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Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/8 02:21:26 )

@Deaa: Thanks for the link! They’re decent priced and they’re scented! Nioxin is what the salons sell... and they’re expensive and smell medicinal and minty. I’m finding that the Biotin has been making my nails grow fast as well.
I feel like curly haired people have to work harder to take care of their hair, so I don’t blame you. I’ve resorted to bunning my hair because I just don’t have the energy these days... did you do the big chop to wean off of relaxers? Or just for an overall fresh start? :D But I’m glad you’ve been heat-free!
You better write a short story about what goes on after the book. ;A; I’m so invested in this relationship now, I’m thirsty for more details when it happens.
And omg, xD I better make Aniya’s face less dead looking than Derik’s hair model, for the sake of your friends. Almost finished~ I always have a hard time knowing when to stop...

@Kairu: What kind of work do you do? :D And nuuuuuuuuu!!! You must draw!!! You could try to do someone from the Draw the Avi Above You thread, or look at this one Art thread in the undercurrent that gives you random prompts.


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/8 04:50:17 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@tsundererra: granted, as someone who used to bite their nails to the nubs in January, i'm very glad about that my nails are long enough to paint on their own, however i'd much rather love for my hair to be longer than for my nails to be long/er *shrugs*
BRUH if I could put my hair in a bun every day, i'd be doing that right now! so I don't blame you either xD

I had a very interesting big chop cause I was going to transition the entire time but then my hair matted up while I was washing it one night and then I couldn't untangle it no matter how much conditioner I put in it, then all of a sudden I called my mom and she took me over my cousin's and she cut my hair off, it was highkey traumatic af cause I was nowhere near ready, but here I am :'D

I mean if you're into explicit stuff, there's gonna be an explicit bts type of thing cause I started writing this as a super adult "romance" novel that turned into more fantasy than sexy stuff, so i'm thinking a official sexy doujin type thing

honestly the more you work on it, the more i'll tip you, so I have no problem with it xD


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/10 22:27:43 )

@Deaa: Sorry for the delay in posting. I decided to draw the hair on the actual pic since her head is at an angle, so I’d be wasting my time if I drew it facing forward, and then got stuck trying to transition it like that. Her hair is done, but then I got distracted trying to put Derik’s hair on the actual pic. xD I put a basic, plain tiara on her because I didn’t know if you had a specific design in mind. I’ll post a cropped version of Aniya and her hair in a moment...

I used to chew my nails to nothing too. It was probably because I was such an anxious kid. I’m glad to have nails again, but it feels like I’m clipping them twice a week because of the biotin. ;o; And I’d trade my nail growth for some hair growth any day. xD

Omg, I didn’t know that was the cause of your big chop! D’: I’m so sorry! I had a big chop when I got my mom’s round brush stuck in my hair as a kiddo. That trauma is hard to forget. )’x

I’m all about the explicit stuff. Yaaaasssssss give me some filthy bits with my romance. xD I wish there was a safe space on Voltra to post 18+ stuff.


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/10 23:51:02 )


Ok so this is drawn on the actual WIP drawing, so let me know if you want something about her face/expression changed too.


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/11 23:08:05 )

@tsundererra: nah I haven't designed the tiaras and crowns yet ; A; idk where to do that since I mostly work with dollmakers
LMAO I feel you on that! my nails grow way to fast now all of a sudden!
im gonna start taking my biotin more frequently so my hair can catch up to my nails ; A;

it is highly traumatic tho! I would've loved to transition and get to a point where I was comfortable with cutting my hair off, so I totally get it lol it was very rough for me and I cried a lot cause of very low self-esteem, but i'm doing a hell of a lot better now

oh great! i'll def let you know when filthy bits are ready to read xD

AHAHHAHAHHAHHAH I love her face, can her nose be a rounded and a little wider?

I would give anything for you to shine down on me


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/13 01:33:24 )

@Deaa: You can find pics of real tiaras that you like, and I can try to make one from scratch for you. I just didn’t know if the royals of their country would have gems in their crown, have it intricately designed, etc.

Oh man, I remember I cried when they chopped my curls off because of that round brush accident. It’s never fun to have an unexpected, unwanted change in appearance. I’m glad you’re feeling much better now about your hair and self-image.

Omg, pls do remember to send me all the stuff. xD I’m always ready for it.

LOL, I looooove big, pouty lips. I mixed the hairstyle from what you’ve said and from a couple of pics you sent me. The hair is going to look less messy when I do the actual line art and color it.
I went ahead and finished Aniya’s WIP (Derik is next to her, but he is still under construction xD).

So I rounded out her nose and made it wider like you wanted. Let me know if it’s to your liking.
I realized parts of her clothes didn’t look winter-friendly (I blame the dollmaker for not having more choices), so I made her sleeves longer and tucked them into some fur lined gloves. Made her boots more snow-friendly and made her pants longer and tucked them into the boots. The flowy part of her top and the belt I made amendments too, same for the cloaks fur lined all the way). Let me know if you want stuffs changed. You can also throw reference pics at me if you want it changed to something really different. Let me know if you want her pose changed too.
And I’ve finished J’Noah’s line art and have been coloring her (just so you know I haven’t forgotten about her xD). She’ll probably be finished soon.


