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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/6 03:11:18 )
Allen fell quiet as if deep in thought. After sitting there a moment, he slowly finished off his juice and set down the before standing with the help of his chair. His eyes were bothering him, as well as his head beginning to hurt and he could feel his craving coming back, but he tried to push all things back. He needed to focus. "Maybe.. This is where Iived .." He murmured quietly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/6 04:20:37 )
The silence was killing her. What was going through that beautiful mind of his? Kaneko watched him in silence. Watched him get up on his own. She instinctively stood up as well and slowly gathered up the dishes to take them to the sink. His comment reached her ears, "You think you might have lived here before you lived in the manor?" She asked him softly. Maybe that was why he had wanted to live here. Maybe subconsciously he led her back here because it was an old home of his. One that he may have felt safe in before.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/6 04:37:51 )
Allen listened to the sound of her feet when she got up and gathered the dishes, then took them to the sink for washing. He nodded lightly to her voice and slowly followed her over to the sink with the help of the table, chairs and counters. "Perhaps.." He murmured quietly, wishing he could remember more about his life before he was turned. Then something clicked. "Snow.." He murmured. "The last thing I saw before losing my sight was snow.." He murmured quietly. "All this time I thought it was snow from where I lived before.. But it never showed there.. I must've come back here when that hunter found me." Allen had a theoretical idea in his head as he spoke.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/6 06:52:10 )
The water was cold, but she didn't mind it. Kaneko busied herself in cleaning the dishes, but she kept listening to what Allen was saying. It was true, he had told her that the last thing he had seen was snow. He told her that he had found it beautiful. "Yes, I remember you did mention that." She answered, nodding her head as she scrubbed the dishes clean. "So you grew up here, moved to the manor, ran away from the hunter towards here and then the hunter found you..." She trailed off. They knew what had happened. "I wonder if there are any other photos hidden around throughout the house." She said to herself. Kaneko was curious. If that boy in the photo was indeed Allen, she wanted to see more of them. She wanted to get a little glimpse into his childhood.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/7 03:40:05 )
Allen was quiet once more as Kaneko spoke, nodding his lightly. "It's quite possible.." He murmured, lowering his head briefly before lightly kissing her cheek. "I think I'm going to return to the bedroom for a bit.." He said casually . "Thank you for breakfast." He murmured softly before turning and slowly finding his way back to their bedroom where he laid down on their bed, and tried to get some rest.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/8 04:40:06 )
Kaneko smiled softly, nodding at his comment. "You're welcome. Rest well." She answered quietly and listened to his retreating footsteps. Setting the dishes on the rack to dry, she busied herself on washing the laundry. She would clean the house, and fold the laundry when it was done. She put it away quietly, occasionally glancing towards Allen who looked to be sleeping peacefully. Kaneko walked to the kitchen and began to make some of that tea she made him to help him get better. He hadn't drank any today, so she thought it would be nice to have some ready for him when he woke.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/10 20:33:02 )
It didn't take long for the vampire to fall into a deep sleep. While he slept, his body temperature slowly rose as his dreams shifted from having a life with Kaneko, a happy life without hiding from hunters, back to dreaming about people he didn't remember. This time their faces weren't blurred, and he could faintly hear their voices as they spoke. The man and woman panicked as the blond boy stood up in the window and smiled at them. He was ill, and miserable. Looking for a way out, to escape his own pain.

He didn't wake when the boy jumped, and it felt like he himself was fading. The boy's vision began to darken and soon heat began to run through his cold body, however he woke in a hospital room. Something he had forgotten.. His parents tried to save him after he jumped, but he had already been changed. It was later that night when his master visited him in his room and took him away from this mountain house.

Allen slowly opened his brightly burning crimson eyes but lay still.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/11 00:39:31 )
The coffee pot whistled, signaling that the water was ready to be poured. She had put some of the medicinal herbs in the water before hand and had set it on the stove top to boil. While she was waiting for that, she grabbed a small plate and set down a little porcelain tea cup with a golden rim and a nice floral design on it. The plates had green vines with leaves on them. Lovely.

Something she had purchased when it was on sale. It was finally peaceful. Her father's men hadn't come looking for her and Allen. Her father was probably out, but he never called and if he did, she dind't notice since she had gotten rid of her old phone. She shut off the flames and gently picked up the teapot off of the stove, pouring the tea into the teacup. Once she had, Kaneko set the teapot down on the stove top and carefully picked up the small plate with the teacup. She walked towards their bedroom. Down the hall in silence. Slowly, so nothing would spill. Her knuckled lightly knocked on the door before opening it and walking inside.

