow. "I've heard those names before. Pleasure to meet you, sort of." Derek spoke casually. "I was just going to inform Mr. Winters on the situation at hand, which has apparently changed.. If that woman is allowed to take Alice, we can't help her. She's in no condition to be traveling." "Why would she want to send her back?" Derek voiced. Kyoya turned his laptop back towards himself. "Whatever the reason, it can't be for the benefit of her daughter. Derek, we need your help to get Alice away from her mother. and I can promise the best medical attention my family can provide." Kyoya explained.

Derek seemed to understand the urgency and nodded. "I'm already looking for a ticket. I'll contact you once I'm in motion. I know I'm asking a lot from you, with no power up in France, but please.. Do anything to keep Alice safe." Derek spoke. Kyoya glanced at the twins. "Of course, we have a pair of the most devious twins I have ever met." Kyoya said with a small smirk. "Right, boys?"

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/4 03:02:53 )
Mia looked at Takashi then up at Mitsukuni who looked more tired than anything. She looked back at Takashi, holding her things close to her chest. "I would really like to be friends again." She answered with a small nod of her head. She was obviously going to give this friendship a second chance. Things had been said, she didn't like to hold grudges though. If Mitsukuni really wanted to be friends then she would give him the chance. But she still didn't want to come between the cousins.


The twins blinked, looking at the man on the screen. "O-Oh..." They both nervously waved and laughed nervously. Even Haruhi waved from behind the two twins. "So you're Derek? It's nice to meet you too." Kaoru answered. Hikaru nodded at what Kyoya had said. Yes it had changed and he didn't doubt that it would change again if they didn't act fast. Maybe the flight would be rescheduled to be earlier. What if it was?! "I think Alice's mother just doesn't want her around us." Kaoru explained calmly. It seemed like the only possible explanation.

It was reassuring to hear that the man was already getting himself a ticket to travel here. Kaoru just hoped that he would get here before it was too late. What a surprise it would be though, and hopefully one that Alice would enjoy. "Anything?" Both twins repeated and smirked when Kyoya addressed them. "Right!" They both answered in unison, saluting the dark haired male. They were given permission to do anything and already they were both scheming on how to get Alice before she would be sent away.

Haruhi couldn't help but worry though. This could either turn out really good, or really terribly.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/4 22:26:32 )
Takashi smiled some at her words and nodded lightly. He was happy to know she'd give them another chance. "Thank you, Mia." He spoke casually. "If you're free, we were going to head to the host club." He said to her, hoping she'd be free or willing to accept the offer.


Kyoya smirked and looked at the man on the screen. "Your daughter will be in good hands, I assure you." He said, then the call was ended and Kyoya closed his laptop. He glanced at the twins and adjusted his glasses. "Don't waste any time. Go get her." He sounded like he was ordering them but he wasn't, and they would know what he meant. "I'll work something out for the club activities." Kyoya said with a light smirk. They didn't have much time.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 04:45:20 )
The club? Mia eyes the long hallways they'd trespass to get there. She looked towards the school's main door. Much closer. She had homework she wished to work on, but she was certain that she could always work on it at the host club too. Maybe. Or at least afterwards when she arrived home. Her eyes looked up at the taller individual and she smiled, giving him a nod of her head. "I'd love to. Lead the way."


"What? Now?" Haruhi said, surprised. She was expecting a last minute rescue. A more planned out idea. Not an impromptu mission. The twins nodded and ran out of there, saying something about keys. "You will drive." Hikaru said as he and his twin ran out of the building towards their car. "Of course I will. You'll probably crash if you drove now." Kaoru answered with a laugh. "So what's the plan exactly?" He asked. The twins sat in silence in the car before Hikaru spoke up. "We kidnap her." He suggested. "We sneak in, throw her over our shoulder with a bag over her head and stuff he in the back seat. Then we drive back to school and figure out part two of the plan." He explained. Kaoru didn't look too convinced, however he nodded and started driving off. "You have her address right?" Kaoru asked. Hikaru was already on it. "Yeah, I have it here."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 19:52:05 )
Takashi smiled some and offered her his arm, like a gentleman, and led her back into the school entrance and then down the halls to the host club.


Kyoya glanced at Haurhi when she spoke, but didn't say anything until the twins had left the room. "Haruhi, we do not have the time to make a plan." He explained calmly. "There is a secret between the twins and Alice that I'm not obligated to keep but chose to, however now it is a need to know. Alice is ill, she needs a doctor and her mother has been keeping her from that care for the entirety of her life." He explained.


