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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/26 11:21:19 )
Chibi WIP

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/27 18:12:18 )
I've been doing gooodd, just busy lately!
Been trying to get all my commissions done so I'm freed up for art fight this July xD

how have you been?

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/29 11:06:10 )
Awhh thanks so much!!!
I actually JUST finished this one so NONEEE
* 7 *

Yeah same. I don't really leave my house at all, even during the week, as I work from home. I've developed major anxiety about going out because of how bad the virus got and how very few people seem to be following the governments simple guidelines.
I've seen neighbours having house parties the whole time during lockdown! It's so scary!
I hope you can stay safe!
Do you work from home too or have to go in?

also the finished art:

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/2 11:06:06 )
First attack for Artfight this year

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/4 17:46:06 )
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@keturah: oo the animated artfight piece is so lovely ^^
i like how soft it feels, i can imagine the breeze on my face ~

can i ask what u use to animate w??
you have a p wide range of styles :0

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/5 10:16:33 )
Awh thank you so much!!!

I used Procreate for my last two smoll animations but I'm not sure If I like it. It's such a clunky way to animate as you have to group layers together so it ends up with like 80 layers and having to copy and paste the bg colours into each group.
Maybe I'm doin it wrong LOL

and thank you! I guess I never quite decided if I wanted to be an animator or illustrator so kinda just do both

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/5 14:27:54 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

@Keturah: I like the way you animated her hair being blown by the wind! It feels rather serene c:

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/5 21:39:15 )
Awhh thank you so muchh!! I'm glad I was able to capture that as I loved the serene and elegant reference the character had!

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/7 21:36:52 )
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@keturah: ooh i see
and lol i feel like a lot of animation is trial and error
i haven't animated anything recently but seeing animated art on forum sites (like your piece) has kind of been inspiring me a little :-)
i've been using sketchbook (cuz it's free lol - and decently well made imo) and it comes w/ flipbook, i haven't tried it yet but did look around a little and it doesn't seem too bad to use!

haha best of both worlds hopefully? ^^

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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/7 22:37:05 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

@Keturah: You're welcome! I think you did great on capturing the atmosphere ^^ which is understandable

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/10 11:00:34 )
LOL it truly is! Even working as an animator half the time I'm squinting at the screen like ''I've defo seen this done before but don't know how it works'' and just throw things at AE till it sticks
Oooo does sketch book have an animation option??
IK procreate recently updated their app so it's more animation friendly and us animators have been rejoicing!!!
It definitely feels like the best of both worlds! even if it gives me double the stuff to learn

Ahhh thank you so muchhh

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/10 11:04:01 )
Sorry I've not been so active here, I've been working on a lot of Art fight work:


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/11 17:42:50 )
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@keturah: omg looking good!! can i ask how long these take u?
the lighting in the guitar player piece is so lovely <3

and lol even w professional standards so much of the process (in any visual medium really) is, do your best and hope it works lol
i haven't tried it yet but it seems not too bad - for each keyframe you have these 4 layers: bg color, bg, midground, foreground

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/11 18:45:05 )
Thank you so much!!!
I've been loving trying to branch out with my characters and lighting so I'm glad these are coming out well!
All different timings, the quickest are the painted ones so 2nd, 3rd and 5th under the spoiler took around 1-2 hours each, the BG one being more like 2 and a half hours.
The lined guitar one says it took 2 hours too but cus I reused a background so didn't draw that one from scratch, just used overlays and repainted bits.

The animated ones both took about 4 hours in drawing time then another 1-2 hours+ for rendering/tryouts overlays ect.
overall I've been trying to speed up my process and just have fun with producing stuff quicker, even if it isn't perfect! At least just for artfight. I want to do more portfolio work in the future which will be a lot more in-depth and long process timed pieces.

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/11 19:14:52 )
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@keturah: oh wow that's pretty fast! can i ask what your process is like for the painted ones?

it's cool to see all your different styles - it's like insight to your process / artistic development at a higher level

i think that's a great mindset to have :3 like i def think that's the best way to improve
when i was younger i read this book called art & fear for an art class i was in and this excerpt has rly stuck w me ever since:

The ceramics teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio, he said, would be graded solely on the quantity of work they produced, all those on the right solely on its quality.

His procedure was simple: on the final day of class he would bring in his bathroom scales and weigh the work of the “quantity” group: fifty pound of pots rated an “A”, forty pounds a “B”, and so on. Those being graded on “quality”, however, needed to produce only one pot – albeit a perfect one – to get an “A”.

