Forums Mini Shops Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)
@Kjemi: Okay good deal then. No rush, have fun with it! :vanora_sun:
@kjemi: I mean, the apartment was separate from the college costs. o uo ;;;
The college was $19k-$24k/year which only paid for parking on the campus and classes. Art classes supplied the supplies for that too, but there were extra fees for that. So. there's that.
I mean, I used to RP with a lot of them, but I feel like that can only get you so far too. I like collecting art and I'll sift through it that way too, but eh.
That's why I like paying gaia gold for it. Then I don't feel as bad??
Sometimes I just know. Or I'll make up a name that I feel like fits them. Lately I've been running out of ideas though. xD
Yeah! I used to love the magikarp app! It gets pretty tedious really quickly though.
Hahahaha. I still talk about my cat babies all the time. q vq I love them so much.
The way my cats run around, I'm pretty sure it is parkour. x ___ X
YESS I HAVE. The one where the cat is just sitting there and he's like "My owners have left me here, I'm going to starve to death. " xD I mean, something like that ahhh. They're so funny.
I do that all the time with my fiance. I'll be blasting music while wearing the headset and he wonders why I get so fussy because I can't hear him so I scream. ;;; And then he thinks I'm yelling at him,. afdhjag.
I've been getting that whole spiel for awhile already. x ___ x I've been engaged for about 5 years, so there's always some conversation about it. And, I do want kids, I just feel like I can wait a little longer before I have one. Idk. I'm not ready for it yet. I feel like I already don't have time, so adding a kid on top of that and I'll literally have no time. I just got the taste of freedom and starting to work. I want to figure that out first before I need to be responsible for a living child.
LMAO. YEP. I'm halfway to thirty, but I really don't want to bring a child into the world when I barely make enough money. My fiance is unemployed currently, so that doesn't help. I literally made $12.05/hr at my last job. It's barely enough for just rent + loans for the month.
There's some fun stuff here, but I feel like it's not that exciting at the same time? Probably because I live here. The food is amazing though. * Q* !! I'd definitely have some good places to recommend for food.
Though, I live on Long Island, the small island attached to the state. It's like a whole other world here tbh.
I made my own ice cream in high school! It was a science experiment! It was just vanilla ice cream and my hands got cold from shaking the ingredients together. (I can't remember what it was exactly... but it was in chemistry class. > > ;;; )
Hahaha. Just checking! Whenever I mention Roxy, my thoughts usually go to my puppy right away.a kjhafdgd.
Ah, really? I thought it was sort of a common thing.
The friends I had in high school/middle school were big into RPing in like the Harry Potter universe and stuff and they always had these intricate biographies. Maybe that's why? Idk. /shrugs
I think it's interesting! Boken actually appeared to me in a dream. It sounds terrifying if you think about it, but idk. The more developed of a character she's been, the less scary she is? But, I also gave her children, so there's that. xD
It really does take a lot of time. fkajdsgkasdg. I definitely don't have the artistic or writing skills for it. Plus. I'd have to learn how to code too, which would be rough.
I feel like even when you weren't in his route, his whole story was sad to begin with. omg rip
The college was $19k-$24k/year which only paid for parking on the campus and classes. Art classes supplied the supplies for that too, but there were extra fees for that. So. there's that.
I mean, I used to RP with a lot of them, but I feel like that can only get you so far too. I like collecting art and I'll sift through it that way too, but eh.
That's why I like paying gaia gold for it. Then I don't feel as bad??
Sometimes I just know. Or I'll make up a name that I feel like fits them. Lately I've been running out of ideas though. xD
Yeah! I used to love the magikarp app! It gets pretty tedious really quickly though.
Hahahaha. I still talk about my cat babies all the time. q vq I love them so much.
The way my cats run around, I'm pretty sure it is parkour. x ___ X
YESS I HAVE. The one where the cat is just sitting there and he's like "My owners have left me here, I'm going to starve to death. " xD I mean, something like that ahhh. They're so funny.
I do that all the time with my fiance. I'll be blasting music while wearing the headset and he wonders why I get so fussy because I can't hear him so I scream. ;;; And then he thinks I'm yelling at him,. afdhjag.
I've been getting that whole spiel for awhile already. x ___ x I've been engaged for about 5 years, so there's always some conversation about it. And, I do want kids, I just feel like I can wait a little longer before I have one. Idk. I'm not ready for it yet. I feel like I already don't have time, so adding a kid on top of that and I'll literally have no time. I just got the taste of freedom and starting to work. I want to figure that out first before I need to be responsible for a living child.
LMAO. YEP. I'm halfway to thirty, but I really don't want to bring a child into the world when I barely make enough money. My fiance is unemployed currently, so that doesn't help. I literally made $12.05/hr at my last job. It's barely enough for just rent + loans for the month.
There's some fun stuff here, but I feel like it's not that exciting at the same time? Probably because I live here. The food is amazing though. * Q* !! I'd definitely have some good places to recommend for food.
Though, I live on Long Island, the small island attached to the state. It's like a whole other world here tbh.
I made my own ice cream in high school! It was a science experiment! It was just vanilla ice cream and my hands got cold from shaking the ingredients together. (I can't remember what it was exactly... but it was in chemistry class. > > ;;; )
Hahaha. Just checking! Whenever I mention Roxy, my thoughts usually go to my puppy right away.a kjhafdgd.
