Forums Mini Shops [x]
@Apollo Im Burning: You're welcome!
Oh man, I hope it doesn't kill your laptop. D: I'd feel really bad if it did LOL. But yeah, I definitely get the detail thing. I always do that, where I'll resize a piece I'm working on then instantly regret doing it, haha! Did you have to downsize the one for ghost because your laptop couldn't handle it, or was it just too much space to work with?
WHAAAAT, THAT'S AWESOME! I always liked soldier 76's mask. Are you making it to wear for Halloween or for a future cosplay? Or just because you wanted to?
You'r super crafty btw, I'm jealous LOL.
Oh man, I hope it doesn't kill your laptop. D: I'd feel really bad if it did LOL. But yeah, I definitely get the detail thing. I always do that, where I'll resize a piece I'm working on then instantly regret doing it, haha! Did you have to downsize the one for ghost because your laptop couldn't handle it, or was it just too much space to work with?
WHAAAAT, THAT'S AWESOME! I always liked soldier 76's mask. Are you making it to wear for Halloween or for a future cosplay? Or just because you wanted to?
You'r super crafty btw, I'm jealous LOL.
Yus! Work on chainmail next! What kind of chainmail stuff do you make?
@apollo im burning: Ooh...pretty awesome! I have a pattern for a scalemail bra. Haven't attempted it yet though.
@Apollo Im Burning: Yeah, lagging while doing art is awful. It's always that constant fear of "oh no, is this going to crash!? When did I last save this?!" Then it starts working again and the mini heart attack is gone LOL.
haha, how interesting! I used o be the same way, where I LOVED smaller drawings and stuff, but now prefer larger canvases for details. Odd how things like that change with time. P: Do you paint traditionally much anymore? or is it mostly digital now?
And yeah! I love Overwatch, haha. I'm getting excited for the Halloween event. Those new skins are AMAZING. I want the Symmetra one asap.
I just noticed you wwanted to cosplay Soldier's Halloween spray, which is AMAZING. I've had that one equipped for him since last year, haha. It's my favorite!
Reaper would be fun to cosplay! His mask seems like it'd be really fun to make as well. :D
Oohh, chainmail sounds cool! I had a classmate back in highschool that made a chainmail set...pretty sure it took her the whole year to make, but it looked awesome!
haha, how interesting! I used o be the same way, where I LOVED smaller drawings and stuff, but now prefer larger canvases for details. Odd how things like that change with time. P: Do you paint traditionally much anymore? or is it mostly digital now?
And yeah! I love Overwatch, haha. I'm getting excited for the Halloween event. Those new skins are AMAZING. I want the Symmetra one asap.
I just noticed you wwanted to cosplay Soldier's Halloween spray, which is AMAZING. I've had that one equipped for him since last year, haha. It's my favorite!
Reaper would be fun to cosplay! His mask seems like it'd be really fun to make as well. :D
Oohh, chainmail sounds cool! I had a classmate back in highschool that made a chainmail set...pretty sure it took her the whole year to make, but it looked awesome!
I lost all my notifs, sorry for the late response. :x
@Apollo Im Burning: Ah! You should do more if you find the time to do so. :) What is your favorite type of paint to use? I only ever did acrylics and watercolors, never even tried to touch oils. xD
Is the ink/acrylic thing kind of an inkwash sort of style? I've never heard of crossing those two mediums before, so it sounds really interesting!
Aw, super cool that you're making her a gift! I bet she'll love it!
I'm the same way with Overwatch right now, haha! But the Halloween event was my favorite one they ever released, so I'm hoping getting on there will let me get back into the mood for it. :O It's out now, right? Since my reply is a few days late,LOL;;
Oh, I hadn't seen Mei's skin. Zen's is super cool, though!
If reaper's skin is the same as last year's, I've had it equipped since the event haha. I like the pumpkin theme a lot!
Nice! You should post a pic of the mask when it's all finished! :D Your cosplay too, if you're comfortable with it, haha!
Bikini armor like in RPGs? xD that sounds awesome!
Adding more rings seems like it would make it a bit more comfortable to wear? maybe. I'm not sure how comfortable chainmail even is, honestly.
:vanora_sweat: But it still sounds super cool! And like a lot of work, haha!
@Apollo Im Burning: Ah! You should do more if you find the time to do so. :) What is your favorite type of paint to use? I only ever did acrylics and watercolors, never even tried to touch oils. xD
Is the ink/acrylic thing kind of an inkwash sort of style? I've never heard of crossing those two mediums before, so it sounds really interesting!
Aw, super cool that you're making her a gift! I bet she'll love it!
I'm the same way with Overwatch right now, haha! But the Halloween event was my favorite one they ever released, so I'm hoping getting on there will let me get back into the mood for it. :O It's out now, right? Since my reply is a few days late,LOL;;
Oh, I hadn't seen Mei's skin. Zen's is super cool, though!
If reaper's skin is the same as last year's, I've had it equipped since the event haha. I like the pumpkin theme a lot!
Nice! You should post a pic of the mask when it's all finished! :D Your cosplay too, if you're comfortable with it, haha!
Bikini armor like in RPGs? xD that sounds awesome!
Adding more rings seems like it would make it a bit more comfortable to wear? maybe. I'm not sure how comfortable chainmail even is, honestly.
:vanora_sweat: But it still sounds super cool! And like a lot of work, haha!
@Apollo Im Burning:
Oh yeah, oils take forever to dry, huh? Acrylics are pretty nice...but I can't paint in general so...:vanora_xd:
I love, love, love the way watercolors look! I like being able to see the texture of the paper especially, haha!
AAAAAAAJDKA YOU'RE SO GOOD AT ART!! Those all look so lovely!
Are those all watercolors? Or are some the washes?
Inkwash is one of my favorite mediums, other than just traditional ink. it's odd...I can do ink wash but not watercolor. I don't know if it's just the difference in density of the material, but...it's odd. :vanora_xd: Never heard of adding acrylics to them, though! Sounds super cool!
Yeah, I played for a bit last night, haha. I also got Ana's skin, which is so cute! I got Symm's skin as well, so I'm happy. :D
And ooh, I didn't even know they gave Reaper another skin! It's pretty cool. His head is so small, though it seems. xD
I loved the Uprising event as well! I sure hope they continue to do kind of story mode options. I really enjoy that sort of thing. :D I was also glad they had the option of using all heroes during it.
Cutting your hair for the cosplay is major dedication, haha! I'm excited to see the mask!
ooh, wearing it to a Ren fair would be fun! But yeah, I can see where it would probably get really heavy, lol. What material do you use to make it? Just cheap little metal rings?
And nah, you don't repeat things...or if you do, I never notice. xD These replies get really long anyway so even if you do it's fine, LOL.
Aaaaaaand yeah I have some concepts of it. Not quite sure what direction I'm taking it, but these are what I have planned for it so far. :v