"Allen are you awa-" Kaneko stopped mid-sentence. Her eyes on his own. They were no longer white, instead a bright red. Like blood. "Oh dear. Umm..I-I made you some tea Allen. I thought it might help you fell better faster. Would you like some?"

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/11 02:51:04 )
Allen slowly began to sit up as he heard Kaneko's faint footsteps and caught her sweet scent, which was very hard to ignore in his current state. He had tried to prepare for his craving to get worse, but he didn't expect this. It was like when his master had bit him like before.

Listening to her though, his eyes slowly returned to their milky-white color and he carefully took the warm cup from her. "Thank you.. Kaneko." He murmured softly, hesitating before gently kissing her forehead. He then blew on the steaming liquid inside the cup before taking a sip of the tea.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/11 05:12:09 )
His eyes had changed back to normal. Back to their regular milky white color. It was as if his eyes had never been that red color at all. "Y-you're welcome." She whispered, her body tensed at the kiss and relaxed afterwards. "Umm..." She looked around the room, straightening it out while she thought of something that she could say. "How are you feeling? Still ill?" She asked, glancing his way. She climbed onto the bed, sitting back on her heels. Her hand reached over and ran through his hair softly. "Would you like me to get you anything else?" Resting her hand on his forehead, it still felt pretty warm. He was getting better thought. Maybe tomorrow would be the last day.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/12 23:51:46 )
Allen noticed when she tensed and slowly pulled back after the fact. He had made her uneasy, hadn't he? He wondered to himself. He nodded lightly to her words and sipped from the herbal tea, feeling himself calming down. "This is day two.." Allen began calmly, but you could hear the slight waver in his voice. "With this tea, I might still be ill tomorrow.. It's not as fast as my own herbal remedy."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 01:13:29 )
"Oh...right." Kaneko looked down at her hands. She should make him his herbal remedy. She still had the books so she could look through them and get the herbs they needed. Kaneko was sure that they still had some extras in little plastic bags. "Would you like me to make that for you instead?" She asked. She would if he wanted him to. Ah, she should just make it anyway!

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 01:29:33 )
Allen shook his head lightly and carefully set the cup down on the night stand near the bed. "No.. This is helping in ways my remedy didn't. It's just taking some time to adjust, like any medicine." He said calmly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 01:46:42 )
Kaneko nodded, "Very well then." She said quietly. "Would you like me to leave you so you could rest?" In truth, she just wanted to curl up beside him and sleep. She wasn't sleepy, just tired. Her body felt tired and sometimes she feared she was catching the fever as well. If that were true, she hoped she could at least make it until he was fully better. It would make things easier.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 02:54:40 )
Allen shook his head lightly and gently held her hands. "I feel better when you're next to me.." He murmured softly, and truthfully. He knew she couldn't sick from him, not like this anyway.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 03:54:35 )
Kaneko smiled softly. She sat beside him, listening to the silence that fell over them in that room. Did he really feel better when she was around? Perhaps he just didn't like being alone. They had become inseparable. "Okay, I'll stay right here with you." She responded quietly, lightly kissing his cheek. "I love you." She cooed and chuckled then looked around the room and looked at the books they had. "Would you like me to read to you?" She asked. It was something they did at times to fill the silence. Although other times the silence was welcomed and enjoyed.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 04:19:12 )
Allen smiled and lightly kissed her forehead after she had kissed his cheek. "I love you too, Kaneko." He said gingerly. He nodded some when she mentioned reading to him. "Only if you're up for it.. If you need rest, we can just lay together."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 04:45:45 )
Hearing those words made her feel warm and soft inside. She felt color rise to her cheeks and she gently squeezed his hand. "Don't worry Allen, you know I enjoy reading to you." She answered. It was true. She found it fun to do and he seemed to enjoy it always. She slid off the bed, making her way to the bookshelf and grabbing one of the many books then making her way back onto the bed. There, she sat beside him and opened the book to the page where they had last left off then began to read aloud to him.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/14 02:08:20 )
Allen smiled some at her words and relaxed against his pillows once he felt the bed shift as she got up. He did enjoy listening to her read. Carefully, he reached over and picked up his cup of tea before sipping from the cup and closing his eyes once she settled back onto the bed and began to read. He loved this story, like any story she read to him.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/16 03:41:45 )
"The three of them ran through the streets of Florence. They passed by the many merchant carts, stealing small yeast rolls that would fit in their pockets. It was a tough life, living in these streets, you had no choice but to steal." She read softly, cuddling up to his side and resting her head on his shoulder. Kaneko glanced his way and smiled, focusing once more on the book and continuing to read to him.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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