Ah, really? I thought it was sort of a common thing.
The friends I had in high school/middle school were big into RPing in like the Harry Potter universe and stuff and they always had these intricate biographies. Maybe that's why? Idk. /shrugs
I think it's interesting! Boken actually appeared to me in a dream. It sounds terrifying if you think about it, but idk. The more developed of a character she's been, the less scary she is? But, I also gave her children, so there's that. xD
It really does take a lot of time. fkajdsgkasdg. I definitely don't have the artistic or writing skills for it. Plus. I'd have to learn how to code too, which would be rough.
I feel like even when you weren't in his route, his whole story was sad to begin with. omg rip
@Yuracye: Ahh it sounds so expensive heart is... so sad... so so sad...Even extra for art supplies...hnngh... how do people even get to college there
Yeah it feels a bit better if you don't actually use like wallet money ; u ; I wonder if there will be adoptables here ? That'd be pretty nice! Maybe I could earn enough volts to buy them...
Yeah! Once you have like 200 ocs I suppose it get's hard naming them all!!! Plus you do want a name that fits and that's making it extra hard... Do you have any OCS with like the same name?? :0
Ahhh most games do... Did you ever try neko atsume? It's so cute but I once rounded it and deleted...but now started again ^^
Good! Share your babies with the world, they deserve to be loved and adored!
Ok but now I wanna make a parkour cat boy oc.. with lots of bruises and maybe a missing tooth ...ahhhh that'd be so cute.
Omg yeeess I wanna watch those videos again they are so great.... also sad cat diary....
Aww ;A; I've never gotten to that point but I have been talking too loudly when we're supposed to be quiet when I'm at a friends house
Ahhh I can totally understand TuT like usually its the older people that are like "don't you want kids" and blah blah but they don't realize things work different now and it's hard to raise a kid properly if you want to take good care of them ;u; it's much better to be in a safe place before getting a child...they even say you use like 1 mill $ on a kid til it reaches like 18... that's wild
Food is one of the best things bout visiting new places *u* though one has to be careful cause sometimes the differences can make you sick.... I'd be a nerdy tourist and want to visit all kinds of museums and stuff..
Maybe you guys used nitrogen?? We did that in highschool chemistry as a treat and fun experiment xD we also made vanilla... i mean we mostly just watched as someone poured it and someone else mixed it. Good times
I think of the puppy second *u* cause we are usually talking bout the OC now xD
Ahh really? I've been hanging in the wrong places then haha. Most my friends have like just general ideas of their ocs and nothing too in depth...
Oh wow that's a good way to deal with things you see in dreams :0 I made an oc from a dream too but he was just a handsome guy and I was like "Ok sign me up"
Omg yeaaah ...coding...i can't evne figure out the BBCodes ...xD i'd have a rough time trying to figure out other things
THERE IS ALOT OF IT...b ut V is ok. No worries. He doesn't suffer too much....but honestly SAERAN JUST STEALS THE SHOW .....aegdgh and breaks your heart...
Yeah it feels a bit better if you don't actually use like wallet money ; u ; I wonder if there will be adoptables here ? That'd be pretty nice! Maybe I could earn enough volts to buy them...
Yeah! Once you have like 200 ocs I suppose it get's hard naming them all!!! Plus you do want a name that fits and that's making it extra hard... Do you have any OCS with like the same name?? :0
Ahhh most games do... Did you ever try neko atsume? It's so cute but I once rounded it and deleted...but now started again ^^
Good! Share your babies with the world, they deserve to be loved and adored!
Ok but now I wanna make a parkour cat boy oc.. with lots of bruises and maybe a missing tooth ...ahhhh that'd be so cute.
Omg yeeess I wanna watch those videos again they are so great.... also sad cat diary....
Aww ;A; I've never gotten to that point but I have been talking too loudly when we're supposed to be quiet when I'm at a friends house
Ahhh I can totally understand TuT like usually its the older people that are like "don't you want kids" and blah blah but they don't realize things work different now and it's hard to raise a kid properly if you want to take good care of them ;u; it's much better to be in a safe place before getting a child...they even say you use like 1 mill $ on a kid til it reaches like 18... that's wild
Food is one of the best things bout visiting new places *u* though one has to be careful cause sometimes the differences can make you sick.... I'd be a nerdy tourist and want to visit all kinds of museums and stuff..
Maybe you guys used nitrogen?? We did that in highschool chemistry as a treat and fun experiment xD we also made vanilla... i mean we mostly just watched as someone poured it and someone else mixed it. Good times
I think of the puppy second *u* cause we are usually talking bout the OC now xD
Ahh really? I've been hanging in the wrong places then haha. Most my friends have like just general ideas of their ocs and nothing too in depth...
Oh wow that's a good way to deal with things you see in dreams :0 I made an oc from a dream too but he was just a handsome guy and I was like "Ok sign me up"
Omg yeaaah ...coding...i can't evne figure out the BBCodes ...xD i'd have a rough time trying to figure out other things
THERE IS ALOT OF IT...b ut V is ok. No worries. He doesn't suffer too much....but honestly SAERAN JUST STEALS THE SHOW .....aegdgh and breaks your heart...