Alice sneezed and sat up in her bed, glancing at her phone as if getting the feeling something was up.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 20:31:34 )
Mia hooked her arm around his while holding her things with her other arm. She blushed and glanced up at Mitsukuni who was groaning. "Takashi, I'm hungry." He whined. Did they not have lunch?


Haruhi listened in silence, her eyes widening when the dreadful secret was revealed. She felt blessed to be informed of such an important piece of information. So that was why the twins were so persistent on keeping Alice around. Haruhi tapped her chin with her finger, thinking. "Does this mean she is going to die, Kyoya-Senpai?" It was a secret, which meant that no one else in the host club knew about this. It was probably for the best though. "Ah..I hope they can get her before it's too late."


"Here it is." Hikaru said and recited the address to Alice's house. "Well I'm not parking right in front of the house, I'll have to park a few blocks away." Kaoru commented. He drove in silence to the neighborhood, choosing to park on her street but on the other side and a few blocks back. "Okay, so that over there is the house." Kaoru pointed to one of the houses. That was where Alice was, now how did they plan on getting inside? "Her mother is going to be there and if she sees us, she's not going to let us in." Hikaru reminded. "I know, I'm thinking." Kaoru muttered.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 21:17:28 )
Takashi's stomach growled shortly after his cousin spoke up. "Don't worry, we're almost to the club." He said, understanding how the younger felt since neither of them had eaten much.


Kyoya shook his head lightly. "She is not going to die, not if I can help it. Since she has agreed to join our club, I can help her without playing favorites. First we need to get her away from her mother, then I will have my father's hospital take her in and examine her properly." He explained. "This is still a secret, alright? When shrine ready to tell our lord, she will." He said. Soon it would be time to open the doors. Tamaki and the cousins should be strolling in at any minute.


Alice slipped out of bed and opened her window just enough to peer outside, picking up her phone. She was surprised to see the car that the twins drove, then she remembered the phone conversation with Kaoru that afternoon. Was this because of that? Unfortunately, Miranda had seen them as well when she went to check the mail. The woman went inside and headed upstairs to Alice's bedroom, obviously not happy and wanting to know what was going on. She was yelling, mostly in French and Alice's phone fell from her hand as she backed into the sill while trying to explain that she didn't know anything.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 22:55:58 )
Mitsukuni started to tear up. "I don't want to die Takashi!" Wow, what a little drama queen. Mia wondered if he was always this way. The taller one didn't seem all that phased by it though. She walked in silence, contemplating why the sudden change of heart from Mitsukuni. She had gotten the message loud and clear, to stay away from his tall cousin. Maybe Mori-Senpai had talked to him while she was away?


Haruhi nodded. She thought it was nice of Kyoya to care so much about one person. So much so, that he was going to have her under the care of his own father's hospital. The cost for care there was through the roof! Alice wouldn't be able to afford it would she? Ah but it was a gift. It was no surprise he was very well respected by the others in the group. Well...usually. She thought back to the countless times the other members would bother him endlessly, annoying him. She smiled, "Yes, a secret. I promise!"


"Come on." Kaoru switched off the car and stepped out. His twin followed suit and shouting could be heard. It got louder the closer they got to the house. "Seems we've been spotted." Kaoru noted and frowned. Well so much for being sneaky about this. They stopped in front of the front door and knocked many times. Of course, Hikaru was sure the door wouldn't open if Alice and her mom were upstairs. "If the door is unlocked we could sneak inside." Hikaru suggested.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/6 04:11:59 )
Kyoya nodded, glad to know she understood. He then opened up his laptop and got to work, mostly looking at what they had planned for today. Nothing big it seemed.. Perfect.

Takashi shook his head. "You're not going to die Mitsukuni.. Besides, how would eat anymore cake if you died?" The older cousin teased as they came to the large door of the third music room, he then opened the door and held it for Mia.


Alice barely heard the knocking over her mother, but she did and she tried to slip passed her mother to get the door. Her mother however grabbed her hand and roughly pulled her into the bed. She then closed the bedroom door behind her, locking it and went to answer the door herself, looking at the twins as she did so. "I thought I made it clear that my daughter wouldn't be going back to school."

Alice had gotten worked up plenty to have a coughing fit after being tossed into her bed like that.

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