Well, came grading time and a curious fact emerged: the works of highest quality were all produced by the group being graded for quantity. It seems that while the “quantity” group was busily churning out piles of work – and learning from their mistakes – the “quality” group had sat theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/14 12:12:34 )
I saw your response and was waiting for a time where I could sit down and type it out and not rush, haha!
For the painted ones I ideally should thumbnail out but instead what I do is take a look at the character profiles, get an idea of their personality and how I THINK they would pose/be in an environment. I then use either pintrest or my saved references to look up something I think would fit, or to get an idea of other ways people have posed characters. So typing in ''sassy pose'' or ''portrait photography'' and go from there with sketching out a quick idea/gesture.
Once the sketch is done I most likely will do ANOTHER sketch on top to iron out details like how clothing folds will lay and anatomy issues. Usually by now I have an idea of the sort of lighting I'll want to do also. After the second sketch is done I add flat colours underneath and then a multiply layer above to add initial shadows. If I'm doing back/dramatic lighting then I'll just fill the whole layer in and clip it to the flat and then use a eraser brush (but set it to the sort of brush I'll be painting in so the texture remains the same) and erase bits where light would touch the form. I usually do about 2 layers of shadow and one for highlight and then merge them all down and paint on top.
I like to do the background before painting (If I know what background I want/it's a scene) just so I have a place holder for the lighting / the sort of colours the character is in front of so I can make sure they still stand out.
A bit more goes into it like searching up references when I need them for anatomy, lighting, backgrounds ect but if it's facial /hand anatomy I'll often just make my own using my laptop webcam. My camera roll is A MESS xD
Also sorry shameless plug but sometimes I put my speed paint videos on my twitter. Most posts with more than 1 image usually means there's a video on the next slide. They're sped up a lot but should show the sort of process I'm describing.

That's such an interesting theory that I've never heard of before. I can totally see how those results came about but I didn't realise JUST how drastic the difference would be. That is awesome and tbh I have been enjoying a lot more of the work I've been producing even if it isn't perfect!
* 7 *

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/14 12:16:20 )
More AF attacks!


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/15 12:00:55 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

They look really good (o . o )! Gotta love the way you colour the lighting and those art attacks (even though I don't know much about it (^_^; )

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/15 23:43:59 )
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@keturah: oh gosh not at all lol and there's no pressure for responding to me ^^
btw love the long blue hair elf one!!

thanks so much for sharing your process!! i love the process videos too ^^ it's so helpful and interesting and it's great that you're recording and sharing them! (sorry i didn't interact w them lol - normally i would like them but wanna keep irl identity separate)

i watched a video on loish's process yesterday and i think it's similar -- sketch, sketch, flat color under, merge + paint on top, etc (sharing the video in case you're interested but no pressure at all to watch it lol. tho it was really interesting to me to see the initial sketch vs. end result!) i think i wanna try a similar process! usually for painting i have a reference photo and just lay down color w/o a sketch, but i can't really get it to work for character art, esp with facial features, so i'm excited to give this approach a try (and it seems like a common recommended standard) :3

i think i've been feeling p inspired lately :-) i did some landscape studies over the weekend and have been wanting to do more painting but don't really have ideas... can i join art fight wo sharing a character? lol

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⠀∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀art shop⠀·⠀gallery⠀·⠀closet⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

∘◦ᵒ .⋆。˚☽⠀ {⠀buying / questing: capricorn ⠀}⠀☽˚。⋆. ᵒ◦∘

art by kiwi and koneko <3

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/16 14:34:27 )
No worries! It's nice to talk to a fellow artist about something we're both passionate about, haha. I don't have many or any artist friends IRL so it's nice to have that change!
Thanks so much! The blue haired girl was me trying out some gorgeous watercolour Max pack brushes so I'm glad it came out well!
and no stress about not interacting, I was only linking them as an example and not to pressure you into liking/following my work!

Oooo yes, Loish's process does seem pretty similar to how I paint my work. I used to watch a lot of artists back when I was learning how to use photoshop and digital tools to basically copy how they did it and see what I prefer. I do know of some artists who do the colour blob as you say you do, and build on that but I can never get my anatomy right or think out my posing / angles like that, haha. As you can see in a lot of my videos sometimes I sketch things out, scrap them and start again depending on if I feel it's flowing well or not. I can't remember many but I know kiwi Byrd does some great speed process videos. I just loveee looking at the way she paints and blends. Looks sooo clean even from the start!
I think sketching out an idea first is usually more ideal as you're ''SUPPOSED'' to thumbnail alt versions to get the best composition /pose, and often artists find it easier to add details / fix anatomy with line work before painting over it.

That's awesome to hear you've been so inspired!
I really can't wait to do more studies once art fight is over but I'm also really enjoying just painting speedy things for once. I usually take days to do one drawing but have sped up my process a lot for AF.
I don't think you can join without a character as it means people can't attack you so could be considered unfair for the opposite team. You can always just add a selfie or a pet pic as a character if you don't have an OC :)
( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
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