Ugh, all your art is so gorgeous. I need to stop letting your OC intimidate me. D;
@kjemi: It really is. TT __ TT We're just always massively in debt. That's all. |||OTL. My old roomate is like $90k in debt, and that was just from one year. q vq ;;
I think so. Then I can use the money on things that I use or eat or something. /shrugs. I know there's people that dump tons of money on adoptables, but they might not have as many expenses or they have a high paying job where they don't need to worry?
Oooh, that would be awesome! I doubt it would be any time soon though....
It does! /flops.
I had a few with the same names, but I changed it to something similar, or something different since it fit the other character better.
I feel like that sounds familiar... Is the game on Steam? I might have looked at it during the steam sale, but I don't think I bought it.
omg. xD That would be really cute! You should do that!
I still have yet to make Moth + spider OCs, but mainly because I'm not really sure how to design them. rip.
Cat diaries are the best. I feel like that's really what they're thinking. xD
See. I feel like they think I'd be a great mom because they see how I interact with my fiance's cousins (who are younger) and they see my talk about the kids at the daycare and about teaching?? Idk, man.
I just wasn't always allowed to get things that I wanted as a kid, so I want to at least get my future children something. (if they're being good. > > ;; )
YES. Food is the best! I just went to this new place today, and it was super yummy.omg.
I have a pretty solid stomach, so to get me sick takes a lot. o ___ o ;;; My fiance- not so good. xD The worst I've really gotten from eating food is having to go to the bathroom like an hour after eating?
I can't remember... it was so long ago.orz.
We had to shake the whole thing ourselves, I know that. And we needed to go outside to make it. It was pretty good though, so I was pretty happy. xD
Ahaha. Alright then. I do talk about the OC more, so it makes sense. u vu //
Well, that was a long, long time ago. That's what first got me curious about RPing, because it was something they always did. Though, they were more like fanfic writers and invited me into it? A lot of my newer characters just have basic traits though.
LMAO. I suppose so! It was pretty terrifying at the time, but I love Boken all the more. n ___n ; She's sort of like the main villain with my characters, but she's all about making deals and making things in her favor? Good/bad things don't really make sense to her, it's just things that will benefit her. u vu //
|||OTL You get handsome guys in your dreams and I get Boken:

I understand basic BBCode, but that's mainly because it has it listed out, and I found it much easier to type out then highlight and click.
I think so. Then I can use the money on things that I use or eat or something. /shrugs. I know there's people that dump tons of money on adoptables, but they might not have as many expenses or they have a high paying job where they don't need to worry?
Oooh, that would be awesome! I doubt it would be any time soon though....
It does! /flops.
I had a few with the same names, but I changed it to something similar, or something different since it fit the other character better.
I feel like that sounds familiar... Is the game on Steam? I might have looked at it during the steam sale, but I don't think I bought it.
omg. xD That would be really cute! You should do that!
I still have yet to make Moth + spider OCs, but mainly because I'm not really sure how to design them. rip.
Cat diaries are the best. I feel like that's really what they're thinking. xD
See. I feel like they think I'd be a great mom because they see how I interact with my fiance's cousins (who are younger) and they see my talk about the kids at the daycare and about teaching?? Idk, man.
I just wasn't always allowed to get things that I wanted as a kid, so I want to at least get my future children something. (if they're being good. > > ;; )
YES. Food is the best! I just went to this new place today, and it was super yummy.omg.
I have a pretty solid stomach, so to get me sick takes a lot. o ___ o ;;; My fiance- not so good. xD The worst I've really gotten from eating food is having to go to the bathroom like an hour after eating?
I can't remember... it was so long ago.orz.
We had to shake the whole thing ourselves, I know that. And we needed to go outside to make it. It was pretty good though, so I was pretty happy. xD
Ahaha. Alright then. I do talk about the OC more, so it makes sense. u vu //
Well, that was a long, long time ago. That's what first got me curious about RPing, because it was something they always did. Though, they were more like fanfic writers and invited me into it? A lot of my newer characters just have basic traits though.
LMAO. I suppose so! It was pretty terrifying at the time, but I love Boken all the more. n ___n ; She's sort of like the main villain with my characters, but she's all about making deals and making things in her favor? Good/bad things don't really make sense to her, it's just things that will benefit her. u vu //
|||OTL You get handsome guys in your dreams and I get Boken:

I understand basic BBCode, but that's mainly because it has it listed out, and I found it much easier to type out then highlight and click.
@blinkini: aww ;u; thank you so much and well if you think my OC is a bit scary, I can always give you another one to draw ??
@Yuracye: debt, the enemy of everyone everywhere ;A; but wow I feel so sorry to hear how much of a debt you guys can get in just one year...
Yeah! I at least hope that's it, and that they are smart enough not to pick adoptables over dinner... but I bet there are some people that do that...
You're right...most likely not that soon, but the community is growing more and who knows~!
Oh I see! I like you can have a Cale and a Kale... or even a Cael...and it's almost the same name xD I'm always trying to give my characters different names so I don't mix them up..
