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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/5 03:21:31 )
Allen at some point stared at the falling snow as if actually watching it. A memory flashed by in his mind and he held his head. The memory of watching snow before getting attacked and being left to die in the snow as it turned red. Zero cautiously approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you alright?" He asked cautiously, ready to act if needed. Allen smirked some. "I saw it.. Briefly.. But I saw the snow falling." He chuckled. "Then it was bleeding."

"I haven't seen snow since everything went black.." He murmured. Maybe the tea really could bring back his eye-sight. Zero raised and glanced at Kaneko briefly. "C'mon, time to get inside." He said to her calmly, mostly worried of him having a breakdown of something. Those types of memories were never good for someone's sanity.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/5 04:41:20 )
Kaneko's face wore a worried expression. She was watching Allen closely and saw when he held his head. "Allen?" She asked quietly but looked at Zero and nodded. "Alright, let's go. I'm getting cold anyway. I'll make some hot chocolate. I wonder if we have the mini marshmallows." She said to herself as she walked away and into the clean home. Kaneko picked up some firewood and set it down into the fireplace then lit a fire and walked to the kitchen to start on some hot chocolate. When she had gone to pick up some things at the stores, she had picked up a box or two or candy canes. Even though she couldn't share with anyone, traditions were hard to let go of. The house was instantly filled with warmth thanks to the fireplace that had roared to life.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/5 04:52:28 )
Zero nodded and led Allen back inside the warm house and helped him to the living room where he could sit. Hot coco sounded really good right now. Then he got a blanket and carefully draped it over Kaneko's shoulders, since she had mentioned being cold. He was chilly, but he wasn't really cold.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/5 05:20:15 )
Kaneko was getting the things ready for the hot chocolate, shivering softly and stopping to rub her hands together. When she felt the blanket draped over her shoulders, she blushed and looked at Zero then smiled. "Thank-you Zero." She said and thought for a moment before asking, "Would you like some hot chocolate?" She wondered if Allen wanted some as well, but she also assumed he didn't want human food anymore since he was going out to feed more often now.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/6 02:58:45 )
"You're welcome." He said when she thanked him for the blanket. Zero smirked and nodded lightly. "Hot chocolate sounds good, and I bet Allen would like some too right about now." He said, hinting to her it might help him cheer up.

Allen closed his eyes and tried to relax for the moment. His eyes were starting to bother him since getting a glimpse of the snow. It had been so long.. Even if he could see again, his eyes would need to adjust.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/6 03:17:03 )
Kaneko grinned and nodded. Right away she lowered three mugs for them and prepared the hot chocolate. When it was finally ready, she poured it into the three mugs and added some mini marshmallows on top. Afterwards, she slipped a peppermint candy cane into the hot chocolate and sighed softly. It reminded her of Christmas time at home.

"Careful, it's really hot." She said quietly and pulled the blanket tighter around her. Kaneko set the mugs down on a wooden tray and carefully walked to the living room where she set it down on the small coffee table. "Here's your hot chocolate Zero." She said, gently handing it over to him once he sat on the couch. Then she picked up another mug and turned to look at Allen. "Allen, I made you some too." She told him quietly. Her hands held the hot mug and she softly blew on it a few times then reached for his hand to help him grab the mug.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/14 18:11:58 )
Zero smirked some as he watched Kaneko make each of them a cup of coco, actually smiling a little once she came over with the cups on a tray. "Thank you." He said as he carefully picked up one of the cups and slowly inhaled the sweet scent of chocolate and peppermint from the candy cane.

Allen lifted his head some when she spoke and carefully held the warm mug. "Hot chocolate with peppermint?" He asked curiously, given the sweet smell and warmth of the mug. He smiled some and leaned up just enough to gently kiss her cheek. "Thank you, Kaneko." He murmured quietly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/14 18:48:16 )
Kaneko smiled and looked at Allen when he spoke up. "That it is." She answered with a nod of her head. Having two men in the family was something she wasn't used to, but it wasn't bad. Zero felt like an older brother she never had similar to an old friend back home. He was a good person, with good intentions. She blushed when Allen kissed her cheek, and felt like a fool for blushing over every little act of kindness. "My mother used to make us some of this around this time. That was years ago though." She shrugged. "It always helps put me in the holiday spirit."

Jax was staying at a hotel in the town near where Kaneko was supposedly staying. Her father hadn't told him who else wast staying with her. Just mentioned it was a friend. He went over the plan in his head with a frown. He really didn't want to do this, but he didn't want his mother to suffer either and family always came first.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/14 19:47:13 )
Allen smiled as she spoke about her mother used to make her hot coco inn the winter time. He still didn't entirely understand what holiday spirit was, but she was happy and that made him happy. He carefully sipped from his coco and savored the taste. It was really good, and his child like expression showed it. Zero chuckled. "First time having hot coco?" He teased some, sipping from his own mug.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/14 20:24:31 )
Kaneko watched Allen drink some of the hot cocoa, and she wondered what he though. The look on his face said it all though. He like it! "Is it really Allen?" She asked curiously. It brought to mind what other things he had missed out on. She would have asked, but she assumed he wouldn't even remember. Her hand reached out and her fingers combed through his hair once affectionately then she took s sip of her own hot cocoa. "Some people add whipped cream to it and melted white chocolate. That one is really good too. Makes it much sweeter though."

