@tsundererra: actually I do not remember if I bought any items.. I just know that I saved up A LOT to get them
and yes @snakeweaver: I used to be a member there
@Deaa: Think I found the original place and creator for your moon-gif ( https://picsart.com/i/gif-pink-kawaii-pixels-pixelated-interesting-pinksky-205450069000202?hl=en)
Donator — Sea Snake
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/5 23:02:37 )
People still do beauty sleeps? o-o
@TeaTales:Ahhh... I was lost tears on there ^^; I only get upset about loosing my old account there because... I ran a charity, so all the donations to it vanished along with that account.
Donator — Trashboat
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/6 00:32:32 )
@vengeance: rubbing lavender and cbd on my back always seems to help =3= took a hot shower n feel a little better . My back never seems to give me a dang break >:(
Donator — Sea Snake
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/6 00:43:52 )
@Totalanimefan: I've heard. There's so many funny pictures out there of pokemon popping up in hilarious places! And you can make your own avatar too~ x///x I'd love to make something to represent me... I donno what i'd pick if I ever got a cell phone. Maybe team instinct?
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/6 01:30:03 )
@SnakeWeaver: Hahaha, do you just watch them do all of that? xD
@Totalanimefan: At least it sounds like you had a good time today. And thanks~ though my posting speed will probably cool down now that there’s no event.