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Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:09:27 )

@Miss Sandman: People have told me that before whenever I would hold the baby awkward, but idk if I will ever have my own kids. xD
Your mother instincts are developing. The closest I’ll have is being a parent to my birb. :’3

Oooooh, it’s like a murder mystery. So maybe the spell can also be for looking through your memories for clues. Sounds like a show I would watch~

And I think I found a seawitch for you. You can take down your offer if you want. Just waiting for the shopkeeper to reply.


Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:15:09 )
@Tsundererra: aww dear iam sure if you want a partner again you maybe want kids later! the oldest mom we have in our course is 36 years with her first baby =) it just dont work for her and her earlier partner... now she has a new one and bahm baby xD

yeah it is like this! :D omg i definetly would watch this show too! we need also some tragic and romantic parts!
i watchedthe final season of preacher and the ending was so bitter sweet that i still get chills in my spine ;A;

awww awesome but pls let me give you the 5k for it =))

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:23:00 )

@Miss Sandman: I had a coworker who was in her 40s give birth, so it is definitely possible. We’ll see what happens in life~ if I don’t get a new man, I will surround myself with animal children or adopt a baby. xD

Maybe the tragic part is that it was your childhood friend who set up the murder because she was in love with your man? But when you confront her, she tries to kill you again, but he steps in like NOOOOO and dies. Tragic and romantic. :3 Maybe he can be undead like your avi.

I wanted to watch Preacher, but it looked so serious. The creators are usually comedians, so I was scared it would be a flop, but so many people have said good things about it. I need to seriously watch it.

And don’t worry about the volts. I’m going to buy it for 2k. ^^ You can pay me back if you want, but you’re not obligated to~


Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:30:07 )
@Tsundererra: aww yes fur and feather babies are also great too! ^^ what for a birb you have :D? i love birbies xD so funny little pets!
mhhh no this dont seem right to me her man must still be alive! mabe she got killed by him accidently and because of sadness and remorse he buried her on a gravejard but noone must know she is dead her fiancee made up an story to hide her death and.... (omg my imagination get twisted and a bit wierd at this moment soo *fills the place with kittens*) XD

thank you hun and i definetly will pay you back! ^^ i also ask raxton for the dormmouse! i hope ina wasnt faster than me! ina is a damn quick poster XD

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:39:48 )

@Miss Sandman: He’s a little green cheek conure, and he has the intelligence and behavioral traits of a toddler. His name is Loki.

Omg, her man sounds like a villain if he killed her by accident and tried to cover it up! xD Filling spaces with kittens is always the answer. Maybe I should just fill my house with cats when I’m old.

I think Raxton usually has more than one to sell. If not, you can definitely find it in other stores, it’s not that hard to find. ^^


Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:42:54 )
@Tsundererra: omg he is just a cutie baby!!! look at this beak!! and those feetsies >w< i want to kiss him!

yes its because he cant handle her death and she didt know who killed her and he starts to get insane because you find out of her mind and make him see things :D

yeah its wierd you find it casually i mean this item is pretty cute as well =O

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 21:56:25 )

@Miss Sandman: I chose him because of his cute little pink feet and pale beak. His brothers and sisters all had black feet and beaks, and they were still cute, but not as cute as him. I always pretend I’m eating his feet when he’s lying backwards.

What if he tries to kill her again because he’s insane? xD This story sounds like it’s going to have a crazy sad ending.

I think it’s because everyone collected so many of the event items, and I’m soooooo grateful they did. I think Raxton might have the dormouse’s event goodie bag too. Let me go and check.


Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 22:03:05 )
@Tsundererra: i would choose the pink feetsies too! ^^ and yes i totally can understand this i would nibble on his feet too *going searching for my cat need cute feet to nibble on*
my cats all have black feet! just mittens has black feet with white snow shoe fur between his toes! so i call im mittens >w<

naw she is already dead dear... i have so many ideas *thinks about an script* what if your witch is pittying him and tries to feel sad for him..... drama time =D

fortunatley it seems like a popular event :D also circus and the summer festival items you get everywhere =) (love both sets)

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 22:15:56 )

@Miss Sandman: Hahahaha, you made me nibble on his little feet. Such a cute baby.
Mittens feet sound so cute! Do you have a pic of their little feet? When I used to babysit my neighbor’s cat, I used to squeeze their cat paws and touch the little pink beans. So cute.

My witch would probably trade his life for your life so that he becomes undead instead. That way he can repent for his sin of killing your avi. There’s just so many ways this can go~

The one summer event happened recently at the end of July. I still have so many I collected, and I haven’t sold any. I am surprised about the circus event since that happened a while ago. I think I managed to get one of everything from that event.


Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 22:24:08 )
@Tsundererra: no i unfortunatly dont have pics of them feet! mittens and lilly move around with them to lot.... but yeah yesturday i take lillys feet and use it as a microphone for singing..... this cat just is the chilliest cat ever XD she never scratched or bites me and she is always purring like crazy if i do stupid stuff with her like that xD

this makes sense! and yeah this story can go in so many ways =OOO

iam happy i managed to get all of the summer items and the items from circus i really want i get too i just dont wanted the strong man and the hypnotist

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/22 22:59:37 )

@Miss Sandman: Lilly is such a cute cat. I don’t think I’ve ever met a cat that would let me hold its legs like a mic and just purr at me. xD I had a kitten bite me on the lips just for looking at him. Maybe I should kidnap Lilly, she sounds like my ideal kitty. ^^

The hypnotist and strongman are the two I would never use, but got just to finish it up. Not a lot of people sell the hypnotist, so it took me a while to find that one.
I still need to complete the summer 18 event set. I got the seawitch, Vreg’s treeshure, deep sea diver, sea floor fashionista, and the beach background. I’m missing a few stuff, but it’s stuff idk if I would use. xD


Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/23 08:00:55 )
@Tsundererra: lilly IS the ideal cat! but noone may steal my furbaby xD she needs to be a nice big sister for my little one ^^ she is also pretty talkactive and will anwser you all the time i think this is so hilarious! mittens just sees you and started always mewoing... this sounds like a sheep by the way XD and luna sounds like a human baby if she meaows but in a nice way xD

oh i saw some hypnotists out there but i dnt want them so i dont buy them =) else i didnt see through my inv anymore someday XDD
and thank you dear i updated the trade >w< *huggies*

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/23 08:07:54 )

@Miss Sandman: Lilly sounds like she is a human trapped in a cat body. Omg, I wanna hear Mitten’s meow! My cousin’s cat would meow like a demon goat. xD It’s interesting how different cats are.
My birb is talkative too, though he doesn’t know how to say human words yet. He has learned to copy the “shhhhh” sound from when I try to quiet him, and he makes kissy sounds. It’s so cute because he will tap your mouth and make a kissy sound. ^^

And it’s no prob~ I forgot that it’s still available in goodie bags, which I guess people who are questing the item tend to overlook. ^^;


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/24 07:10:20 )
@Tsundererra: aww yeah but i think its good she is a kitty ^^
demon goat sounds intristing too haha XDDD and your birb son is just too adorable >w< luckily they can get really old so you can learn him tal over the time =))
do you know the birb memes? i love them! ^^

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/5 20:28:51 )

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/6 10:16:02 )

Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/6 10:21:07 )

may I buy a sheep


Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/6 10:21:56 )
@inatlaka: sure thing pls send a trade =)

Donator — Divine Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/6 10:24:10 )
@Miss Sandman:

can u send 2 please!


°<°art by Keturah🖤🦖🖤

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/6 10:24:58 )
@inatlaka: okay i will change the trade ^^
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