Donator — Moo (She/Her)
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/30 06:14:11 )
@Anarchist Beauty:
That's about what I have too but I'm still in my day clothes and I like to turn off most things 20 minutes till to just chill yanno?
@cashew: Ah, I'm generally in my pjs early. XD
I am lazy. lol
And I generally go from 'online and watcing tv' to boom, lights out bed time.
I cool down in bed.
Donator — Moo (She/Her)
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/30 06:23:29 )
@Anarchist Beauty:
Oh dang, I can't cool down that fast for some reason~ If I go straight
from being on my computer to bed I'm usually fidgety in bed for at
least 20 minutes (hence the getting in bed 20 minutes early thing)
So I think I'm gonna have to log off now to get ready for the sweet sweet
freedom that sleep temporarily brings lmao. Night!!! Thank you again!!
Donator — Female
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/8 11:09:42 )
@Anarchist Beauty: I have an order! Username: Amber Lynne Ordering: Thread thing like usual~<3 Colors/Image: I have no idea. If you can come up with something, sweet. If not, sorry for the headache! Words: Familiar Effects [And can you add my name and Colin's in there too, please? =) ) Font:This one please Payment: 3k? ♯ Lay on a field of green | with Mother Eve | with Father Pine reaching high | Look at yourself in the eyes of aye-aye | Unfolding rendezvous ♯
Donator — Female
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/9 23:23:18 )
@Anarchist Beauty: XD Better than I could come up with.
Love it~<3
Thanks bby ♯ Lay on a field of green | with Mother Eve | with Father Pine reaching high | Look at yourself in the eyes of aye-aye | Unfolding rendezvous ♯
@Totalanimefan: Alright, here's some images and fonts I found that I think would be snazzy so let me know which ones you like or if you'd like me to keep searching: Image 1 - Image 2 Font 1* - Font 2 - Font 3
*Font 1 doesn't have numbers since it's just the free version of a full font type.