Donator — Sea Snake
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/15 04:16:49 )
@Totalanimefan: My one father died from heart cancer and but my other father's alive. I don't have money to get him anything, so I'll likely just hug and tell him happy fathers day and that I love him. I'm sorry you don't live near yours.
Donator — Sea Snake
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/15 05:10:18 )
@Totalanimefan: I'm glad he didn't die~ Heart attacks can be pretty terrifying. It sucks my dad did die, what sucks even more is it feels like they would have caught on to the real issue if they actually took a good look at his medical history. If they had, they would have seen that his heart had been placed in amazing health a few months before the first blood clot. They tried to blame it on drugs, or that it was due to the heart surgery he had around 20 years previously... but if they had read his medical file they would have known those answers make no sense. Our family also has a history of cancer... By the time they realized the real issue, it was too late to help him. They were so focused on the reasons they were positive it was that they refused to look at other possibilities until months o everything they had been doing not working. It was too late by that point. Back then, like every other family member, we didn't think to question the doctors. It was only after the fact that I realized how easy it would have been for them to look at his medical files. It was the same hospital that he had the heart surgery at and his check ups, they had all the files, all the information that would have helped make it more obvious that his heart had made a full recovery since then, that it was something else.
Donator — Sea Snake
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/15 11:46:51 )
@Totalanimefan: I wish I could say I don't regret my fathers passing, but I do. That wont get him back, but it also wont make the issues go away either.
Donator — Sea Snake
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/16 04:10:37 )
@Totalanimefan: I think it it goes with their generation maybe? When my dad was a kid, he took care of his younger siblings. As he got older he took care of his grandmother. In general he was always taking care of someone or something. When my great grandmother died he basically took over as the family historian, but he didn't teach anyone to take his place. I don't think he ever considered passing away. He had arthritis since he was a teenager(its why he wasn't allowed to participate in the Vietnam war) and his working and walking was how he kept his legs in hood working shape instead of being stuck in a wheelchair. What kind of life has your father had so far?