Ahh it's a phone game! So it's on..whatever iPhone users use store and play store >u< It's really cute ! But yeah not a steam game haha
I will possibly do that yes yes... just gotta finish the commision first on my Mystic Messenger project first... I am still looking forward to seeing them! But there is no rush...if a brilliant idea just suddenly comes it will be really cool!
Yesss it is most likely what those cuties are thinking...I watched a few yesterday and my heart... "Va-KUUUM" so clever..
That is probably why ;u; and you would most likely make a great mom but a person has to be ready both mentally and financially. Can't just be good with kids and make one yourself and expect that to be smooth sailing...
Yeah! I didn't get all the best things as a kid, but I got enough ...but because of that my parents were almost never home cause they were working. Plus we never did any activities like cinema or go to a zoo or something.
Ahh that sounds awesome =w= what did you get ? What kind of a place was it??
Ahh Im usually good but when I went to japan I was sadly...not good. It was really different so most food made me feel sick TuT but also most the eating places were small and not that much fresh air so that didn't help ... Sometimes I jumped over dinner cause I'd feel bad ordering a meal and not eating more than like 1 piece...
Oh wow that's way different then... I'm going to the hobby store tomorrow so ..I'll ask my current roommate if she wants to try and make ice cream together *u*
That's nice that they included you in it !! *u* It's like taking a step into like a whole new world. I roleplayed like... when I was 12-14? But after that I stopped cause I started being really nervous bout talking to people...even online.. so reaching out to others for roleplays was impossible .. rip rip. Plus I was never good at keeping up with it more than 2 weeks? I get distracted too fast..
Well once you reach the number that you do, you can't flesh out as much xD
Boken sounds like a cool character *u* and she shared the "i care only if it benefits me" trait with my oc Bast... it makes a character feel much more real I think? And makes a great villain cause then it makes sense why they do things most people would consider bad.
Aww Boken... er.r... a bit bloody there...
T u T codes are confusing...I should've taken IT classes...
IKR ??? I JUST...AHHHHH ..screaming into the void
Yeah! I at least hope that's it, and that they are smart enough not to pick adoptables over dinner... but I bet there are some people that do that...
You're right...most likely not that soon, but the community is growing more and who knows~!
Oh I see! I like you can have a Cale and a Kale... or even a Cael...and it's almost the same name xD I'm always trying to give my characters different names so I don't mix them up..
Ahh it's a phone game! So it's on..whatever iPhone users use store and play store >u< It's really cute ! But yeah not a steam game haha
I will possibly do that yes yes... just gotta finish the commision first on my Mystic Messenger project first... I am still looking forward to seeing them! But there is no rush...if a brilliant idea just suddenly comes it will be really cool!
Yesss it is most likely what those cuties are thinking...I watched a few yesterday and my heart... "Va-KUUUM" so clever..
That is probably why ;u; and you would most likely make a great mom but a person has to be ready both mentally and financially. Can't just be good with kids and make one yourself and expect that to be smooth sailing...
Yeah! I didn't get all the best things as a kid, but I got enough ...but because of that my parents were almost never home cause they were working. Plus we never did any activities like cinema or go to a zoo or something.
Ahh that sounds awesome =w= what did you get ? What kind of a place was it??
Ahh Im usually good but when I went to japan I was sadly...not good. It was really different so most food made me feel sick TuT but also most the eating places were small and not that much fresh air so that didn't help ... Sometimes I jumped over dinner cause I'd feel bad ordering a meal and not eating more than like 1 piece...
Oh wow that's way different then... I'm going to the hobby store tomorrow so ..I'll ask my current roommate if she wants to try and make ice cream together *u*
That's nice that they included you in it !! *u* It's like taking a step into like a whole new world. I roleplayed like... when I was 12-14? But after that I stopped cause I started being really nervous bout talking to people...even online.. so reaching out to others for roleplays was impossible .. rip rip. Plus I was never good at keeping up with it more than 2 weeks? I get distracted too fast..
Well once you reach the number that you do, you can't flesh out as much xD
Boken sounds like a cool character *u* and she shared the "i care only if it benefits me" trait with my oc Bast... it makes a character feel much more real I think? And makes a great villain cause then it makes sense why they do things most people would consider bad.
Aww Boken... er.r... a bit bloody there...
T u T codes are confusing...I should've taken IT classes...
IKR ??? I JUST...AHHHHH ..screaming into the void
@kjemi: Seriously. I'm in debt for another 8 years or so. Yayyy. That's just my loans too, not including a house or a car.
It's rough, man. Super rough.
I would hope so. xD I'm not really sure how people could dump $100 on an adopt and not have money for other stuff??? Though, there's also people who save up for a specific adopt or do art and save up that way? I suppose it's like shopping for clothes though too, you know? People get addicted and get themselves into debt and whatnot.
Maybe!!! Q VQ !!
YEAH! Exactly. Like I have a Tara and Taryn. Because they were both named Tara and some point and it fit one better than the other.
I generally know the names of my characters if I see a picture of them. q vqa It's the newer ones or names that I've changed. Something along those lines.
Ohhhh. I've never heard of it. @ w @ ;;
I HAVE AN IPHONE! Wait, what's the game about again? Neko something...