It's basically just....a weird skull dog? I'm still figuring out details for it, LOL.
Oh yeah, oils take forever to dry, huh? Acrylics are pretty nice...but I can't paint in general so...:vanora_xd:
I love, love, love the way watercolors look! I like being able to see the texture of the paper especially, haha!
AAAAAAAJDKA YOU'RE SO GOOD AT ART!! Those all look so lovely!
Are those all watercolors? Or are some the washes?
Inkwash is one of my favorite mediums, other than just traditional ink. it's odd...I can do ink wash but not watercolor. I don't know if it's just the difference in density of the material, but...it's odd. :vanora_xd: Never heard of adding acrylics to them, though! Sounds super cool!
Yeah, I played for a bit last night, haha. I also got Ana's skin, which is so cute! I got Symm's skin as well, so I'm happy. :D
And ooh, I didn't even know they gave Reaper another skin! It's pretty cool. His head is so small, though it seems. xD
I loved the Uprising event as well! I sure hope they continue to do kind of story mode options. I really enjoy that sort of thing. :D I was also glad they had the option of using all heroes during it.

Cutting your hair for the cosplay is major dedication, haha! I'm excited to see the mask!
ooh, wearing it to a Ren fair would be fun! But yeah, I can see where it would probably get really heavy, lol. What material do you use to make it? Just cheap little metal rings?
And nah, you don't repeat things...or if you do, I never notice. xD These replies get really long anyway so even if you do it's fine, LOL.
Aaaaaaand yeah I have some concepts of it. Not quite sure what direction I'm taking it, but these are what I have planned for it so far. :v