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/14 21:24:12 )
Allen shook his head. "No.. It's just the first time I've enjoyed it this much." He murmured quietly. He listened to her words and lifted his head. "We should do that next time, so I can try it." He said softly with a small smile. Zero chuckled. "You suddenly got a sweet tooth?" He asked teasingly. Allen chuckled quietly, catching it.

Later that night after everyone had eaten dinner, and Allen had laid down after drinking some herb tea, Zero stepped outside to take a look around. He wasn't sure if Kaneko had laid down or not so he did his best to be quiet in case she had. Something was eating at him, a feeling if you wanted to say.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/15 09:24:12 )
Kaneko had washed the dishes and walked to their room to lay down and get some much needed sleep. She was exhausted, and really cold. She had curled up into a little ball in bed right beside Allen. Jax tried calling her, but it seemed her phone was no longer in service. Which meant she must have gotten a new one. "Smart Kaneko. But not smart enough."

He knew where she was, but he wasn't stupid either. He couldn't go armed. That would give him away quickly. He'd need to go just as plainly as possible. No need to attract suspicion. It was really cold out, the snow was falling, it was really beautiful out. He could see why she would run to hide here. It was pretty unknown this place. The snow crunched beneath his feet as he approached the cabin, he heard footsteps in the distance. Was she awake? It was pretty late though, what would she be doing up at this hour?

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/15 16:43:55 )
Allen had shifted in his sleep, almost wrapping himself around Kaneko instinctively. However, as he felt an unknown presence nearby he was woken from his blissful sleep and simply laid there.

Zero lifted his head as he heard the snow crunch as if someone were nearby, and then he caught the scent of the stranger. He smirked some and slowly followed the scent of the boy until he could vaguely see him. "It's a little late to be out wandering in the snow, don't you think kid?"

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/15 21:50:06 )
Jax looked towards the sound of the voice and frowned. "Yes..I guess you're right. But you're doing the same thing." He answered and rubbed his hands together. "I'm looking for a friend of mine. I've tried calling and it seems they got rid of their phone. You can't blame me for worrying. I was told that they live around here, but I wasn't given an exact address. Seeing as how there's a cabin here, I thought maybe they lived here." He explained calmly. He didn't want to accidentally rile up a stranger. What if the stranger was armed? "Maybe you could help me?"

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/16 01:58:45 )
Zero chuckled quietly at his comment. How were they doing the same thing? Ignorance surely was bliss. He rose an eyebrow as the guy spoke. He heard he had a friend who lived out here.. How the hell did he head that? No one even knew.. His thoughts halted as he remembered watching Allen fighting with someone. A hunter. Was there a connection? Zero shook His head some after thinking for a moment. "I live here, and I haven't seen anyone else around recently.." He answered casually, get ing no indication that he was lying. "What's their name? I might be able to help, but I can't promise."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/16 02:10:30 )
Jax frowned, "Oh.." He said softly. So she wasn't here? Where could she have run off to? Why? Her father didn't tell him anything other than to bring her back home unharmed. Why had she run away in the first place? "Her name is Kaneko. We're childhood friends. I lived across the street from her growing up. But I visited her house and it's empty. I called her phone but it's not working and I'm starting to worry. I asked around one has seen her. I went to her work and all her boss told me was that she was moving, but she didn't tell me where exactly." Any help would be very appreciated. While he felt bad about this, he did worry about Kaneko. She was like a sister to him, if nothing more. Of course he would worry about her.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/16 02:32:50 )
So He was looking for her after all.. He wanted to ask how he knew she was here, without giving away himself away..what to do? Zero rubbed the back of his neck. "The name isn't familiar, I'm sorry I couldn't be more help.. Tell ya what, let me walk you back to wherever you're staying and we can talk about this Kaneko. Maybe I've seen her an just didn't realize it." He offered, trying to be polite.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/16 02:42:20 )
He hadn't heard of her? Jax was upset, not at him, but at the fact that maybe Kaneko had hidden herself away much better than her father had anticipated. "Really?" He asked and scratched the back of his head. A puff of smoke leaving his lips whenever he spoke. "Maybe I need to ask around back home some more. She must have told someone. I just don't understand why she didn't tell me.." He looked up towards the stranger offering help and nodded. "Okay, that would be nice thanks."

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/16 03:03:04 )
Zero nodded some and slowly approached him. "These parts aren't safe at night, you never know when you might run into a wolf." He said truthfully. "It sounds to me like me she wanted to break ties and get a fresh start." He said quietly when they began to walk away from the cabin. Now, he didn't know everything, or about Kaneko's father tracking her, only that Allen brought her here to protect her. From what, he wasn't entirely sure of other than the council. "What can you tell me about her?" He asked.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/16 03:18:49 )
Jax walked alongside the stranger. He wasn't totally comfortable but this person was the only one willing to help him. So he had to be brave. "Right..wouldn't want that." Not when he had a sick mother to take care of. "Maybe she did. Maybe you're right. Regardless...I hope she's okay." Jax listened to the snow crunch beneath their feet and when the stranger asked for information on Kaneko, he nodded. "Well, she's a very lovely girl. Fair skin. About this high.." He said, indicating with his hand. "Her hair is black, short. She is naive. Trusts anyone, wants to help the entire world. Spoiled, but humble at the same time. Came from a loving family. But...her parents divorced when she was still young. I don't know why, no one knew and if they did they chose not to say. She is stubborn. Once she sets her mind to do something, there is no convincing her otherwise."

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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