KDJSHgkdfgsd. Yeah, I feel like I'm more like an older sibling/friend to the children rather than a mother or teacher. That's generally my problem with classroom management. orz.
Good point! I mean, I've had experience working with the small ones, so I have the general idea of taking care of children? I'm sure it will be completely different when I actually have the child, but I know a lot of the basic stuff.
Oh man. I pretty much have the same type of childhood. We didn't really go out. The only "vacation" that I got was my aunt and uncle took us to Medieval Times and to the Poconos in PA. That was the extent of what I got. That was like 3-4 days every day.
Uhhh. We had Chicken and waffles, a "big mac" pizza, and chicken parm hero with french fries. I didn't manage to eat everything, but omg so good. Seemed like an Italian/American type menu? xD There was pastas and burgers and tons of different kind of pizzas.
Oh yikes. D:
That sounds awesome! Let me know if it's good when you make it!!
Yeah. ;;;; I'm really appreciative for them, even though I don't talk to them anymore. qvq
I think mine was in middle school-ish? So I was around the same age as well. o:
There was only certain times when I could log in, but I tried to get in at least once a day to respond. My writing wasn't as good as theirs, so generally my responses were pretty short. orz.
She is really cool!
It's an interesting development, honestly. At first she was just a maniac, but she's developed more over time.
She's a doctor later in her story. Q VQ A surgeon more like it. So she went from underground to out in the public, but still has a similar approach to life... as well as keeping her children safe. > > ;;
They really are though. I don't understand it myself. Props to anyone who can understand it.
It's rough, man. Super rough.
I would hope so. xD I'm not really sure how people could dump $100 on an adopt and not have money for other stuff??? Though, there's also people who save up for a specific adopt or do art and save up that way? I suppose it's like shopping for clothes though too, you know? People get addicted and get themselves into debt and whatnot.
Maybe!!! Q VQ !!
YEAH! Exactly. Like I have a Tara and Taryn. Because they were both named Tara and some point and it fit one better than the other.
I generally know the names of my characters if I see a picture of them. q vqa It's the newer ones or names that I've changed. Something along those lines.
Ohhhh. I've never heard of it. @ w @ ;;
I HAVE AN IPHONE! Wait, what's the game about again? Neko something...
KDJSHgkdfgsd. Yeah, I feel like I'm more like an older sibling/friend to the children rather than a mother or teacher. That's generally my problem with classroom management. orz.
Good point! I mean, I've had experience working with the small ones, so I have the general idea of taking care of children? I'm sure it will be completely different when I actually have the child, but I know a lot of the basic stuff.
Oh man. I pretty much have the same type of childhood. We didn't really go out. The only "vacation" that I got was my aunt and uncle took us to Medieval Times and to the Poconos in PA. That was the extent of what I got. That was like 3-4 days every day.
Uhhh. We had Chicken and waffles, a "big mac" pizza, and chicken parm hero with french fries. I didn't manage to eat everything, but omg so good. Seemed like an Italian/American type menu? xD There was pastas and burgers and tons of different kind of pizzas.
Oh yikes. D:
That sounds awesome! Let me know if it's good when you make it!!
Yeah. ;;;; I'm really appreciative for them, even though I don't talk to them anymore. qvq
I think mine was in middle school-ish? So I was around the same age as well. o:
There was only certain times when I could log in, but I tried to get in at least once a day to respond. My writing wasn't as good as theirs, so generally my responses were pretty short. orz.
She is really cool!
It's an interesting development, honestly. At first she was just a maniac, but she's developed more over time.
She's a doctor later in her story. Q VQ A surgeon more like it. So she went from underground to out in the public, but still has a similar approach to life... as well as keeping her children safe. > > ;;
They really are though. I don't understand it myself. Props to anyone who can understand it.
@Concentricity: AHhh I finished! I ...kinda forgot her glasses though since I looked at a picture without them. If you want I can add them, shouldn't be too hard ^^
@Yuracye: Ahhh so many loans TAT they are so scary.... I have a debt now too and they don't really teach us how to handle it in school // so google has to help
Yeah that sounds about right ... adgd I still want to get one ..I keep seeing so many cute ones but I don't have any poiiiiints.... what to do what to do...
i've never seen Taryn before, that sounds cool! I admire your remember over 200 ocs names must not be that easy.
Neko Atsume! If you look it up it might show up in like japanese letters... but if it has a picture of cute cats you're on the right track! It's a collection game...collect cute cats.
Ahh yeah, it would probably be different if it were your own kids haha ;u; It's pretty hard to find a good balance when you're looking after kids, at school or other places. I've been at a few camps looking after kids and it's really tough.
That sounds fun! the Medival times thing... not sure what Poconos is.... Still stuff like that I think is important for kids to do with their parents, doesn't need to expensive stuff either. Can be camping trips and so on. Just some family time >u<
Woaaah thats alot of food...lots of yummy sounding food @o@ from what I heard American /Italian places are pretty normal in NY.... err I have my info from Kitchen Nightmares and CSI:NY so I'm not sure if my sources are good haha...
I will let you know! First though we gotta clean up our fridge and freezer... we have quite a bit food we should eat.