It's basically just....a weird skull dog? I'm still figuring out details for it, LOL.
@Apollo Im Burning: SORRY FOR MY LATE RESPONSE. I've been busy/too lazy to get on my computer to type a response, LOL.
Aww, i you ever find them, I'd love to see them! :D Washes are so pretty, aha!
Oh, they have a Blackwatch zine? And yeah, Genji seems pretty fun to draw/paint haha. I've been playing him more and more and I'm upset because he's slowly starting to become one of my mains. :vanora_cry: My friends tease me about it a lot, haha.
Ahaha, please do print it and frame it. :'D Your art is seriously so wonderful.
PFFT THANKS. But you don't have to commission me. :vanora_xd: You made me such a beautiful picture I'd be totally happy to make you one in return. but it won't be as beautiful. :vanora_cry:
Yeah, I wish they had made it so you could play as any hero. :c Though I'm RALLY glad they didn't make it a competitive thing like with Lucioball. They get so hyped around catering to the comp side of the game sometimes it frustrates me. I legit never even touch comp unless I'm dragged into it because it stresses me out so much LOL. And yeah, Pharah's ult would be so great for that. Or D.va....D.va would probably be a bit overpowered though.
Oof, yeah I bet that would get tiring to cut. Are you using special tools to cut them with?
When I worked at a hardware store I used to dread cutting chain bigger than 8 gauge. Even our machine was like "eeeeeend this sufferiiing" We broke it once and had to saw like a 1/4" thick piece of chain for a customer, which took like 15 minutes. It was a nightmare. I can't imagine cutting everything by hand, though!
AND THE JACKET LOOKS AMAZING, WAAAH!! It's gonna look so cool when it's done!
Aww, i you ever find them, I'd love to see them! :D Washes are so pretty, aha!
Oh, they have a Blackwatch zine? And yeah, Genji seems pretty fun to draw/paint haha. I've been playing him more and more and I'm upset because he's slowly starting to become one of my mains. :vanora_cry: My friends tease me about it a lot, haha.
Ahaha, please do print it and frame it. :'D Your art is seriously so wonderful.

PFFT THANKS. But you don't have to commission me. :vanora_xd: You made me such a beautiful picture I'd be totally happy to make you one in return. but it won't be as beautiful. :vanora_cry:
Yeah, I wish they had made it so you could play as any hero. :c Though I'm RALLY glad they didn't make it a competitive thing like with Lucioball. They get so hyped around catering to the comp side of the game sometimes it frustrates me. I legit never even touch comp unless I'm dragged into it because it stresses me out so much LOL. And yeah, Pharah's ult would be so great for that. Or D.va....D.va would probably be a bit overpowered though.
Oof, yeah I bet that would get tiring to cut. Are you using special tools to cut them with?
When I worked at a hardware store I used to dread cutting chain bigger than 8 gauge. Even our machine was like "eeeeeend this sufferiiing" We broke it once and had to saw like a 1/4" thick piece of chain for a customer, which took like 15 minutes. It was a nightmare. I can't imagine cutting everything by hand, though!
AND THE JACKET LOOKS AMAZING, WAAAH!! It's gonna look so cool when it's done!
@Apollo Im Burning: ALSO AHSJSDAK I JUST NOTICED YOU COMPLETED THE PIC OF ARIYA AAAAAH. She looks so good, I want to cry. :vanora_cry: My baby...look at her...

pls don't

@apollo im burning: dam ur art is good stuff.
also uh im in love with all the soldier: 76 stuff??????? bless u

just a gloomy ghost

@Apollo Im Burning: Haha, aw, I'm glad it made you happy! Sorry you weren't feeling well, though. :c
Nonono I wish I could have given you more for her! It's easily one of my favorite pieces of art I've ever received. :D it's so dynamic and done so well, I just...ahhh! Every time I see it I get so happy!
:O We could do an art trade if you wanted, then? I'm pretty busy right now, but I guess so are you.. :vanora_xd: But if that's something you wanted to do, I'm definitely down for it!
And no problem, aha. Our convo got really long anyway.
Pfft, glad it made you snort! :> That machine was a lot of fun. We used to get bored and see what all we could cut with it. Also told a new kid it's how he had to cut the steel pipe we sold, which wouldn't even fit in the machine. Took him a while to figure out we were joking (and that we didn't even cut the pipe to begin with)
Nonono I wish I could have given you more for her! It's easily one of my favorite pieces of art I've ever received. :D it's so dynamic and done so well, I just...ahhh! Every time I see it I get so happy!
:O We could do an art trade if you wanted, then? I'm pretty busy right now, but I guess so are you.. :vanora_xd: But if that's something you wanted to do, I'm definitely down for it!
And no problem, aha. Our convo got really long anyway.

Pfft, glad it made you snort! :> That machine was a lot of fun. We used to get bored and see what all we could cut with it. Also told a new kid it's how he had to cut the steel pipe we sold, which wouldn't even fit in the machine. Took him a while to figure out we were joking (and that we didn't even cut the pipe to begin with)
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.