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/14 01:32:05 )

@tsundererra: lol dang now you got me looking into tiara designs... i'm wondering if snowflakes are too corny o3o;;
if it's too corny, i'll probably do leaves cause i'm thinking about a type of tree for the symbol/flag/etc. of Ilonia
for Zelyra, i'm not too sure, i'll have to think on that some more
i kinda like it as just a metal band for this one, i think i'll save the leaves/snowflakes for like a ball design or something

yeaaa me too, it took a while, but i'm finally comfortable ; u; how's your hair saving quest going?

GR888 another perv to share my pervy thoughts with <3

oooh yay messy hair~ THANK YOU for the edits to the outfit, making it more wintery, thank you thank you, cause she looks so warm!
and yes, the nose looks great! I'm just really sooooo damn excited, i can't stress it enough


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/14 03:17:43 )

@Deaa: Haha, sorry if I’m making you do too much research. I can try to implement a low key snowflake design, and if you don’t like it I can take it off, it doesn’t sound corny at all. Though omg, a leafy branchy crown would be gorgeous, but I agree that that’s more of a ball gown fancy occasion type of thing.

I got the NaturAll Club growth serum you recommended. Haven’t used it yet, but I’m excited to get some growing started.

I’m glad you like the clothing changes. xD I didn’t know how attached you were to the dollmaker version, so I changed only what was necessary.


Donator — UWU/ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/14 03:52:57 )
tsun tsun tsun
dere dere dere


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/14 20:39:16 )

@tsundererra: LOL no thank you for all your questions, you're helping me think this stuff through a lot more thoroughly than i initially would have
as well as make decisions quicker and more efficiently!
i'll let you know when i do a ballgown/fancy designs for them all, just so you can see it and use you very great input if you want

definitely look at some of the youtube vid tutorials/reviews for the avocado packs and the serums~
there's a bunch of them cause everybody's like 'man this stuff can't be that good----OMG THIS SHIT IS THAT GOOD"

not very attached at all lol i threw the whole "keep it exactly" crap away when i realized how limited dollmakers can be

@ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
looking to buy: ARIES

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/14 22:37:46 )

@Kairu: Hello again, Kairu daaaahling. ;D

@Deaa: I’m glad this is helping with designing your world visually with small details. And I’d love to see what you have planned with the fancy clothes. I’m glad you’re willing to even hear my input about them. :’)
I usually draw what I see unless I know the client isn’t married to the original design reference, and I know for sure my changes would help them.

I used to use avocado hair masks when my hair was healthier. I’m scared to use them since my parrot likes to nest in my hair, and avocado is deadly to them... I’m paranoid I won’t wash well enough one day or that even the residue is enough to hurt him. I’ve been doing egg yolk treatments. But they’ve only helped with making my hair shinier. ;~; I used the serum today, so we’ll see how well this magical serum works. xD My hair is thirsty for help.


Donator — UWU/ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/14 23:07:39 )
what is alice tsun doing? ouo

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/14 23:53:28 )

@Kairu: ;o; Translating stuffs. My head feels like it’s going to explode. xD What have you been up to?


Donator — UWU/ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/15 00:34:38 )
@Tsundererra: im on break now. will see you in discord? ouo
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/15 01:28:05 )

@Kairu: Sorry, I got too focused on work. I have the discord app on my phone, so feel free to message me whenever. xD


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/2 10:05:41 )

xD Thank you~ You’d be surprised how many times I’ve heard that. ;A; But idk how to advertise more than I am.


Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/9 01:41:22 )

@Tsundererra: Did we ever agree on a payment for the art you said you wanted to do of Angela....?
I seriously have no idea. XD

♯ Obsession \\ Rejection \\ Your final breath \\ is now my possession ♯

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/9 01:51:37 )

@Amber Lynne: I don’t think we did because I wanted to look through the rest of your characters first, but I really do like Angela a lot. I updated my quest list, so it’s better to go to my quest thread for the updated list (link is in my sig).
Did you want it the same style I drew Hazel?
I still have to finish Deaa’s 2 arts, but I can try to do yours in between her’s since your’s will be easier and faster. I just got swamped with work, and then got hit with artist block right when I have time again. ;o;


Donator — Female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/9 01:53:56 )

@Tsundererra: No no. Don't make alterations on account of me!
If you want to keep looking through all the characters (I dunno if you got through 'em all XD) then feel free! Just lemme know when you know who you definitely wanna doodle!
Beyond that, yeah. Ideally, something like with Hazel.
And I'll see what I got to throw at ya for an offer =)

♯ Obsession \\ Rejection \\ Your final breath \\ is now my possession ♯
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/9 02:04:35 )

@Amber Lynne: I just took a look at your characters. It’s definitely between Angela, Cassandra, or Dimitra. I like that no one else has drawn Angela yet, but Cassandra and Dimitra are just as nice and don’t have too many people who have tried to draw them. Wondering if I should let RNG decide for me. xD


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

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