It's sad to lose touch, but still nice to remember the old times with them and like think of how they made you the person you are *u*
Oh yes haha, people around that age don't really have the best writing...specially people like me that have english as our second language haha... I can only imagine what kind of typos I made back then. I 'm still amazed by people that write multiple parapraphs though! Like in just one reply... how do they think of so much happening??
Like a flower! Goes from a tiny seed into a complex thing that is really cool.
Wait...she's a doctor? Surgeon? Like a succsesful one? That's a bit unexpected from what I've heard of her....but also makes sense!
Yeah that sounds about right ... adgd I still want to get one ..I keep seeing so many cute ones but I don't have any poiiiiints.... what to do what to do...
i've never seen Taryn before, that sounds cool! I admire your remember over 200 ocs names must not be that easy.
Neko Atsume! If you look it up it might show up in like japanese letters... but if it has a picture of cute cats you're on the right track! It's a collection game...collect cute cats.
Ahh yeah, it would probably be different if it were your own kids haha ;u; It's pretty hard to find a good balance when you're looking after kids, at school or other places. I've been at a few camps looking after kids and it's really tough.
That sounds fun! the Medival times thing... not sure what Poconos is.... Still stuff like that I think is important for kids to do with their parents, doesn't need to expensive stuff either. Can be camping trips and so on. Just some family time >u<
Woaaah thats alot of food...lots of yummy sounding food @o@ from what I heard American /Italian places are pretty normal in NY.... err I have my info from Kitchen Nightmares and CSI:NY so I'm not sure if my sources are good haha...
I will let you know! First though we gotta clean up our fridge and freezer... we have quite a bit food we should eat.
It's sad to lose touch, but still nice to remember the old times with them and like think of how they made you the person you are *u*
Oh yes haha, people around that age don't really have the best writing...specially people like me that have english as our second language haha... I can only imagine what kind of typos I made back then. I 'm still amazed by people that write multiple parapraphs though! Like in just one reply... how do they think of so much happening??
Like a flower! Goes from a tiny seed into a complex thing that is really cool.
Wait...she's a doctor? Surgeon? Like a succsesful one? That's a bit unexpected from what I've heard of her....but also makes sense!
@Kjemi: Ahhh, it's ADORABLE!!!
But if you don't mind, I'd love the glasses on her. Sometimes I get her with her glasses off, but I'd love to see them on her in that one. :3
I'm sending you a trade now!
But if you don't mind, I'd love the glasses on her. Sometimes I get her with her glasses off, but I'd love to see them on her in that one. :3
I'm sending you a trade now!
@Concentricity: The glasses have been added so the new version has replaced the old one ^^ I am glad you think it's cute.
@Kjemi: YAY, thanks again SO MUCH! <3 *cuddles her new art*
@Concentricity: Ahh it was my pleasure to draw for you~! And I am very happy you like it, sorry if it took a while
@Kjemi: Not long at all! I have so many commissions I'm waiting of I was losing track. x_x I've already got it uploaded in my gallery! :)
@kjemi: It's really annoying, honestly. I'm lucky that mine didn't accumulate too much, but I still need to go for my masters so it's going to be a lot. x ___ x Financial aid doesn't cover that either. So, rip me.
They really don't. My school kept telling me that I we weren't going to be able to have a job while going through everything, so I didn't. Plus I didn't have a car, so it just didn't make sense. @ ___ @
SAME. I see tons of cute ones, but I literally have 0 points right now. I had 200, but then I commissioned my friend for a quick easy base thing because I figured I wouldn't be able to afford anything else.
Yeah! I wanted a variation of Tara, and I think Taryn just fit the character better!
I remember most of them. xD If I see a picture of them, I should know their name... unless they're relatively new. @ ___ _@
Just downloaded the game! I'll be playing it now. * U* ///
I will try and collect the cute cats. * Q* !!! I already got my first one!! Gotta go check later to see if I can nab another one with the watermelon ball thing that I put down. > > ;;;;
It's definitely going to be different. x ___ x; I mean, I keep saying that I'll be strict with them, but I might not when the time comes. I'll probably baby them and come running if they cry.
It really is though. I don't know how people can mange more than one sometimes. Like, damn,
I love Medieval Times! We go there as adults too, but I think it's really supposed to be for children. Idk, I have a good time. xD Good food and you get to see people actually fighting. It was great last time we went!
Poconos is just a place in Pennsylvania! Lots of forests and wildlife and snow and whatnot.
I thought it was really fun at the time! I mean, I was with my Aunt and Uncle, but would have been nice with my mom too.
Omg yes. It was so yummy. * Q* I want to go back eventually. Right now I really want sushi or Chinese food though.
There's TONS of Italian places on the island and in the city. @ ___ @ There's really only a few german restaurants though, which are personally my favorite. Ahhhhh.
I suppose so. I wouldn't be the person I am today if I didn't meet those people, so in that sense it's good.
My writing used to be horrible, but I slowed got better over time. I don't think I'm amazing yet, but it's good enough to hold up a basic RP, I guess.
