Fae Says --->
@Boss Rimi: I swear I have like 6 empty water bottles scattered under the pillows and stuff on my bed bc I keep them next to me when I sleep, and when I can't find one to refill it I just go get another one...
@Laufeia: a safe bet lol I really only eat cow and fish; I'll eat chicken too but it is...not my fav...and I eat almost 0 pork products bc I just Don't Like how they taste xP

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Boss Rimi: I swear I have like 6 empty water bottles scattered under the pillows and stuff on my bed bc I keep them next to me when I sleep, and when I can't find one to refill it I just go get another one...
@Laufeia: a safe bet lol I really only eat cow and fish; I'll eat chicken too but it is...not my fav...and I eat almost 0 pork products bc I just Don't Like how they taste xP

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery