@vengeance: LOL. It's always amusing to me to talk to people across the globe, in different time zones - because of things like this - your lunch, my morning coffee...
Donator — PomePome
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/15 16:42:19 )
@vengeance: iam good just tired i have the niece of my bf today. Her mom told her i can Go out with her today..... but i dont may Go out on myself atm. Iam kinda angry on her mom for told her that.. now i need to dissapoint a kid. How about you?
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/15 17:59:38 )
Boooh.... I had hoped thaat my bike could get fixed, but noopes. thanks to the new bicycle rules that should make it harder for thieves to steal parts of bikes, it cannot be fixed without special tools, meaning I will have to wait for at least 2 more weeks before I can ride my bike again... OnO
@Queen of Trash: Ahh... time to do something different then, try to forget about it for a while, and get some perspective (& yeah - I hate it when that happens)
Donator — Your Queen
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/11/15 21:11:41 )
@Wildfire: Also not liking the way my book is going so I'll probably write it completely over again for the second draft haha.
I had a block yesterday and it still seems to be here today. I'm falling behind in word count for national novel writing month. For a bit I was ahead of schedule.