I only have english as my primary language, but I wish I could learn another language. x ___ x ; I've tried Spanish and German so far, and a bit of Japanese. But, I'm really teaching myself the language and no one else talks with me so I end up stopping from learning them. /shrugs
Yes! * U* ///
Well, it's a lot later in her storyline, before she even has kids. She figures that she'll need to provide for her kids, get along with the community and whatnot to really remain safe. If she stays with people who don't have abilities, they can't do much or talk about anything that would pull her from that position.
They really don't. My school kept telling me that I we weren't going to be able to have a job while going through everything, so I didn't. Plus I didn't have a car, so it just didn't make sense. @ ___ @
SAME. I see tons of cute ones, but I literally have 0 points right now. I had 200, but then I commissioned my friend for a quick easy base thing because I figured I wouldn't be able to afford anything else.
Yeah! I wanted a variation of Tara, and I think Taryn just fit the character better!
I remember most of them. xD If I see a picture of them, I should know their name... unless they're relatively new. @ ___ _@
Just downloaded the game! I'll be playing it now. * U* ///
I will try and collect the cute cats. * Q* !!! I already got my first one!! Gotta go check later to see if I can nab another one with the watermelon ball thing that I put down. > > ;;;;
It's definitely going to be different. x ___ x; I mean, I keep saying that I'll be strict with them, but I might not when the time comes. I'll probably baby them and come running if they cry.
It really is though. I don't know how people can mange more than one sometimes. Like, damn,
I love Medieval Times! We go there as adults too, but I think it's really supposed to be for children. Idk, I have a good time. xD Good food and you get to see people actually fighting. It was great last time we went!
Poconos is just a place in Pennsylvania! Lots of forests and wildlife and snow and whatnot.
I thought it was really fun at the time! I mean, I was with my Aunt and Uncle, but would have been nice with my mom too.
Omg yes. It was so yummy. * Q* I want to go back eventually. Right now I really want sushi or Chinese food though.
There's TONS of Italian places on the island and in the city. @ ___ @ There's really only a few german restaurants though, which are personally my favorite. Ahhhhh.
I suppose so. I wouldn't be the person I am today if I didn't meet those people, so in that sense it's good.
My writing used to be horrible, but I slowed got better over time. I don't think I'm amazing yet, but it's good enough to hold up a basic RP, I guess.
I only have english as my primary language, but I wish I could learn another language. x ___ x ; I've tried Spanish and German so far, and a bit of Japanese. But, I'm really teaching myself the language and no one else talks with me so I end up stopping from learning them. /shrugs
Yes! * U* ///
Well, it's a lot later in her storyline, before she even has kids. She figures that she'll need to provide for her kids, get along with the community and whatnot to really remain safe. If she stays with people who don't have abilities, they can't do much or talk about anything that would pull her from that position.
@Yuracye: Waaah you have even more left ?!?!? D: Ahh it sounds so rough there... it's amazing that you've gotten as far as you've gotten!!
sagdh 0 points..I have 180 points I think.... I dream of the day I have more ... enough to buy the cute adoptables that I want....
Tara ...I think someone I know has a dog called Tara, but I'm not sure? I just...think of a cute dog when I hear that name... xD Taryn sounds super cool though.. And it's pretty amazing that you can remember so much *o* even though they are your ocs its just..soo much info for your brain to remember
Ahhh welcome to the neko atsume club >u< there are tons of cute cats and their personalities are so cute and I love them so much. Some are based on real cats btw...wink wink
I think that's what alot of moms do xD like a secret button is turned on and you become your kids slave?? At least for a while ahh.. and I think I'm not even wrong? I know a hormone is released when people become moms that makes them care for the babies even more? o-o
Ahhh that does sound super awesome and like a fun activity for all ages ^^ Do people dress up?
Ahhh so that's what it is... nature is the cheapest attraction most of the time haha *o* did you go hiking alot?
Ahh favourite... I love sushi so much for some odd reason... I just like fish and rice so I suppose is natural I like fish with rice haha.. yesterday I had fried noodles with chicken *o* most restaurants here are some sort of asian foods or stuff like kebab and pizza. Not much otherwise
That is the way I think as well *o* every person brings in something new in your life that makes you the person you are... so freaky.
I think your english is great, but this comes from someone that has english as a second language and still struggles at times to remember basic words.
Ahhh yeah its hard to learn a language on your own. The best way to keep up the uuh interest and learning is to watch TV in that language ! Or try to like read simple articles or books to get it in ^^
She's a smart coookie, a very smart cookie. A very good 'villain'! I rate her 10/10
sagdh 0 points..I have 180 points I think.... I dream of the day I have more ... enough to buy the cute adoptables that I want....
Tara ...I think someone I know has a dog called Tara, but I'm not sure? I just...think of a cute dog when I hear that name... xD Taryn sounds super cool though.. And it's pretty amazing that you can remember so much *o* even though they are your ocs its just..soo much info for your brain to remember
Ahhh welcome to the neko atsume club >u< there are tons of cute cats and their personalities are so cute and I love them so much. Some are based on real cats btw...wink wink
I think that's what alot of moms do xD like a secret button is turned on and you become your kids slave?? At least for a while ahh.. and I think I'm not even wrong? I know a hormone is released when people become moms that makes them care for the babies even more? o-o
Ahhh that does sound super awesome and like a fun activity for all ages ^^ Do people dress up?
