She was silent for a few seconds before sighing.
"Yo! Liv! Come on, and pick up the pace!" She called upstairs as she got her daughters bookbag together.
"You're going to be late and Daniel is going to leave without you!" She added. A few seconds later, a blonde haired girl with what seemed like strings of gold throughout her hair, came bounding down the stairs.
"I'm sorry Mom." She said as she started getting her shoes on.
"Wait, hold up." She said before pausing and looking upstairs.
"Zeke hasn't surfaced yet, wanna go get him?" She asked. Liv paused a moment, shrugged, before heading off toward the stairs up again while her mother made sure that she had everything for school.
Liv knocked on the door, got no answer and paused. She... could smell... something... something not good. It actually smelled a bit metallic, to be honest.
"Hey, Zeke?!" She called into the room, not sure what it was that was to be expected here. After a couiple seconds of silence, she knocked again, this time more forcefully.
Again, there was silence when she called in. So she made her way to the staircase and called down.
"Mom! Zeke's not answering!"
"Just go in!" was her mothers reply. Liv paused a moment, before shrugging and heading to the door. She knocked one more time before opening it.
"Hey Zeke, I"m coming in!" She called as the door opened and she stepped in. Once she did, she froze.
". . . Zeke...?" She asked quietly as her brain tried to process what she was seeing ahead of her. There was red everywhere, the bedsheets were completely destroyed, and Zeke... was dead. She couldn't deny it.
Liv stood there, silent, still, for about two minutes before racing to the door.
"MOM! ZEKE'S DEAD!" She screamed down the stairs. Almost immediately afterwards there was a crash. She'd dropped her dishes before racing upstairs and to where her daughter was, standing across the hall from the room. Liv motioned fo rher to head in, and she did.
What she saw, was not what she'd wanted to see. With a loud curse, she managed to avoid anything too serious, due to how her daughter was there. She just pulled her phone out of her pocket and called her boss.
"Hal. I need you to take Liv to school for me while I get ..." She paused, finding herself having a hard time getting the words out, "Zeke..... " She paused, took a breath and di all she could to keep her tears from falling or coming forward.
"Hal... I need you to take Liv, because I need to get Zeke's remains to the Unit to check him over."
♯ Lay on a field of green | with Mother Eve | with Father Pine reaching high | Look at yourself in the eyes of aye-aye | Unfolding rendezvous ♯