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She was silent as she listened to what was said. She wasn't paying complete attention, due to how she could feel her mana reacting to... Something. She had no idea what it was that it was reacting too, but knew that there was something.
"Yeah, I completely understand." She said with a soft smile.
"Anyway, I gotta go check on the oils here. I'll meet up with you later. Say hello to Sally for me, will you?" She said with a smile. They agreed, bid her farewell, before continuing down the hall while she made her way into the room.
As she turned on the lights though, she froze. What she saw in the middle fo the floor was not what she wanted to see, or what she'd expected.
Her assistant, a sweet teen of 17 that went by the name of Mason, was lying in the middle of the floor. Dead.
She didn't scream, didn't move (as she knew she couldn't contaminate the scene, she'd watched enough tv for that) and just pulled her phone out of her pocket. She quickly dialed a number, calling this in. She just found a dead body - and she didn't need to get any closer to see that his neck was snapped pretty severely - and the authorities needed to be contacted as a result.
After that was done, she called her other half. He needed to know that she'd be quite late getting home because of this.
♯Take me away upon a plateau, Far, far away from fears and shadow, Strengthen my heart in times of sorrow, Light the way to bright tomorrows♯