Ahhh so that's what it is... nature is the cheapest attraction most of the time haha *o* did you go hiking alot?
Ahh favourite... I love sushi so much for some odd reason... I just like fish and rice so I suppose is natural I like fish with rice haha.. yesterday I had fried noodles with chicken *o* most restaurants here are some sort of asian foods or stuff like kebab and pizza. Not much otherwise
That is the way I think as well *o* every person brings in something new in your life that makes you the person you are... so freaky.
I think your english is great, but this comes from someone that has english as a second language and still struggles at times to remember basic words.
Ahhh yeah its hard to learn a language on your own. The best way to keep up the uuh interest and learning is to watch TV in that language ! Or try to like read simple articles or books to get it in ^^
She's a smart coookie, a very smart cookie. A very good 'villain'! I rate her 10/10
@kjemi: Yeah. D; Teachers are required to get their masters degrees within 5 years of certification? Something like that.
@ ___ @
And I only have my bachelors degree right now. n ___ n ;;;
To be honest, I'm pretty surprised myself?? Like the farthest my mom and dad got was high school, my grandfather was a high school drop out. My older brother did a BOCES for half a semester and that's as much education my family has been through. xD I'm pretty proud of myself sometimes.
The struggle is real. D; I had 400 points at one point but spent 200 on a small adopt and then spent another 200 on an art piece thing. /shrugs.
I'm sure one day you will!!
The only Tara I can think of (besides my OC) is Tara from Teen Titans??? I loved her character when I first saw her, so I've always had a soft spot for the name??
I have a really bad memory, which is surprising when I can remember all this stuff. Maybe I just have my head filled with all OC stuff and there's not enough room for everything else. RIP.
YAYY! I haven't really gotten any new kitties because my data is dead so I can't check it at work/on the road and I also forget to check them. orz.
omg really. Is grump cat in there? LIL BUB? Q VQ !!!
Literally seems like it. I was even talking with my students today and we were talking about the book "Esperanza Rising" and there's one part in the book where the girl doesn't know how to change a diaper or wash clothes or sweep. So, I was telling the kids that when I was around 8 years old, I already knew how to do my own laundry and do dishes and whatnot and they were saying they knew how too? LIKE PARENTS PLS LET UR CHILDREN AT LEAST FOCUS ON HOMEWORK. pls.
There might be. Idk.
I feel like not many people too, but I'm sure there has been as some point. Really only the actors dress up. Everyone wears these paper crown things that they give out though. So, there's that.
Nah. I'm not really an outdoor type person. Mosquitos seem to be attracted to me, and the whole fainting thing... so not much at all. xD
Omg, I've only recently gotten into sushi, so I'm experiencing everything. * q * !!
Oh dang. There's so much variety here. Ahhhhh.
Hahaha. I would hope I'd be at least half decent considering it's the only language I know.
I've been trying to learn Spanish and German (mostly from high school) but no one else knows the language so I end up becoming defeated and stop using it altogether. /shrugs
I can read them fine... it's just understanding and translating them is the trouble. x ____ x
YES! I'm glad you agree! * U* !!
@ ___ @
And I only have my bachelors degree right now. n ___ n ;;;
To be honest, I'm pretty surprised myself?? Like the farthest my mom and dad got was high school, my grandfather was a high school drop out. My older brother did a BOCES for half a semester and that's as much education my family has been through. xD I'm pretty proud of myself sometimes.
The struggle is real. D; I had 400 points at one point but spent 200 on a small adopt and then spent another 200 on an art piece thing. /shrugs.
I'm sure one day you will!!
The only Tara I can think of (besides my OC) is Tara from Teen Titans??? I loved her character when I first saw her, so I've always had a soft spot for the name??
I have a really bad memory, which is surprising when I can remember all this stuff. Maybe I just have my head filled with all OC stuff and there's not enough room for everything else. RIP.
YAYY! I haven't really gotten any new kitties because my data is dead so I can't check it at work/on the road and I also forget to check them. orz.
omg really. Is grump cat in there? LIL BUB? Q VQ !!!
Literally seems like it. I was even talking with my students today and we were talking about the book "Esperanza Rising" and there's one part in the book where the girl doesn't know how to change a diaper or wash clothes or sweep. So, I was telling the kids that when I was around 8 years old, I already knew how to do my own laundry and do dishes and whatnot and they were saying they knew how too? LIKE PARENTS PLS LET UR CHILDREN AT LEAST FOCUS ON HOMEWORK. pls.
There might be. Idk.
I feel like not many people too, but I'm sure there has been as some point. Really only the actors dress up. Everyone wears these paper crown things that they give out though. So, there's that.
Nah. I'm not really an outdoor type person. Mosquitos seem to be attracted to me, and the whole fainting thing... so not much at all. xD
Omg, I've only recently gotten into sushi, so I'm experiencing everything. * q * !!
Oh dang. There's so much variety here. Ahhhhh.
Hahaha. I would hope I'd be at least half decent considering it's the only language I know.
I've been trying to learn Spanish and German (mostly from high school) but no one else knows the language so I end up becoming defeated and stop using it altogether. /shrugs
I can read them fine... it's just understanding and translating them is the trouble. x ____ x
YES! I'm glad you agree! * U* !!
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